Pointers LCS

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I. Opening Slide with topic name and group members

II. Slide with the topic lang
III. ENGLISH (yan lang nakalagay)
IV. Next slide is these. Ang ilalagay ay yung nasa parentheses tapos iuunshuffle siya kada
line if u know what I meant HAHAHAAH

o 60% of English from Greek (kereg) or latin (ainlt) words.

o Medical terms to scientific, 90%
o English is a Germanic (cregamin) language, a part of the world
o English is part of Indo European (doni-npaeeour) languages.
o Indo-Euro Language Family traces many origins. English traced 4, Celtic (ccilet),
Hellenic, Italic and Germanic
o Hellenic-greek, the source of English. Borrowed words from latin
o Greek influence thru higher education scholars, terms were borrowed by English
o Italic (latn), pervasive and lasting effect. Latin was the language of ancient realm
thru roman conquest in Europe. Success of conquer made Latin dominant. It is
a living dead language.
o Germanic. Most influential. Not the same is German, just a branch. English comes
from Low Germanic, flat lowlands of northern Germany, Netherlands.
o méh₂ters
o ph₂tḗr
o bʰréh₂tēr explains intrusive r

o English was first spoken in Great Britain in the Mid-Fifth Century CE.
o First occupants of Britain were the Celts. Conquered by the Romans (rsnoma)
from Mid First Century. By 400 CE, pressured by Germanic people an pulled out.
o Celts invited Germanic mercenary soldiers to protect them. These mercenaries
were 3 tribes, Angles (gensal), Saxons (ssonax) and the Jules (ulejs). Came and
invaded England and pushed the Celts away bringing new language. Traced the
use of language there and then.
o Words English and England come from Angles- angle-ish, -land.
o It is a history of invasion
Ppt for celebrity bluff palitan ng name to Quarantine Bluff. Wala naming ibang lalagyan ng ppt
dito kundi yung video lang. Separate slide kada era.
OLD ENGLISH tas categories nun na dalawa
Pag pininfot to, lalabas question
Pag lumabas question tas yung answer naman tas yung
Same same process lang.
So, for this scenario, we are going to discuss all events and eras which have led to the
development of the language and we will be very immersive despite the weak internet. Today,
we will just be having fun and learning through Celebrity Bluff!
Okay, so we, the reporters, are going to facilitate and host this. I will start with the Old English
era, which have two events. We will pick a student to answer specific questions, to guide her is
our two bluffers, one of which will provide the correct answer but the final choice will be on the
student, still. If your answer is correct, congratulations.
So, on to our first tour. The Old English Era (450-1066 CE). The English language in the 1100s
is not as similar as what is spoken today. Words like……, doesn’t sound very English but yeah,
it is the old English spoken by the Germanic tribes.
Moving on, this era led two major events that helped evolved the language, which are Anglo-
Saxon and the Vikings. We’ll go first with the Anglo-Saxon with Mr. chuchu, the category you’ll
be answering is Anglo-Saxons.
Please pick a bluffer. (ERIKA and MAY)
And the question is. It is said that almost half of today’s English originated from the Old English
which was spoken in the 1100’s by what tribes?
-discussion of bluffers- (real answer are Angles, Saxons and the Jules)
So, is it a fact or a bluff?
----Asnwer Reveal and Video Play----
Okay, next is the Vikings which played a crucial role in the language. So, the question is what
language did they used that the word “Thursday” originated which gave 2000 words in the
English language?
discussion of bluffers- (real answer is the Norse Language)
So, is it a fact or a bluff?
----Asnwer Reveal and Video Play----

So, the language the Celts, the Anglo-Saxon and some Norse terms were used intertwined and
continuously. So, 1066 came, emergence of the Middle English began. This era shows how
strong and consistent English is as it battles out colonialism. Let’s know what and how things
happened through the categories.
1.Norman Conquest, French emergence
- 7000 words of the English language were borrowed from French. The French were very
much influential prior to the arrival of English Kings. French was the language of aristocrats, the
scholars, and literature. Who was the French king who conquered England?
discussion of bluffers- (real answer : king William the Conqueror of Normandy)
So, is it a fact or a bluff?
----Asnwer Reveal and Video Play----

The resistance of English amid colonialism established its strong identity and how powerful it
is. That is why, even the arrival of the Renaissance, it became stronger and influential with the
following events. The Early Modern English has made the greatest development and influence in
the English language. Towards the end of Middle English, a sudden and distinct change in
pronunciation started, with vowels being pronounced shorter and shorter. From the 16th century
the British had contact with many peoples from around the world. Let’s get to know them thru
the categories the Great Poet, AEIOU, Versions, Pisoprint, Dictionary and Conquer.
Let’s go with Mr/Ms churva for the first category.
1.He invented some 2000 words of new English words that we are using today. Who is this
discussion of bluffers- (real answer: William Shakespeare)
So, is it a fact or a bluff?
----Asnwer Reveal and Video Play----
Now, let’s go with _____ for AEIOU.
2. A word like “goose” would have been pronounced “goas” (oa as in boat) in the 15th century
and it would not be pronounced “goos” until sometime in the 16th century. “mice” would have
been pronounced “mees”, “house” –“hoos”; “name” — “nahm”, “feet” — “fayt” (ay as in
“pay”), etc. The language was in a radical shift during the 15th century and into at least the
middle of the 16th century. What is this event called?
discussion of bluffers- (real answer: The Great Vowel Shift)
So, is it a fact or a bluff?
----Asnwer Reveal and Video Play----
Let’s move on to Versions!
3. This is a new translation of the bible written and transcribe with the knowledge of Solomon
and give all things to all men. It was available to everyone as it was copied and written thru a
collection or books. This made the English language available to everyone.
discussion of bluffers- (real answer: King James Translation)
So, is it a fact or a bluff?
----Asnwer Reveal and Video Play----
Let’s groove over the Pisoprint.
4. Books before were made by hand, made by the elite. Only few people can access it but this
invention lead English being the most influential language as literacy were scattered using this.
discussion of bluffers- (real answer: Printing Press)
So, is it a fact or a bluff?
----Asnwer Reveal and Video Play----
Let’s dig deeper on the Dictionary!
5. In 1755, Samuel Johnson produced this book with many lexicographers, that contained 42,
773 words and is 18 inches tall. This led to the very much understanding of people and
conversing as everyone knew what a person wanted to say. What is this book titled?
discussion of bluffers- (real answer: Dictionary of the English Language)
So, is it a fact or a bluff?
----Asnwer Reveal and Video Play----
***plays video discussing the emergence of English throughout the world thru colonialism,
etc*** (c/o matt)
ERIKA (discussion lang), walang video ppt lang with pics)
As more and more speakers of the language grew over the years, the English vocabulary has
since then piling and piling up. Add the arrival of jargons and the internet language that is being
constituted in today’s age. The words like hardware, firewall, Wi-Fi adds up to the English
vocabulary. Also, the development of the English language is very prevalent as words like by the
way transformed BTW, Bruh, Chill adds a different meaning and more. The English that is
spoken today is a result of revolution and adaptation to the environment. The strong adaptation to
change of English makes it different from other language and will still continue to live on.
(explain mo rin yung current situation ng English sa buong mundo)


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