SFA E-Newsletter Winter 2018 Final

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courtesy John Amiet

Sandringham Foreshore Association Newsletter

Winter 2018


Founded January 2007

ABN 42947116512


SFA , PO Box 52 Sandringham 3191

Email: sandyforeshore@optusnet.com.au
Website: http://sandringhamforeshore.tumblr.com/
Patrons of SFA:
Professor Tim Flannery, former resident of Sandringham and Australian of the Year 2007

Professor John Long, Professor of Palaeontology with the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Flinders
"We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the waters and lands on which we live and work,
and pay our respects to the Elders, past and present”

From the president of SFA, Dr Vicki Karalis AM

Would you like to play a more active role on the SFA committee?

Please contact SFA to express your interest and how you may be able
to help: sandyforeshore@optusnet.com.au
Nomination of Beaumaris Bay for National Heritage Listing (NHL)

A word from the Head of the Beaumaris Bay Heritage Consortium - A/Prof Vicki Karalis AM

Another unique fossil discovery at Beaumaris Bay leading to a greater understanding of the
Pygmy Right whale & adding further weight of evidence to support NHL of Beaumaris Bay

Source: The Conversation Robert Pitman

There has been another significant fossil find at Beaumaris Bay the area we have nominated for
Heritage Listing. This new published article focuses on a new discovery of Pigmy Right whale ear bone
fossil found at Beaumaris Bay. The study can be found here: https://peerj.com/articles/5025/
Background reading, The Conversation [October 2017]: https://theconversation.com/northern-

According to Dr Eric Fitzgerald, this vital contribution from Beaumaris Bay has "added to the global
picture of marine fauna evolution. The fossil is the oldest known evidence of the living pygmy right whale
and clarifies a couple of long-standing mysteries around the evolutionary history of the least understood
modern whale species. See: https://museumsvictoria.com.au/article/northern-exposure-fossils-of-a-

For perspective, Beaumaris has produced 2 of the grand total of 6 fossils of the pygmy right whale in the
entire world—that’s one-third of the history of pygmy right whales we know about thanks to the
existence and accessibility of Beaumaris." Dr Erich M. G. Fitzgerald, Senior Curator of Vertebrate
Palaeontology Museum Victoria, Palaeontology, Museum Victoria.

Information about modern day Pygmy Right whale see: https://youtu.be/GwJA3zFog8o

Did you know the world is filled with beach fossil sites but rarely do you find them in an
urban environment like Beaumaris Bay?

Another significant international fossil beach can be found in England, Somerset. This
international significant fossil beach in the UK can be viewed in this link:

Somerset has mostly Jurassic and Triassic rocks. However, at the very western fringe there are
Devonian and Carboniferous rocks, in which fossils can be found. Although coastal areas of
Jurassic rocks are fairly limited, they can be very productive, and Somerset benefits from not
being as commercialised for fossil hunting as Dorset, so you can often find more. The town of
Watchet is the central point, with locations both sides of the town for finding ammonites,
reptiles, belemnites and crinoids. Blue Anchor is the best location for the famous Triassic Bone
bed, which is also found at Australia along the River Severn. Weston-super-Mare and
Portishead are excellent locations for fossil corals.

Do you know any other beach fossil sites in the world?

Sandringham beach update

Monitoring Sandringham beach for erosion 2018

On behalf of our local community we are extremely grateful for the ongoing monitoring of the
Sandringham beaches by DELWP and SFA, following the recent works that took place last summer, now
complete. Thank you to Head of DELWP Kelly Crosthwaite and their officer Cassandra Phillipou, who
have been wonderful to work with!

Unfortunately, only 1000 cubic metres of sand was deposited north of the Southey Street groyne to re-
nourish our beach in February (2018) so ongoing monitoring of our beaches are required beyond 1 year,
particularly as we lose about 2000 cubic metres of sand per year to the northern beaches of Port Phillip
Bay [PPB].

Beach Profiling

Why monitor the Bayside beaches?

Significant and costly changes to our coasts and foreshore zones are certain to occur with
predictions 800mm of mean sea level rise by 2100. Beach re-nourishments have been carried
out in PPB since the mid-1970s, to provide a buffer against coastal erosion and for improved
community use.

We invite all local residents to participate in monitoring our beach with the newly developed
Fluker Post app.

This app will allow you to upload photos directly to an individual Fluker Post collection.
To get the app, please go to either iTunes or Google Play and search for “Fluker Post” (you need
to use both words in your search), or go to one of these links:


Please contact us if you are happy to help with the ongoing weekly monitoring of Bayside
beaches; it requires photos taken at the Fluker posts and particular sites along the beach to
upload onto the Fluker App, and subsequently their website which will help with alerting us to
potential erosion of the cliffs and for historical archives. Please share this information with your
interested colleagues.

