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Workplace Safety

Assignment #1
Kate D.

1. Bernardino Ramazzini is known as the Father of Occupational Medicine because of his work
concerning the health and safety of workers. He is known for the published work De Morbis
Artificum Diatriba, or “The Disease of Workers”, which documented known cause-and-effect
relationships between occupations and health problems. He suggested that physicians could better
diagnose their patients by asking, “What is your occupation?”

2. Ramazzini documented health hazards of over fifty [1] occupations, including mining, gilding,
midwifery, and the work of artisans. During his early investigations, he discovered that many
sewage workers developed eye irritation and redness. He linked vertigo and vision problems to
many occupations, including gilding, potting and printing. He also investigated the presence of
poisonous elements in the mediums of painters.

3. The Cinchona plant is native to tropical South America. Cinchona Bark contains the anti-malarial
compound Quinine. The origins of Cinchona bark and its medicinal uses are disputed: some
historians believe the indigenous first used it while others say it was the Europeans who discovered
its medicinal properties.[5] ‘Quinine Bark’ was first advertised for sale in England in the 1650’s,
where it was used to cure ailments besides malaria. Quinine was used as an analgesic, an anti-
inflammatory agent and as an antibiotic. Ramazzini used the bark to treat his patients for malaria
during one of his studies. He used the bark exclusively for malaria, however, as he did not believe in
using quinine to treat other health problems.

4. Ramazzini’s dedication to occupational health inspired other physicians to do similar work. In

1775, an English surgeon, Percivall Pott, investigated the link between soot exposure (in chimney
sweeps) and cancer. His discovery contributed to the ongoing research regarding workplace
carcinogens. Another English surgeon by the name of Charles Thackrah completed an extensive
study of occupational illnesses. He later became known as the Father of Occupational Medicine
among the English-speaking world.


[1]"Bernardino Ramazzini." Encyclopaedia of World Biography. 2004. 10 Sep.

[2]Franco G, Franco F. “Bernardino Ramazzini: The Father of Occupational Medicine” PubMed,
[3]“Bernardini Ramazzini (1633-1714) Physician of the Tradesmen” JAMA. 1969;210(13):2391-
[4]“Charles Turner Thackrah (1795 - 1833)” Leeds institute of Medical Education (n.d.)
[5]“History of Malaria” Malaria Site: All About Malaria (n.d.)
[6]“Quinine” Tropical Plant Database: Raintree Nutrition. (2005) <http://www.rain->

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