Pharmacokinetics of Vancomycin in Extremely Obese

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Pharmacokinetics of Vancomycin in Extremely Obese

Patients with Suspected or Confirmed Staphylococcus

aureus Infections
Eyob D. Adane,1,* Michael Herald,1 and Firas Koura2
Department of Pharmacy, Hazard Appalachian Regional Medical Center, Hazard, Kentucky; 2Kentucky Lung
Clinic, PSC, Appalachian Regional Healthcare, Hazard, Kentucky

STUDY OBJECTIVE To estimate vancomycin pharmacokinetic parameters and dosing requirements in a

cohort of extremely obese patients.
DESIGN Prospective pharmacokinetic study.
SETTING Acute care community teaching hospital.
PATIENTS Thirty-one extremely obese (body mass index [BMI] ≥ 40 kg/m2) men and women who were
receiving vancomycin for at least 3 days for suspected or confirmed Staphylococcus aureus infections.
MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS Population pharmacokinetic parameters were used to determine
vancomycin doses that target trough concentrations of 10–20 lg/ml. Three serum vancomycin con-
centrations (peak, trough, and midpoint) were measured at steady state for each patient. A 24-hour
urine collection was performed to determine creatinine clearance (Clcr). A one-compartment intra-
venous infusion model was fit to the serum vancomycin concentrations by using nonlinear mixed-
effects modeling. Covariates that affect the volume of distribution and clearance of vancomycin were
explored. Patients had a median weight of 147.9 kg, BMI of 49.5 kg/m2, and a Cockcroft-Gault Clcr
of 124.8 ml/minute/1.73 m2. Patients received a median vancomycin dose of 4000 mg/day that pro-
vided a median 24-hour area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) of 582.9 (interquartile
range 513.8–726.2) mghour/L. The population mean volume of distribution was 0.51 L/kg, and
clearance was 6.54 L/hour. Simulations indicated that 4000–5000 mg/day of vancomycin pro-
vided ≥ 93% probability 24-hour AUC/minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) ratio of ≥ 400 for
an MIC of 1 lg/ml.
CONCLUSION Total body weight and Clcr influenced volume of distribution and vancomycin clearance,
respectively. Vancomycin can be initiated in extremely obese patients at dosages determined based
on renal function and pharmacokinetic parameter estimates from this study. Vancomycin serum
concentrations should be monitored to ascertain attainment within the therapeutic range.
KEY WORDS pharmacokinetics, vancomycin, peak, trough, obesity, NONMEM.
(Pharmacotherapy 2015;35(2):127–139) doi: 10.1002/phar.1531

Vancomycin is a tricyclic glycopeptide antibi- staphylococcal and enterococcal infections.1 Its

otic that is useful in the treatment of serious pharmacokinetic profile has been described by
one-, two-, or three-compartment models,2–4
although the one-compartment model offers sim-
This work was supported by the Appalachian Regional plicity in clinical practice. Despite its hydrophi-
Healthcare Medical Center, Hazard, KY, USA. licity, vancomycin is widely distributed, with a
*Address for correspondence: Eyob D. Adane, Depart-
ment of Pharmacy Practice, The Raabe College of Phar-
volume of distribution ranging between 0.4 and
macy, Ohio Northern University, 525 S. Main Street, Ada, 1 L/kg of total body weight.2, 5, 6 After intrave-
OH 45810; e-mail: nous administration, renal elimination accounts
Ó 2015 Pharmacotherapy Publications, Inc. for 80–90% of vancomycin clearance,2, 4, 7
128 PHARMACOTHERAPY Volume 35, Number 2, 2015

necessitating dosage adjustment for decreased increase in nephrotoxicity in patients

