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HULLS 4177
scribed by Fletcher and Hudson,14 was mixed with 1.65 g. to the specific rotation of +118.7" recordedI4 for triben-
of dry, finely powdered silver oxide and 17 ml. of methanol Z O ~ ~ ~ - D - X ~ ~ bromide
O p ~ ~ Oin ~ chloroform.
l The
and shaken a t 20" for seven hours. The solid phase was reaction was essentially completed in one hundred and
then removed by filtration and the filtrate concentrated eight minutes, the final rotation being identical to that
in vacuo t o a sirup. From a solution in 10 ml. of ethanol (-0.23') which may be calculated from the specific rota-
this product deposited 1.31 g. of fine needles; a second tion of methyl 8-D-xylopyranoside tribenzoate in 1:9
crop of 0.25 g. raised the yield t o 69OJo0. Recrystallized dioxanelnethanol (-28.4" ( c , 0.77)), upon the assump-
twice from methanol and once from a mixture of ether and tion that this product was formed in quantitative yield.
pentane the material melted a t 93-96 '.
A mixed melting
point with the material obtained in (a) above was unde-
pressed. Summary
(c) From Tribenzoyh-D-xyiopyranosyl Bromide with Tribenzoyl-4-D-arabinopyranosyl bromide re-
Methanol.-Two grams of pure tribenzoyl-a-D-xylopy-
ranosyl bromide was dissolved in 20 ml. of anhydrous acts with anhydrous methanol to give methyl a-
methanol by boiling for five minutes. Cooled to room D-arabinopyranoside tribenzoate in good yield.
temperature, seeded and left a t f 5 " overnight, the reac- Similarly tribenzoyl-a-D-xylopyranosyl bromide
tion mixture yielded 0.95 g. of material melting a t 94-96". reacts with methanol t o give methyl P-D-xylopy-
Concentration of the mother liquor led to the isolation of
0.55 g. more material (m. p. 91-95'), raising the yield to ranoside tribenzoate.
83% of theory. Recrystallized from methanol and then I n the absente of an acid acceptor all the ben-
from a mixture of ether and pentane the product melted zoylated glycopyranosyl halides thus far investi-
at 93-96' either alone or in admixture with a sample of gated which have a benzoyloxy group a t carbon 2
methyl 8-D-xylopyranoside tribenzoate prepared as de-
scribed in (a). trans to the halogen, react with methanol without
The Rate of Reaction of Tribenzoyl-a-D-xylopyranosyl net Walden inversion while those halides having a
Bromide with 1:9 Dioxane-Methanol at 2Oe.-This cis relationship between the groups on carbon
measurement was conducted in the same manner as that atoms 1 and 2 react with inversion a t carbon 1.
employed for the arabinose analog described above. The
bromide (0.2191 9.) was dissolved in 2.50 ml. of pure an- These facts are in accord with current concepts of
hydrous dioxane and diluted with anhydrous methanol t o the influence of neighboring groups in replacement
25.0 ml., the changing rotation of the resulting solution reactions.
being observed in a I-dm. tube a t 20' and listed in Table The value of the reaction as a preparative
11. The extrapolated rotation a t zero time (+1.04")
corresponds to a specific rotation of +118.0', i . e. close method has been demonstrated through the syn-
thesis of benzyl a-D-arabinopyranoside.
(14) H.G. Fletcher, Jr., and C. S. Hudson, THISJOURNAL, 69,
921 (1947). BETHESDA,
8, 1950


The Isolation of Quercitrin from Peanut Hulls

I n a search for abundant sources of vitamin P thousand niuety grams of eanut hulls was extracted ex-
active flavonoid pigments,2*aquercitrin, the 3- haustively with boiling 9 5 5 ethanol. After the extract
was filtered with suction, using Johns-Manville Celite as
rhamnoside of quercetin (3,5,7,3',4' pentahy- a filter-aid, it was concentrated t o one-twelfth of its origi-
droxyflavone) has been isolated from waste peanut nal volume in a &ish-type evaporator.* The concentrate
hulls. was next filtered, and water was added dropwise to pre-
Lavollay and Neumann4 report that this sub- cipitate a brown resinous material. This brown material
was removed by swirling the flask vigorously. The resin
stance arrests the autoxidation of epinephrine. adhered to the walls of the flask and the clear, straw-
Richardson, El-Rafey and Long5 found quercitrin colored supernatant liquid was decanted. More water
to be an effective antioxidant for lard and for milk was added t o the supernatant liquid until a yellow pre-
fat. cipitate formed. After remaining in the cold for several
days, this precipitate was filtered off and dissolved in
Quercitrin has previously been isolated from acetone. Water was added t o the acetone solution until
several sources, such as Quercus tinctoria6 and incipient precipitation had occurred. The cloudy solution
golden rod.' was set aside for three days and then filtered-the pre-
cipitate being discarded. T o the filtrate, water was again
Experimental added, this time until a yellow precipitate formed. The
Isolation.-The peanuts were grown on a farm near precipitate was filtered off and resuspended in water.
Norman and were harvested about September 1, 1948. The suspension was heated on the water-bath until only a
They were shelled within a week after harvesting. One small amount of undissolved matter remained. This
undissolved material was removed by filtration. On
(1) At present, Rhodes Scholar, Oxford University, Oxford, Eng- cooling the filtrate, a yellow precipitate separated. This
land. precipitate was recrystallized twice from boiling water.
(2) Rusznyak and Szent-Gyorgy, Nature, 138, 27 (1936). The resulting yellow solid, after air drying, melted a t
(3) Bentsath, Rusznyak and Szent-Gyorgy, ibid., 138, 789 (1936). 185" uncor. Moore reports that quercitrin melts at 1 8 5 O . D
(4) Lavollay and Neumann, Campt. rend., 8111, 251 (1941).
(5) Richardson, El-Rafey and Long, J . Dairy Sci., SO, 397 (1947). (8) Ciereszko, presented before the Fifth Southwestern Regional
(6) Bolley, Ann., ST, 101 (1841). Meeting of the American Chemical Society at Oklahoma City,
(7) Guthrie, O'Connor, Stansberg and Savich, THISJ O U R N A L , 6S, December, 1949.
1794 (1944). (91 Moore, Proc. Chcm. Soc., 16, 182 (1910).