Why it's important to monitor our beaches?

SFA's Position Statement on the causes of currently observed, unprecedented high rates of
climate change and sea level rise, constructed with reference to professional advice, warn us
of future concerns of rapid erosion of our beaches and cliffs within the next 100 years (first
recorded in the SFA Summer/Autumn newsletter).

What is SFA’s statement on climate change being of anthropogenic cause?

*SFA itself is not qualified to answer the question, but we adhere to the conclusions of the vast
majority of climate scientists who publish their research in peer-reviewed journals and whose
advice is being adopted by the vast majority of international policy makers.

* as summarised in (i) the IPCC publications; (ii) the Australian Academy of Science's Climate
Change documentation, online (February 2015), and (iii) the "The State of the Climate" by Bureau
of Meteorology & CSIRO.

On whether sea level rise is occurring:

*Yes - observations are clear that sea-level rise is occurring:
 25 cm since 1880 is the measured rise
 The current rate is 3mm per year, but this rate is increasing
 These rates are much higher than for any known past event of sea-level rise

By causes which are:

 1/3 due to thermal expansion (warmer sea-water)
 1/3 due to melting of the polar ice sheets
 1/3 due to melting of non-polar glaciers

Some key references are: https://www.climatechangeinaustralia.gov.au/en/climate-projections/future-

climate/ & http://www.melbourne.vic.gov.au/sitecollectiondocuments/urban-forest-strategy.pdf

Please refer to the following table (Bureau of Meteorology):

Protecting Victorian's Coastal Assets

The Victorian Auditor-General's Office (VAGO) report emphasises the importance of protecting
Victoria's coastal assets. It gives an overall picture of the issues and responsibilities and
highlights the works at White Cliffs, Black Rock and Mt Martha North beach as case examples.
See: https://www.audit.vic.gov.au/report/protecting-victorias-coastal-assets

The report notes that Victoria’s coastline is one of the state’s major assets. The coast and its
built and natural assets are under increasing pressure from population growth and climate
change. Threats to coastal assets will affect the commercial, recreational and environmental
services they directly provide or support. It has been estimated that, in Victoria, a 0.8-metre
rise in sea level by 2100 will put most of our coastal infrastructure and assets at risk of
inundation or erosion.

Data assets free on Victorian Government Open Data Directory - please help us
If you have time please explore any useful resources that may help the Bayside coast line or
community using the following link to Victorian Government Open Data Directory:
Then forward your findings via the link to SFA that may help the wider Bayside community. As
the site says, “You will find data that Victorian government departments and agencies have
opened and made available to the public. You can use it anyway you like build apps and tools,
use it for research, gain insights and understanding.” There is also a ‘Suggest Dataset’ button.
Victorian Coastal Hazard Assessment project will be releasing its data packages and can be
accessed via the www.data.vic.gov.au site.
Stabilization of Sandringham and Beaumaris cliffs with sandbags to protect the base of the
cliffs from erosion:
Royal Ave beach 27th march 2018

Beaumaris cliffs adjacent near to revetment wall steps 21 April 2018 (note sand bags now
embedded in the sand at the base of the cliffs).
Department of Environment, Land, Water Planning (DELWP) update on proposed revetment
wall promenade to reinforce Black Rock sea wall from further wave attacks during storms

-letter of response to DELWP from Alison Horton Vice President SFA, Hakan Dellal, Elizabeth
Jenson, President of Marine Care Ricketts Point and Ken Blackman
Thank you for your letter dated the 1/12/2017 and for responding to our
questions with further information from Advisian expert Harry Houridis.
We note that Harry was unable to answer a few of our questions as it was
outside the scope of the report. You also referenced an additional
detailed modeling report due early 2018 and are hoping you may be able
to share that with us when available.

We are supportive of protecting the walkway behind the bluestone wall

but we still have concerns about the proposed revetment walls effect on
the local beaches and marine environment. Coastal engineers love to
engineer and we often end up with an over-engineered structure that
puts the community into despair with the consequences of its
construction. Revetment walls when not designed well are often unsightly particularly when the rocks do
not blend with the natural environment; they take up a lot of space and impact on the accessibility to the
water for locals and visitors using this area. We would very much appreciate DELWP consider other
feasible options besides this to protect this beautiful visual area.