renal function. The drug is < 50% protein weighing > 101 kg was attributed to the large
bound.8 Vancomycin exerts a time-dependent volume of distribution that results in a more
antibacterial effect,9 and its clinical response is a intensive vancomycin exposure profile.19 The
function of the 24-hour area under the concen- risk of nephrotoxicity increases when vancomy-
tration-time curve to minimum inhibitory con- cin is used in combination with aminoglyco-
centration (AUC:MIC) ratio.10 sides20 and with the intensity of vancomycin
A consensus review of the American Society daily dose,21 number of vancomycin doses
of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP), the Infec- received, and use of vancomycin
tious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), and doses > 2000 mg.22 Despite extensive studies on
the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists vancomycin pharmacokinetics in nonobese
(SIDP) recommends maintaining vancomycin patients, few such studies and dosing guidelines
trough concentrations > 10 lg/ml to avoid exist for extremely obese patients. Earlier studies
Staphylococcus aureus resistance and between 15 reported > 2-fold increase in vancomycin clear-
and 20 lg/ml in complicated infections such as ance in extremely obese patients and recom-
bacteremia, endocarditis, and osteomyelitis.10 mended higher vancomycin doses at more
The consensus review also states that doses for frequent intervals.5, 23 Our institutional practice,
obese patients are based on total body weight however, indicates that currently available dosing
and are adjusted based on serum vancomycin regimens often fall short of achieving recom-
concentrations to achieve therapeutic levels. mended therapeutic levels in extremely obese
Similarly, the guideline for the treatment of patients.
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Thus the objective of this study was to esti-
(MRSA) infections in adults and children recom- mate the vancomycin pharmacokinetic parame-
mends a vancomycin dosage of 15–20 mg/kg ters and dosing requirements in a cohort of
every 8–12 hours without exceeding 2000 mg of extremely obese patients.
vancomycin/dose.11 Obese patients would, how-
ever, typically require doses > 2000 mg/dose
because of the initial weight-based dosing. To
our knowledge, the performance of this dosing
Study Design, Setting, and Patient Population
regimen has not been evaluated in extremely
obese patients. This prospective pharmacokinetic study was
Available literature indicates associations conducted at a 322-bed acute care community
between obesity and increased risk of infection teaching hospital (Appalachian Regional Health-
and poor outcome following established infec- care Medical Center, Hazard, KY) and was
tion.12, 13 According to the Centers for Disease granted institutional review board (IRB)
Control and Prevention, obesity has increased approval by the hospital system. Extremely
over the past 20 years.14 U.S. data in 2010 indi- obese adult patients (BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2) with sus-
cate that 35.7% of adults and ~17% of children pected or confirmed Staphylococcus aureus infec-
and adolescents between the ages of 2 and tion and requiring treatment with vancomycin
19 years are obese.14 The World Health Organi- for ≥ 3 days according to the treating clinician’s
zation (WHO) classifies obesity based on body judgment were recruited for the study. All
mass index (BMI) into obesity class I (BMI patients participating in the study provided IRB-
30.0–34.9 kg/m2), obesity class II (BMI 35.0– approved written informed consent. Inclusion
39.9 kg/m2), and obesity class III/extreme obes- criteria were age ≥ 18 years and Clcr ≥ 30 ml/
ity (BMI ≥ 40.0 kg/m2).15 Clinically, the initial minute/1.73 m2. Exclusion criteria were history
vancomycin dose is estimated from nomo- of vancomycin allergy or intolerance, adminis-
grams7, 16 or calculated from population tration of < 4 doses of vancomycin, pregnancy,
pharmacokinetic parameter estimates.17 Subse- and meningitis.
quently, therapeutic monitoring is performed to
optimize its efficacy and minimize nephrotoxi-
Creatinine Clearance and Glomerular Filtration
city. Vancomycin doses > 4000 mg/day,
weight > 101 kg, creatinine clearance Rate Calculation, and Vancomycin Dosing
(Clcr) < 86.6 ml/minute, and intensive care unit To determine initial vancomycin doses and to
residence were found to be related to an monitor and prevent nephrotoxicity, we calcu-
increased likelihood of nephrotoxicity.18, 19 The lated Clcr with the Cockcroft-Gault equation,24

using total body weight (TBW) standardized to Center Clinical Laboratory by using a commer-
body surface area (BSA).25 We also determined cial kit (VANC Flex Reagent Cartridge, Siemens
Cockcroft-Gault Clcr using ideal body weight Healthcare Diagnostics Ltd., Newark, DE). The
(IBW), adjusted body weight (ABW = IBW + 0.4 method uses a particle-enhanced turbidimetric
[TBW  IBW]), and lean body weight.26, 27 The inhibition immunoassay on a Dimension clinical
Clcr and glomerular filtration rate were also esti- chemistry system analyzer (Siemens Healthcare
mated by using the Salazar Corcoran28 and the Diagnostics Ltd.). Assay sensitivity is 0.8 lg/ml,
four-variable Modification of Diet in Renal Dis- and assay range is 0.0–50.0 lg/ml. Within-run
ease Study (MDRD 4) equations,29 respectively. coefficient of variation is 5% at a concentration
Vancomycin was discontinued or the dosage of 4.59 lg/ml and 20% at a concentration of
adjusted if Scr (serum creatinine) concentration 30.0 lg/ml.
rose by > 1.5 times the baseline values over 2
consecutive days or if vancomycin trough con-
A 24-Hour Urine Collection for Determination
centrations were > 20 lg/ml according to the
treating clinician’s judgment. of Creatinine Clearance
Population pharmacokinetic parameters were The urine of patients receiving vancomycin
used to determine vancomycin doses that target was collected for 24 hours to determine Clcr as
trough concentrations of 10–20 lg/ml as follows:
described in the literature7 and according to
standard hospital practice and relatively recent Clr ðml=minÞ ¼ Vurine ðmlÞ=1440 min
guidelines.10, 30 Patients typically received 15  Ucr ðmg=dlÞ=Scr ðmg=dlÞ; ð3Þ
mg/kg doses that were infused over 1 hour where Vurine is urine volume (in milliliters) col-
if ≤ 2000 mg and > 2 hours if > 2000 mg. lected over 24 hours, and Ucr and Scr are urine
According to institutional practice, the maxi- and serum creatinine concentrations, respec-
mum dose was capped at 2500 mg every tively.
12 hours to minimize adverse events. Peak and
trough vancomycin concentrations were esti-
mated as follows: Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Modeling of
  ðR Þð1  ekt ÞekT Vancomycin Population Pharmacokinetics
Peak concentration Css pk ¼ ; A one-compartment model has been shown
kVð1  eks Þ
to adequately describe vancomycin pharmaco-
ð1Þ kinetics when concentrations are measured
 after the distribution phase.23 Therefore, due
tr ¼ Cpk  e
Trough concentration Css ; ð2Þ
to its simplicity and ease of clinical applicabil-
ity, a one-compartment intravenous infusion
where Rin = rate of infusion (dose/t), t = length model was fit to the serum vancomycin con-
  T = time between end of infusion
of infusion, centrations by using NONMEM 7.3 (ADVAN1
and Ctr , V = volume of distribution, k = rate TRANS2 FOCE INTER) (Icon Development
of elimination, s = dosing interval, and Solutions, Hanover, MD),31 using Wings for
T0 = s  (t + T). NONMEM (N. Holford, Auckland, New Zea-
Vancomycin Serum Concentration Measurement The base model is represented as follows:
Vancomycin serum concentrations were mea- V ¼ THETA (1)  EXP (ETA (1)); ð4Þ
sured at steady state, typically after the fourth
dose. The peak concentration was measured Cl ¼ THETA (2)  EXP (ETA (2)); ð5Þ
within 1 hour after end of the vancomycin infu-
sion, whereas the trough concentration was mea- where V is volume of distribution, Cl is clear-
sured within 30 minutes before the next dose ance of vancomycin, and ETA (1) and ETA (2)
and the random concentration measured approx- are between-subject variabilities (BSV) in volume
imately midway between the peak and trough of distribution and clearance, respectively. BSV
concentrations. Additional concentrations were and within-subject variabilities were modeled by
measured according to the treating clinician’s using exponential and proportional error mod-
judgment. Concentrations were determined at els, respectively. Individual pharmacokinetic
the Appalachian Regional Healthcare Medical parameters were determined by using the POST
130 PHARMACOTHERAPY Volume 35, Number 2, 2015

