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The History of Tourism

 As seasons changed and animals migrated, people traveled to survive.

 These early travelers moved on foot, they were limited to quite small geographical

 In this time, travel may remained a localized experience, but people by nature are

 Travelers climbing a mountain and crossing rivers to satisfy their own sense of
adventure and curiosity as they sought a glimpse of the unknown

 Phoenicians, Olmecs, early Chinese traveled for trade and military control

 As civilizations became established and spread geographically, travel become

The Empire Era

 The Empire era are started from the time of the Egyptians
to the Greek and finally came to an end with the fall of
the roman empire.

 During this time, people began traveling in large numbers

for governmental, commercial, educational and religious

 As centers of governmental activities, the city-states

become attractions in themselves.
The Empire Era

The Empire Era

 Factors that influence people to travel during the Empire

 Affluent population with time and money to travel
 Safe and easy travel
 Widely accepted currencies
 Widely used languages
 Legal system which protects personal safety
The Empire Era

 The Egyptians
 At its peak the travel for business and pleasure
 Travel to outlining cities was necessary.
 Various amenities were offered to travelers.
 They travelled for pleasure and festivals were held
every year.
 People used to travel to attend these festivals.
The Empire Era

 The Greeks:
 Greeks were the first, who shaped the modern day
 Pleasure travel was popular.
 Travel was advanced by two developments:
 Currency exchange: Greek cities accepted foreign currency,
making it easier for travelers.
 Communication: The Greek empire covered the entire
Mediterranean thus the language was widely understood.
 They provided all the amenities required.
The Empire Era

 The Romans
 The prosperity of the roman empire was reflected in
the development of travel.
 The Romans included a large group of middle class
who had money and time to travel.
 They built excellent roads, transportation and
communication systems.
 They built rest houses.
The Middle Ages and The Renaissance Era

 The duration time for The Middle Ages (5th to 14th centuries) and
the Renaissance Era(14th to 16th centuries)

 Travel almost disappeared during the Middle Ages where travel

became dangerous and sporadic.

 The feudal system that eventually replaced Roman rule resulted

in many different autonomous domains.

 This breakdown in a previously organised and controlled society

resulted in the fragmentation of transportation systems,
currencies and languages making travel a difficult and
sometimes dangerous experience.
The Middle Ages and The Renaissance Era

 The travel situation during the Middle Ages:

 Transportation and safety declined

 Less acceptance of currencies and less knowledge of common


 Some travel by crusaders to Holy Land

 Marco Polo’s historic travels in the late 13th century

The Middle Ages and The Renaissance Era

The Middle Ages and The Renaissance Era

 The rebirth in travel emerged slowly during the Renaissance Era

(14th – 16th centuries.

 The Merchants began to venture farther from their villages as

the church and the kings and queen brought larger geographical
areas under their control.

 Trade routes slowly began to reopen as commercial activities

grew and the merchants ventured into new territories

 Increased interest in travel for commerce and pleasure

The Grand Tour Era

 The Grand Tour Era (1613 to 1785 A.D.)

a. Trend of luxurious travel started by wealthy English

b. Developed as a status symbol and spread throughout Europe

c. Goal was to experience the “civilized world” and study the arts and

d. These travels often lasted for several years

e. Growth in travel for business reasons

The Mobility Era

 The Mobility Era (1800-1944)

 Growing economic prosperity

 Increase in systems, modes, and speeds of travel (roads, railroads,


 Thomas Cook developed tour packages for mass travel

 Invention of automobile and airplane expanded freedom to travel

The Mobility Era
 In 1841, Thomas Cook organised  sources;
the first tour for a group of 570 to
attend a temperance rally in homas_Cook
Leicester, England.
 The trip was complete with a
picnic lunch and brass band
 The immediate success of the first
venture and the demand for more
assistance in making travel
arrangements led Cook into the
full-time business provided travel
The Modern Era

 The Modern Era (1945 to present)

 Paid vacations introduced in the early 1900’s made leisure travel
possible for working and middle classes
 Millions of people were introduced to international travel during
World War II
 Postwar prosperity made mass ownerships of automobiles possible
 Advent of jet travel shortened travel time
 Time, money, safety and interest in travel led to unparalleled growth
of tourism
 Development of mass tourism

01 4000BC Invention of money by Sumerians (Babylonia)

02 5th-15th Dark Era of Tourism

century AD

03 AD 1763-1773 Renaissance stage of tourism

04 1820 Introduction of regular steamboat services

05 1830 First passenger train service begins

06 1841 Thomas Cook began running a special excursion train from

Leicester to Loughborough (England)

07 1867 Thomas Cook introduced Hotel voucher

08 1872 Thomas Cook first organized ‘the round the world trip’

09 1873 ‘Circular note’ was introduced by Thomas Cook

10 1888-89 The Savoy, Claridges, and Carlton hotels were opened in

11 1903 Airplane’s first flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina
by the Wright brothers
12 1903 The first major hotel company-Trust Houses- opens
a chain of hotels through out Britain
13 1920 Chartered flights appear in tourism

14 AD1945 IATA was established

15 1947 IUOTO was constituted

16 1950 Commercial air transportation increased and air

transportation became cheaper
17 1958 Boeing 707 jet was introduced

18 1966 UFTAA was founded

19 1970 First wide-bodied jet (Boeing 747) appeared in

service(capable of carrying 400 pax)
20 1975 WTO began its legal existence
Leisure Travel

 Leisure travel was associated with the Industrial

Revolution in the United Kingdom – the first
European country to promote leisure time to the
increasing industrial population.
 Initially, this applied to the owners of the machinery
of production, the economic oligarchy, the factory
owners and the traders.
 These comprised the new middle class.
 Cox & Kings was the first official travel company to
be formed in 1758
Leisure Travel

 The British origin of this new industry is reflected in

many place names.
 In Nice, France, one of the first and best-established
holiday resorts on the French Riviera, the long
esplanade along the seafront is known to this day as
the Promenade des Anglais
 In many other historic resorts in continental Europe,
old, well-established palace hotels have names like
the Hotel Bristol, the Hotel Carlton or the Hotel
Majestic – reflecting the dominance of English
Winter Tourism

 Although it is acknowledged that the Swiss were not the

inventors of skiing, it is well documented that St. Moritz,
Graubünden became the cradle of the developing winter
 Since that year of 1865 in St. Moritz, when many brave
hotel managers choose to risk opening their hotels in
 It was, however, only in the 1970s when winter tourism
took over the lead from summer tourism in many of the
Swiss ski resorts.
 Even in winter, portions of up to one third of all guests
(depending on the location) consist of non-skiers.
Mass Tourism

 Mass tourism could only have developed with the

improvements in technology, allowing the transport
of large numbers of people in a short space of time to
places of leisure interest.
 So that greater numbers of people could begin to
enjoy the benefits of leisure time.
 In the United States, the first seaside resorts in the
European style were at Atlantic City, New Jersey and
Long Island, New York.
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