Many people use this walkway and everyone we spoke to,

including fishermen, walkers, and locals, had no idea that a
revetment wall had been proposed and were very concerned
about the aesthetics and impact it will have on the beaches, reefs
and fishing that takes place in this area. The fishermen in
particular are concerned as it's the main local area outside the
Marine Sanctuary that they have easy access to cast their lines
and a revetment wall will have an impact on their pastime. Above
is a photo of the fishermen just after the marine sanctuary
boundary within the area you propose to build the revetment
wall. This demonstrates the reef system is rich in marine life and

Despite the couple of small posters at the top of the cliff beside
the walking/bike track, the community remains largely ignorant of
this project.

Taking the communities concerns seriously we sought expert

advice from Associate Professor David M. Kennedy, Director of
the Environmental Science Programs at Melbourne University. We
had the opportunity to meet with him face to face. He used “Near
Map” to view the area from 2009 to date. He observed the
seasonal shifts of sand and sea grass beds in the area between
points 9-18.
We believe from our research that the area south from point 14 to 18 does not require immediate action
and any structure built north of point 14 should be monitored and assessed for its impact on the existing
beaches, reefs, sand movement and marine life. The existing reef south of point 14 should protect the
wall from wave action and possibly storm surges.

We would like you to consider gentler alternative options such as establishing an artificial reef
strategically positioned to help buffer wave action from storms. Submerged reef balls or tetrapods have
successfully been used in other countries and are proven to provide an effective coastal protection
structure. Artificial reef hydrodynamic features include breaking up the waves, shifting their frequency,
and reducing the incoming wave height. They also have a biological application and provide an
environment for marine life. (1) They are not obtrusive as they are predominantly under water. We
however appreciate that as David Kennedy pointed out that here in this area though they are an offshore
option and would certainly reduce direct wave energy, we would have to consider down wearing at the
seawall base would continue, but at a lower rate, especially where it is based on bedrock. There would
also be an issue with water quality if the reef/break wall were poorly designed.

If there are no other feasible aesthetically acceptable options to a revetment wall, then the community
would like DELWP consider following:

 To relocate the start of the revetment wall southernmost edge to approximately 30 meters north
of photo site 15 close to point 14, as identified in the ecological report (just north of the access
ramp off the seawall) to protect the local ecological integrity and significance of reef areas
identified between approximately photo points 15 to 18 in the study.
 To consider reducing the proposed 7 meters width from the wall, unless it is at or submerged
sand or sea level to be aesthetically acceptable. To ensure the revetment wall is tapered or
angled at the southern and northern ends to avoid an abrupt right-angled protrusion of a hard
rock structure into the marine/coastal environment to minimise the possible impact this may
have in trapping sediment/sand and interrupting existing currents and water flow, and to ensure
the edges do not cause further scouring or damage to the adjacent beach.
 To use a different material in the finishing top layer rock such as sand coloured granite to reduce
the visual impact of the wall and help it blend with the natural environment.

Our own research of coastal protection structures showed that revetment walls also have limitations, are
susceptible to wave damage and still need constant monitoring/ maintenance. (2) “Rock revetments can
be suitable for high wave energy environments, but the potential for scouring in the upper reaches
should be considered carefully. Because of the degree of back preparation required and their large
footprint, they should not be used in sensitive coastal environments where there will be an unacceptable
loss of natural or cultural values. Before planning and construction, it is important to identify all natural
and cultural values that may be affected by the works. Consider threatened species, Aboriginal heritage,
wildlife habitat and marine habitat. Follow-up surveys and ongoing monitoring are essential, to detect any
adverse impacts from the construction works and any consequent changes to structure and the need for
maintenance.” (2)

We have read the reports from Advisian, Cosmos Archaeology and the Bayside City Councils Master Plan
for Black Rock, but we have not seen the AW Maritime report prepared in 2017. Building the original blue
stonewall compromised this area. Natural erosion from the cliffs stopped replenishing the surrounding
beaches with sand when they were cut down. There are a few heritage sites including some blue stones
with marks noting the deaths of prisoners. It is the natural beauty of this area that will be lost by building
an unsightly revetment wall, especially if it is extended south beyond the start of the small reef at point
Advisian: 5 Recommendations

Use of revetment north of Site 10 should be carefully managed to avoid unnecessary loss of sand and
therefore beach amenity.

Revetment constructed between Site 10 and Site 20 will have minimal effect on the resident marine flora
and fauna at the base of the seawall and any new revetment will most likely result in re-colonization by
equivalent species that are already present at the site.

Care should be taken if revetment is constructed between Sites 14 and 17 as there are sea grass beds in
close proximity (within 10 metres) of the seawall.

Construction of revetment between Site 20 and Site 24 should be avoided as this section of seawall
intersects the natural ferruginous intertidal platforms that are of regional geomorphological significance.

