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Instruction: The following given sentences might have some error.

Identify and correct the errors, if

there is any.


1. The information that you shared were not important.

2. The upper end tooth have been bothering me for a while.

3. The woman with her friends were looking for the dancer girl.

4. Neither of the children are playing.

5. Every speaker in the seminar seem to have a good profile.

Set 2

1. All of the furniture is expensive

2. Neither John nor Mary is leaving the town.

3. Neither John nor his friends is willing to have dinner with us.
4. There is a few books on the table.

5. Here are the committee for the PhD interview.

Set 3

1. Fifteen days is too short a time period to prepare for any standard examination.

2. Ten thousand rupees is too much money to spend in a day.

3. Humanities and Social Sciences stand out to be a significant discipline in shaping human mind.

4. Does he has my science book?

5. The value of electronic goods and gadgets have increased in past few years.

6. One of my friends appears to be extremely quick-witted.

Set 4

1. Beyond the rivers stand a magnificent mountain.

2. Do you think 30 minutes is the reasonable time limit to finish an aptitude paper?

3. Neither of them are coming to the theatre.

4. Don’t Hary and his team know when the project deadline is?

5. Your family’s ration cards or one member’s PAN card is required to finish the process.

6. None of his suggestions are acceptable.

7. Mathematics and Statistics are quite a deadly combination in pursuing major in Economics.

Set 5

1. American Gods describe the existence of all the gods that people have ever imagined.

2. Neither the professor nor his scholar was able to defend the thesis.

3. Writing too many papers at the same time are really hectic.

4. Most of the chocolates has turned bad.

5. Most of the news are misleading

6. No chocolate have turned bad.

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