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Name : Citra Winda Mentari Djami

Class : A / VII

Major : Nursing

Task 2.
Indicate if each sentence is correct (C)incorrect (I)!
1. His research for the thesis was more useful than hers. (Incorrect )
2. Dining in a restaurant is more fun than to eat at home. (Correct)
3. I want a new secretary who is as efficient as the previous one. (Incorrect )
4. My house is as big with your house. (Correct)
5. This coat is similar to that one (Correct)
6. That car is almost the same like mine. (Correct)
7. All of the other department are similar this one. (Correct)

Task 4
: Read the poster below and complete the blanks with appropriate comparative adjectives

1. Women who smoke have a greater (great) risk of developing lung cancer than men who
smoke the same number of cigarettes.
2. Women find it difficulter (difficult) to quit than men
3. Women appear to be afeecteder (affected) by the pain-reducing drug, ibuprofen.
4. Women lose bone mineral at a faster (fast) rate than men which could explain the higher
(high) incidence of osteoporosis in women.
5. During a heart attack, women tend to have subtler (subtle) symptoms than men.
Abdominal pain, nausea and fatigue generally appear as signs for women while men
usually experience chest pain.
6. Women have higher (high) blood alcohol content than men after consuming the same
amount of alcohol even when size differences are considered.

Task 5

.indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I)

1. Oxygen is abundanter than nitrogen . (correct)

2. The directions to the exercise sat to choose the most appropriate response.
3. The lesson you are studying now is the most important lesson that you will have.
4. She is more prettier than all of the girls in our class (correct)
5. New York is the larger of all American cities. (correct)
6. Off all the candidates, Alex is probably the less qualified. (Correct)
7. This room is more spacious as the other one (correct)
8. The bill which received was more higher than the estimate (correct)
9. The climate here is more milder than that of New England. (correct)
10. Eileen has been happier lately than she was when she first came. (correct)

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