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The progress I have made during this past week:

- This week I was working on the body of the atv. I have fully decided and
committed to build the body out of metal sheets, since it is durable and
also very flexible, it also fits inside my budget. I have started to measure
out every piece that I need to cut and attach it to the frame. I am unsure if I
should weld it together or just use screws instead.
- I watched some welding tutorials and learnt how to weld 2 pieces of metal
- I took the ATV out for a quick test drive a couple times. Smoke starts to
come out of the carburetor while going uphill. I wasn’t completely sure what
was the problem. After doing some research I figured out it was a very
easy fix, all it needed was some oil in the engine.
- I have some ideas how I want the ATV to look, I am going for the tesla
cyber atv look hence the reason i'm using sheet metal.

What I need to move forward with my capstone:

- I need to finish carving and marking the body pieces and start to cut them
out so I can attach the body parts to the actual frame.
- I need to research different ways of attaching sheet metal to different types
of metals

Obstacles I have encountered and how I have moved forward:

- Only obstacles I faced this week was when the atv started to smoke while I
was driving uphill
- I was able to move forward by using the basic knowledge of engines
I had learnt from last years IDS project. I quickly figured out the
problem was lack of engine oil, which is crucial to an engine for it to
run properly and for a long time.

Skills I used and learned:

- I used my diagnosing skills to figure out why there was white smoke
coming out of the atv.
- I also learnt measure twice cut once after I screwed up the measurement

My goals and deadlines for next week:

- I want all my parts cut out and test fitted onto the atv so I can make
changes if necessary.

There is a video of me driving the atv on my blog since I am unable to post it due
to it being in the wrong format .

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