3.1. Balcombe Road to 315 Beach Road (photo points 1-9).

To extend the revetment wall into this area would require removing the existing permanent beach that
currently offers protection to the wall. Sand will build up north of the drain and be removed south of the
drain. History shows that sand protects cliffs and structures.

Photo showing the beach at the base of the

ramp from the car park on Beach
Road/Balcombe Road where the proposed 7-
metre revetment is supposed to start from.
3.2. Second Street to Fourth Street (photo points 9-18).

The area section 9-14 (base of steps opposite 331 Beach Road) has suffered the most damage from
storm/wave action and has had repairs to the wall. The seasonal beaches here would be wiped out after
the revetment wall was built. Seasonal shift of sand would be deposited on Black Rock beach further
north protecting this area from storm erosion. South of point 14 to Fourth Street there is a small reef that
extends out around the bend into quiet corner. This reef provides an area of flat rock, rock pools, diverse
plants and sea life and helps dissipate the waves, which protects the wall. This reef with its associated
plant and animal life extends into Quiet Corner and on into the Marine Sanctuary and any coastal
engineering solution needs be cognizant of two key considerations:

 The reef’s local ecological significance in terms of local ecosystem processes relating to sea-grass
beds and algae/sea-grass assemblages, specifically in terms of there their value as fish and
invertebrate nursery sites and productivity, and

 Their potential importance as they relate to the overall fisheries ecology and biodiversity of the
immediate area or how it may relate to the nearby habitats of Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary.

In terms of the latter in particular, limited resilience of smaller MPA’s against ‘border effects’ and critically
the need to consider ecology …’ at scales greater than patch sizes,’ (Edmunds 2012) is a key concern
cited in contemporary MPA science.

Further pertaining to this site, and Advisian claims concerning reestablishment of equivalent species, its
conclusions are out of step with the biological makeup of this specific site:

 The current habitat and relating biodiversity that lies at the base of the current sea wall (at this
reef site) are a mixture of sea grass beds and algae/sea grass assemblages. These will be in part
replaced by the bluestone of the proposed revetment’s seaward edge; separate from any
possible physical disturbance to these habitats, during and after building the revetment,
bluestone which will take up part of the area currently encompassed by sea grass and algal
assemblages, obviously cannot not provide a commensurate habitat for species such as Garfish
and other local fish species that use the existing assemblage as feeding and/or nursery areas, and

 Whilst some “equivalent” intertidal species will populate the bluestone substrate of the
proposed revetment, there is certainly no evidence to uphold the suggestion that local species
will re-habituate this site immediately seaward of the revetment, with an equivalent abundance
and diversity as is now represented within the habitats provided by naturally occurring
ferruginous reefs and sea grass beds and algae/sea grass assemblages; it is important to note
that this site possesses a “patchiness” of intertidal and sub-tidal ecosystems even at the base of
the existing seawall.

3.3. Fourth Street to Central Avenue (photo points 18-25).

This area depicts the southern end of the wall to its end in the Marine Sanctuary. A reef system with
rocky shelves protects the wall from storm damage and provides a diverse habitat for marine animals and
aquatic plants. This area is part of Rickets Point Marine Park and any alteration to the blue stone will
impact on this delicately balanced environment.

We respectfully request that DELWP consider the current vista and amenities enjoyed by our community
and consider suitable alternative aesthetic options to a 7-metre revetment wall, as discussed in this
letter. We would support an experimental trial construction of a small segment, perhaps a few metres of
revetment wall at the most vulnerable area of the current wall that has a history of collapse from storm
attack, starting at 3-4 metres wide [sandstone coloured hard cap rocks] to assess how it copes with
future storms, before considering larger designs locally and/or more extensively if needed.

We look forward to your feedback and are happy to meet to discuss the issues above.


1. Artificial Reefs as Shoreline Protection Structures

Haryo Dwito Armono

Seabed and Underwater Engineering Laboratory, Ocean Engineering Department, Faculty of Marine
Engineering, Institute Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya 60111.

2. Tasmanian Coastal Works Manual.


3. Edmunds M (2012) ‘VEAC Marine Investigation: Submission on Marine Protected Areas. Submission to
Victorian Environment Assessment Council.’ Australian Marine Ecology Report 500, Melbourne.

