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Employer and Employee Relationship

Contract of Service Contract for Service

S.2 of EA - “Contract of service” means any agreement, An agreement whereby a person is engaged as an
whether oral or in writing and whether express or independent contractor, such as a self-employed person
implied, whereby one person agrees to employ another or vendor engaged for a fee to carry out an assignment or
a project for the company.
as an employee and that other agrees to serve his
employer as an employee and includes an
apprenticeship contract.
S.2 of Industrial Relations Act - “Contract of
employment” means any agreement, whether oral or in
writing and whether express or implied, whereby one
person agrees to employ another as a workman and that
other agrees to serve his employer as a workman.

A contract of service is an agreement (whether orally or A contract for services, refers to a relationship similar to
in writing) binding on parties who are commonly an agency. Generally, a person engaged via a contract
referred to as “employer” and “employee”. For example, for services is not an employee rather an independent
a customer service consultant working in a contractor, such as a self-employed person or vendor,
telecommunications company. However, it is still who is engaged for a fee to carry out an assignment or
important to look at the terms of the contract to project. For example, a property agent who helps to sell
determine the type of contract. your house.
Sometime difficult to distinguish as mentioned by Lord Denning in Stevenson, Jordan & Harrison Ltd v
Macdonald & Evans Ltd “it is often easy to recognise a contract of service when you see it, but difficult to say
wherein the difference lies”. It is important to determine an individual’s legal position. Only employee under
Contract of Service can invoke jurisdiction of the industrial court in the event where his rights under the statute has
been violated by employer. If not the claimant can only seek remedy in Civil Courts.
Has an employer – employee rship. Employee does Has a client-contractor type of rship. Contractor carries
business for the employer. out business on their own account.
The tools and facilities to complete the work are The tools and facilities are provided in th contractual
provided by the employer. terms, but usually these are provided by the contractor
Covered by the Employment Act 1955 and Industrial Not covered by the Employment Act 1955 just Industrial
Relations Act 1967 Relations Act 1967
Employer need to contribute EPF and comply with No statutory requirement to subject the payments of fees
relevant statutory benefits such as annual leave, sick or retainer to independent contractor to the deduction of
leave and etc for its employees income tax or contribution to the EPF or SOCSO
Control Test Organizational/Integral Test Multiple Control Test
The first test used in 19th century. Refers to the fact that The most modern approach.
employees are an essential A three-fold test; a contract of service
group for an organisation. requires:
- duty to give personal service
- existence of a sufficient degree of
- terms of contract being consistent with
Based on concept of master and This test is not necessarily Factors to identify the status of a working
servant. It requires employer to sufficient to determine the relationship:
exercise detailed control over the status of the relationship. * Degree of control
employee, in terms of assigning the * Hours of work
work and how its carried out. Stevenson, Jordan & * Mode of remuneration
Yewens v Noakes Harrison Ltd v Macdonald & * Provision of equipment
“A Servant is a person subject to the Evans Ltd * Entitlement to annual leave
command of his master as to the The test was whether the work
manner in which he shall do his work. being performed under the If the evidence shows the existence of an
If an employer has a large degree of contract is integral to the employment contract or if such
control over employee in terms of what operation of the business consideration indicates the presence of a
to do and how to do it, then contract of structure as a whole, or it is determining factor, the worker concerned
employment exist. A smaller degree of only works on the side of the will be deemed to be an employee.
control would amount to self– main business.
employment. In this case, it was stated that
an employee is a person who is
integrated with others in the
work place or business even
though the employer does not
necessarily exercise a detailed
control over what the employee

Court will examine how

integrated the employees are in
the company. The greater the
person is integrated in the
company, the greater
possibility that this person is an

Chye Hin Co (Perak) Ltd v PP Cassidy v Ministry of Health Ready Mixed Concrete (South East)
Facts: All the sawmill workers made Facts: A resident surgeon of a Ltd v MPNI
claims that the company did not make hospital negligently performed Facts: The appellant company’s liability
an operation on the plantiff. for social security contributions of their
EPF contributions according to EPFO
Issue: Whether the surgeon worker arose only if they had contracts of
1951. was an employee of the service. The worker who drove ready
Issue: Whether the four sawmill hospital? mixed concrete lorries, who bought his
workers were severally employed by Held: As per Lord Denning, if lorry on hire purchase from the company
the appellant company under a contract the work done is an integral was found to be employed under a
of service or whether they were part of business, then the contract for service, not a contract of
contracting independently with the person is an employee under service.
contract of service. If work
company to saw wood for the
done is an accessory to main In this case, each driver of the company
company? business, then it’s a contract must buy his own vehicle and paint it in
Held: Court applied control test to the for service. the company’s colours. They must wear
workers. All saws belong to the the company’s uniform as well and must
company, workers worked at factory. be available for work when needed. Their
So the company had no control over salary was paid based on mileage rate for
the workers. The sawmill workers were the work that has been performed for the
not employed by the company under a company.
contract of service. Thus company did
not need to make EPF contributions. MacKenna J: “A contract of service
exists if these three conditions are

- The servant agrees that, in

consideration of a wage or other
remuneration, he will provide his own
work and skill in the performance of
some service for his master. 

- He agrees, expressly or impliedly, that

in the performance of that service he will
be subject to the other’s control in a
sufficient degree.

- The other provisions of the contract are

consistent with its being a contract of

Held: The drivers are independent

contractors and not employees as they
were operating at their own financial risk.

Bata Shoe Co (Malaysia) v Kirwan v Dart Industries and Leahy

Employees Provident Fund Board followed the above case and it was held
FACTS: The plaintiff company that Ms Kirwan was an employee of
appointed a shop manager to hire Leahys and not Dart Industries after
salesmen to assist them in managing considering:
the shops. - Extent of control over the task,
- Manner the task was carried out,
ISSUE: Whether the salesman are - Means used to carry it out, and where it
employees of plaintiff? is carried out,
- Whether person was in business of his
RATIONALE: The shop manager was own account, or of an integral part of the
an employee of the company as the business
plaintiff company had control over Short v J W Henderson Ltd Lord
him. The salesmen were employees of Thankerton pointed out four indicators to
the manager and not the company bcs examine the degree of control exercised
the plaintiff had no control over the on an individual: the power to appoint,
salesmen. the power to dismiss, the payment of
wages, as relevant to the establishment of
HELD: The salesmen are not existence or the contract of service.
employees of the plaintiff. And there
was no contract of service between

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