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Theoretical & Applied


08 (76)

International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science

Founder: International Academy of Theoretical & Applied Sciences

Published since 2013 year. Issued Monthly.
International scientific journal «Theoretical & Applied Science», registered in France, and
indexed more than 45 international scientific bases.
Editorial office: Phone: +777727-606-81

Editor-in Chief: Hirsch index:

Alexandr Shevtsov h Index RISC = 1 (78)

Editorial Board:
1 Prof. Vladimir Kestelman USA h Index Scopus = 3 (38)
2 Prof. Arne Jönsson Sweden h Index Scopus = 4 (21)
3 Prof. Sagat Zhunisbekov KZ -
4 Assistant of Prof. Boselin Prabhu India -
5 Lecturer Denis Chemezov Russia h Index RISC = 2 (61)
6 Senior specialist Elnur Hasanov Azerbaijan h Index Scopus = 6 (11)
7 Associate Prof. Christo Ananth India h Index Scopus = - (1)
8 Prof. Shafa Aliyev Azerbaijan h Index Scopus = - (1)
9 Associate Prof. Ramesh Kumar India h Index Scopus = - (2)
10 Associate Prof. S. Sathish India h Index Scopus = 2 (13)
11 Researcher Rohit Kumar Verma India -
12 Prof. Kerem Shixaliyev Azerbaijan -
13 Associate Prof. Ananeva Elena Pavlovna Russia h Index RISC = 1 (19)
14 Associate Prof. Muhammad Hussein Noure Elahi Iran -
15 Assistant of Prof. Tamar Shiukashvili Georgia -
16 Prof. Said Abdullaevich Salekhov Russia -
17 Prof. Vladimir Timofeevich Prokhorov Russia -
18 Researcher Bobir Ortikmirzayevich Tursunov Uzbekistan -
19 Associate Prof. Victor Aleksandrovich Melent'ev Russia -
20 Prof. Manuchar Shishinashvili Georgia -

ISSN 2308-4944

© Сollective of Authors
9 77 230 8 49 419 5
© «Theoretical & Applied Science»
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
Editorial Board: Hirsch index:

21 Prof. Konstantin Kurpayanidi Uzbekistan h Index RISC = 8 (67)

International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science

ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 08 (76), 266.

Philadelphia, USA

Impact Factor ICV = 6.630

Impact Factor ISI = 0.829

based on International Citation Report (ICR)

The percentage of rejected articles:

ISSN 2308-4944

9 77 230 8 49 419 5
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 08 Volume: 76

Published: 05.08.2019

Ismoil Ibrohimovich Safarov
Tashkent Institute of Chemistry and Technology
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
to department of Advanced Mathematics, Uzbekistan,

Nurillo Raximovich Kulmuratov

Navoi State mining Institute
Senior Lecturer to Department of Technology Engineering, Uzbekistan

Anvar Ruzimov
Tashkent Institute of Chemistry and Technology
Senior Lecturer to Department of Advanced Mathematics, Uzbekistan


Abstract: We study the distribution of regions of parametric (and Raman) resonances in viscoelastic mechanical
vibrational systems with periodically changing stiffness when a dynamic absorber is introduced into the system. It
was shown that in this case two regions of simple and one combinational resonance are obtained instead of one
region of parametric resonance in a system without a quencher.
Key words: viscoelastic body, resonance, absorber, parametric oscillations, stiffness, mass, damping coefficient.
Language: Russian
Citation: Safarov, I. I., Kulmuratov, N. R., & Ruzimov, A. (2019). Influence of dynamic dampener on
distributions of areas of parametric resonance of viscoelastic mechanical systems with periodically variable rigidity.
ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 08 (76), 1-6.
Soi: Doi:
Classifiers: Mechanics and machine construction.



Аннотация: Изучается распределение областей параметрического (и комбинационного) резонансов в

вязкоупругих механических колебательных систем с периодически изменяющейся жесткостью при введении
в систему динамического гасителя. Показано, что при этом получаются две области простого и одна
комбинационного резонансов вместо одной области параметрического резонанса в системе без гасителя.
Ключевые слова: вязкоупругая тела, резонанс, гаситель, параметрическая колебания, жесткость,
масса, коэффициент демпфирования.

Philadelphia, USA 1
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350
Введение. не менее чем в 1,3 и более раз превышать частоты
Большинство наблюдаемых в природе и вынуждающих колебаний. Частотную отстройку
технике процессов являются колебательными. В наиболее часто обеспечивают за счет увеличения
технике, особенно в машиностроении, широко жесткости конструкции путем уменьшения
применяют также термин вибрация, под которым площади, повышения жесткости крепления,
понимают механические колебания относительно увеличением толщины и количества точек
малой амплитуды и не слишком низкой частоты. крепления основания ячейки, установкой ребер
В настоящее время наиболее простым, доступным жесткости и каркасов. Этот способ целесообразно
и распространённым виброизолирующим применять, когда диапазон частот действующих
средством остаются упругие элементы. На вибраций не превышает 300-400 Гц, в крайнем
достаточно высоких частотах они обеспечивают случае, 500Гц. Было установлено, что при
отражение большей части колебательной энергии превышении этого диапазона устранить
обратно в источник и тем лучше, чем ниже их резонансные колебания невозможно без
жёсткость. В области низких частот требования к существенного, как правило, недопустимого,
величине жёсткости, как правило, совсем иные. увеличения массы и габаритных размеров ячеек.
Они определяются статической нагрузкой, её
изменениями при наклоне, а также инерционными Постановка задачи параметрического
силами при разгоне и торможении на движущихся колебания и методики решения.
объектах, ударами, центровкой механизма и Для выявления качественной картины
прочими эксплуатационными условиями. распределения областей параметрического и
Неоднозначны и требования к демпфированию: комбинационного резонанса при присоединении
малая его величина полезна для виброизоляции, а динамического гасителя рассмотрим простейшую
в диапазоне низких частот порождает (при колебательную систему без трения, приведенную
наличии вынуждающих) [1,2,3,4]. на рис.1. Здесь 𝑚1 - масса основной системы,
Виброизоляция - метод вибрационной 𝑐1 (1 − 𝛾 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜔 𝑡) - периодически изменяющаяся
защиты посредством устройств, помещаемых жесткость подвески основной системы, 𝛾 -
между источником возбуждения и защищаемым коэффициент модуляции, малая величина, 𝑚2
объектом [5]. Действие виброизоляции сводится к масса гасителя, 𝑐2 - жесткость пружины гасителя,
ослаблению связей между источником и 𝜔 - частота пульсаций. Периодическое изменение
объектом. При этом уменьшаются динамические жесткости подвески может быть обусловлено,
воздействия, передаваемые объекту. Применение например, наличием переменного магнитного
виброизоляции для защиты аппаратуры в поля (явление магнитострикции). Пусть 𝑚2 <<
широком диапазоне частот вынуждающих 𝑚1 . Фактически предлагаемая схема представляет
колебаний, как правило, не приводят к собой систему с двумя степенями свободы, и к ней
положительным результатам, т.к. эффективность применимы все выводы общей теории линейных
виброизоляции на собственных частотах систем дифференциальных уравнений с периодическими
виброизоляции резко снижается [6,7]. Частотная коэффициентами, но особенностью здесь
отстройка применяется для устранения является настройка и малая масса гасителя, что
резонансных колебаний. Это обычно достигается дает специфическую систему дифференциальных
за счет повышения значений собственных частот уравнений с малым параметром.
колебаний конструкции [8,9,10], которая должна

Рис.1. Расчетная схема.

Пользуясь принципом Даламбера для схемы 𝑚 𝑥 + 𝑐̃1 (1 − 𝛾 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜔 𝑡)𝑥1 − 𝑐̃1 (𝑥2 − 𝑥1 ) = 0
на рис.1, получаем дифференциальные уравнения { 1 ..1 (1)
𝑚2 𝑥2 + 𝑐̃2 (𝑥2 − 𝑥1 ) = 0
движения: где

Philadelphia, USA 2
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350
𝑐̃к 𝑓(𝑡) = 𝑐0к [𝑓(𝑡) − ∫−∞ 𝑅𝑐к (𝑡 − 𝜏)𝑓(𝜏)𝑑𝜏], например, колебания маятника с периодически
изменяющейся. длиной, простейшая модель
(к=1,2), х1 , х2 −перемещения массы 𝑚1 и 𝑚2 динамической устойчивости стержня (2) и др.
относительно положения статического Присоединяя к названным системам
равновесия в неподвижной системе координат, f(t) вспомогательную массу на пружине
- произвольная функци времени; Rck(t-τ) - ядро (динамический гаситель), приходим к уравнениям
релаксаци, с0к - мгновений коэффициент типа..(1). Перепишем систему (1) в виде
жесткости. 𝑚 𝑥 + (𝑐̃1 + 𝑐̃2 )𝑥1 − 𝑐̃2 𝑥2 = 𝜀𝑐̃1 𝛾𝑥1 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜔 𝑡
При =0 система уравнений (1) представляет { 1 ..1 (3)
𝑚2 𝑥2 + 𝑐̃2 (𝑥2 − 𝑥1 ) = 0
собой хорошо изученные уравнения движения
где 𝜺 - малый параметр, формально вводимый, для
системы с динамическим гасителем (01) [8].
указания малых величин в уравнениях, после
При отсутствии динамического гасителя 𝑚2 = 0
проведения выкладок положим его равным 1
из (1) имеем одно дифференциальное уравнение
.. Порождающая система, получающаяся из (3), при
𝑚1 𝑥1 + 𝑐̃1 (1 − 𝛾 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜔 𝑡) = 0 (2)
𝛾 = 𝑅𝑐𝑘 = 0 имеет характеристикой уравнение:
детально исследованное в литературе и известное 𝑐 +𝑐 𝑐 𝑐 𝑐
под названием уравнения Матье. 𝑃4 + ( 01𝑚 02 + 𝑚02 ) 𝑃2 + 𝑚01 𝑚02 = 0 (4)
1 2 1 2
Непосредственно, или после некоторых корни которого дают две собственные частоты
упрощений, уравнением (2) описывается колебаний
движение в ряде характерных задач механики,

1 𝑐1 + 𝑐2 𝑐2 1 𝑐1 + 𝑐2 𝑐2 2 𝑐1 𝑐2
𝜔1 = √ ( + )−√ ( + ) −
2 𝑚1 𝑚2 4 𝑚1 𝑚2 𝑚1 𝑚2

1 𝑐1 +𝑐2 𝑐 1 𝑐1 +𝑐2 𝑐 2 𝑐 𝑐
𝜔2 = √2 ( + 𝑚2 ) + √4 ( + 𝑚2 ) − 𝑚1 𝑚2 (5)
𝑚1 2 𝑚1 2 1 2

Общее решение порождающей системы где

𝑐1 𝛾 𝑐1 𝛾
записывается так 𝛿1 = 𝑚 2 , 𝛿2 = 𝑚 2 .
𝑥 = 𝑎11 𝑠𝑖𝑛( 𝜔2 𝑡 + 𝛼1 ) + 𝑎12 𝑠𝑖𝑛( 𝜔2 𝑡 + 𝛼2 ) 1 +𝑚2 𝜂21 1 +𝑚2 𝜂22
{ 1 (6) Пусть 𝜔 = 𝜔 + 𝜀𝛿 , где 𝜔0 некоторая
𝑥2 = 𝑎21 𝑠𝑖𝑛( 𝜔1 𝑡 + 𝛼1 ) + 𝑎22 𝑠𝑖𝑛( 𝜔2 𝑡 + 𝛼2 )
где амплитуды, связаны соотношениями характерная постоянная, 𝜆 -расстояния.
Перепишем систему (9) в виде
𝑎21 𝑐1 + 𝑐2 − 𝑚1 𝜔12 . .
𝜂21 = = , 𝑓1 = 𝑧1 , 𝑧1 + 𝜔12 𝑓1 = 𝜀𝛿1 (𝑓1 + 𝑓2 ) 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜔 𝑡
𝑎11 𝑐2 {. . (10)
𝑎 𝑐1 +𝑐2 −𝑚2 𝜔22 𝑓2 = 𝑧2 , 𝑧2 + 𝜔22 𝑓2 = 𝜀𝛿2 (𝑓1 + 𝑓2 ) 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜔 𝑡
𝜂22 = 𝑎22 = . (7)
12 𝑐2 и будем искать решение в форме
Проведем в (3) преобразование к 𝑓𝑗 = 𝑎𝑗 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜓𝑗 , 𝑧𝑗 = 𝑎𝑗 𝜔𝑗 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜓𝑗
нормальным координатам по формулам 𝜔𝑗 .
𝑥 = 𝑎11 𝑓1 + 𝑎12 𝑓2 𝜓𝑗 = 0 𝜑(𝑡) + 𝜃𝑗 (𝑡), 𝜑(𝑡) = 𝜔0 + 𝜀𝜆;
{ 1 (8) 𝜔
𝑥2 = 𝑎21 𝑓1 + 𝑎22 𝑓2 𝑖 = 1,2 (11)
Поскольку 𝑎11 и 𝑎12 - произвольные числа, где 𝑎1 , 𝑎2 , 𝜃1 , 𝜃2 - новые переменные.
примем их числами равными индексами 1, так что Дифференцируя далее выражения (11) по 𝑡 и
в результате
преобразования имеем: вставляя найденные производные в систему
𝑓1 + 𝜔12 𝑓1 = 𝜀𝛿1 (𝑓1 + 𝑓2 ) 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜔 𝑡 уравнений (10), получаем относительно медленно
{ .. (9) меняющихся, переменных 𝑎1 , 𝑎2 , 𝜃1 , 𝜃2 уравнения
𝑓2 + 𝜔22 𝑓2 = 𝜀𝛿2 (𝑓1 + 𝑓2 ) 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜔 𝑡
. 𝜔 .
𝑎1 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜓1 + 𝑎1 (𝜔10 𝜔 − 𝜔1 + 𝜃1 ) 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜓1 = 0
. 𝜔 .
𝑎2 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜓2 + 𝑎2 (𝜔20 𝜔 − 𝜔2 + 𝜃2 ) 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜓2 = 0
. 𝜔 . (12)
𝑎1 𝜔1 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜓1 − 𝑎1 𝜔1 [𝜔1 ( − 1) + 𝜃1 ] 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜓1 = 𝜀𝛿1 (𝑓1 + 𝑓2 ) 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜑
. 𝜔 .
{𝑎2 𝜔2 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜓2 − 𝑎2 𝜔2 [𝜔2 (𝜔0 − 1) + 𝜃2 ] 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜓2 = 𝜀𝛿2 (𝑓1 + 𝑓2 ) 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜑
или, разрешая относительно производных,
. 𝜀
𝑎1 = 𝛿1 (𝑎1 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜓1 + 𝑎2 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜓2 ) 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜑 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜓1
. 𝜀
𝑎2 = 𝜔 𝛿2 (𝑎1 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜓1 + 𝑎2 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜓2 ) 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜑 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜓2
. 𝜔 𝜀𝛿1 (13)
𝜃1 = 𝜔1 (1 − 𝜔0 ) − 𝜔 (𝑎1 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜓1 + 𝑎2 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜓2 ) 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜑 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜓1
1 𝑎1
. 𝜔 𝜀𝛿
{𝜃2 = 𝜔2 (1 − 𝜔0 ) − 𝜔2 𝑎2 (𝑎1 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜓1 + 𝑎2 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜓2 ) 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜑 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜓2