HOC option in NONMEM. To explore covari- Table 1. Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of the
ates influencing the pharmacokinetics of vanco- 31 Study Patients
mycin in the patient population, plots of Characteristic Data
individual parameter estimates and BSV in the No. of patients
parameter estimates versus possible covariates Male 19 (61.3)
were made. The following covariates were Female 12 (38.7)
explored for their effects on volume of distribu- Age, yrs 43.0 (38.5–53.0)
Weight, kg
tion: age, weight, sex, height, BMI, and BSA. TBW 147.9 (142.8–178.3)
Because of the predominantly renal elimination IBW 71.9 (57.4–78.8)
of vancomycin and the correlation of age, ABW 104.2 (92.4–114.3)
weight, and sex with Clcr, we decided to test LBW 82.4 (62.9–89.4)
Clcr as a covariate on vancomycin clearance. A Height, cm 175.3 (165.6–184.2)
Body surface area, m2 2.6 (2.4–2.8)
covariate was retained in the model if the objec- Body mass index, kg/m2 49.5 (44.3–54.8)
tive function value (OFV) decreased by 3.84 Creatinine clearance
and/or if its inclusion decreased the BSV and/or Cockcroft-Gault equation using 124.8 (106.0–133.9)
improved precision of parameter estimates. To TBW, ml/min/1.73 m2a
assess performance of the final model, 1000 sim- Cockcroft-Gault equation using 207.1 (157.0–229.8)
ulations were performed using the SIM option in 24-hr urine creatinine clearance 83.5 (69.5–121.9)
NONMEM. Similarly, 500 simulations were per- Salazar-Corcoran equation 154.4 (117.9–165.5)
formed using the final model for a set of patients Cockcroft-Gault equation using 147.1 (108.8–155.4)
weighing between 110 and 280 kg at 10-kg ABW
increments and Clcr between 77 and 147 ml/ Cockcroft-Gault equation using 106.9 (74.5–119.0)
minute/1.73 m2 at 10-ml/minute/1.73 m2 incre- Cockcroft-Gault equation using 81.8 (69.6–107.8)
ments. The range of weights and Clcr reflects the IBW
range observed in the study patients. The simu- GFR, MDRD 4 equation, 86.7 (73.4–95.9)
lations determined 24-hour AUCs, steady-state ml/min/1.73 m2
trough concentrations, elimination rate con- Vancomycin dose, mg/day 4000 (3625–4375)
Vancomycin 24-hr AUC, mghr/L 582.9 (513.8–726.2)
stants, and half-lives following the administra- Concomitant drugs
tion of four vancomycin doses ranging from Piperacillin-tazobactam 16 (51.6)
1500–5000 mg/day. Simulation outputs from Cefepime 5 (16.1)
NONMEM were processed with R3.0.1.33 Cefepime + polymyxin B 1 (3.2)
Meropenem 2 (6.5)
Diuretics 20 (64)
Results NSAIDs 10 (32)
ACEIs or ARBS 18 (58)
Thirty-one extremely obese WHO class III Data are no. (%) of patients or median (interquartile range).
patients with a median BMI of 49.5 kg/m2 con- ABW = adjusted body weight; ACEIs = angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitors; ARBs = angiotensin II receptor blockers;
sented to participate in the study between Janu- AUC = area under the concentration-time curve; GFR = glomeru-
ary 2012 and August 2013. Table 1 shows the lar filtration rate; IBW = ideal body weight; LBW = lean body
patient demographics and clinical characteris- weight; MDRD 4 = four-variable Modification of Diet in Renal Dis-
ease Study; NSAIDs = nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs;
tics. Men accounted for 61% of the study par- TBW = total body weight.
ticipants. The median weight of the study a
Serum creatinine concentration measurements < 1 were rounded
participants was 147.9 kg, which was 2-fold to 1.
Measured serum creatinine concentration was used, and creatinine
higher than the median IBW. Patients had a clearance was not adjusted to body surface area.
median age of 43 years and received a median
vancomycin dose of 4000 mg/day, resulting in
median 24-hour AUCs that were all above in both cases by their medical providers and
400 mghour/L (Tables 1 and 2). Two patients according to the study protocol. In addition to
had increases > 1.5 times their baseline Scr and vancomycin, study patients were taking other
were not included in the pharmacokinetic medications that are renally eliminated and/or
analysis. One of the patients was a 38-year-old could alter renal function during or around the
woman weighing 189.2 kg (BMI 69.4 kg/m2); study period. The list of concomitant drugs
the other was a 41-year-old woman weighing taken by all the study patients is shown in
127.1 kg (BMI 42.6 kg/m2). Both patients were Table 1. A 24-hour Ucr was available for 13
receiving vancomycin 2000 mg intravenously patients. In general, patients had good renal
every 12 hours. Vancomycin was discontinued function, with a median estimated Clcr of
Table 2. Median 24-Hour AUCs Achieved with Various Daily Doses of Vancomycin
Vancomycin Median weight, Creatinine clearance, Median 24-hour AUC,
daily dose, mg kg, %IBW ml/min/1.73 m2 mghr/La (IQR)
2000 147.9 (282%) 77.1 403.3
3000 116.1 (182%) 85.7–143.7 628.1 (580.9–735.7)
3500 143.5 (206%) 82–95.6 1101.6 (822.2–1381.1)
4000 149.7 (205%) 95–151.6 547.1 (513.8–659.5)
4500 147.0 (226%) 103–144.2 881.7 (633.8–812.5)
5000 193.7 (236%) 113.1–194.3 767.1 (633.8–812.5)
= area under the concentration-time curve; IBW = ideal body weight; IQR = interquartile range.
AUCs were calculated from the ratio of 24-hour vancomycin dose and vancomycin clearance.

