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Kathmandu University

Internal Exam
Full Marks (25)
13th December, 2020
Third Year, 2nd Semester
Time: 2 hr including submission

1) Explain the importance of ventilation and lightening in Tunnel. Discuss about the
methods of Tunnel Construction. (5 marks)

2) a) Explain the criteria for site selection of Intake. (3 marks)

b) A suitable site has been located for a bottom intake. The river width at this area is
(5 + Roll No/4) m and the depth of flow is 0.5 m. A velocity of 3 m/s was measured
at the intake site. The design flow (Q d) required for power generation is 0.4 m 3/s.
Select an appropriate size for the bottom intake. (7 marks)

i. Take circular bar for trashrack

ii. Take angle of inclination of trashrack bars β as

Roll Number β
1 - 10 6°
11-20 10°
21 - 30 14°
31 – 40 16°
41- 50 18°
51 – 62 20°

iii. Clear spacing between the bars = 12 mm

iv. Center to center distance between the bars = 32 mm

v. Use h= ×kappa×h E kappa χ
3) What is the importance of Submergence depth in Forebay tank? Design a Forebay
tank which accommodate a storage for (Odd Roll No = 2 minutes and Even Roll
Number = 3 minutes) of operation of hydropower plant having following data, (10

Design discharge = 20 + Roll No./2

Length of Penstock = 300 m
Diameter of Penstock = 2.2 m
Calculate the submergence depth using Gordon, Amphlett and Knauss formula and
comment on your view.

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