Philadelphia, USA 3
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350
Для приближенного решения системы (13) Причем 𝑎̇ 2 = 0, 𝜃̇1 = 0. Эти же уравнения
используем метод усреднения, исходя из получаются из (16) после замены всех индексов 2
предположения, что между частотой пульсаций 𝝎 на 1. Система уравнений для определения границ
и частотами собственных колебаний областей главного параметрического резонанса
порождающей системы имеется зависимость 2𝜔2 получается из (17) заменой всех индексов 1
𝜔0 = 𝜔1 + 𝜔2 . (14) на 2, но следует прибавить 𝑎̇ 1 = 0, 𝜃̇1 = 0.
Тогда усредняя правые части (13) с учетом Введем обозначения
(14) по явно входящему времени и, принимая при 𝜀𝛿 𝜔
𝑙1 = 4𝜔1 , 𝑑1 = 𝜔1 (1 − 𝜔0 )
интегрировании { 1
𝜀𝛿 𝜔
𝝋 = 𝝎𝟎 𝒕, 𝜽𝟏 = 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕, 𝜽𝟐 = 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕, (15) 𝑙2 = 4𝜔2 , 𝑑2 = 𝜔2 (1 − 𝜔0 )
получаем следующие уравнения первого 2
и новые переменные
приближения усредненные; для определения 𝑢 = 𝑎1 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜃1 , 𝑢1 = 𝑎1 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃1
области комбинационного резонанса { 1 (19)
. 𝜀 𝑢2 = 𝑎2 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜃2 , 𝑢2 = 𝑎2 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃2
𝑎1 = 4𝜔 𝛿1 𝑎2 𝑠𝑖𝑛( 𝜃1 + 𝜃2 ) Тогда, дифференцируя (19) и делая
. 𝜀
𝑎2 = 4𝜔 𝛿2 𝑎1 𝑠𝑖𝑛( 𝜃1 + 𝜃2 ) элементарные преобразования, получаем из (16)
(16) систему 4-х линейных дифференциальных
𝜔 𝜀𝑎2
𝜃1 = 𝜔1 (1 − 𝜔0 ) + 4𝜔 𝛿1 𝑐𝑜𝑠( 𝜃1 + 𝜃2 ) уравнений с постоянными коэффициентами:
1 𝑎2
. 𝜔 𝜀𝑎1 𝑢̇ 1 = 𝑑1 𝑣1 + 𝑙1 𝑣2 , 𝑣̇1 = −𝑑1 𝑢1 + 𝑙1 𝑢2
{𝜃2 = 𝜔2 (1 − 𝜔0 ) + 4𝜔2 𝑎2 𝛿2 𝑐𝑜𝑠( 𝜃1 + 𝜃2 ) 𝑢̇ 2 = 𝑑2 𝑣2 + 𝑙2 𝑣1 , 𝑣̇ 2 = −𝑑2 𝑢2 + 𝑙2 𝑢1 (20)
Полагая 𝜔0 = 2𝜔1 результате усреднения Характеристическое уравнение системы (20)
получим систему, уравнений для определения имеет вид
границ области главного параметрического 𝜌4 − (2𝑙1 𝑙2 − 𝑑12 − 𝑑22 )𝜌2 + (𝑑1 𝑑2 − 𝑙1 𝑙2 )2 = 0 (21)
резонанса корни которого
. 1 𝜀
𝑎1 = 4 𝜔 𝛿1 𝑎1 𝑠𝑖𝑛 2 𝜃1
{. 𝜔 1 𝜀𝛿 (17)
𝜃1 = 𝜔1 (1 − 𝜔0 ) + 4 𝜔 1 𝑐𝑜𝑠 2 𝜃1

𝝆 = ±√𝟐 [𝟐𝒍𝟏 𝒍𝟐 − 𝒅𝟐𝟏 − 𝒅𝟐𝟐 ± (𝒅𝟐 − 𝒅𝟏 )√(𝒅𝟏 + 𝒅𝟐 )𝟐 − 𝟒𝒍𝟏 𝒍𝟐 ] (22)

Очевидно, величины 𝑢1 , 𝑣1 , 𝑢2 , 𝑣2 а, резонанса в параметрах 𝛾, 𝜔. При 𝜸 → 𝟎 из (24)-

следовательно, и 𝑎1 , 𝑎2 будут неограниченно (26) получаем расположение начал областей
возрастать при 𝑡 → ∞, если вещественная часть главного параметрического резонанса
хотя бы одного характеристического числа (22) [2𝜔1 ], [2𝜔2 ] и комбинационного резонанса [𝝎𝟏 +
положительна. Применительно к (22) 𝝎𝟐 ] соответственно. При отсутствии
невозмущенное движение системы неустойчиво динамического гасителя (𝒎𝟐 = 𝟎) собственная
при условии частота основной системы 𝛺, и имеем одну
4𝑙1 𝑙2 > (𝑑1 + 𝑑2 )2 , (23) область главного параметрического резонанса
откуда имеем границы области комбинационного 2𝛺1 . Поскольку согласно (5)
резонанса 𝜀 = 1 𝑐1 +𝑐2 𝑐 𝑐 𝑐
1 √𝛿1 𝛿2 1 √𝛿1 𝛿2
(𝜔1 + 𝜔2 )2 = + 𝑚2 + 2√𝑚1 𝑚2 ,
𝑚1 2 1 2
𝜔1 + 𝜔2 − 2 < 𝜔 < 𝜔1 + 𝜔2 + 2 , (24)
√𝜔 1 𝜔 2 √𝜔 1 𝜔 2 то нетрудно убедиться, что, вообще говоря, может
заменяя все индексы 2 на 1, а затем 1 на 2, быть
получаем из (24) выражения для построения 𝜔1 + 𝜔2 = 2𝛺1
границ двух областей главного параметрического или
резонанса 𝑐1 +𝑐2 𝑐 𝑐 𝑐 𝑐
𝛿 𝛿
2𝜔1 − 2𝜔1 < 𝜔 < 2𝜔1 + 2𝜔1 , (25) + 𝑚2 + 2√𝑚1 𝑚2 = 4 𝑚1 , (27)
𝑚1 2 1 2 1
1 1
2𝜔2 − 2𝜔 < 𝜔 < 2𝜔2 + 2𝜔 .
(26) т.е. присоединение динамического гасителя не
2 2 устранит области главного параметрического
Введем обозначения: 𝛺1 = √𝑚1
- резонанса системы без гасителя. Действительно,
1 так как
𝑐2 𝑐 𝑚
собственная частота основной системы при = 𝑚2 𝑚2 = 𝜇𝛺12 ,
𝑚 1 2 1
отсутствии гасителя, 𝛺2 = √𝑚2 - парциальная то (27) переписывается как
𝑚 𝛺12 + 𝜇𝛺22 + 𝛺22 + 2𝛺1 𝛺2 = 4𝛺12
частота гасителя, 𝜇 = 𝑚2 масс гасителя и или
основной системы. Рассмотрим построение (1 + 𝑣)2 + 𝜇𝑣 2 = 4,
областей параметрического и комбинационного 𝛺
где 𝜈 = 𝛺1 - настройка гасителя, откуда

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350
−1±√4+3𝜇 Для удобства вычислений будем
𝑣1,2 = . 𝜔
1+𝜇 пользоваться безразмерной частотой 𝛺 и изучать
Физический смысл здесь имеет решение, 1

соответствующее знаку ”+” так что при малом  величины

2𝜔1 2𝜔2 𝜔1 + 𝜔2
можно записать , ,
3 3
𝛺1 𝛺2 𝛺1
2√1+4𝜇−1 1+4𝜇
𝑣1 = ≈ . (28) сравнивая их с 2 из (5) имеем
1+𝜇 1+𝜇

𝜔1 1 1
= √2 [1 + (1 + 𝜇)𝑣 2 ] − √4 [1 + (1 + 𝜇)𝑣 2 ]2 − 𝑣 2 , (29)

𝜔2 1 1
= √2 [1 + (1 + 𝜇)𝑣 2 ] + √4 [1 + (1 + 𝜇)𝑣 2 ]2 − 𝑣 2 .

Таблица 1

𝜇 = 0.05
2𝜔1 2𝜔2 𝜔1 + 𝜔2
𝛺1 𝛺1 𝛺1
0,5 1,183 2,027 1,605
0,6 1,368 2,045 1,707
0,7 1,540 2,077 1,808
0,8 1,685 2,135 1,910
0,9 1,788 2,236 2,012
1,0 1,848 2,379 2,114
1,1 1,881 2,550 2,216
1,2 1,900 2,736 2,318
1,3 1,912 2,928 2,420
1,4 1,920 2,124 2,522

𝜇 = 0.1
2𝜔1 2𝜔2 𝜔1 + 𝜔2
𝛺1 𝛺1 𝛺1
0,5 1,168 2,053 1,611
0,6 1,341 2,087 1,714
0,7 1,495 2,140 1,817
0,8 1,619 2,222 1,921
0,9 1,708 2,341 2,024
1,0 1,766 2,490 2,128
1,1 1,803 2,661 2,232
1,2 1,827 2,845 2,336
1,3 1,843 3,037 2,440
1,4 1,855 3,233 2,544

𝜇 = 0.2
2𝜔1 2𝜔2 𝜔1 + 𝜔2
𝛺1 𝛺1 𝛺1
0,5 1,140 2,104 1,622
0,6 1,294 2,162 1,728
0,7 1,426 2,245 1,835
0,8 1,527 2,356 1,942
0,9 1,602 2,496 2,049
1,0 1,654 2,658 2,156
1,1 1,691 2,837 2,264
1,2 1,718 3,026 2,372
1,3 1,737 3,223 2,480
1,4 1,751 3,425 2,588

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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Выводы. гасителем. В таблице 1 приведены безразмерные

Применительно к техническим приложениям абсциссы расположения начал областей
можно попытаться подобрать настройку гасителя неустойчивости для разных настроек гасителя.
так, чтобы начала областей неустойчивости, Видим, что наиболее подходящей, например, при
определяемых выражениями (24)-(26) находились  = 0.1 является настройка 𝑣 = 1.1.
как можно дальше от точки, 𝜔 = 2𝛺 что можно
рассматривать как оптимальное расположение
начал областей неустойчивости в системе с


1. Panovko, Y. G. (1967). Osnovi prikladnoy teorii 7. Nashif, A., Djouns, D., & Xenderson, D. (1988).
uprugix kolebaniy (p.316). Moskva: Dempfirovaniye kolebaniy. Per. s angl. (p.448).
Mashinostroyeniye. Moskva: Mir.
2. Rjanitsin, A. R. (1968). Teoriya polzuchesti. (p. 8. Ilinskiy, V. S. (1982). Zashita REA i
415). Moskva: Stroyizdat. presizionnogo oborudovaniya ot dinamicheskix
3. Osetinskiy, Y. V. (1967). K voprosu o vozdeystviy. (p.296). Moskva: Radio i svyaz.
kombinasionnom parametricheskom rezonanse 9. Safarov, I. I., Teshayev, M. N., Majidov, M.
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USSR, 3(18), pp. 113-118. mexanicheskix sistem. (p.97). LAP LAMBERT
4. Koltunov, M. A. (1976). Polzuchest i Academic Publishing.
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5. (1981). Vibrasii v texnike: Spravochnik: V 6 t. dissipativno neodnorodnix sredax i
t.6. Zashita ot vibrasii i udarov. Pod red. K.V. konstruksiyax. (p.252). Tashkent: Fan.
Frolova (Eds.). (p.456). Moskva: 11. Rashidov, T. R. (1973). Dinamicheskaya teoriya
Mashinostroyeniye. Seys mostoykosti slojnix sistem podzemnix
6. Tokarev, M. F., Taliskiy, Y. N., & Frolov, V. A. soorujeniy. (p.182). Tashkent: Fan.
(1984). Mexanicheskiye vozdeystviya i zashita 12. Mau, M. (1963). Dinamicheskiye napryajeniya i
radioelektronnoy apparaturi: Ucheb. posobiye smeshyeniye v blizi silindricheskoy poverxnosti
dlya vuzov (p.224). Pod red. V.A. Frolova razriva ot ploskoy garmonicheskoy volni sdviga.
(Eds.). Moskva: Radio i svyaz. Prikladnaya mexanika, perevod s angliyskogo,
t.30, ser Ye, № 3, pp.117-126.

Philadelphia, USA 6
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 08 Volume: 76

Published: 05.08.2019

Ilhom Abdusalamovich Sayitkulov
Alisher Navoi Tashkent State Uzbek Language and Literature University


Abstract: This article analyzes and defines the term of "folklore books" and the opinions of scholars on the
works of this genre. The character of the “Temurnoma chronicles” will be explored in the light of folklore books.
Key words: folklore, epos, epic, essay, folklore studies, style, composition.
Language: English
Citation: Sayitkulov, I. A. (2019). Usage of term "Folklore books" in folklore studies and development of
"Temurnoma" (“Life of Timur”). ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 08 (76), 7-10.
Soi: Doi:
Classifiers: Philology.