124.8 ml/minute/1.73 m2 and a measured 24- lation of volume of distribution with TBW than
hour Ucr of 83.5 ml/minute. with ABW (Figure 2). Similarly, Figure 3 dem-
onstrates better correlation between vancomycin
clearance (Cl) and BSA-adjusted Cockcroft-Gault
Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Modeling of Clcr with Scr concentration values below 1
Vancomycin Population Pharmacokinetics rounded to 1. The results of 1000 simulations
A total of 93 serum vancomycin concentra- run using the final model indicated that 97% of
tions were obtained from the 29 study patients. measured concentrations were within the 2.5–
The concentrations were fit to a one-compart- 97.5 percentile of simulated concentrations,
ment intravenous infusion model. Exploratory indicating that the model adequately described
data analysis was performed with pharmacoki- the data.
netic parameter estimates and potential covari- As shown in Table 3, volume of distribution
ates. The models tested, the pharmacokinetic of vancomycin in this patient population is
parameter values, and the changes in OFV are 0.51 L/kg TBW or 0.76 L/kg ABW, whereas
presented in Table 3. Among covariates that clearance of vancomycin in a patient with a Clcr
were tested on volume of distribution, TBW and of 125 ml/minute/1.73 m2 is 6.54 L/hour.
ABW each decreased the OFV by 3.3 points. Although both TBW and ABW provide similar
Although a decrease in OFV of 3.84 is consid- changes in OFV, the scatter plots of volume of
ered significant, including either TBW or ABW distribution versus TBW and ABW (Figure 2), as
as a covariate on volume of distribution well as the simplicity of use, support the use of
decreased the error estimates (Table 3). TBW TBW for the estimation of volume of distribu-
was then included in the model due to simplic- tion. The rate of elimination (k) could be deter-
ity of use in clinical settings. Having included mined from the ratio of clearance and volume of
TBW as a covariate on volume of distribution, distribution (k=Cl/V). In a typical patient in this
Clcr estimated with the Cockcroft-Gault equation study, weighing 147.9 kg and having a Clcr of
and glomerular filtration rate estimated with the 125 ml/minute/1.73 m2, rate of elimination and
MDRD 4 equation were tested as a covariate on half-life are estimated to be 0.087 and ~8 hours,
vancomycin clearance. The results indicated that respectively. A plot of the relationship between
the nonrenal component of vancomycin clear- simulated rate of elimination, half-life, weight,
ance is close to zero. Cockcroft-Gault Clcr using and Clcr is shown in Figure 4. The figure indi-
TBW and centered on the median Clcr (125 ml/ cates that rate of elimination increases and half-
min/1.73 m2) (model 13 in Table 3) resulted in life decreases with increases in BSA-standardized
the largest drop in OFV (DOFV = 14). There- Clcr. However, in patients with similar BSA-stan-
fore, the final model included TBW on volume dardized Clcr but differing weights, rate of elimi-
of distribution and Cockcroft-Gault Clcr on nation will be smaller and the half-life longer in
vancomycin clearance. the larger patient.
Model performance was also assessed with Table 4 shows simulated 24-hour vancomycin
plots of population predictions versus measured AUCs at various daily doses and Clcr, whereas
concentrations, individual predictions versus Figure 5 shows the percentage of doses providing
measured concentrations, and population predic- a 24-hour AUC:MIC ratio of ≥ 400 for an MIC
tions with residuals (Figure 1). Scatter plots of value of 1 lg/ml. Table 4 indicates that vancomy-
final model estimates of volume of distribution cin doses must at least be 2750 mg/day to provide
versus TBW and ABW demonstrate better corre- median 24-hour AUCs of ≥ 400 mghour/L in

