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Directions: Write TRUE if the underlined word makes the sentence correct. If it is
FALSE , write the correct answer on the blank.

1. In the story " Revelation to Samuel"' God's revelation to Samuel is one of the
many beautiful stories in the New Testament that shows how much God cares for
Israel. _______________________

2. When God called Samuel, his response was" Speak Lord for your master is
listening. __________________________

3. The High priest who took care of Samuel was Eli. __________________

4. The Word of God is proclaimed at mass because we need to be constantly

reminded of God's story and His love for us. __________

5. The Liturgy of the Eucharist is the first main/ major part of the Mass.

6. The First Reading is generally taken from the Old Testament. _______

7. Fr. Manny Uy is the author of the Sacred Scriptures. ______________

8. Everything that is contained and presented in the text of Sacred Scripture, have
been written down under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. _________________

9. The lay person who reads passages from the Bible during Mass time is called the
instructor. ________________

10. According to St. Thomas Aquinas . " It's in knowing that comes loving".

11. The Penitential Rites is the chant which links the readings. ______________

12. When the reader says" This is the word of the Lord", the response is" And with
your Spirit". _________________________

13. When the priest says "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.",
the response is"Thanks be to God". ________________

14. Through St. Julie was paralyzed, her condition did not stop her from teaching
catechism lessons from her bed. ___________________

15. The First Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians talks about the meaning of love.

16. Jesus is the GOOD NEWS of God the Father to all of us._____________
17. In Jesus, God fulfilled His promise to save the world._______________

18. St. Jerome said, "Ignorance of the law is ignorance of Christ".


19.- 20. The two great commandments of Jesus are: " Love the Lord your God with
all your heart, with all you head and with all your mind"

"Love your neighbors as you love your parents". ____________________

21. During the Gospel Acclamation, we sing Alleluia. ________________

22. The four Gospel Writers are Matthew, Mark, Simon and John. ________

23. The Gospel contains the life and teachings of St. Ignatius of Loyola.

24. The Gospel Acclamation is our way to welcome and greet the Lord who is
about to speak to us through the gospel. ___________________

25. The priest reads the Gospel during Mass time. ___________________

26. At Holy Mass, we pray for others during the Gospel of Acclamation.

27. In the prayer of the Faithful , we responded in each petition by saying" Lord
have Mercy". ______________

28. The prayer of the Faithful is the first part of the Liturgy of the Word.

29. The other name of prayer of the Faithful is General Intercession. _________

30. Trusting in completely God's Fatherly Providence frees us from all our fears.

31. In the Prayer of Faithful , we pray for the salvation of the whole world.

32. The Mystery of Light is prayed every Thursday. _____________

33. The Sorrowful Mystery is prayed every Tuesday and Friday. ____________

34. The Glorious Mystery is prayed every Wednesday and Saturday.


35. The Joyful Mystery is prayed every Monday and Sunday. __________


A. Directions: Arrange the following parts of the Mass in sequence: Write 1-5 in
the blanks.

A. Gospel Acclamation _______________

B. First Reading ______________

C. Responsorial Psalm _______________

D. Second Reading _______________

E. Gospel Proclamation ________________

B. Directions: Arrange the following parts of the Mass in sequence: Write A- H in

the blanks.

41. Responsorial Psalm _______________

42. Gloria ______________

43. Entrance Song _____________

44. Greetings by the priest ___________

45. First Reading ______________

46. Penitential Rites ____________

47. Amen _____________

48. Second Reading _______________


A. Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct Mass Response .

50. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God, and the communion of
the Holy Spirit be with you all.

A. And also with you. B. And with your spirit.

51. The Word of the Lord.

A. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. B. Thanks be to God.

52. The Gospel of the Lord.

A. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. B. Thanks be to God.

53. A reading from the Holy Gospel according to John.

A. Glory to you, I Lord Thanks. B. Thanks be to God.

54. Lift up your hearts.

A. And with your spirit. B. We lift them up to the Lord.

B. Write whether the given mystery is Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious or Light.

55. The Wedding at Cana ______________________

56. The Annunciation ______________________

57. The Birth of Jesus ______________________

58. The Scourging of the Pillar ______________________

59. The Baptism of Jesus ______________________

60. The Crowning of Thorns ______________________

61. The Resurrection ______________________

62. The Coronation of the Blessed Mother as Queen of Heaven and


63. The Ascension

64. The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus ______________________


Directions: Match the meaning in column A with its part of the Holy Mass in
column B. Write only the letter of the correct answer.

Column A Column B
65.This is read by the 65.
Lector and is taken from A. Alleluia
both old and new
66. This reading is 66.
included in the Mass only B. Gospel
during Sunday's and is
taken from the letters of
the Apostles.
67. It helps the faithful 67.
understand better of the C. First Reading
Word of God.
68. This is a chant and this 68.
links the readings. D. Homily
69. It is sung or recited 69.
before the Gospel . It's E. Responsorial Psalm
show that the Faithful
welcome Jesus. F. Second Reading

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