Introduction. authors of "The history of the Uzbek literature"

The term "Folklore books" was used in the R.Orzibekov, K. Tohirov mention in the third volume
German literature as a scientific inquiry into the of the book that "The People's novel", which is widely
romanticism of German literature in the late 18th and used in scientific literature and accepted as one of the
beginning of the 19th century [16, p.152]. It is well- literary terms are known and popular stories in the
known that this term was first used in Uzbek folklore history of the Uzbek literature. "[16, p.152], this
by V.M.Jirmunski and H.Zarifov in the form of conclusion serves to explicitly state the derivation of
"Narodnaya kniga" ("Folklore books") [4, p.132-136]. the term from ancient times. In this regard, it is
This term is widely used in the Uzbek literary worthwhile to consider the following views on Uzbek
criticism. This term has not come into folklore and folklore and literature:
literature out of a sudden. During the thorough study 1. The literary critic V.Mahmud separates fiction
of the research, we can observe the concept of literature into both written and verbal literature,
evolution of the folklore books and bookstores that emphasizing that their character is being written and
have come in a variety of different studies. verbal. Analyzing them, he points out two different
It is no coincidence that in the introduction part perspectives:
of his novel "O’tkan kunlar" (“The days that are "First: Suppose that a literary work that was once
gone”)Abdulla Qadyri, the great representative of the acknowledged as written has disappeared, and then its
Uzbek literature, commented on some folklore of his fragments move from mouth to mouth and say that no
time. The writer says: "Since we have set foot in the one can recognize neither the title nor the author of the
new era, we follow the news of this new era in every work.
way, and enjoy the same kind of friendliness, modesty Secondly: Let's say, in some time of the past,
and novelty; we are committed to introducing our some scholars decided to write down the epic poem
people to modern-day Tohir Zuhra, Chor Dervishes, and today we know it as a sample of a written
Farhod-Shirin and Bahromgur "[21, p.5]. This proves literature.
that the Folklore books were called "epic" even until Considering the two abovementioned cases how
Abdulla Qodiriy. should these two types be separated and to which
From the ancient times to the twentieth century, category should we know include them? "[10, p.24]
the term "stories" and "epic" were used among the The works of second type in the above mentioned by
people. The term "storytelling" among the people and Vadud Mahmud include the Folklore books.
the description of A. Qadyri confirm this idea. The

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

2. H.Vamberi used "folk novel" to describe such as the sources and the aesthetic function of these two
works as "Yusufbek and Ahmadbek", "Tahir and genres [7, p.5].
Zuhra" [2, p.55]. From the middle of the last century, he
3. V.M.Jirmunski and H.Zarifov use conducted special researches on folklore books. In
romanticism to describe the term "novelist" and it is particular, R.Majidov, H. Akbotaev, S.Erkinov,
preferable to use European style "folk novels" and B.Mamedov, H.Hamidov, R. Jumaniyozov studied
"folklore books" to describe heroic adventures in this these books. They also mention the term "Folklore
way and this term was adopted by the Uzbek folklore. books" in different ways and do not pay special
[4, p.133]. attention to the issue of the term.
4. The book "History of Uzbek Literature", The leading points in research on genre
published in 1959 under the revision of Vohid characteristics of "folklore books" can be summarized
Zahidov, emphasizes the role and significance of as follows:
folklore books in Uzbek literature, their creation and 1. "Folklore books" are also used as folk novels,
genre character, literary samples, and folk epics, which form one of the genres and directions
influenced by classical literature, including Bahrom (V.Zohidov, V.Abdullayev, R.Majdov).
Gulandom, Tahir and Zuhra, Gulfarah, Leyla and 2. "Folklore books" is the genre of the Uzbek
Majnun. [17, p.8-9] does not use a specific term for literature (T.Mirzayev, N.Mallayev, R.Orzibekov,
works: "... it is one of the separate fields, genres and Q.Tohirov).
directions in the history of Uzbek literature, which has 3. "Folklore books" are considered as a genre of
its own specificities" [17, p.8-9] . stories and poems (B.Sarimsakov, R.Makhmudova);
5. Academician V.A.Abdullayev, in his book 4. "Folklore books" can contain stories and
"History of Uzbek Literature" [1, p.15], relies on the poems (H. Akbotaev);
term "folk novels" in parallel with such works as 5. "Folklore books" - a genre of genres, such as
"Yusufbek and Ahmadbek", "Tahir and Zuhra". epos, anecdotes, songs and prose (R.Jumaniyazov).
6. N. Malayev called the book "Folklore books" PhD S.Yuldosheva highlighted the differences
by using folklore and literary works as "Folklore and peculiarities of the stories and poems which are
books" [9, p.25-255]. considered as "folklore books" in dissertation "The
7. In the third volume of the five-volume book poetics of biographical literature": "... the thematic
entitled "History of Uzbek Literature" the authors and structural construction of poems and stories are
point out that the term "Folklore books" were used in usually very close to one another mentioning in epic
the past, towards the term" narrative "refers to their poems right after the introductory chapters such as
broader resignation and their epic as a separate species praises, acknowledgement of teachers and the ruler to
of creature [16, p.151]. whom the work is devoted; but some of the stories do
8. Academician Tura Mirzayev mentions widely not follow this pattern. They usually have special
known manuscript and printed books - as literary opening and connecting words that are very well
"folklore books" [12, p.11-12]. The term "folklore known to common folk." Vast epic poems usually
books" means that the term "narrative" is narrow and have a complete summary chapters while in stories,
should be named after the stories [19, p.547-555]. the conclusions are simpler, and every chapter in the
V.M.Jirmunsky and H.Zarifov also used the terms epic is presented with annotative explanations that
"folk novels" and "wonderful" stories to describe the describe the content of the chapter –and the headlines
most striking events, exciting love adventures, literary for sub-stories; some sayings can be in prose as well.
scandals, and each time they introduced the term. Among other participants of the epic poem friends, the
Therefore, these examples should be studied in their main heroine is drawn to the fact that the destiny of
own name as "stories", as it has been said in the past, some of the main characters is interpreted by the artist,
and should be specifically addressed to each one. In and in the story the other characters are interpreted as
the same way, we eliminate a number of terminologies being subordinate to the protagonist. Stories usually
confused. "[12, p.12]. lack these characteristics. The attention was also
Tura Mirzayev further develops this idea in the drawn to the fact that in epic poems there is a wide use
books of “Essays on Uzbek Folklore [18], and later in of various literary vocabularies, and in the stories we
the "A talk with Hadi Zarif" as well [13], [197]. T. can notice the usage of mainly proverbs [20, p.23-24].
Mirzayev's views are also important because of the One of the popular books of this kind is Amir Temur's
fact that they are trying to restore the original term. "Temurnoma" episode, dedicated to the public image
9. Safo Zufarov studying the “Hotami Tay” of his life, activity and character. This book is one of
comes to conclusion that "... Ancient epics among the the national books in terms of its characteristic feature.
Tatar people are one of the stories Hotami Tay's epic" Certainly, most of the folklore books, in contrast
[6, p.32], - equally using stories and epic terms. to literary poems, are mostly written in prose. Some of
10. Folklorist B. Sarimsokov emphasizes that the coherent fragments contained in them contain
folklore books are composed of genres such as stories additional poetic values. That is why we fully agree
and epics, and the term "folklore books" refers to them with the viewpoint of researchers who call them

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

"stories". At the same time, given the fact that the the author and wrote the story "Temurnoma". But, as
salient forms are referred to as poetry, the common Salohaddin Hoja states, "this is not like other war
denominator of the stories and poems can be used to books, because it is full of wisdom" [22, p.30].
describe the term "public book" in a broader sense. Research on "Temurnoma" in literature and
It is no secret that there are many myths and folklore studies are not conducted. P. Ravshanov, the
legends about our ancestors who left a trace in history. author of the work, is the only one to investigate the
Not only historical sources, but folklore samples can theme. It can also be traced to a general description of
be learned from the great ancestor of Amir Temur and the work.
his people. The people honored heroes, creating
songs, tales, poems and stories about them. the tales Summary.
about Amir Temur's life was widespread in his Based on the views expressed in the above-
lifetime. In this legend, narration and transcript, the mentioned books of the folklore books, the
people have described their hero. The famous characteristics of "Temurnoma" can be summarized as
historian Ibn Arabshah, who lived close to the time of follows:
Amir Temur, also notes that various myths and 1. There is a historical background of the reality
legends about the life time of Amir Temur were and heroes depicted in "Temurna", which is based on
already created when he was still alive. After the death the name of our great ancestor Amir Temur.
of the Sahibkiran, he became an epic hero for the 2. In the essay Amir Temur's image is idealized,
common people.. Folklore books were created on the it is the product of epic thought.
basis of examples of such folk tales. Amir Temur's 3. The story describes Amir Temur's had to
legends and narratives, which have passed through the combat in a lotof wars. Nevertheless, he always won
mouths of the people, have been collected within a and sometimes came out of a difficult situation with
specific system, from generation to generation, from the support of his wise advisors.
language to language. One of these folklore books is 4. In "Temurnoma" the heroic life is evolved
the narration of "Temurnoma" by Mullo Salahaddin from the birth of the main hero to the end of his life.
ibn Mullo Aloiddin khoja (Salahuddin Tashkandi) 5. The many other aspects of his life are subdued
[22]. Only on the threshold of the independence this to the thematic of war. That is, most of the hero's life
book became known to a large reader. Poyon spans in the battlefield. Other relationships with
Ravshanov, the author of "Temurnoma", tells us how heroic life are also described in this context;
difficult it was to publish the book as it has been kept 6. The concept of "being chosen by destiny to
by devoted people from former Soviet period till now. rule" is the main criterion for "Temurnoma". It tells
This situation led to the fact that the work was left out the story of the heroic birth, about the prophecies of
of sight of scientists for a certain period of time. the hero, the attempts of killing the child who is not
K.Tahirov, the scientist who classified the stories born yet, the abnormal birth of a hero in a strange land,
for the first time, wrote the story of "Temurnoma" for the malice of heroic folk, Amir Temur's creation and
the first time on the subject of heroism, patriotism subjugation of the whole world and sky is the basis for
(just as the epic poems such as "Davlat-yor", "Yusuf the books of the Folklore books;
and Ahmad", "Alibek and Bolibek", "Qissai Guroglu 7. The "Temurnoma" contains the description of
Sulton" Tulumbiy "," His Amir Temur "). It is also the the main events and the depictions of the heroes, in
only study of Poyon Ravshanov's stories about the which the fighting scenes are expressed.
scientist who published the "Temurnoma" story. The 8. Events in the "Temurnama" also begin with
author deals with the author of his work, his way of the traditional combinations of phrases like “Roviylar
life and style, the origin of the story and the basis of andog‘ rivoyat qilurlarkim”, Roviy ayturkim”,
its historical and artistic sources, the structure of the “Alqissa”, “Ammo Roviy derkim”, and using images,
story, its artistic value, and the historical and artistic style of the epic poems.
truths of the play. P. Ravshanov relied on the idea of


1. Abdullayev, V. (1964). History of Uzbek 3. (1981). The study of the creativity of Alisher
Literature. The second book. Tashkent: Navoi. Samarkand: SamSU.
"Teacher" publishing house. 4. Jirmunsky, V. M, & Zarifov, H. T. (1947).
2. Abdullayev, V. (1980). History of Uzbek Uzbekskiy Narodnyi geroichesky epos. Moscow.
Literature. Tashkent: Teacher's Publishing.

Philadelphia, USA 9
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

5. Jumaniyazov, R. (1993). Folklore books - The 15. Akbotaev, X. (1991). Folklore books and
book of truth. Tashkent: "Uzbekistan" publishing writers. Literary heritage, 1 (55).
house. 16. (1978). History of the Uzbek literature.
6. Zufarov, S. (1986). Hotami Tay story // Uzbek (Responsible editor V.Abdullayev), 3rd volume.
language and literature. 5th edition. Tashkent: Fan Publishing House.
7. (1991). Story of Ibrahim Adham. (The author of 17. (1959). Uzbek Literature (Vohid Zahidov's Edit)
the essay is B.Sarimsoqov). Tashkent: Tashkent: Publishing House.
Publishing House. 18. (1969). Uzbek Folk Songs. Tashkent: "Fan"
8. Majidov, R. (1978). The term "Folklore books". publishing house.
Literary Studies. Tashkent. 19. Engels, F. (1977). German Folklore books.
9. Mallayev, N. (2015). Alisher Navoi and folk art. "K.Marks and F. Engels about art". Two
Tashkent: Publishing House named after volumes, second volume. Tashkent.
G.Gulom. 20. Yuldosheva, S. (2012). The poetics of artistic
10. Mahmud, V. (2007). Selected works. Tashkent: and biographical compositions (based on the
Spirituality. works of Qissai Ibrahim Adham, Qissai Sayid
11. Mahmudova, R. (1971). Folklore books and Nasimi, Qissai Mashrab). Dissertation defended
some stories. Literary heritage, №2. fo obtaining PhD degree in philology,
12. Mirzaev, T. (1977). The repertoire of folk Samarkand.
singers. Tashkent: Writer. 21. Qadiriy, A. (2009). “The days that are gone by”.
13. (2011). Mirzayev talks with T. Hadi Zarif. Tashkent: "Sharq" publishing house.
14. (1977). German folklore books. "K.Marks and F. 22. (1990). Temurnoma. Amir Temur Battle.
Engels about art". Two volumes, second Tashkent: Chulpan Publishing House.
volume. Tashkent.

Philadelphia, USA 10
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 08 Volume: 76

Published: 05.08.2019

Farah Polad Rahmani
Azerbaijan State Economic University
Baku, Azerbaijan Republic


Abstract: The problems and prospects of improving the organizational and economic mechanisms of innovative
development of industrial enterprises are explored in the article. The essence of the concepts of "innovation" and
"innovative processes", the main factors affecting the main organizational and economic mechanisms of innovative
development of industrial enterprises is disclosed. The advantage of innovation and its impact on increasing labor
productivity, a list of competitive and export-oriented innovative products is considered. The importance of a
systematic approach to the organization and development of innovative activities in enterprises, the strengthening of
research and development, the development, development and application of new innovations with the further
provision of the production of innovative products is noted. The state of the ongoing work on the formation and
development of innovative activity in Azerbaijan, where innovative activity, including the innovative development of
industrial enterprises, is at the initial stage is assessed. The importance of a comprehensive solution to the problems
that hinder the intensification of the innovative development of industrial enterprises is noted. A number of
recommendations and suggestions on problems and prospects for improving the organizational and economic
mechanisms for the innovative development of industrial enterprises in modern conditions and in the near future are
Key words: innovation, innovative processes, innovative strategy of an enterprise, innovative development of an
enterprise, organizational and economic mechanisms for the innovative development of industrial enterprises,
innovative system in Azerbaijan, innovative development of industrial enterprises in Azerbaijan.
Language: Russian
Citation: Rahmani, F. P. (2019). The problems and prospects of improving the organizational and economic
mechanisms of innovative development of industrial enterprises. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 08 (76), 11-16.
Soi: Doi:
Classifiers: Economic research, finance, innovation, risk management.