Table 3. Pharmacokinetic Parameter Estimates of Vancomycin and Changes in Objective Function Value of the Base Model and Select Covariate Models
Between-subject variability
(RSE%) Residual variability
Model no. Covariate model OFV DOFV V (RSE%) Cl (RSE%) ΩV (%) ΩCl (%) (RSE%)
1 Base model 459.83 – 80.7 (10.3) 6.19 (6.5) 25.1 (35.5) 34.9 (21.0) 19.4 (19.0)
2 V = h1*ABW 456.54 3.30 0.76 (9.4) 6.19 (6.5) 24.7 (33.1) 35.4 (20.0) 18.8 (19.2)
3 V = h1*ABW0.15 458.7 1.1 0.97 (9.4) 6.19 (6.6) 25.8 (34.2) 35.5 (20.0) 19 (19.3)
4 V = h1*HT 458.78 1.05 0.46 (9.7) 6.19 (6.6) 24.8 (34.6) 35.2 (20.5) 19.2 (19.1)
5 V = h1*IBW 460.53 0.70 1.16 (9.7) 6.18 (6.6) 27.1 (35.5) 35.6 (19.9) 19.1 (19.5)
6 V = h1*LBW 461.68 1.84 1.04 (9.6) 6.18 (6.6) 29.1 (30.8) 35.5 (20.1) 19 (19.3)
7 V = h1* TBW 456.50 3.33 0.51 (9.4) 6.20 (6.5) 23.9 (32.2) 35.2 (20.2) 18.9 (18.9)
8 V = h1*ABW 453.44 3.10 0.76 (9.5) 7.06 (6.0) 24.3 (34.2) 33.3 (16.3) 18.9 (19.4)
Cl = h2*(ClcrABW/147)
9 V = h1*TBW 453.03 3.48 0.52 (9.4) 6.86 (6.0) 23.7 (32.7) 32.9 (18.0) 19 (19.1)
Cl = h2*(ClcrSC/154)
10 V = h1*ABW 453.06 3.47 0.76 (9.5) 6.85 (6.0) 24.3 (34) 33 (17.9) 18.9 (19.5)
Cl = h2*(ClcrSC/154)
11 V = h1*TBW 455.14 1.36 0.52 (9.6) 6.96 (6.2) 23.8 (33.4) 34.2 (13.8) 19 (19.4)
Cl = h2*(ClcrLBW/107)
12 V = h1*TBW 453.97 2.53 0.52 (9.5) 6.74 (6.1) 23.6 (33.4) 33.5 (16.9) 19 (19.3)
Cl = h2* (ClcrTBWunadj./207)a
13 V = h1* TBW 442.38 14.12 0.51 (9.2) 6.54 (4.9) 23.9 (30.9) 26.7 (18.5) 18.9 (18.9)
Cl = h2*(ClcrTBW/125)
ABW = adjusted body weight, kg; ABW0.15 = IBW + 0.15*(TBW  IBW); Cl = clearance; Clcr = creatinine clearance estimated by using the Salazar Corcoran equation (ClcrSC) or the Cock-
croft-Gault equation with ABW (ClcrABW), IBW (ClcrIBW), LBW (ClcrLBW), unadjusted TBW (ClcrTBWunadj), and TBW (ClcrTBW); HT = height, cm; IBW = ideal body weight, kg; LBW = lean body
weight, kg; OFV = objective function value; RSE% = percent relative standard error; ΩV = between-subject variability in V; ΩCl = between-subject variability in Cl; TBW = total body weight,
PHARMACOTHERAPY Volume 35, Number 2, 2015

kg; V = volume of distribution.

Measured serum creatinine concentration was used and was not standardized to body surface area.

