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Greetings from Stayway!!!

Dear Mehboob Sir,

As per our discussion on a call we request you to help us below answers

1. Is really coliving going to work in Nagpur, if no please suggest a better city!

2. What will be initial strategy, how can we start our first property?
3. How can we choose property, what dimensions should be kept in mind?
4. How can we raise seed for our startup?
5. Post-Covid what is the good time to start?
6. According to you at bootstrap level which model is good to start with?
(Ex revenue share model or full stack model)
7. In what ratio we can distribute our profit with the owner, should we follow the market
standards which followed by other players in other cities??

These are our main concerns that need to be cleared from a experienced person if you feel like
adding few things from your side, it will be highly appreciated

(We have already discussed these things between us but we don’t have any assurance as we don’t have
any experience in real estate industry)


Nikhil Tripathi

Business Head


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