Аннотация: В статье исследованы проблемы и перспективы совершенствования организационно-

экономических механизмов инновационного развития промышленных предприятий. Раскрыта сущность
понятий «инновация» и «инновационные процессы», основных факторов, влияющих на главные
организационно-экономические механизмы инновационного развития промышленных предприятий.
Рассмотрено преимущество инновационной деятельности и его влияние на повышение производительности
труда, перечня конкурентоспособных и экспортно-ориентированных инновационных продукций. Отмечена
важность системного подхода к организации и развитию инновационной деятельности в предприятиях,
усилению научно-исследовательской работы, разработкам, освоению и применению новых инноваций с
дальнейшим обеспечением производства инновационных продукций. Оценено состояние проводимых работ
по формированию и развитию инновационной деятельности в Азербайджане, где инновационная

Philadelphia, USA 11
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

деятельность, в том числе инновационное развитие промышленных предприятий находится на начальной

стадии. Отмечена важность комплексного решения проблем, мешающих интенсификации инновационного
развития промышленных предприятий. Подготовлен ряд рекомендаций и предложений по проблемам и
перспективам совершенствования организационно-экономических механизмов инновационного развития
промышленных предприятий в современных условиях и ближайшей перспективе.
Ключевые слова: инновация, инновационные процессы, инновационная стратегия предприятия,
инновационное развитие предприятия, организационно-экономические механизмы инновационного развития
промышленных предприятий, инновационная система в Азербайджане, инновационное развитие
промышленных предприятий Азербайджана.

Введение новых инноваций, организации инновационной

Проблемы и перспективы деятельности предприятия является получение
совершенствования организационно- результата деятельности по созданию нового
экономических механизмов инновационного продукта, услуги, процесса [3]. Инновационные
развития промышленных предприятий с каждым процессы способствуют ускорению
годом становятся одними из решающих рациональности предпринимательской
компонентов и приоритетов по модернизации деятельности и бизнес-процессов. В результате
основных механизмов национальной экономики, применения инновационной функции
прежде всего, его промышленного сектора, производительность и конкурентоспособность
формирования новых продуктивных источников предпринимательской деятельности существенно
роста и создания добавочной стоимости, повышается. По мнению П.Ф.Друкера, на
расширения перечня конкурентоспособных предприятиях к двум важным функциям
высокотехнологичных инновационных менеджера должны относиться - внедрение
продукций, повышение экспортного потенциала и инноваций и осуществление маркетинговой
в целом обеспечение стабильности деятельности, при этом необходимо полагаться на
функционирования отдельных секторов технологии и дать предпочтение внедрению
экономики страны в условиях углубления инноваций [4, с.220]. Кроме того, отметим, что
глобальных угроз и воздействий. инновационная стратегия и инновационная
Как известно, термин «инновация» деятельность в целом, инновационное развитие
произошел от латинского слова «innovation», промышленных предприятий обуславливает учет
которое означает «обновление», «улучшение» и всех основных элементов ведения хозяйственной
имеет схожее значение со словами «новшество» и деятельности для того, чтобы в конечном итоге
«нововведение». Инновация рассматривается как предприятие добилось прогнозируемых
развивающийся комплексный процесс создания и результатов с обязательным условием
распространения. Й.Шумпетер трактует обеспечения прибыльности инновационной
инновацию как новую комбинацию деятельности, повышения его
производственных факторов, мотивированную конкурентоспособности. Инновационное
предпринимательским духом, а инновационные развитие, обусловленное развитием
процессы - происходящие в результате создания производительных сил, объективно присущих
нового продукта и его освоения процессы [1]. По каждой национальной экономике, но
мнению О.Б.Трофимова «под инновацией мы определенной ступени развития она оформляется
будем понимать результат создания в конкретную систему – национально-
востребованных обществом различных новшеств, инновационную систему, действующую по
являющихся более совершенными, чем их характерным для системы принципам.
аналоги, в результате использования которых Стратегической целью данной системы
обеспечивается достижение прибыли объясняется необходимость создания
предприятий [2, с.23]. Инновации выступают организационно-экономической инновационной
основой для обновления и придания нового деятельности, обеспечение более продуктивными
импульса в экономических и хозяйственных и эффективными экономическими механизмами
процессах, позволяет разработке и инновационной стратегии предприятия [5, с.153].
осуществлению новых механизмов и Как отмечает Г.Ф.Фейгин, в условиях глобальных
инструментарий, в целом система инноваций изменений и трансформаций экономических
характеризуется в качестве совокупности процессов необходимо изменение основных
процессов создания и расширения среды механизмов мирохозяйственной системы,
инновационного развития, где больше всего решение проблем диверсификации и повышение
присутствуют новые подходы, новые товары и технологического уровня национальной
продукции, которые в корне отличаются от своих экономики, в первую очередь, в промышленной
предыдущих аналогов. Основным определяющим сфере. В связи с этим одним из важных условий
условием формирования и распространения является развитие национальной экономики за

Philadelphia, USA 12
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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

счет высоких технологий и инновационных обоснованная разработка и реализация

функций [6, с.304]. Инновационные функции инновационных проектов. Так, справедливо
способствуют изменению отношения к С.А.Варламов отмечает, что для успешной
существующим проблемам и недостаткам, реализации инновационных проектов необходимо
нахождению наиболее оптимальных и в обязательном порядке учитывать ряд
эффективных решений, разработке новых стратегических факторов:
механизмов по их устранению и ускорению 1. рентабельность инноваций;
модернизации устаревшего оборудования, 2. новые инновационные продукты, которые
обновлению технологий, активному участию в отличаются конкурентоспособностью;
технологическом обмене и трансфере технологий 3. инновационные идеи, которые получили
на международной арене. Инновации помогают одобрение специалистов предприятия;
успешно регулировать создавшиеся 4. повышение рыночной стоимости
диспропорции в деятельности отдельных сфер предприятия;
промышленного сектора национальной 5. рост выручки от реализации за счет новой
экономики, обеспечить его диверсификацию, инновационной продукции;
рост, повышение объема формирования 6. бенчмаркинг – непрерывный процесс
национального дохода и добавочной стоимости [7, оценки уровня инновационной продукции;
с.213]. 7. время вывода новой инновационной
Для обеспечения эффективности и продукции на рынок;
продуктивности организационно-экономических 8. использование конкурентных
механизмов инновационного развития преимуществ предприятия;
промышленных предприятий необходима более 9. доля реализованных инновационных идей
обоснованная и сбалансированная инновационная и предложений;
стратегия, где должны сконцентрироваться 10. качество информационного обеспечения
основные приоритеты и направления организации и др. [9, с.70].
инновационной деятельности, тактика и Следует подчеркнуть, что к главным группам
инструментарии, маркетинговые подходы инноваций относятся новые инновационные
инновационного развития, вопросы и приоритеты продукции, при этом инновации отличаются
научно-исследовательской деятельности, а также многофункциональностью и в дальнейшем
взаимодействие промышленных предприятий с происходит разработка, освоение и применение
научно-исследовательскими учреждениями и ряда важнейших этапов инновационного
вузами, государственными структурами, развития: технических, производственный и
инвестиционно-инновационными фондами и маркетинговый процессы, на этих этапах
субъектами международной инновационно- оптимальное планирование и прогнозирование
инвестиционной деятельности. Неэффективность инновационной деятельности обуславливает
стратегии затрудняет обоснованное определение последовательную реализацию
научно-технических приоритетов, механизмов их организационного-экономических механизмов
реализации, совокупных расходов на науку и их инновационного развития промышленных
структуру, направлений научно-технического предприятий.
развития, а, следовательно, не дает возможность На Рисунке 1 даны основные факторы
предприятиям выявить четкие ориентиры своего инновационной деятельности и их влияние на
инновационного развития [8, с.3]. Кроме того, для механизмы инновационного развития
реализации важнейших мероприятий и промышленных предприятий в нынешних
механизмов инновационной стратегии условиях.
предприятия требуется более оптимальная и

Philadelphia, USA 13
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Факторы, способствующие Факторы, препятствующие

инновационной инновационной
деятельности деятельности
Правовые и политические

1. поддержка инновационной деятельности со 3. ограничивающие меры, предусмотренные в

стороны государства; налоговом законодательстве;
2. различного рода законодательные меры, 4. разнообразные ограничения
льготы, активизирующие инновационную антимонопольного, лицензионного и др.
деятельность и др. законодательств и пр.;

Организационные и управленческие

5. гибкая организационная структура 7. ориентирование на имеющиеся рынки;

предприятий; 8. вертикальные потоки информации и ее
6. создание и обособление целевых групп и преобладание;
децентрализация организационного 9. направленность на краткосрочную
процесса и др.; рентабельность и пр.;

Экономические и технологические

10. присутствие соответствующей технической и 13. преобладание интересов текущего

научной инфраструктуры; производства;
11. система мотиваций и поощрений 14. недостаточное количество финансовых
инновационной деятельности; средств для инновационных проектов;
12. наличие материально-технической базы и 15. отсутствие резервных фондов и пр.;
др. 16.
Социальные и культурные

17. усиление возможностей самореализации; 20. опасение неопределенности и убыточности;

18. позитивный психологический климат в 21. традиционный образ мышления;
коллективе; 22. сопротивление новизне, изменениям в
19. общественное признание и различные
трудовом процессе и др.
моральные поощрения и пр.

Рисунок 1. Основные факторы инновационной деятельности и их влияние на механизмы

инновационного развития промышленных предприятий в нынешних условиях (составлено автором
на основе материалов исследования).

Как показывает анализ Рисунка 1, среди культурные факторы, в конечном результате

основных факторов инновационной деятельности оказывающие серьезное влияние на процессы
и их влияния на инновационное развитие сбалансирования инновационного развития
промышленных предприятий в современных экономики и общества, повышение жизненного
условиях большего всего выделяются: правовые и уровня населения страны. Кроме того, особое
политические факторы, которые оказывают значение имеет объективная оценка
серьезное влияние на обеспечение взаимодействующих факторов, которые серьезно
инновационного развития; организационные и воздействуют на рациональность инновационной
управленческие факторы, способствующие деятельности промышленных предприятий.
созданию соответствующих механизмов, Инновационному менеджменту предприятия
развитию инновационной системы; необходимо консолидировать все элементы и
экономические и технологические факторы, компоненты потенциального инновационного
которые играют важную роль в обеспечении развития предприятия, мобилизовать
материально-технической базы и инфраструктуры интеллектуальные, организационные,
инновационной деятельности; социальные и человеческие ресурсы, своевременно осуществить

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

долгосрочное планирование и прогнозирование основных направлений для обеспечения

ресурсного потенциала инновационного развития долгосрочного устойчивого экономического
предприятия согласно инновационной стратегии, развития, формирования экономики знаний,
осуществить скрупулёзный анализ с ускорения создания наукоемких технологий и
соответствующими выводами по каждому звену продуктов [11, с.20]. В числе приоритетных
инновационной цепочки, в том числе по направлений инновационной деятельности
механизму управлению инновационными намечается усиление связи между наукой и
процессами. Исследователь А.М.Губернаторов в производством, усиление государственной
качестве методологических подходов по поддержки и создание законодательной основы
управлению инновационного развития отрасли для повышения инновационной активности,
выделяет: обеспечения рационального использования и
1. централизованный – где присутствует и развития инновационного потенциала в стране.
доминирует государственное регулирование, его Одним из приоритетных направлений
механизмы и инструменты; инновационного развития в Азербайджане
2. функциональный – например, предусмотрено развитие инновационного
маркетинговые, технологические инновации и предпринимательства и с этой целью происходит
т.д.; активизация трансфера передовых технологий из-
3. процессный – подразумевает в себе за границы, создание технопарков и
конкретные инновационные бизнес-процессы; инновационных зон для разработки и применения
4. ситуационный – усиление контроля за высокотехнологичной промышленной продукции.
инновационными процессами; 5) динамический – В этих направлениях уже имеются первые
взаимодействие инновационной деятельности с результаты - в Сумгайытском промышленном
участием субъектов отрасли; центре действует высокотехнологичный парк, а в
5. процессно-синергетический – ставка Пираллахинском промышленном парке идет
делается на процессные инновации с учетом интенсивная работа по созданию инновационных
синергетического преимущества; предприятий. Кроме того, в Государственной
6. проектный – больше всего практикуется в Программе по развитию промышленности в
формировании и развитии инновационной Азербайджанской Республике на 2015-2020 годы,
деятельности предприятия, в котором утвержденной Распоряжением Президента
предпочтение отдается разработке и реализации Азербайджанской Республики от 26 декабря 2014
отдельных и конкретных инновационных года отмечается, что одной из стратегических
проектов; целей развития промышленности страны является
7. мезоэкономический – субъектом расширение наукоемких и инновационных
инновационного развития выступают конкретные производств, создание промышленных и
экономические субъекты; технологических парков, усиление
8. многомерный – подразумевает государственной поддержки с целью расширения
многомерность инновационных механизмов, инновационной деятельности и стимулирование
нацеленных на достижение высокотехнологичных внедрения инновационных технологий в
результатов и промышленных предприятиях [12, с.16]. Однако
9. нелинейный – главным компонентом процессы формирования и развития
инновационной деятельности является инновационной системы, а также инноватизации
мировоззренческие инновации с учетом промышленных предприятий в Азербайджане не
современных инновационных вызовов [10, с.51- набирали должного уровня.
52]. В целом, таким образом, для решения
Отметим, что инновационное развитие накопившихся проблем и реальной оценки
экономики Азербайджана и, в том числе, существующих резервов по раскрытию и
промышленных предприятий, за последнее реализации перспективы совершенствования
десятилетие набирает обороты, однако пока эти организационно-экономических механизмов
процессы не перешли в интенсивную фазу. инновационного развития промышленных
Данные аспекты развития отражены в ряде предприятий необходимо учитывать ряд
стратегических документов, концепций и принципов и факторов и дальнейшей их
государственных программ, в которых намечены последовательной реализации:
комплексные мероприятия, институциональные и - необходимо системно и комплексно
инновационные механизмы ускорения подходить к проблемам организационно-
инновационного развития в Азербайджане. Так, в экономических механизмов инновационного
концепции развития «Азербайджан – 2020: взгляд развития промышленных предприятий и
в будущее» отмечается, что расширение обеспечить их продуктивную реализацию;
инновационной деятельности будет одним из

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

- следует обеспечить более привлекательный финансовых вопросах и вопросах формирования

и стимулирующий инновационно- заказов на новые инновационные продукции;
инвестиционный климат и среду в стране, тем - промышленным предприятиям следуем
самым способствовать интенсификации глубокое изучение прогрессивного мирового
инновационного развития промышленных опыта по освоению и применению основных
предприятий; механизмов инновационного развития и в
- целесообразно усилить государственную контексте международного опыта обеспечить
поддержку инновационного развития совершенствование главных организационного-
промышленных предприятий, особенно в экономических механизмов инновационного
развития промышленных предприятий и т.д.