Figure 1. Model diagnostics of the final vancomycin population model. Panels A and B show population-predicted and
individual-predicted vancomycin serum concentrations versus predicted concentrations, respectively. Panels C and D show
residuals and weighted residuals versus predicted concentrations, respectively. The line of identity is indicated as a dotted
line. The plots show that the model was able to describe the observed data.

patients with Clcr above 125 ml/minute/1.73 m2 for clinical effectiveness and that monitoring
(i.e., the median Clcr in the study population). As vancomycin trough concentration is the most
depicted in Figure 5, the probability of achieving accurate and practical method to guide vanco-
this target was < 10% for vancomycin mycin dosing.10, 11 Although no association has
doses < 2000 mg/day (Figure 5A) and 55.1% at been clearly established between trough concen-
2750 mg/day (Figure 5B) but increased to > 93% tration and clinical response, a vancomycin
at doses of ≥ 4000 mg/day (Figure 5C, D). trough of 15–20 lg/ml is needed to achieve a
24-hour AUC:MIC of 400 for an MIC ≤1 lg/
ml.10, 11
Further complicating treatment outcomes with
Vancomycin exerts time-dependent bacterial vancomycin is the decrease in susceptibility of
killing in susceptible organisms.34 The 24-hour MRSA strains due to an increase in vancomycin
AUC:MIC ratio is the pharmacodynamic parame- MICs, also known as the “MIC creep.”37 In
ter predictive of its clinical efficacy.10, 11 In patients with MRSA bloodstream infections, a
patients receiving vancomycin for S. aureus– 2.4-fold increase in treatment failure was noted
associated lower respiratory tract infections, with vancomycin MICs ≥ 1.5 lg/ml compared
clinical success correlated with AUC:MIC with MICs ≤ 1.0 lg/ml.38 Vancomycin is typi-
ratios > 315, whereas microbiologic response cally administered at doses of 15–20 mg/kg
correlated with AUC:MIC ratios > 866.35 Vanco- based on actual body weight and at dosing inter-
mycin doses achieving a 24-hour AUC/MIC vals determined by renal function while not
ratio < 211 were associated with a > 4-fold exceeding 2000 mg/dose.10, 11 However, in
increase in attributable mortality in patients with extremely obese patients, the calculated dose
complicated MRSA bacteremia and infective usually exceeds 2000 mg/dose, especially if load-
endocarditis.36 Clinical practice guidelines state ing doses of 20–25 mg/kg are used.10, 11 One
that a 24-hour AUC:MIC ratio ≥ 400 is needed study reported a higher incidence of nephrotoxi-
134 PHARMACOTHERAPY Volume 35, Number 2, 2015

Figure 2. Scatter plots of volume of distribution (V) of vancomycin and weight in extremely obese patients. Panels A and C
show the correlation of V with total body weight (TBW) and adjusted body weight (ABW), respectively. The slopes of the
scatter plots were significantly different from 0 (p<0.05). The slopes of TBW-normalized V (V/TBW) versus TBW (panel B)
and ABW-normalized V (V/ABW) versus ABW (panel D) were not significantly different from zero. The plots show that V is
better correlated with TBW (correlation coefficient r = 0.81) than with ABW (r = 0.70).

Figure 3. Scatter plot of vancomycin clearance and Cockcroft-Gault creatinine clearance (Clcr) adjusted to body surface area
(panel A) and not adjusted to body surface area (panel B). Vancomycin clearance was better correlated with body surface
area–adjusted Clcr (r = 0.61).

city with vancomycin trough concentrations of In this study we determined the pharmacoki-
15–20 lg/ml.39 Similarly, a meta-analysis in netics of vancomycin in extremely obese
2013 indicated that the odds of nephrotoxicity patients. The measurement of peak, trough, and
were 2.67 times higher when vancomycin midpoint concentrations allowed the reliable
troughs were ≥ 15 lg/ml.40 estimation of vancomycin volume of distribution

Figure 4. The relationship between weight and Clcr (creatinine clearance) with simulated rate of elimination (panel A) and
half-life (t1/2; panel B) plotted as median and interquartile range data. The plots indicate that rate of elimination increases
and t1/2 decreases with increases in Clcr, but for patients with similar Clcr and differing weights, increase in weight
contributes to a decrease in rate of elimination and an increase in t1/2.