Community announcements

Bayside City Council, Arts and Culture Bayside Acquisitive Arts Prize
The well-deserved winner of the Bayside City Council, Arts and Culture Bayside Acquisitive Arts
Prize was awarded to Moya McKenna for her painting titled 'Boombox' 2018. We congratulate
Moya on her incredibly beautiful painting:
Arts & Culture in Bayside
Freshwater/Saltwater Exhibition, Bayside City Council:

Bayside City Council Banksia bulletin

Please find a link to the Winter edition of the Banksia Bulletin attached below:

Assessment of the Values of Victoria's Marine Environment

VEAC has been requested by the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, the
Hon. Lily D'Ambrosio MP to carry out an assessment of the values of Victoria's marine

The purpose of the assessment is to:

(a) identify current environmental, economic, social and cultural values of Victoria's marine
environment, including their spatial distribution where relevant

(b) identify current and likely future threats to these values

(c) provide independent advice on future patterns, trends and direction related to existing and
emerging uses

(d) determine a process to systematically classify data and an approach to describe social
economic values and uses of Victoria's marine waters

(e) provide an inventory of available knowledge and data on existing values, uses and threats
and advise on any significant gaps.

The full terms of reference are available here.

To keep informed about the progress of the assessment, check this website for updates, like us
on Facebook, or register your interest here.

The following link is to an overview of the project which includes a short 3-minute video

Is it safe to go back into the water?

A systematic review and meta-analysis of the risk of acquiring infections from recreational
exposure to seawater International Journal of Epidemiology, dyx281,
https://doi.org/10.1093/ije/dyx281 https://academic.oup.com/ije/advance-
Profile of a Bayside resident, Shirley Joy
Long term resident of Sandringham, formerly the convenor of The Friends of Abbott Street,
Sandringham and active member of the Sandringham and District Historical Society.
SFA are grateful to Shirley who has provided us with an abundance of top quality historical
photos of images of Bayside.

By Shirley Joy
I have been requested to write an article relating to my experiences and thoughts on life in
Sandringham, Victoria. My early childhood played a significant role in my choice of activities in
later life. From the age of five I was able to spend most weekends roaming free in the virginal
bushland surrounding our week-end house south of Frankston. There I played by the natural
springs, looked for frogs, gathered heath and orchids in season, and climbed the highest trees
with my older brother Jim. Decades later in 1983, our family came to live in Sandringham, and
took up residence in Abbott Street, close to Beach Park. Within a short time, my husband and I
made contact with the affable and dedicated members of the Black Rock and Sandringham
Conservation Association (BRASCA) and enjoyed working with them in the Beach Park Reserve,
between Jetty Road and the Rotunda. We were not able to work with BRASCA during the
hours they chose, so, with permission from the Sandringham City Council, we set up our own
Friends group, namely, the Friends of Abbott Street, Sandringham.
Our work was diverse, planting native plants in Beach Park and on the cliff-face in the Abbott
Street region during the winter months, removing weeds and rubbish, reporting attempted
arson to the Council and working with clients from Corrective Services. In 1993, Murray
Thompson, M.L.A. Sandringham, initiated a programme providing help from the Corrective
Services clients to the volunteers who worked in the conservation movement in the City of
Sandringham. Also, throughout the year we patrolled Beach Park to locate illegal primitive
huts, and more substantial dwellings, built by those who desired a waterfront residence
without the burden of paying Council Rates. One person developed a hut and camp site and
conducted his bicycle business from the bushland near the Sandringham Football Club.
It soon became apparent that many of the young people who wanted to work with us in Beach
Park, could not distinguish between the native plants and the exotic species that had to be
removed. We developed a practical tour of Beach Park, handing out specimens of both native
and exotic plants to the participants, who then entered the name of each specimen onto their
work sheets. We conducted
many tours for students who
happily went away with their
plant samples and
documentation to study the
differences between native and
exotic plants. The
documentation was entitled,
“Plant Identification Educational
The Spring Planting Festival held in
Beach Park, Sandringham, by The
Friends of Abbott Street, Sandringham.
Photograph taken 2 - 10 - 1994.

One of our major events was a ‘Spring Planting Festival’ on the cliff-face at the end of Abbott
Street, Sandringham, on Sunday, 2nd October 1994, between the hours of 10.30 am and 12.30
pm. The residents of Sandringham were encouraged to “Leave Your Mark on Beach Park –
Plant a Native Tree”. This event was held in conjunction with the Sandringham City Council,
whose employees cleared the cliff-face, Greening Australia Vic. Inc. and Optus
Communications. Members of our Friends group removed 16 buckets of bottles and broken
glass from the planting site prior to the planting on the 2nd October. Seventy people attended
on the day and planted out 800 plants which were native to the beach area in Sandringham.
In November, 2006, Melbourne
Water and URS Australia Pty.
Ltd., in conjunction with
Bayside City Council, held the
final stakeholders’ meeting
with a view to upgrading the
drain which empties onto the
beach, near the Sandringham
Life Saving Club. The drain is
known as the Abbott Street
main drain outlet.
During autumn the drain creates a stagnant pool of putrid water on the beach, several metres
in from the water’s edge. I attended all the meetings as the representative of our community
group and received copies of the plans of the three proposed solutions. On the 20 th April,
2018, the Abbott Street main drain outlet still empties into a fetid pool on the beach, much the
same as it did in 2006 when it was proposed to resolve the problem.
The Abbott Street, Sandringham main drain outlet (9 - 11 – 2004).