1. Shumpeter, J. A. (1934). The theory of economic razvitiya natsional'noy ekonomiki. Diss. d-ra
development. ekon. nauk. (p.332). Moskva.
2. Trofimov, O. V. (2011). Metodologiya 8. Poretskova, K. V. (2014). Formirovaniye
formirovaniya strategii innovatsionnogo innovatsionnoy strategii promyshlennogo
razvitiya promyshlennykh predpriyatiy v predpriyatiya. Diss. kand. ekon. nauk. (p.131).
usloviyakh modernizatsii ekonomiki. Diss. d-ra Saratov.
ekon. nauk. (p.305). Moscow. 9. Varlamov, S. A. (2014). Strategicheskiye
3. Semenova, A. A. (2005). Sozdaniye innovatsii kak element klyuchevykh faktorov
natsional'noy sistemy upravleniya uspekha organizatsii. Ekonomika i upravleniye,
innovatsionnoy deyatel'nost'yu: teoriya i №1(110), p.69-72.
metodologiya. Diss. d-ra ekon. nauk. (p.312). 10. Gubernatorov, A. M. (2015). Metodologiya i
Moscow. organizatsiya upravleniya innovatsionnym
4. Druker, P. F. (2007). Biznes i innovatsii. (p.432). razvitiyem otrasli. Diss. d-ra ekon. nauk. (p.342).
Moscow: «Vil'yams». Moscow.
5. Krasnoperova, T. Y. (2013). Natsional'naya 11. (n.d.). Kontseptsiya razvitiya «Azerbaydzhan –
innovatsionnaya sistema: struktura, rol' 2020: vzglyad v budushcheye», 41p. Retrieved
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tekhnologiy, mekhaniki i optiki, №6(88), pp.152- 12. (2014). Gosudarstvennaya Programma po
156. razvitiyu promyshlennosti v Azerbaydzhanskoy
6. Feygin, G. F. (2009). Zakonomernosti Respublike na 2015-2020 gody. Utverzhdeno
globalizatsii i razvitiye natsional'nykh ekonomik. Rasporyazheniyem Prezidenta
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7. Mel'nikov, R. M. (2008). Teoriya i mekhanizm 2014 goda, № 964, 31 p.
regulirovaniya proportsiy prostranstvennogo

Philadelphia, USA 16
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 08 Volume: 76

Published: 05.08.2019

Vadim Andreevich Kozhevnikov
Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University
Senior Lecturer

Evgeniya Sergeevna Pankratova

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

Ilgar Vugar Ogly Shahbazov

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University


Abstract: This article is about the development of web services. The article presents the main approaches to the
development. Next, we are talking about different software for the project development. Besides, there are a few
words about design and detailed description of the project. In addition, the article describes the manual testing of
the project.
Key words: push, gRPC, Scala, notifications, Android, Amazon, Windows Phone, iOS.
Language: Russian
Citation: Kozhevnikov, V. A., Pankratova, E. S., & Shahbazov, I. V. (2019). Push notification service. ISJ
Theoretical & Applied Science, 08 (76), 17-31.
Soi: Doi:
Classifiers: Computer science, computer engineering and automation.


Аннотация: Данная статья относится к сфере разработки веб сервисов. В статье приводятся
основные подходы разработки ПО и проводится анализ современных способов общения с клиентами. Далее
речь идет о выборе программных средств для реализации проекта. Также рассматривается
проектирование и детальное описание реализации проекта. Кроме этого, в статье рассказывается о
ручном тестирование проекта.
Ключевые слова: push, gRPC, Scala, push-уведомления, Android, Amazon, Windows Phone, iOS.

Введение каждая из этих технологий имеет плюсы и минусы

Основным интересом многих компаний в конкретном контексте.
является оценка лучшей коммуникационной Сузим деятельность компании – представим,
технологии для расширения взаимодействия с что есть продукт, являющийся веб-сервисом, и для
клиентами. Как компаниям убедить клиентов веб-сервиса написаны клиенты для различных
пользоваться вашим продуктом в наиболее мобильных платформ, а также есть веб-
контекстуальном ключе? Самые популярные приложение. При уведомлениях по электронной
способы общения на данный момент – это почте возникает сразу несколько проблем:
электронная почта, push-уведомления и SMS - и обязательная регистрация на сервисе, долгий
отклик и пользователь (или его почтовый сервер)

Philadelphia, USA 17
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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

может подумать, что это спам. Использованием • тестирование веб-сервиса, путём

SMS решает все проблемы, обозначенные выше, создания приложений на iOS, Android, Windows
но нужно учитывать расходы при отправке Phone и Fire OS.
большого количества сообщений. Практическая ценность данного сервиса
Технология Push является самой заключается в том, что после отгрузки в
современной и решает все вышеперечисленные публичный репозиторий, им смогут пользоваться
проблемы, а также имеет ряд полезных функций, все команды разработчиков, у которых есть
таких как быстрый переход в приложение, или клиенты на смартфоны и веб, и т.к. сервис будет с
использование картинок в уведомлениях. - открытым исходным кодом, его сможет изменить
Очевидно, что веб-приложений с клиентами на под свои нужды любой желающий.
разных платформах не мало, а задача отправки
push-уведомлений является общей. Подходы к разработке ПО
На данный момент есть продукты,
реализующие мульти-платформенную отправку Монолитная архитектура - «состоящая из
push-уведомлений, но все они основаны на REST одной части» - является унифицированной
и имеют закрытый исходный код. У технологии моделью для разработки программного
REST есть ряд ограничений, и часть компаний обеспечения. Все компоненты в монолитной
используют только RPC [1] подход. архитектуре взаимосвязаны и взаимозависимы, и
Исходя из этого, разработка одного общего для компиляции приложения на монолитной
веб-сервиса с открытым исходным кодом, архитектуре все компоненты должны
основанного на RPC, который будет отправлять присутствовать. Кроме того, если какой-либо
уведомления на указанные клиентом сервиса компонент должен быть обновлен, всё
платформы, является очень актуальной. приложение должно быть переписано.
Многие стартапы начинаются в монолитной
Постановка задачи архитектуре: структура такого приложения
Нашей целью является разработка веб- хорошо поддаётся для небольших групп
сервиса для push-уведомлений. разработки и имеет малые операционные
В соответствии с поставленной целью накладные расходы. Монолиты также имеют
необходимо решить следующие задачи: только одну большую базу кода – логика на
• исследование взаимодействия языка Scala стороне сервера, логика на стороне клиента,
c фреймворком gRPC.; фоновые процессы – всё определено в одной и той
• изучение работы с серверами пуш же базе кода. Это значит, что, если разработчики
уведомлений для iOS, Android, Windows 10 Mobile хотят внести какие-либо изменения, даже
и Fire OS; небольшие, им придется собрать и развернуть весь
• проектирование и разработка сервиса пуш проект сразу.
уведомлений; Альтернативой монолитной архитектуре
является микросервисная (рис. 1).

Рис.1 Архитектуры ПО

Идея заключается в том, чтобы разделить HTTP-протокол. Говоря простым языком, мы

целое приложение на небольшие сервисы, где переходим от большого монолита, который
каждый сервис выполняет какую-либо роль. хранит внутри множество компонент, и
Каждый сервис запускается отдельным процессом разрабатывается, развертывается, выпускается как
и взаимодействует с другими сервисами через единое целое, к архитектуре, где каждый модуль

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

— это компонента, у которой своё адресное • отправить запрос;

пространство, свой отдельный процесс, • десериализовать данные;
удаленный интерфейс. То есть, каждый • выполнить работу;
микросервис – это независимый модуль с • сериализовать ответ в JSON и создать
независимым жизненным циклом. HTTP-ответ;
• отправить ответ;
У такого решения есть ряд преимуществ: • десериализовать полученный ответ.
• Лучшая организация: каждый Ведущий архитектор из компании Credera
микросервис имеет одну определенную цель и Джереми Лейзи провёл собственный эксперимент
никак не связан с другими микросервисами. [2], выявляющий затраты на дополнительные
• Независимость: независимые действия, описанные выше. Эксперимент показал
компоненты легко перенастроить, пересобрать, следующее: по мере увеличения количества
изменить всю архитектуру микросервиса, передаваемых данных увеличивается время
добавлять новые возможности, т.к. для внешнего ввода/вывода и сериализации. Например,
мира важно только публичное API данного передаваемые данные типа double в Java весят 8
сервиса, а всё, что внутри - не интересно. байт. В микросервисной архитектуре это число
• Производительность: при правильных придется упаковать в JSON и переменная будет
обстоятельствах, микросервисы могут быть очень весить уже не 8 байт, а 19. Это означает, что для
производительными. Например, самые сериализации полной точности double из памяти в
нагруженные микросервисы можно изолировать и JSON вы значительно увеличиваете объем
масштабировать. данных, необходимых для его представления (Рис.
Микросервисная архитектура, безусловно, не В связи с этим, компания Google придумала
является идеальной, и у неё есть свои недостатки свой протокол Protobuf, который, по словам
– затраты на взаимодействие между компании, является лучшей альтернативой
микросервисами. Представим наиболее частое протоколу JSON и микросервисную архитектуру
решение при построении такой архитектуры: лучше строить с помощью их технологии.
REST API, который общается с помощью формата Исследования коллеги Джереми Лейзи – Майка
JSON через HTTP. В таком случае, для каждого Энсора показали, что взаимодействие через
запроса следует выполнить следующие действия: Protobuf быстрее JSON почти в 2.4 раза [3].
• сериализовать данные в JSON и создать

Рис 2. Увеличение затрат на дополнительные действия в микросервисе

Philadelphia, USA 19
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Современные технологии общения с пользователя. Также, Push является менее

клиентами затратным и имеет больше возможностей
Основной проблемой для многих компаний (например, фото в уведомлении).
является оценка лучшего канала связи для
увеличения взаимодействия с клиентами. Выбор программных средств
Электронная почта, push-уведомления и SMS-
сообщения – это самые популярные способы Scala – это типобезопасный JVM-язык,
общения с клиентами. Чтобы клиенты который включает в себя как объектно-
возвращались к приложению, уведомления ориентированное, так и функциональное
должны обеспечивать наибольшую актуальность программирование [5]. Это чрезвычайно сжатый,
в момент получения. логичный и чрезвычайно мощный язык. Есть
Итак, какие преимущества каждой среды? мнение, что Scala – сложный язык, и это правда.
Исходя из некоторых исследований, примерно Некоторые из сложных функций языка (Tuples,
90% SMS-сообщений читаются в течение первых Functions, Macros и т.д.) в конечном итоге
15 минут после доставки. Этот канал обмена облегчают разработчику писать лучший код и
должен использоваться для предоставления повышать производительность.
критически важной для бизнеса информации. Scala – это не единственная попытка создать
Отправка SMS нужна, например, в случаях, когда «улучшенную версию Java». Альтернативы, такие
курьер приехал, или купленный товар привезен в как Kotlin [6] и Ceylon [7], также пошли по этому
указанный магазин и готов для выдачи. пути. Главным отличием Scala от Kotlin и Ceylon
Сочетание высокой скорости в том, что последние оставили Java-подобный
взаимодействия и глобального охвата также синтаксис, чтобы минимизировать сложность
делает технологию SMS привлекательным перехода с Java.
выбором для аутентификации пользователей. Это может показаться отличной идеей, но в
Такие сценарии, как проверка номера, итоге такой синтаксис в дальнейшем
используются в основном для SMS, потому что ограничивает и заставляет оставаться в рамках тех
имеют высокую доступность. Google, Facebook, же самых парадигм Java, которые были причиной
Apple и др. при двухфакторной авторизации создания «лучшую Java» в первую очередь. В
отправляют автоматическое текстовое сообщение, отличии от этого Scala была создана специально
содержащее PIN-код, который клиент может для того, чтобы стать лучшим языком, пропуская
ввести через другой канал, чтобы подтвердить те самые ограничивающие аспекты. В результате
свою личность. SMS не стоит использовать для между Scala и Java действительно существуют
информации, которую пользователь должен будет различия в коде, которые могут сделать изучение
указать позже, например, квитанции и т. д. Scala немного сложнее.
По сравнению с электронными письмами, Simple Build Tool (далее, sbt) – это
SMS легко удалить и сложнее найти. Любая инструмент для сборки, написанный на Scala.
информация, отправляемая по SMS, должна быть Проекты Scala обычно собирают с помощью sbt.
легко доступна в короткие сроки. Также, Инструмент имеет следующие
максимальный объем SMS – 160 символов, и преимущества:
каждая отправка SMS стоит денег. • удобные средства для управления
Электронная почта должна использоваться зависимостями;
при передаче информации, которая не зависит от • создание задач на языке Scala;
времени. Сообщение об успешной регистрации, • инструменты для тестирования;
подтверждения, заказы, квитанции – всё это • запуск REPL в контексте проекта.
случаи, при которых рекомендуется использовать Remote Procedure Call (далее, RPC) –
электронную почту. Электронная почта не должна удаленный вызов процедур – это протокол, с
использоваться для срочных действий. Согласно помощью которого одна программа может
некоторым исследованиям среднее время для использовать функции другой программы,
просмотра сообщения электронной почты расположенной на другом компьютере в сети.
составляет 6.4 часа [4]. Исходя из этого, было бы RPC использует клиент-серверную модель.
нецелесообразно уведомлять людей по Программа, которая хочет вызвать функцию
электронной почте о том, что их доставка еды или другой программы – клиент, а программа,
такси прибыли. предоставляющая эту функцию – сервер.
Наконец, push-уведомления – технология, gRPC Remote Procedure Calls – это среда с
являющаяся стандартным способом связи для открытым исходным кодом, которая может
приложений на смартфонах. Push является менее запускаться, где угодно (клиент и сервер), она
навязчивым, чем SMS, т. к. он может быть позволяет клиенту и серверу взаимодействовать и
доставлен на экран пользователя без активности упрощать между собой связь [8].