and clearance. The utility of available nomo- study involving six morbidly obese patients
grams and/or population-based pharmacokinetic receiving vancomycin (mean TBW 165.7 kg,
equations to determine initial and maintenance mean BMI 56 kg/m2), one study reported a mean
vancomycin doses is limited because the meth- steady-state volume of distribution of 43 L
ods were intended to achieve troughs of (0.26 L/kg) and a mean clearance of 10.5 L/
5–10 lg/ml.7, 16, 41 One group of authors com- hour.5 In a subsequent study involving 24 mor-
pared the performance of common methods bidly obese (mean TBW 165 kg, IBW 63 kg) and
used to dose vancomycin and found no method normal-weight patients (mean TBW 68 kg, IBW
adequate to replace therapeutic monitoring.42 60 kg), volume of distribution and clearance
Another limitation is that initial doses are often were 0.32 L/kg TBW and 11.8 L/hours, respec-
determined by estimating rate of elimination (k) tively, in the morbidly obese group.23 Vancomy-
based on Clcr (k = 0.00083*Clcr + 0.0044) and cin half-life was 3.3 hours in the morbidly obese
using an average volume of distribution of patients and 7.2 hours in the normal-weight
0.7 L/kg.7 The rate of elimination, however, patients. The authors concluded that differences
depends not only on clearance but also on vol- in volume of distribution were not significantly
ume of distribution (k = Cl/V). With increase in different and attributed the short half-life in the
weight, both clearance and volume of distribu- morbidly obese patients to the increase in clear-
tion are expected to increase, albeit to different ance. Our study indicates that this may not
extents. Our study incorporates the estimation always be the case because rate of elimination is
of rate of elimination from Clcr and volume of a function of volume of distribution and clear-
distribution, and it attempts to address the need ance, both of which increase with weight.
for a dosing method in this special population. Another study assessed the performance of a
Parameter estimates were 0.51 L/kg TBW for revised vancomycin dosing protocol (10 mg/kg
volume of distribution and 6.54 L/hour for every 12 hrs or 15 mg/kg every 24 hrs) with a
clearance in a typical extremely obese patient protocol consistent with the guideline recom-
(TBW 148 kg, Clcr 125 ml/min/1.73 m2). The mendation of the ASHP/IDSA/SIDP consensus
selection of TBW and Clcr as covariates on vol- panel (15 mg/kg every 8–12 hrs)10 in obese
ume of distribution and vancomycin clearance, patients with a Clcr ≥ 60 ml/minute.44 Seventy-
respectively, is consistent with the available lit- four patients in the revised protocol (mean
erature.43 weight 129 kg, mean BMI 44 kg/m2) received an
In nonobese patients, some values reported for average maintenance dose of 19 mg/kg/day in
clearance include Clcr 9 0.689 + 3.66 (ml/min),7 contrast to 64 patients in the original protocol
Clcr 9 0.79 + 15.7 (ml/min),2 and Clcr 9 0.048 (mean weight 117 kg, mean BMI 39 kg/m2) who
(L/hr).41 Similarly, values reported for volume of received an average maintenance dose of 34 mg/
distribution in nonobese patients include 0.72– kg/day. The original protocol resulted in lower
0.9 L/kg,7 0.5–0.64 L/kg,2 and 0.706 L/kg.41 In a percentage of within-target troughs (36% in the

Table 4. Simulated 24-Hour Median AUCs Achieved with Various Daily Doses of Vancomycin and Creatinine Clearances in the Morbidly Obese Study Patientsa
Median 24-hour AUC, mghr/L
Vancomycin Creatinine clearance, ml/min/1.73 m2
daily dose(mg)b 77 87 97 107 117 127 137 147
1250 308.1 274.0 248.0 222.6 204.7 187.8 174.7 162.3
(257.6–370.0) (228.3–329.9) (205.9–298.6) (186.0–267.1) (170.9–245.7) (156.3–224.4) (144.5–210.0) (135.8–195.0)
1500 375.1 328.8 295.7 267.3 243.7 226.0 210.0 195.9
(311.4–448.1) (274.7–395.7) (247.1–357.4) (222.1–321.5) (203.5–294.6) (188.2–271.0) (174.7–251.7) (162.9–235.9)
1750 436.1 385.9 345.5 311.8 287.7 264.4 243.3 228.2
(363.2–525.1) (319.7–462.5) (288.1–414.1) (258.3–376.9) (240.2–344.4) (220.0–317.0) (203.3–291.7) (190.2–274.5)
2000 496.6 439.7 394.6 358.1 326.5 299.4 279.6 258.5
(415.2–595.2) (366.0–531.1) (327.8–473.8) (298.8–427.5) (270.7–391.9) (249.7–359.7) (233.4–334.6) (214.9–311.3)
2250 560.8 493.6 446.7 400.6 366.1 337.6 314.5 291.3
(467.2–671.6) (411.5–594.2) (370.6–534.5) (334.6–480.0) (306.3–439.8) (281.4–404.2) (261.2–377.5) (243.2–350.7)
2500 621.6 548.0 489.9 445.4 408.3 377.4 350.8 324.6
(517.2–747.6) (457.6–658.5) (412.5–591.0) (370.5–534.4) (338.1–490.9) (314.8–449.4) (291.0–419.7) (270.3–391.1)
2750 681.7 600.4 541.3 489.6 452.4 414.5 385.3 356.9
(569.0–818.0) (502.8–723.0) (450.1–647.2) (408.2–587.5) (374.9–542.9) (344.7–497.7) (319.6–460.5) (297.0–428.54)
3000 740.3 659.8 596.2 536.2 488.4 452.2 420.7 389.1
(620.5–891.7) (549. 793.6) (496.5–715.0) (445.9–641.7) (408.0–587.4) (375.9–544.6) (351.3–506.3) (323.9–466.0)
3500 869.0 769.4 690.6 626.7 571.4 523.9 489.3 452.3
(553.8–1184.1) (480.5–1058.4) (435.1–946.1) (401.5–852.0) (359.4–783.4) (331.4–716.4) (312.2–666.3) (283.6–621.0)
3750 930.7 825.8 739.4 673.9 615.3 561.8 521.6 489.4
(773.3–1117.3) (684.2–987.8) (612.6–881.6) (561.6–809.4) (512.5–738.8) (469.6–674.8) (431.0–629.3) (406.6–587.7)
4000 996.9 877.6 794.2 712.2 650.8 600.2 559.2 517.8
(830.5–1194.0) (731.5–1056.4) (658.8–950.3) (594.8–853.4) (544.5–781.9) (500.3–718.6) (464.4–671.2) (432.4–623.4)
4500 1118.9 986.5 881.9 801.7 735.0 679.3 631.4 584.2
(931.0–1345.7) (823.8–1185.2) (742.4–1063.8) (666.9–962.0) (608.7–883.6) (566.6–809.0) (523.9–755.5) (486.6–704.1)
5000 1239.4 1091.6 984.1 890.1 822.5 753.6 700.5 649.0
PHARMACOTHERAPY Volume 35, Number 2, 2015

