Ai Essay

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Rieken 1

Sierra Rieken

English 125

Mr. Brookshire

27 April 2020

Word Count: 1266

Artificial Intelligence in Our Future

Joseph Weizenbaum, the creator of Eliza, an advanced computer software, defines

artificial intelligence (AI) as a computer program that’s job is to assist people in their daily lives

(Glynn). The programs’ main goal is to benefit people by developing, producing, and

maintaining information/statistics, important resources, and fulfilling tedious tasks. For some AI

is invaluable while for others it instills fear. No matter how one feels, AI is at the forefront of

the future. AI programs and machines are imperative to our ever-evolving advancements within

a multitude of industries, including the medical and transportation sectors discussed here. AI is

emerging in every facet of our lives. Many AI programs already exist within the medical field

sorting through cases, diagnosing patients, and recommending potential health care options. In

transportation, the switch to AI-driven vehicles is approaching, allowing for safer roads and

more efficient product distribution. With all these benefits, AI also brings considerable concern.

Some fear is related to job loss in the less tech-savvy workforce, how progress brings change,

and how new technologies also require new skill sets that companies will need to evaluate and

re-train their workforce. AI is at the forefront of the future, these programs and machines are

imperative to our ever-changing prospects within the medical, transportation, and other fields.
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One of the most respected fields to enter is the medical profession. Nothing is more

critical than providing proper healthcare to those that are facing the disease. Artificial

intelligence is playing an increasingly larger role in the medical field. AI technology can record a

patient’s vitals, interpret symptoms, identify irregularities, diagnose illness, and recommend

treatments. These programs help properly diagnose, reduce errors, check symptoms, notice early

stages of cancer and other serious illnesses, develop medicines, and support the medical workers.

(Daley) During this unprecedented pandemic, there are new developments in AI robotics, where

a wheeled robot moves through a medical center, cleaning surfaces and killing viruses using UV

light. This futuristic solution keeps both staff and patients safer while cutting cleaning time and

allowing medical staff to focus on patients instead. This is a small example of how AI supports

the medical field and those who rely on it. Dr. Sanrigo Hargan, chief of minimally invasive

surgery, stated in an interview that “robotic surgery allows us to really treat tissue in a more

delicate way, allowing us to be much more efficient suturing. [There is a] decrease in bleeding,

we are improving outcomes, shortening hospital stay and that’s why we are using it more now. It

is enabling surgeons and by enabling surgeons, giving access to more patients needing

non-invasive surgery.” (Vice News, 27:15-27:40) Doctor Hargan believes AI assists with better

outcomes and increases the efficiency of surgery which in turn allows more time to check on the

patients and see new patients. Developments like these allow for more accurate work and faster

recovery patients themselves There are a few examples of AI in the medical field however,

many predict its application will increase in the future. Recently, AI has been used to diagnose

the stages of breast cancer. The technology has increased the number of proper diagnoses and

lessened human errors. Once finished, this program will support clinicians to diagnose breast
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cancer sooner and will allow patients to be treated in the early stages. (Paul) This tool will also

allow doctors to spend more time interacting with patients rather than examining test results,

reviewing scans, and formulating a diagnosis. These tools will not replace medical providers.

Instead, they will enhance the healthcare experience by providing doctors with advanced tools to

do their jobs more efficiently and allow for more quality time with patients.

Artificial intelligence can also be seen in the transportation industry. The average driver

uses AI all the time without even knowing it, usually in the form of a navigation system. Some

new car models sensors on all sides to prevent collisions or self-park. Other models, like Tesla,

even have autopilot capability that does the driving. All these programs are designed to help the

driver avoid accidents, find their way, and reduce the tediousness of driving. Commercial driving

such as long haul trucking is on the verge of self-driving as well. In a 2019 Vice Report, there

was a report on some of these large self-driving 16-wheelers. These trucks were able to function

quite well on all types of roads, it turned, merged, and was able to drive around other cars

without human assistance. (Vice News, 0:23-1:39) The AI program and associated sensors also

planned more efficient delivery routes reducing time on the road and potentially hazardous

intersections. The truck drivers could relax, not worry about getting too tired, or if they were

taking the best route. “On average there are 16,438 car crashes per day” according to the website

The Wandering RV. (Widmer) These numbers could be reduced significantly with the

integration of AI in the transportation industry

With all the benefits of AI, many are worried about and suspicious of these

advancements. Many are concerned that AI will result in job loss, particularly within blue-collar

communities. These fears are not uncommon. Throughout history, inventions and technology
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have altered the way work gets done. However, we have always been able to adapt to the

workforce to meet the changes. Change is inevitable and sometimes necessary to manage

evolving circumstances and demands. Dr. Hargan is someone who has worked with AI first

hand. He stated that jobs are not lessening due to the increase in technology. When asked if AI

is lessening jobs he responds, “ we have seen is the opposite is that we maximize the people

involved. You need a nurse that knows how to move it around, you need a scrub tech that knows

how to clean the cameras, how to move the arms, how to untuck”. (Vice News, 28:37-28:53)

Dr. Hargan’s observations are a testament to how Ai may take over one task but create another.

People will always be needed to implement the AI, oversee procedures, and maintain the


Change is inevitable and AI advancements will continue to bring change for the

foreseeable future. In the medical field, AI technology is supporting both doctors and patients

from making appointments to curing diseases. It is making procedures and treatments more

efficient and safe. Doctors can filter through decades of data to properly diagnose patients with

these programs. In the case of transportation, AI will reduce driver fatigue, prevent collisions,

and plan efficient routes. While things progress in AI will bring career change, it does not

necessarily result in job loss. Companies will also need to evolve by reevaluating the workload,

determining the skills required, and re-training their workforce accordingly. There is no doubt

Artificial intelligence will boost many industries, including the medical and transportation fields,

to a new level of safety and efficiency.

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Works Cited

Daley, Sam. “Surgical Robots, New Medicines and Better Care: 32 Examples of AI in

Healthcare.” ​Built In​, 4 July 2019,

Glynn, Ruairi. “Joseph Weizenbaum – AI & Humanity.” ​Interactive Architecture Lab​, 21 Apr.


Paul, Marla. “AI Model Improves Breast Cancer Detection.” ​News Center,​ Northwestern

Medicine , 2 Jan. 2020,

Widmer, Bill. “50+ Car Accident Statistics in the U.S. & Worldwide.” ​The Wandering RV,​ 17


Vice News, director. ​The Future of Work: A VICE News Special Report​. ​Youtube ​, HBO, 20


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