Philadelphia, USA 20
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Основные свойства gRPC: Серверная часть FCM состоит из двух

• gRPC является двоичным, а не текстовым, компонент:
как RPC с JSON или SOAP, поэтому является • FCM-серверы, предоставляемые Google;
более компактным и эффективным. • сервер приложения.
• Он мультиплексирует запросы по одному Сервер приложений должен отвечать
TCP-соединению. Это позволяет одновременно следующим критериям:
отправлять множество сообщений и сокращает • возможность отправки запросов клиенту;
тем самым использование сетевых ресурсов. • возможность отправки запросов на
• Используется сжатие заголовка для сервера FCM;
уменьшения размера запросов и ответов. • возможность обрабатывать запросы;
Данную технологию используют такие • возможность безопасного хранения
организации, как Google, Netflix, Docker, Cisco и ключей сервера и клиентских токенов.
т.д. Поддерживаются практически все основные
языки – Java, C++, Objective-C, Python, Ruby, Go, Системы удаленных уведомлений для
C#, Node JS. устройств Apple
gRPC использует протокольные буферы
Protobuf – метод, разработанный Google для Apple Push Notification service (далее, APNs)
сериализации структурированных данных в – это система удаленных уведомлений компании
двоичный формат. Apple, созданная для разработчиков приложений,
с помощью которой можно распространять
Система удаленных уведомлений для информацию на устройства iOS, macOS и tvOS
устройств Android (рис. 3) [10].
При первоначальном запуске приложения
Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) [9] - это iOS на устройстве пользователя система
система удаленных уведомлений компании автоматически устанавливает зашифрованное и
Google, созданная для разработчиков постоянное IP-соединение между вашим
приложений, с помощью которого можно приложением и APNs. Это соединение позволяет
распространять информацию на устройства приложению выполнять настройку для получения
Android и Web. уведомлений.

Рис. 3. Архитектура APNs

Provider – это сервер, который нужно необходимо обновлять токен – каждый токен
развернуть разработчику и настроить для работы аутентификации работает в течение одного часа.
с APNs. Каждое уведомление, отправленное Provider-
Первым шагом для отправки удаленного сервером в APNs включает payload. Payload – это
уведомления является установление связи с APNs JSON-словарь, который отправляется вместе с
серверами: HTTP/2 запросом. Максимальный размер payload
Development server: – 4 КБ.
Production server: Система удаленных уведомлений для
Также, сервер Provider должен поддерживать устройств Windows
TLS 1.2 и выше при подключении к APNs. Есть Windows Push Notification Services (WNS)
несколько способов подключения к серверам [11] позволяют сторонним разработчикам
APNs: отправлять пуш уведомления на устройства
• Использовать SSL сертификат клиента Windows, в том числе на Windows Phone 8.1 и
Provider. Windows 10 Mobile.
• Создать токен аутентификации Provider’а, Для отправки уведомлений используется
подписанный с ключом, предоставленным через платформа Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
учетную запись разработчика. В таком случае (рис. 4).

Philadelphia, USA 21
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Рис. 4. Платформа UWP

Universal Windows Platform (UWP) – контролирует разработчик, отправляющий

платформа, созданная компанией Microsoft и сообщение.
впервые представленная в Windows 10. Данная Опишем функции каждой из компонент.
платформа предназначена для создания Сервера разработчика:
универсальных приложений, запускаемых как на • аутентификация на ADM серверах с
Windows 10, так и на Windows 10 Mobile без помощью токена доступа;
изменения в коде. Имеется поддержка создания • отправка сообщений на сервера ADM для
таких приложений на C++, C#, VB.NET и XAML. дальнейшей доставки в приложения на Amazon
API реализован в C++ и поддерживается в C++, устройствах.
VB.NET, C#, F# и JavaScript. Сервера ADM:
Принцип работы: • используют токен доступа для валидации
• приложение запрашивает канал push- серверов разработчика;
уведомлений от UWP; • доставляют сообщения с серверов
• Windows просит WNS создать канал разработчика до ADM клиентов на устройства.
уведомлений. Этот канал возвращается Клиенты ADM:
вызывающему устройству в виде URI; • обрабатывают регистрацию приложения с
• URI канала уведомлений возвращается в ADM серверами;
приложение; • получают сообщения из ADM серверов и
• приложение отправляет URI в сервер, передают их приложению.
откуда происходит отправка уведомлений; Приложение:
• сервер сохраняет URI для дальнейших • регистрируется с клиентом ADM для
отправок уведомлений; получения сообщений из серверов разработчика;
• когда сервер готов отправить, он • получает сообщение от клиента ADM и
уведомляет WNS, используя URI; обрабатывает его.
• взаимодействие происходит по HTTP Разработчик контролирует компоненты
POST через SSL; Приложение и Сервер разработчика.
• WNS получает запрос и направляет На высоком уровне процесс доставки
уведомление на соответствующее устройства. сообщения, отправляемого ADM, выглядит
следующим образом (рис. 5):
Система удаленных уведомлений для • сервер разработчика отправляет на
устройств Amazon серверы ADM сообщение, содержащее данные в
формате JSON;
Amazon Device Messaging (ADM) позволяет • серверы ADM отправляют сообщение
отправлять уведомления на устройства Amazon клиенту ADM на устройства, на котором
[12]. установлено приложение;
При отправке сообщения через ADM • клиент ADM получает сообщение и
используются четыре компонента, два из которых передает в приложение, которое приложение
обрабатывает и выводит.

Philadelphia, USA 22
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Рис. 5. Принцип взаимодействия компонент Amazon

Функциональная схема сервиса Есть сервис, предоставляющий

пользователю различные возможности.
Проектирование веб сервисов является Пользователь может иметь несколько каналов
одним из важных шагов перед разработкой. взаимодействия с сервисом – по HTTP протоколу,
Уделяя время грамотному проектированию по RPC протоколу и т. п. В данной статье будет
архитектуры, можно сэкономить в будущем много рассматриваться взаимодействие по RPC
времени и сил при дальнейших улучшениях протоколу, но должна быть возможность гибкого
сервиса. подключения других протоколов для клиент-
серверного взаимодействия (рис. 6).

Рис. 6. Взаимодействие сервиса с внешними системами

Следовательно, надо декомпозировать • возможность отправки уведомлений на

функциональность сервиса на маленькие Windows Phone;
компоненты. • возможность отправки уведомлений на
Требования к функциональности: Kindle Fire ( >2nd generation).
• возможность отправки уведомлений на Разделим функциональность сервиса по
Android; требованиям к функциональности и получим 4
• возможность отправки уведомлений на компоненты по взаимодействию с различными
iOS; системами удаленных уведомлений (рис. 7).

Рис. 7. Взаимодействие сервиса с системами удаленных уведомлений

Philadelphia, USA 23
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

- Компонент взаимодействия с Android (deviceRegistrationId). На рис. 8 представлен

устройствами: программный код, предоставляющий
Для отправки сообщений на платформу возможность отправки push-уведомлений на
Android, необходимо иметь API-ключ, который устройства Android.
хранится на серверах Firebase, и идентификатор
зарегистрированного устройства

Рис. 8. Код для отправки уведомления на Android

- Компонент взаимодействия с iOS приложения. Наш компонент для отправки

устройствами: уведомлений на платформу iOS поддерживает два
Как было выяснено ранее, для отправки вида аутентификации.
уведомлений на устройства iOS, необходимо При использовании сертификата приложения
получить сертификат для своего приложения, код показан на рис .9.
либо иметь актуальный токен аутентификации

Рис. 9. Код для отправки уведомления на iOS с использованием сертификата на языке Scala

На рис. 10 показана отправка уведомления

при использовании токенов.

Рис. 10. Код для отправки уведомления на iOS с использованием токенов на языке Scala

- Компонент взаимодействия с Windows • packageSid и clientSecret – выдается при

Phone устройствами: регистрации Windows-приложения в UWP;
Для отправки уведомления на WNS, • uri – канал для взаимодействия с WNS.
необходимо иметь следующие параметры:

Philadelphia, USA 24
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Имея эти параметры, можно отправить push-

уведомление, как показано на рис. 11.

Рис. 11. Код для отправки уведомления на Windows Phone

- Компонент взаимодействия с Amazon • token – токен доступа, который

Device Messaging: необходимо получить из ADM серверов.
Для отправки уведомления на устройства Программный код для отправки уведомления
Amazon, необходимы параметры: на устройство Amazon иллюстрирован на рис. 12.
• clientId и clientSecret – получаем при
добавлении приложения на Amazon App
Distribution Portal;

Рис. 12. Код для отправки уведомления на устройство Amazon

Реализация gRPC интерфейса Описание сообщения для запроса на ADM

сервер приведено на рис. 13.
Для того, чтобы микросервисы в gRPC могли
взаимодействовать, необходимо описание RPC
взаимодействия на языке Protobuf.

Рис. 13. Описание сообщения на ADM

Параметры сообщения: • clientSecret – ключ пользователя на ADM,

• clientId – идентификатор пользователя на находится на
ADM, находится на;; • admToken – токен приложения, берется из

Philadelphia, USA 25
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

• message – данные сообщения. Следующим в коде сообщением является

запрос к APNs (см. рис. 14).

Рис.14. Описание сообщения на APNs

Параметры сообщения: • certPass – пароль SSL сертификата;

• privateKeyPath – путь до приватного • topic – заголовок;
ключа; • deviceToken – токен устройства, берется
• keyId – идентификатор приватного ключа; из приложения;
• teamId – идентификатор аккаунта • message – данные сообщения.
разработчика Apple;
• certKeyStore – SSL сертификат, который Рассмотрим сообщение к серверу FCM (см.
генерируется на; рис. 15).

Рис. 15. Описание сообщения на FCM

Параметры сообщения: • message – данные сообщения.

• fcmApiKey – ключ API для веб-
приложения; Рассмотрим сообщение на WNS сервера (см. рис.
• registrationId – токен; 16).

Рис. 16. Описание сообщения на WNS

Параметры сообщения: • uri – канал для взаимодействия с WNS.

• packageSid – идентификатор пакета
безопасности; Ответом на все запросы к нашему сервису
• clientSecret – ключ; будет являться сообщение, которое содержит в
• text – текст уведомления;

Philadelphia, USA 26
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

себе одно единственное поле success, которое Protobuf и описать методы. В данном случае,
обозначает успешность выполнения операции. сервисом является ScalaPusher, внутри которого
Для использования сообщений, описанных есть четыре метода (рис. 17).
выше, необходимо объявить сервис на языке

Рис. 17. Описание методов для удаленного вызова

Сборка сервиса • dmg для OSX;

• msi для Windows;
Есть несколько способов развертки сервиса • docker-образы.
для различных платформ:
• сборка исходников в универсальные Для Simple Built Tool существует плагин,
архивы форматов zip, tar.gz, xz; который поддерживает выше перечисленные
• deb и rpm пакеты для систем на базе сборки - SBT Native Packager (рис. 18).

Рис. 18. Архитектура SBT Native Packager

Для установки плагина в SBT, достаточно • universal:packageOsxDmg – генерирует

просто установить плагин. И потом активировать dmg файл с тем же контентом внутри, что и в
плагин, который предоставит скрипты запуска для zip/tgz архивах;
Linux, OSX и Windows. • windows:packageBin – генерирует msi.
Для создания пакета имеются несколько
команд: Требования к сервису для тестирования
• universal:packageBin – генерирует
универсальный zip файл; Цели тестирования:
• universal:packageZipTarball - генерирует • Оценка работы базовых функций сервиса:
универсальный tgz файл; o отправка push уведомлений на устройства
• debian:packageBin – генерирует deb пакет; Android;
• docker:publishLocal – строит докер образ с o отправка push уведомлений на устройства
использование локального Docker сервера; iOS;
• rpm:packageBin – генерирует rpm пакет; o отправка push уведомлений на устройства

Philadelphia, USA 27
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

o отправка push уведомлений на устройства • поставим Python на операционную

Windows. систему;
• Оценка корректной работы системы gRPC • выполним команды в терминале:
в рамках сервиса. pip install grpcio;
Мы выбрали ручной способ тестирования. pip install grpcio-tools;
Предусловия для тестирования: • выполним команду, которая
• сервис – наш севрис push-уведомлений; скомпилирует proto-файл в модуль на языке
• клиент для gRPC – отправляет запросы в Python:
сервис push-уведомлений; python –m grpc_tools.protoc –I. –
• мобильные приложения на Android, iOS, python_out=. –grpc_python_out=.
Fire OS и Windows Phone; Scalapusher.proto.
• устройство или эмулятор; В папке, из которой выполнялись команды,
• доступ в интернет с сервиса – для того, появились модули и
чтобы сервис мог послать запрос к серверам push-, которые будут использованы
уведомлений той или иной платформы; для дальнейшего тестирования сервиса.
• доступ устройства/эмулятора в интернет –
для получения push-уведомления. Тестирование для Android

Клиент для gRPC В качестве мобильного приложения возьмем

приложение с официального репозитория firebase
Система для удаленного вызова процедур – Firebase Cloud Messaging Quickstart. Главная
gRPC поддерживает ряд языков функция данного приложения выводить токен
программирования: C/C++, C#, Dart, Go, Java, устройства, который нужен будет для отправки
Node.js, PHP, Python, Ruby. уведомления. Также, для отправки уведомления
Данный список содержит в себе только те нужен ключ самого приложения на
языки программирования, которые официально
поддерживаются. Также, есть ряд других языков, В среде разработки Android Stuido
которые поддерживаются сообществом того или имеется инструмент для эмуляции устройств –
иного языка, как, например, в случае со Scala. Для Android Virtual Device. Запустим эмулятор на
наглядности работы gRPC мы возьмем отличный последней версии Android Oreo с приложением и
от Scala язык программирования. Для выведем токен на экран.
тестирования подойдет Python, т. к. имеет Запустим сервис и запустим следующий
упрощенный синтаксис и простую настройку клиентской код на языке Python.
окружения. Устройство получает push-уведомление и
Для начала следует скомпилировать выводит сообщение (рис. 19). Из переменной
описание сервиса на Protobuf в модули на языке response получаем поле success – значение success
Python. Выполним следующие шаги для равно True.
достижения данной цели:

Philadelphia, USA 28
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Рис. 19. Успешное получение push-уведомления на Android

Тестирование для iOS аутентификации – возвращается ответ с кодом 401

– неавторизованный запрос.
Для тестирования устройств на базе iOS
необходим аккаунт разработчика Apple, который Тестирование для Windows
стоит $99, поэтому было проведено тестирование
без мобильного приложения. В качестве мобильного приложения возьмем
Отправим с помощью языка Python запрос приложение с официального сайта
без токенов для аутентификации и получаем код – Push and periodic
ответа 401, который означает, что запрос notifications client-side sample [13]. Для запуска
неавторизованный. необходима среда разработки Visual Studio,
которая поддерживает возможность эмуляции
Тестирование для Amazon мобильных операционных систем и запуска на
них приложений.
Для устройств Amazon на базе Android и Fire Запустим наше приложение и отправим с
OS отсутствует поддержка тестирования push- помощью скрипта на Python запрос – уведомление
уведомлений без физического устройства. успешно получено и выведено устройством (рис.
Отправим push-уведомление без полей для 20).