From the 1090 g. of hulls, 1.188 g. of the pigment systems used (phenol, ethyl acetate, n-butanol-acetic
was obtained. This corresponds to a minimal yield of acid).
O*lOQ%. Hydrolysis Products.-The pigment was hydrolyzed by
Color Tests.-The isolated m a t a d gdve the usual boiling a very small portion of it with 0.Bq;b sulfuric acid
flavonol color tests. for one and one-half hours.
The colors observed in ultraviolet light when the “chro- L-Rhamnose was identified in the filtrate from the hy-
mogenic reagent” technique of Wender atid Gagelo was drolysis mixture by paper chromatography in n-butanol-
applied, agree with those obtained by these workers. An acetic acid-water. The aglycone, quercetin, was likewise
Authentic sample of quercitrin gave identical results. identified in the reaction mixture by this method. It was
Absorption Spectrum.-A solution contdning 1.4 mg. of possible t o distinguish quercetin from unhydrolyzed quer-
the isolated pigment per one hundred ml. of 959; ethanol citrin by use of the chromogenic sprays.lo
was used for the determindtion of the ultraviolet absorp- Acknowledgment.-This investigation was
tion spectrum. The pure solvent mas used d s blank in
the Beckman Model DU spectrophotometer. The ultra- supported by a grant froin the Division of Re-
\ iolet absorption spectrum of authentic quercitrin of like search Grants and Fellowships of the National
concentration was also determinrd. Both gave absorp- Iristitutes of Health, I:. S. Public Health Service.
tion maxima at 255 and 362.3 I I ~ U Minitna werv 01)-
served a t 235 and 280 mu. Summary
Paper Chromatographic Analysis.-U%en the isolated
substance was subjected to the pape) chromatographic Quercitrin has been found to be present in waste
techniaue of %render arid Gam.‘” Ri values were observed peanut hulls. .g method for its isolation has beeii
6, 19RO



Isochlorogenic Acid. Isolation from Coffee and Structure Studies


Early workers on the chemistry of coffee inter- although neither Gorterhnor later workers could
preted the green color formed upon the addition of isolate more than two-thirds of this amount.
ferric chloride to extracts vi unroasted coffee as Work in this laboratory has indicated that a t least
evidence for the presence of tannic acid. Prior to one-sixth of the inaterial which shows up in the
1900, this fraction of coffer was known as “caf- aiialyses as chlorogenic acid is markedly different
fetannic acid” and was later called “chlorogenic in properties from that described by Corter. This
acid” in view of the green color formed when solu- inaterial has been isolated and purified, and the
tions of the acid were niade slightly alkaline and name “isochlorogenic acid” and the following
exposed to air. In 1907, Gorter2 isolated the structure art. proposed for it
crystalline complex, potassium caffeine chlorogen- 011
ate, from which he prepared the pure acid. The CfIi
structure proposed by Corter for tlie compound L
was later disproved by Freudenberg,d who pro-
posed a structure that was subsequently estab-
lished by Fischer and Ilangscliat’ ant1 IS illus
trated in Fig. 1 ,
i l

1 ig 2 l~ochlorogenicI ~ c i d
‘ c 1‘> i lh 011 l i
oii lsochlurogenic acid does not form a complex
OH analogous to the crystalline potassiuni caffeine
big 1 :acid
I~Irrit~gei~sc chlorogenate but is isolated from green coffee ex-
tracts by dcidificatioti with mineral acid and ex-
’I‘he usual methods” of analysis indicated t traction with butyl acetate, a solvent in which
thc amount of this acid in coffee was about t chlorogenic acid i s nearly insoluble. The crude
1 I Preseoted in part at the Atlantic (‘it), \feetin, ( t i r l i r 4mtriC i n acid further purified by re-extraction of the
Lhemcal Societj in April, 1917 ‘ i d iroiii 3 solution buffered at pH 4.7.
(2) K. Gorter, Bull. Drpl. A g u lrrdcr L r r v l , 1 1 i i 14, I O ’ I
Ann., 368, 327-348; absd., 869, 217-244 (1908)
The purity of the preparation is difficult to es-
(3) Karl Freudenberg, Brr , 63B, 232-239 (1920 tablish by classical criteria as neither the coin-
(4) H 0 1 r i c c h r dir,i ( ‘ r r l a r J a n ; ~ c h ~ l 13 6bB I O Ill0 l)(JllI1d I I O I - m y ckrivativr could be obtained hi 8
> 108Y) c~rystalliiit.iorru. ’I‘he reactions tried iIicluclrtl
( 5 ) lodometric mrthcd, h 11 bli~tlanud h
1616 (1938), ultraviolet absorption incthod, R
ptrtial arid exhaustive iriethylation, acetyLition,
TZTcDermott and T R Wood. A n d Chrin 80, (i20 (1H4hI (61 K (:orter, 1i:ii 3’79,110 r l Y l l

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