In 2018, we are no longer agile enough to participate in the practical aspects of the
conservation movement in the City of Bayside, but we still take an interest in all matters
relevant to protection of our environment.
A hut discovered in Beach Park, Sandringham, opposite the Crescent Gardens (29 -11 – 1998).

Soon after moving to

Sandringham we also made
contact with another group of
dedicated volunteers who
devoted countless hours to the
recording of the history of the
early Parish of Moorabbin, the
boundaries of which were
South Road, Warrigal Road and
the coast of Port Phillip Bay on
the west.

From early childhood, through my mother, Beatrice, I was made aware of the importance of
recording history. My desire to record history became a compelling part of my life, especially
after the introduction of the Internet, when records from across the world became available to
me at the tap of a key.
After the death of my mother in 1993, I embarked upon the task of recording the history of her
pioneering family who arrived in the Port Phillip District on the 17 th July 1841. I soon learned
that my great, great grandmother died at Beaumaris, Victoria, on the 16 th January, 1863, and
was buried in the Beaumaris Wesleyan Cemetery. Where was the Beaumaris Cemetery? By
the 22nd February, 1998, the mystery had been solved, and a plaque was unveiled at the site,
on the corner of Balcombe Road and Bickford Court, by the Mayor of the City of Bayside, Cr.
Graeme Disney. However, seven houses had been erected on the graves of the 126 pioneers
who still lie buried there. The Beaumaris Cemetery was in use from 1855 until 1865. On the
13th September, 2000, a large memorial commemorating the pioneers who were buried in the
Beaumaris Cemetery was unveiled at the Old Cheltenham Pioneer Cemetery, near the
Cheltenham Railway Station.
The Beaumaris Cemetery research was a defining experience in my life. Since then I have
researched and published many books and booklets relevant to aspects of life in Sandringham.
These include “The Sandringham Sea Baths 1886 – 1919”, which were situated just south of
Picnic Point, and “Bayside Planning Scheme – Amendment C39 Part 3, the Rezoning of Land at
Nos. 208 to 228 Bay Road, Sandringham”. The latter being a documented, study of the owners
of that land going back to 1878, when Maria Mary Ann Hunt owned the entire site. The study
included photographs taken in 2009.
For more than a hundred years, “Education” in Sandringham has been evolving from the many
small private business organizations dotted around the district to major public and private
primary and secondary schools. In 1899, “Cliffcote” High School and Kindergarten, on The
Esplanade, Sandringham, opposite the Beach Park, offered students “English in all its branches,
Mathematics, French, Latin Physiology, Drawing, Needlework and Calisthenics”. In 1906,
“Iolanthe”, Sandringham Commercial College on Beach Road, Sandringham, placed
advertisements in the local newspapers. In 1910, “Grange Hill” Open-Air School for Boys,
Grange Road, Sandringham, offered students “the opportunity to enjoy a sound education with
an active open-air life and individual culture under medical supervision”. In 1911, “Norfolk”, on
the corner of Bay and Bluff Roads, Sandringham, offered a “Boarding and Day School for Girls”.
Unfortunately, the evolution of education in Sandringham has not always been for the better,
as between the years 1988 and 1991, the area now known as the City of Bayside, lost its two
biggest and best public secondary schools. In 1988 the impressive Hampton High School,
Ludstone Street, Hampton, was closed and later demolished, in spite of valiant efforts by the
Sandringham City Council to save the buildings. In 1991, the magnificent Brighton Technical
School was closed and demolished in 1995. The boys’ and girls’ schools were set in eight acres
of prime land in Berwick and Cochrane Streets, Brighton. The girls’ school was located in a
Victorian era Villa set in gardens that were planted in 1880. The school’s sports grounds
appear on maps as “Brighton City Council, Cochrane Street Reserve”. The scratch of a pen over
documents, and all was swept aside.
I researched the history of the Hampton High School and published a limited-edition book
entitled “State Government Education in Hampton, Victoria, Australia”. However, after ten
years researching the history of the Brighton Technical School, members of my family
suggested that the school history would be available to a wider audience if the data was
published on a website. With help from members of my family the Brighton Technical School
History website is now up and running for all interested parties to view at
Shirley and David Joy removing burnt newspapers from Beach Park, Sandringham (1 - 1 – 2000).