Philadelphia, USA 29
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Рис. 20. Успешное получение уведомления на Windows Phone

Заключение Android, Amazon и Windows Phone

В ходе работы были проведены исследования соответственно.
и сравнительный анализ подходов разработки Была спроектирована архитектура сервиса и
программного обеспечения и были рассмотрены разработаны компоненты для работы с серверами
способы взаимодействия микросервисов в сети. FCM, APNs, ADM и WNS. Реализована поддержка
Мы проанализировали технологии, gRPC для отправки уведомлений. Добавлена
использовавшиеся при разработке сервиса, и гибкая сборка проекта с помощью плагинов
рассмотрели взаимодействие gRPC и Scala. Для сборщика SBT.
отправки уведомлений использовались Было проведено функциональное
официальные документации по API серверов тестирование сервиса с использованием
APNs, FCM, ADM и WNS для платформ iOS, эмуляторов мобильных устройств и мобильных
приложений, на которые приходят уведомления.


1. (n.d.). RPC: Remote Procedure Call Protocol common-pitfall-with-microservice-

Spetification Version 2. Retrieved July 30, 2019, architectures/
from: 3. (n.d.). Protobuf Alternative to REST for
2. (n.d.). A Common Pitfall With Microservice Microservices. Retrieved July 30, 2019, from
Architectures. Retrieved July 30, 2019, from to-rest-for-microservices

Philadelphia, USA 30
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

4. (n.d.). Email and SMS marketing. Retrieved July from:

30, 2019, from:
vs-email-sms-marketing/ umentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/Re
5. (n.d.). The Scala Programming Language. moteNotificationsPG/APNSOverview.html
Retrieved July 30, 2019, from 11. (n.d.). Windows Push Notification Services (WNS) overview. Retrieved July 30, 2019, from
6. (n.d.). Kotlin Programming Language.
Retrieved July 30, 2019, from us/windows/uwp/design/shell/tiles-and- notifications/windows-push-notification-
7. (n.d.). Eclipse Ceylon: Welcome to Ceylon. services--wns—overview
Retrieved July 30, 2019, from: https://ceylon- 12. (n.d.). Set up Amazon Device Messaging. Retrieved July 30, 2019 from
8. (n.d.). gRPC. Retrieved July 30, 2019, from up.html
9. (n.d.). Firebase. Retrieved July 30, 2019, from 13. (n.d.). Push and periodic notifications client- side sample. Retrieved 30.07.2019 from:
10. (n.d.). Local and Remote Notification push-and-periodic-de225603
Programming Guide. Retrieved July 30, 2019,

Philadelphia, USA 31
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 08 Volume: 76

Published: 06.08.2019

S. Zhunisbekov
Taraz State University
Doctor of technical Sciences,
Professor, Academician of NIA RK

D.K. Dzhakiyaev
Taraz State University
Ph.D., Associate Professor

S.ZH. Zhashen
Taraz State University
Ph.D., Associate Professor


Abstract: In this work the authors present information highlighting the importance of nuclear energy
development. The Republic of Kazakhstan is one of the world leaders in reserves of uranium deposits, the use of
which, us a source of energy, helps to accelerate the pace of development of the country’s economy. At the same time,
the extraction of radioactive ores entails a number of environmental issues that require serious objective assessment
of the extent of the radioactive hazard.
Key words: minerals; ore; enriching; energy sources; power mediums; ecological problems; unprocessed in the
carriers of energy; uranium; thorium; proceeded in energy sources; atomic (nuclear) energy; radio-activity; method
of the underground down hole lixiviating.
Language: English
Citation: Zhunisbekov, S., Dzhakiyaev, D. K., & Zhashen, S. Z. (2019). Environmental issues of radioactive ore
mining in Kazakhstan mining industry. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 08 (76), 32-36.
Soi: Doi:
Classifiers: Metallurgy and energy.

Introduction Materials and Methods

Over the past 100 years there has been According to statistics over the past 30 years the
unprecedented human intervention in nature. For his world's electricityper capita consumption has doubled
needs human mines minerals in increasing number [1]. Taking into account the fact that the population of
bringing to surface huge masses of ore and dead rock. the Earth is increasing almost exponentially, energy
The mined ores get enriched; useful elements get consumption will grow at the same rate, which means
distracted from them. The wastes of their processing that we should expect huge increase in production of
pollute atmosphere and water resources, dumps of energy sources - energy carriers of heat and electric
dead rock and other types of wastes occupy vast areas energy. Production of conventional energy sources,
of lands. and especially their use, cause enormous
Energy resource mining plays a special part in environmental problems. In such fast growing
mineral mining. This is a requirement of life, since one countries as China, South Korea, and Japan, thick
of the main indicators of potential for development of seasonal smog becomes a traditional national disaster.
any civilized society is the indicator of its energy In addition to direct contamination of the air and water
capacity; energy is the basis of the existence of basins as a result of use of organic energy sourcesthere
modern civilized humanity.

Philadelphia, USA 32
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

is a growing radiation background at their waste dump The estimates made in the USA for a coal-fired
sites. thermal power plant with1 million kW capacity show
Thus the increase of production of heat and that during its operation within a year there are
electrical energy grows into a problem of paramount released about 2 billion of lethal doses of toxic
importance. This problem is inextricably linked with substances which are dispersed in the atmosphere and
the problem of primary energy sources and accumulate in the environment without decomposing.
determination of the main directions of energy Annual dose of radiation exposure of the population
development in general. Any modern person presents within 20 km radius from a normally operating
the list of primary energy sources: non-renewable nuclear power plant, measured at hundreds of plants
organic energy carriers (coal, oil, natural gas, peat, over the past 40 years, was 20 times lower than in the
etc.), renewable (unconventional) energy sources same area around a coal-fired thermal power plant of
(hydroelectric power, solar, wind, tidal, geothermal, the same capacity [1].
etc.) and atomic (nuclear) energy. In addition, other undesirable and even
Currently there is large number of global energy dangerous phenomena associated with coal-fired
development forecasts for the near future, but almost thermal power plants are untold or “forgotten” in
all experts are unanimous that in the coming decades society. For example in our republic the basis of
humanity will face complete depletion of reserves of energy is formed by thermal coal stations operating on
conventional fossil energy sources. According to the Ekibastuz coals. Experts know that this coal is very
same estimates the world reserves of organic energy ashy, the coal itself in it is only about 35%, and the
sources (oil, natural gas, peat, etc.) in the coming years rest is mineral impurities - ash! When burning it 17–
will not be able to provide the required growth in 19 million tons of ash is emitted annually into the
energy production. And only stocks of coal as a source atmosphere which contains a huge amount of
of primary energy can be used for about 150–200 pollutants and toxic substances including fine uranium
years [1]. aerosols [5]. These emissions cover vast areas. Thus
In other words humanity faces the most according to press reports the harmful aerosol
complicated problem of inevitable depletion of natural emissions from Ekibastuz GRES power plant are
energy resources. This task is preferable to solve recorded even in the territory of Western China. Only
without loss of pace of economic development. The 20% of ash stays in installed fly-ash collectors at these
great natural scientist, geologist and philosopher of plants, the rest of the mass flies into the pipe. But
the twentieth century V. I. Vernadsky who devoted hazardous wastes caught in the fly-ash collectors are
much of his life to studying the laws of civilization not disposed in any way, and they are also carried
development on Earth, concluded back in 1911: "The from the dumps to surroundings by the wind.
emphasis on using exclusively organic fuels for According to expert estimates over 300 million tons
energy development is a predetermined dead-end of such waste has been accumulated in ash dumps!
road" At about the same time equally great chemist Are they not environmental problems to be urgently
D.I. Mendeleev concluded "... to fire the furnace with addressed?!
oil is equivalent to firing with banknotes!" Thus using the example of Kazakhstan,
Solution of issues of energy supply of population replacement of a coal-fired thermal power plant of 2
and economy will depend on the choice of right 000 MW capacity with an equivalent nuclear power
direction of energy development. plant will lead to coal consumption reduction by 11.5
Most of highly developed countries have already million tons per year; ash emissions - by 3.6-4.9
made a choice in the direction of energy development million tons per year, carbon dioxide - by 24.2-28.9
in favor of priority development of atomic (nuclear) million tons per year, sulfur oxides - by 115 thousand
energy. The need for nuclear energy development is tons per year, nitrogen oxides - by 210 thousand tons
dictated not only by the factor of organic resources per year and natural radionuclides - 40 times less! [8].
depletion. Equally important is the extent of impact of At present there is burned around 10 billion tons
energy production method on public health and of equivalent fuel per year in the world whereon about
environment, i.e. environmental safety factor. 35 billion tons of oxygen is consumed. The
Nuclear power, as it may seem unexpected to calculations of environmental scientists show that
many, has a clear advantage here! Under normal when this situation continues, if proven reserves of
operating conditions it is safer for public and fossil fuels are burned, the concentrations of carbon
environment than fossil fuel burning based energy. dioxide in the atmosphere will more than double [1,2].
Comparing the environmental effects of nuclear Thereat the Earth temperature will increase by 1-3
and thermal power plants of the same electric capacity degrees due to "greenhouse effect" which will lead to
the scientists obtained amazing data: only radiation significant climate change.
emissions from coal-fired plants are 10-20 times more In this matter there is no need even to explore
hazardous than modern nuclear power plants. And this any environmental models or visit paranormalists.
is without taking into account the emission of other Nature itself is already giving us unequivocal signals
harmful products of coal combustion. of trouble. Even due to current slight increase in the

Philadelphia, USA 33
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Earth's temperature (only by 0.7 degrees)evaporation Besides at present there is active development of
of global ocean has increased, and continents are thermonuclear energy which has even more extensive
flooded by unprecedented rains or smothered with almost limitless fuel resources and incomparably
snow. Arising at that catastrophic snow drifts and smaller level of radiation hazard. Reaction of light
floods take away human lives paralyzing traffic flow nuclei synthesis accompanied by enormous release of
and economy of some states. The power of hurricanes energy can proceed almost without neutron release.
and their frequency has doubled [2]. Unusual Radioactivity level of such a synthesis reactor can be
dangerous natural phenomena began to appear in thousands of times lower than that of a modern nuclear
many regions. For example, in Russia and fission reactor, and possibility of explosive reactions
Kazakhstan, there began to appear destructive in it is practically excluded.
tornadoes that have never been seen here. Another important economic aspect - according
One of the alternative energy sources are the so- to WEC estimates, nuclear electric power is much
called renewable sources (energy of water, wind, tidal cheaper than electric power produced from oil as well
power, solar energy, geothermal sources, etc.), which as coal and gas (due to high costs for fossil fuel
do not produce greenhouse gas emissions into the extraction and transportation which will constantly
atmosphere. But according to the experts of World increase). Another major advantage of nuclear power
Energy Council (WEC), in the immediate future these is stability of electric power prices in the long run.
sources will not be economically competitive for Cost structure of electric power generation in the
broad-scale utilization. WEC takes up the position that nuclear power industry differs significantly from the
even with proper financial support the share of pricing structure in other types of energy economies.
renewable energy sources in global energy supply by It is related to the fact that the cost of nuclear power is
2020will not exceed 5% of the required amount of mainly determined by capital investments into
electricity. construction of a nuclear power plant, and not fuel
Analysis of characteristics of these sources costs, in contrast to oil, gas and coal. The fuel
shows that their use will allow solving only certain component in total cost of electric power produced by
applied problems of energy supply at the regional nuclear power plants is not above 25%, and for
level. And there is also no talk about large-scale thermal powerplants operating on organic fuel is at the
development of hydropower for Kazakhstan. There is level of 50-80%. This circumstance leads to increased
already a shortage of water for household needs only. sustainability of nuclear electric power price in
Solar energy development will require a huge regards to variations of fuel price.
amount of very expensive and scarce materials Stability of electric power prices over a long
(approximately 60 tons of cadmium and 90 tons of period of time will create extra important factor of
tellurium per 100 km2 battery). Damage to the investment attractiveness of Kazakhstan.
environment in production of these not near We see clear advantages of nuclear energy these
environmentally safe materials for solar panels will days already. Comparing the frequency of accidents in
reduce to zero the seeming environmental friendliness various branches of human work activity the
of this type of energy. Thus greenhouse gas emissions statisticians were convinced that according to this
from the production of silicon cells for solar panels indicator the practical use of atomic energy takes
reach very significant values, which are not taken into place in line with the clothing, food and weaving
account by many environmentalists. industries. At that the share of radiation accidents does
By contrast the nuclear power is developed all not exceed 10% in this figure (including Chernobyl
over the world. Projects of nuclear reactors with and Fukushima accidents). Comparison of losses for
absolute safety warranty have already been society (in the form of the number of deaths and days
developed, and are able to almost completely “burn” of disability) in various types of electric power
all uranium or thorium while organizing closed fuel generation speaks again in favor of nuclear energy.
cycle with regeneration of spent fuel, i.e. to increase Environmentally harmful impact of coal-fired
the energy output from the same amount of uranium thermal power plants and very high investments
by 200 times! required for its reduce put coal-fired thermal power
Operation of available and even under plants in noncompetitive conditions. To generate
construction reactors has been provided with fuel for equal amount of electric power, 1.5-3 million tons of
many hundreds of years only on the basis of proven fossil fuel (oil or coal) are required to be mined and
uranium reserves. Besides there are uranium reserves transported annually, compared to 200 tons of
in the depths of the Earth and the waters of the global uranium fuel [6].
ocean, thousands times outnumbering explored ones. All arguments of nuclear energy opponents are
Over time humanity for its needs will learn to cost- reduced to one – radiation hazard. Sensitivity and
effectively extract this uranium too. Thorium can also overly biased reaction of the population and part of
be used as fuel for nuclear reactors, as its reserves in ignorant "experts" is caused by lack of knowledge of
the Earth depths are ten times more than uranium. real state of affairs. Radioactivity fear, especially
widespread after the accident at Chernobyl nuclear

