Chapter 2 Mascarinas

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This part of the study focuses on the review of related literature and related studies that is

under by the topic about consumer’s preference and satisfaction, the concept of brand image and

the power of brand image. The researchers have found a lot of potential studies that is congruent

of the said idea. To elaborate the idea, the team sub-divided some aspects to give further

knowledge about the related topic of the research problem.

Consumer’s Preference and Satisfaction, The Concept of Brand Image and The

Power of Brand Image.

Whan and Bernard (1986), made research on strategic brand concept, image

administration. They say that passing on a brand image to a target advertise could be a essential

promoting action. The strategy for keeping up this concept image linkage depends on whether

the brand concept is utilitarian typical or experiential. Keeping up this linkage ought to

altogether upgrade brands showcase execution.

Frank and Joseph (2006), coordinate and backhanded impacts of self-image coinciding on

brand dependability. The study coordinates the rising development of brand relationship quality

into self-congruity hypothesis. The demonstrate sets that self-image coinciding emphatically

influences brand devotion specifically and in a roundabout way through useful congruity, item

association and brand relationship quality.

Ravi, Pascale and Ray (2007), nation image and consumer brand value and relationship.

The relationship between these two sets of builds was found to be positive as well as item
category. Whereas the commitment of both country picture dimensions was also product

category particular specific particular.

Xuemei and Luiz (2011), part of brand image, item association and information in

clarifying consumer purchase behavior. This research is the primary literature on fakes to set up

that seen brand identity plays a more overwhelming part in clarifying shopper buy purposeful

based on benefit and item quality. Inclusion and information has no noteworthy impact.

Jin and Weber (2013), Brand preference is regarded as a key step in consumer decision

making, involving elements of choice. In establishing brand preference, consumers compare and

rank different brands by focusing on their uniqueness defined brand preference as “the extent to

which the customer favors the designed service provided by his or her present company, in

comparison to the designated service provided by other companies in his or her consideration

set,” with a consideration set referring to brands that a consumer would consider buying in the

near future.

Customer satisfaction refers to customers’ general evaluation of the overall shopping

experience of some specific product or service. According to Oliver (1980), customers’

performance-specific expectation and expectation disconfirmation are the key indicators of

customer satisfaction. Specifically, when the product performance exceeds expectation, customer

satisfaction increases; when expectation exceeds the product performance, customer satisfaction

decreases. Since product performance is an important component of brand image, companies

could infer the potential influence of brand image on customer satisfaction by identifying the

perceptual difference toward a brand between the existing customers and non-users of the brand.

Studies prove that brand image not only influences customer loyalty directly, but also impacts on

it through other mediating factors. However, some research results demonstrate that brand image
exerts no direct influence on customer loyalty, but it can impact on customer loyalty via

customer satisfaction. Future studies should further discuss the interrelationships among brand

image, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, and identify a more comprehensive indicator

for consumer behavior.

The concept “brand image” has drawn significant attention from academics and

practitioners since it was put forward, because it played an important role in marketing activities.

Although brand image was recognized as the driving force of brand asset and brand

performance, few studies have elaborated on the relationship between brand image and brand

equity. Based on the brand image theories, this study reviewed extant studies about the impact of

brand image on consumer from perspective of customer equity. It also presented the

shortcomings of current research and pointed out the trends for future study. According to Park

et al. (1986), the construction and maintenance of the brand image is prerequisite to the brand


Theoretically, all products and services could be demonstrated by functional, symbolic or

experimental elements, through which brand image is established. Up to now, scholars haven’t

come to an agreement on the definition of brand image. Throughout prior literature, researchers

define brand image mainly from four perspectives: blanket definitions, meanings and messages,

personification, cognitive or psychological elements [2] The relationship between brand image

and customer satisfaction has been studied extensively. However, a majority of these researches

were conducted in service industry, such as hotel, supermarket and bank, etc. Whether the results

generated from the service industry can be applicable to other contexts (e.g., manufacturing

industry, finance industry, real estate industry, etc.) remains to be examined.

Customers satisfaction shows how excellent the performance in a certain company or a business

that represents every product especially the known one's. It depends on the product on which the

costumers like the most. Where in the usage and durability is being tested? Most of the

costumers purchases products that long lasts so the money that they spent is not going to waste.

Every business has its product that represents them. And the costumer’s satisfaction is very

important because it shows how good the product is and not just their product that matters the

most also on how they communicate with their costumers because communication is the key on

every businesses success. It started there because that is where everything started, through

conversations that convince every costumer to purchase their product.

This chapter revolves around the different point of views and existing study that is

relevant to the sub-divided topic of customer’s preference and satisfaction, the concept of brand

image and the power of brand images. The goal of this chapter is to let the reader knows that this

study is supported by a lots of existing study and it is credible of the information given. The

researchers figure out that the preference and satisfaction of the customers, concept of brand

image and the power of brand image has a broad relation to the customer’s preference has an

impact on brand image.




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