Most of my publications have been

produced in very limited editions, but
copies have been lodged with the
Sandringham and District Historical
Society for access by members of the
community. The reasons for my
endeavour to record as much of the
history of the City of Bayside as possible,
both in documentary and photographic
forms have been twofold. Firstly, my gratitude that I, and members of our family, are able to
live in such a magnificent seaside setting, where the air blows fresh across Port Phillip Bay,
straight from the chilled waters of the Antarctic, and where some of our native plants and
animals still survive.
And secondly, my gratitude to the hundreds of volunteers who have, over many decades,
worked tirelessly to regenerate and protect our fragile environment. Since arriving in
Sandringham in 1983 we have had the opportunity to meet scores of fine people and spend
time in their most enjoyable company. We are the lucky people in the ‘lucky country’.
Historical Bayside images supplied by Shirley Joy.
Sandringham Sea Baths, formerly located south of Jetty Road, Sandringham. Cancellation date on the
back of the postcard - 25 Feb. 1909, 11 a.m.

View facing south

roughly parallel
to The Crescent,
storm-drain. Note
natural position
of forward dunes
and high-tide
recess (prior to
building of path &
retaining walls) is
similar to present
– Ed.

Black Rock
beach, perhaps
around 1900.
The natural wonders of Bayside
SFA welcomes you to submit your photos or stories and tell us what inspires you about them!
Sandringham beach on a winters day [14th June 2018] by Vicki Karalis

Beaumaris Bay cliffs in summer 8th February by Vicki Karalis:

Proposed construction of Mordialloc Freeway over wetlands!
We would like to bring to your urgent attention our concerns about a proposal to build a
freeway, adjacent to green spaces and wetlands which are protected as a green belt of parks
and recreational trails!
Sandringham Foreshore Association [SFA] are deeply concerned and opposed to the planned
Mordialloc Bypass/Freeway that will negatively impact Braeside Park, Woodlands Wetlands,
Mordialloc Creek, Waterways Wetlands and the Edithvale Wetlands. All of these are
interconnected within our waterways, beaches and Port Phillip Bay. The proposed freeway will
contribute to airborne pollutants from car emissions and surface water discharge that will
negatively impact the environment, and water levels of the Mordialloc Creek waterways and
the Edithvale Seaford wetlands – negatively affecting the ability of this natural system to
perform as a healthy filtration system.
Furthermore, a proposed 9 km road would be a major threat to the health of our environment
as it would tear through habitats of EPBC listed (Environment Protection and Biodiversity
Conservation, Act 1999) endangered bird species, endangered fauna communities that migrate
to, and reside within the above wetlands. These wetlands are world-renowned and are home
to migratory birds, including some 97 endangered and internationally threatened species. The
noise of the traffic will also impact the ambience of the wetlands which attracts visitors from all
over Australia and the world, including scientists, students and bird watchers.
A multifaceted approach to encourage less cars on our roads and improve public transport and
local infrastructure is far more viable in this environmentally sensitive region.
The SFA represents a large sector of the community who care for and aim to protect our local
environment and foreshore for future generations to enjoy. We write to convey our concern
about the environmental impacts of the proposed Mordialloc Freeway. Local wetlands play an
important role in the ecology of our region. Water systems of our wetlands help reduce local
flooding and mitigate flow-on effects from waterways into Port Phillip Bay, ultimately
protecting the health of the bay. Additionally, these zones contain extremely sensitive
biodiversity, and contain abundant indigenous flora and fauna. We greatly value Kingston's
characteristic Award-winning wetlands, parklands and Green Wedge - they deserve the utmost
Please contact “Residents Against Mordialloc Freeway” (RAMF) to offer your support, for more
information and view RAMF website: www.fb.com/NoMordiFwy or email RAMF:

To sign the petition, please use the link below photo over page:
Photo courtesy of RAMF


For more information please read the LEADER & Age articles:

VicRoads Mordialloc Bypass Project contact details are on the VicRoads project page (which has some
information about the EES process, as well as the project).