(1034.6–1487.3) (914.1–1314.5) (818.3–1176.7) (742.2–1068.2) (681.7–987.1) (626.7–905.0) (581.0–837.2) (540.1–779.2)

AUC = area under the concentration-time curve; IQR = interquartile range.
Patients weighed between 110 and 280 kg and had creatinine clearances between 77 and 147 ml/min/1.73 m2.
Total daily doses were given as single
(1250–3000 mg) and/or divided doses
(1500–5000 mg) at 8-, 12-, and 24-hr intervals.

Figure 5. Vancomycin doses and percentage of simulated area under the concentration-time curve to minimum inhibitory
concentration (AUC:MIC) ratios ≥ 400 for an MIC of 1 lg/ml at various Clcr (creatinine clearance) values. Simulations were
performed for patient weights ranging from 110 to 280 kg at 10-kg increments and Clcr ranging from 77 to 147 at 10-ml/
minute/1.73 m2 increments. The ranges of values reflect the minimum and maximum values for weight and Clcr in the study
patients. Panels A–D show that patients with lower Clcr achieve AUC:MIC ratios ≥ 400 at lower doses than patients with
higher Clcr.

original vs 59% in the revised protocol) and a using the AUC-based dosing method, which can
higher percentage of above-target troughs (55% be tailored to high troughs by shortening dosing
the original vs 18% in the revised protocol). The intervals. Although the dosing chart proposed by
overall incidence of nephrotoxicity was 2.9% and the authors needs to be clinically validated, it
did not significantly differ between the protocols. presents a valid and simplified approach to dos-
The findings of the study illustrated the limita- ing vancomycin. Our results indicated that the
tion of available dosing regimens in obese median vancomycin dose administered in the
patients and highlighted the need for a dosing patient population provided median 24-hour
regimen specific for this population. A 2013 AUCs above 400 mghour/L. Similarly, the simu-
review article on AUC versus peak-trough–based lations we performed indicated that vancomycin
dosing of vancomycin proposed two levels of doses of 4000–5000 mg/day provide ≥ 93%
dosing: high-dose regimens targeting troughs probability of AUC:MIC ratios ≥ 400 for an MIC
between 15 and 20 lg/ml and moderate-dose of 1 lg/ml. However, depending on the dosing
regimens targeting troughs between 10 and interval, doses that provide troughs of 10–20 lg/
15 lg/ml.45 The regimens are derived from 24- ml may provide AUCs < 400 mghour/L. Con-
hour AUC:MIC ratio and vancomycin clearance versely, doses that provide AUCs ≥ 400 mg
(Cl) as follows: hour/L may provide troughs < 10 lg/ml or >
AUC24 hr 20 lg/ml. Thus dosing based on the AUC:MIC
Dose (mg/day) ¼ Cl(L/hr)  : ð6Þ ratio only is limited because of MIC creep and
MIC the plus or minus one well variability of MICs
The authors argued that lower doses of vanco- reported by automated antimicrobial susceptibil-
mycin could provide an AUC:MIC ratio ≥ 400 ity testing methodologies. Therefore, it is essen-
138 PHARMACOTHERAPY Volume 35, Number 2, 2015

tial to select doses based on renal function that based on renal function and pharmacokinetic
provide troughs of 10–20 lg/ml and maintain an parameter estimates from this study. Vancomy-
AUC:MIC ratio ≥ 400. Such doses are likely to cin serum concentrations should be monitored
minimize development of S. aureus resistance,46 to ascertain attainment within the therapeutic
ensure adequate penetration in tissues such as range.
the lung with a reported tissue-to-plasma ratio
of 0.24–0.41,47 and minimize potential nephro- Acknowledgments
toxicity. The authors would like to acknowledge Helen Her-
In our study, we determined the clearance ald, Director of Pharmacy, and the pharmacists,
and volume of distribution of vancomycin. The nurses, and clinicians at Hazard Appalachian Regional
clearance estimate can be used to determine Medical Center for their assistance with the study.
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