White faced heron, resident of the

Braeside Park & Woodland Wetlands
where the freeway is proposed.
Photographer Paul Atlee
DELWP consultation report on plastic pollution:
Available here: https://www.environment.vic.gov.au/sustainability/plastic-pollution


By Editorial Assistant, Cristian Silver

If you haven’t already considered how your

use of plastic affects marine environments,
take a look a BBC Earth’s Blue Planet II.
There are many other documentaries or
reports to consider, maybe as you take a
walk a little closer to home – somewhat
removed but still part of the big picture –
along one of Bayside’s beaches.
Though in good form, they are not pristine.
Plastic permeates their composition in
familiar forms or fragmented. We know
this, even with regular and comprehensive beach-combing, abundant recycling facilities and
the tireless cleaning-up from residents and visitors alike.
Sometimes after a southerly-buster washes away the sand, our history of plastic waste is
revealed with the clarity of a major fossil-find – a window into the man-made past, if you like.
Wrappers, bottles and take-out accessories make the bulk of it, many still clearly-labelled from
the 1990s and earlier. Where it came from matters less, as we know it was either dropped right
there, washed through miles of drainpipe or blown from the streets.
Solutions are complex, and take years for change and planning, passing bills for government-
regulated schemes or the rationalisation of corporate decisions. Plastic waste is much lower
around cities that run cash-return recycling programs, particularly where the growth industry in
reclaiming plastics for production is active. Recent reports suggest doubt whether or not
Government-run recycling schemes can continue at useful capacity (did we really expect China
– or anyone else for that matter – to always turn our plastic waste into magic forever?). There
are many types of process, and many new companies that have found a practicable economy of
scale for their products.
Not all plastic is bad, or redundant. Soybean plastics, for example, were used in auto
production in the 1930s. Many of these that survive are still like new, including quality plastics
of the 1950s-70s still serviceable as the various components that make up our older
possessions. Maybe the solution is retrospective in nature, to limit plastic production to quality
and necessary items – a return to the ‘golden era’ of plastic when we may appreciate it for the
remarkable material it is, when allowing it to be wasted will be remembered as the habit of a
more careless past.
And so it takes time to adjust our own small habits of plastic use. There are old ways to
manage, that served well-enough before injection-moulding and cryogenic packaging found its
way to the supermarket. In the US, paper-bags are widespread and people cope. Dramatic
grocery spillages on sidewalks mostly relegated to television). You will find other ways to wrap
garbage even if you no longer read the paper – small price to pay.
Consider your plastic ‘ownership’ at a higher level than that cup, bag or wrapper – your home
appliances, perhaps your car. What will happen that plastic one day, long after you sell or
dispose of it, when it finds its way to the scrapheap? Despite the efforts of government and
private sector recycling schemes, much of it is burnt up into the atmosphere in the metal
reclaiming process – metal is money, still. Consider that you are the owner of that item, plastic
included, through to its end use. That your initial purchase perpetuates the cycle of excess
plastic production, until the last crumb is blown away into land or ocean, maybe swallowed by
a bird, a fish, and perhaps in turn, you. Like many things, it’s a circular cycle. Some might say a
cycle of justness.
Back to that little beach-walk. If you haven’t already seen it, watch the Blue Planet feature and
listen to David Attenborough, and the observations of others who care and have made it their
life’s work to fight this worldwide problem. Take another look at those cute little plastic ducks
floating around the open ocean in Episode 3 or 4. They may have been arranged to re-enact an
event and illustrate a point, but did they not do it so well that the image persists; the irony of
our seemingly innocent use of a man-made material lost or discarded and worthless, and
almost immune to the forces of nature.
We hope you have enjoyed reading the winter 2018 edition of the SFA Newsletter.
Stay warm!

Yours with kindness,

Dr Vicki Karalis AM,

SFA President

SFA committee members:

Alison Horton, Vice-President & Public Officer; Perfusionist
Salva Crusca, Secretary, Mental health worker
Craig Francis, Treasurer, IT expert
Ike Solomon, Engineer
Helen Gibson, Geologist & Editorial assistant
Paul Hede, Architect
Adrienne Smith, Secretarial Assistant, IT consultant
Trevor Turner, IT consultant
Tony McKenna, former Marine Operations Manager for the Australian Institute of
Marine (holding this position for 20 years)
Cristian Silver, Editorial Assistant, Copy Editor.

Free SFA Membership

The Sandringham Foreshore Association is a charitable not-for-profit association. Membership is free.
Our self-acclaimed role is to foster and promote good natural conservation principles to Bayside
foreshore management. Our current focus is to assist public education by aligning ourselves with
scientific experts in fields of conservation and natural environment, and to facilitate effective
communication between community – council and state governments – and established environmental
science publications and position statements.

The role of SFA is to care for and help protect our local beaches and cliffs, but also to educate, raise
awareness and preserve our local archaeological, geological, cultural, indigenous and heritage sites such
as the Beaumaris Bay fossil site.

If you are interested in joining our free membership, to receive notices and our Quarterly Newsletters –
Please respond via our website


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