Philadelphia, USA 34
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

power plant and Fukushima-1, gradually develops Kazakhstan has not yet used its unique potential of
into radiophobia. available huge amount of the cheapest fuel for power
Given these circumstances, IAEA(International plants, relying on very illusive priority in production
Atomic Energy Agency) has conducted an objective and use of fossil fuels, the reserves of which will run
international examination of emergency response out in the coming decades. By that time Kazakhstan
measures at Chernobyl nuclear power plant and may irretrievably fall behind in development of
Fukushima -1. Twenty world-known experts from ten nuclear power technologies and will only act as a mere
countries conducted thousands of analyses and supplier of raw materials to developed countries.
measurements for 18 months, and summing up a huge Currently Kazakhstan has one of the world's
amount of factual material wrote a report, from which largest uranium raw material base, which allows to
it follows that many of the environmentally harmful provide not only domestic needs, even with the
factors were significantly overestimated! maximum development of nuclear power industry, but
On the other hand not many people know that also leads the republic into the ranks of the world's
production of oil and natural gas is accompanied by largest uranium exporters [3].
radioactive isotopes rise to Earth surface including the Сareer (open) and mine methods of uranium
long-lived Ra-226 and Ra-228 with their decay mining practiced before the 80s of the last century are
products [2,8]. The fact of accumulation of other not used now. These technologies turned out to be
environmentally hazardous materials and elements is economically and environmentally unprofitable.
often untold, even at the stage oil and gas refining. For Nowadays a cost-effective and environmentally
example, there has already been accumulated more friendly method of drill hole in-situ leaching (ISL) is
than a million tons of sulfur around the oil fields in being used [3].
Western Kazakhstan! Peculiarity of the advanced method of drill hole
According to the US Environmental Protection in-situ leaching (ISL) is that in this case the whole
Agency, in the oil-and-gas fields of Louisiana State technological chain is excluded: opening of ore bodies
and other southern states the oil-water mixture and formation of dumps, blasting operations,
pumped to the Earth surface is 5–20 times more transportation of rock mass, crushing and grinding of
radioactive than water that is allowed to be discharged uranium ores, sorting at radiometric monitoring
from nuclear power plants. In the reservoirs of this stations - (RMS) and crushing. Only one
state into which water was discharged after its hydrometallurgical process of uranium ore processing
separation from oil, the concentration of radium at the is preserved - leaching of uranium. In addition this
bottom is the same as in the old nuclear weapon whole process is transferred from surface to
factories! underground. It is clear to what extent this method is
Such radioactive anomalies are also known in more economical and more environmentally friendly
the oil fields of the CIS and Kazakhstan (the fields of than all the ones available before; no waste remains on
Apsheron, Tataria, Kalmykia, Atyrau oblast, the earth surface(no open cuts, waste dumps,
Mangyshlak) [5]. Countrywide in Kazakhstan, in the temporary roads, enrichment plants, heavy machinery
areas of 22 largest fields where oil is currently being and other technological facilities). Another important
produced, 267 sites of radioactive pollution have been feature of acid leaching method is use of the selective
identified with the dose rate from 100 to 17000 mcR/h leaching process for low-grade uranium ores. [4].
(please note that with values of 100 mcR/h and over, The environmental advantage of drill hole in-situ
the land sites within production landfills of mines are leaching method (ISL) is that “uranium mining” takes
subject to reclamation in accordance with Sanitary place underground by dissolving natural minerals of
Rules requirements). uranium and pumping it to the surface. All the wastes
Thus in terms of radiotoxicity per unit of of "production" remain underground!
generated energy a normally operating nuclear power This method allows extracting useful
plant has thousand-fold (a thousand times) less components from ores practically not disturbing the
environmental impact than the oil fields [2]. ecology, retaining even the surface layer of soil and
US experts considered that if safety standards without disturbing the hydrogeological environment
approved for the nuclear industry were applied in the in the area. Absence of blasting operations, of open
oil and gas industry, the cost of radioactive mine workings, mine shafts, dumps of "dead" rocks
decontamination of oil and gas fields would reach and substandard ores, turns the term "mine" into a
billions of dollars, and oil and gas production would purely conventional notion [4].
be unprofitable! [2]. Nevertheless uranium mining projects provide
All these facts indicate that nuclear energy for annual deductions on average - 6.77% of mining
positions in terms of environmental protection are costs for remediation activities on completing of field
quite strong. exploitation.
With this in mind, most countries in the world Groundwater reclamation is not performed at the
are stepping up the pace of construction of nuclear fields, as it has been proven by numerous and years
power plants with a focus on nuclear fuel use. long researches that ISL does not disturb the natural

Philadelphia, USA 35
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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

balance in the underground hydraulic system of the processing industry with a full nuclear-fuel cycle,
region. There is a conclusion of State Ecological which will allow providing domestic nuclear power
Expertise of the Republic of Kazakhstan on purity of industry with raw materials produced inland.
this technology as a proven fact. Development of nuclear power industry will
About 21% of the world's explored reserves of contribute to ensuring environmental and energy
uranium are concentrated in our republic - this is the security and independence of Kazakhstan.
second place in the world. Unique uranium deposits Development of nuclear power industry will
allow our republic to confidently take the leading objectively lead to increase in technological level of
place in the cheapest fuel mining with a further domestic machine engineering, strengthening of the
prospect for its increase. Our domestic experts have country's scientific and technological potential and
invaluable experience and uranium raw material creation of new high-tech sectors of economy.
mining technologies practically at any morphology of Stability of electricity tariffs over a long period
ore deposits and bodies to depths of up to 1000 meters. of time provided by nuclear power industry will create
We have our own developed uranium mining and additional investment attractiveness of Kazakhstan.


1. Berikbolov, B. R., et al. (2002). Report on the 5. Rikhvanov, L. P. (2009). “Radioactive elements
topic: “Assessment of impact on the environment in the environment and radioecology issues”.
of uranium mining by the method of in-situ Tomsk.
leaching at the North Karamurun, Kanzhugan, 6. Polyakov, V. I. (1996). “Radioecologicalissues
Uvanas and Mynkuduk deposits.” Almaty. of oil fields. International Conference
2. Bugenov, E. S., Vasilevsky, O. V., & Shkolnik, "Radioactivity and radioactive elements in the
V. S. (2012). "Theory and practice of production human environment." Report. Dmitrovograd:
of uranium and its compounds." Almaty. State Science CenterScientific and Research
3. Zhunisbekov, S., & Zhashen S. Z. (2011). Institute of Radio.
"Comparative environmental and economic 7. Shkolnik, V. S. (2008). "Kazakhstan's energy
analysis of the main methods of uranium prospects in light of global trends in energy
mining." Taraz. development." Astana.
4. (1996). Radiation safety. International Atomic 8. (2002). Educational and methodological guide
Energy Agency, (IAEA). Vienna. on radioecology and radioactive waste
management for the conditions of Kazakhstan.
Almaty: Volkovgeology.

Philadelphia, USA 36
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 08 Volume: 76

Published: 07.08.2019

Baxtiyor Turgunovich Djurayev
Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Chief of the Department of Daily Routine Activity Management


Abstract: Modern development international relations of Uzbekistan is also put special tasks on skilled and
qualified personals in military system of the country. During the enrollment into the defense system each students
passed practical tests and interviewed by professional theoretical knowledge, special talents and spiritual moral
value of Uzbek nation. In this paper work author studied initial approaches of shaping the cadet leaders and
developing their professional ability with special tactics and strategies to protect country, population, its territory
and moral values. In the article it is commonly learned most urgent tasks in the field of military personnel training
for the issue of improving the activities of the every young generation to become professional personal in future.
Modern approaches of improving leadership skills and personal development skills of individual cadet of Uzbekistan
described in some theoretical and graphical point of view for develop soldier honor and enthusiasm as to stay
stronger personal as previous grandfather of Uzbek nations in the past history.
Key words: cadet, leadership, military officer, professional ability, defense system, international cooperation.
Language: English
Citation: Djurayev, B. T. (2019). Prospective ways of improving cadet leader developing skills in defense
system of Uzbekistan. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 08 (76), 37-43.
Soi: Doi:
Classifiers: Military system.

Introduction independent initiative. Our interpretation is that this

During the development of international will involve a good deal of the personality trait
relations Uzbekistan faces lots of changes selecting creativity. We can be sure that contemporary military
professional personals in defense system in operations puts great demands on the individual
Uzbekistan. Especially physical strong and healthy (Heen, 2006; Heen & Wathne, 2006). At present we
with intellectual potentials are professional attributes do not know what these demands may require from an
of the each applicants. Leadership skills are one of the individual officer. We therefore want to establish
main factors of the development of the defense system certain facts about this in such a way that it would be
of the country. possible to predict who will succeed well in leading in
Leadership through the times has revolved the operational context. Likewise, we would like to
around how to act in order to influence someone or say something about what kind of leadership is most
something, in such a way that one achieves desired effective in the same context. A lot of research has
results. Military leaders sometimes find themselves focused upon the Big Five personality characteristics
under extreme stress and will have to exercise their and their impact upon performance and leadership
leadership under difficult conditions (Forsvarets behavior.
Stabsskole, 2007). This type of leadership is also Investigating military personnel in East Asia,
known as “in extremis leadership” (Kolditz, 2010) and Ployhart, Lim, and Chan (2001) found that Openness
these types of situations are also known as “the to Experience was the best predictor of maximum
unforeseen” (Torgersen, Steiro, & Sæverot, 2013). In performance, whereas Extroversion was found to
the Norwegian Armed Forces Joint Operational predict both maximum and typical performance.
Doctrine (NAFJOD) (Forsvarets Stabsskole, 2007) it Furthermore, Ross and Offermann (1997) concluded
is emphasized that one should be able to show that a high score on transformational leadership was

Philadelphia, USA 37
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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

associated with a very distinct personality pattern. aesthetics. In a study by Judge and Bono (2000) it was
This personality pattern was characterized by higher found that extraversion and agreeableness were
levels of nurturance and pragmatism, but also positive predictors of transformational leadership.
included feminine attributes as well as lower levels of Furthermore, openness to experience was found to be
aggression and criticalness. Ross and Offermann positively correlated with transformational leadership.
(1997) stated that this personality pattern formed the However, controlling for the influence of the other
core of transformational leadership. traits, the effect disappeared. Both conscientiousness
In an attempt to understand the emotional and neuroticism were found to be unrelated to
intelligence and performance of leaders, Sosik and transformational leadership. Judge and Bono’s (2000)
Megerian (1999) found that the correlations between results also revealed that specific facets of the Big
the aspects of emotional intelligence, the leader’s Five traits could predict transformational leadership
behavior, and the resulting performance varied as a less well than the general constructs of the Big Five.
function of the leader’s level of self-awareness. The personality traits extraversion and openness to
Church and Waclawski (1998) investigated the link experience have been found to have strong
between individual differences in personality relationships with leadership effectiveness (Judge et
orientation and subsequent leadership behaviors in the al., 2002).
workplace. They found that executives characterized
as inventors and motivators were more Methods and materials
transformational in their leadership style compared to In this article author used qualitative method
managers and what they characterized as with ground theory and secondary date source
implementers. analyses. And some case study methodology is
This paper explores whether there exist any distributed. Main materials are international
connections between the leadership styles experience of Military personals leadership and
Developmental Leadership (DL) (Larsson & presidential decree of Uzbekistan. Local and
Kallenberg, 2006) and being creative. The data international web sites and Sciencedirect some article
collected from DL and the Sixteen Personality Factor presented as s reference and proof or evidence of the
Questionnaire (16PF) is, however, not specifically current research.
collected from an operational context, but must be
regarded as a starting point for further studies meeting, Results
one of the most urgent tasks in the field of military Based on the foregoing research it has been
personnel training was to improve the activities of the learned that:
Academy. We are very pleased that today's meeting is 1. A leader is actively creative and non-creative
being held in a fully renovated Academy. The modern binary personality in a group possessing specific
situational center here is the result of our work characteristics: charisma; highest status in the group;
throughout the year. undeniably real and irrefutable authority; influence in
There are many examples of successes and the group; exceptional role in organizing the activities
achievements that we have made over the past year. of the group and decision making; regulation of
At the same time, it should be noted that there are still relationships in the group; ability bring people
many problems in defending the capacity of our together to achieve team building purpose.
country. We must work hard to address them in 2018 2. An indispensable attribute of a leader is at
and in years to come. least one follower. Leader is a main role of ability to
captivate and lead group members to organize close
Personality traits associated with skilled communication and business effective relationships
leaders solving specific problems for the benefit of group goal
Personality appears to play a role in how one reduction in military system.
exercise ones leadership. Who you are affects your 3. When considering this phenomenon should be
thoughts, your emotions and your actions, and thus guided by the following characteristics of leadership
your leadership style. It has been shown that some signs in defense combat:
people are better suited to leadership roles than others. a) Leadership is a set of qualities that mi
Martinsen has in his research been concerned with possesses an individual whose presence can let him
identifying the kind of personality traits and have a leading influence statement on other persons;
leadership traits that give the best leaders (Farebrot, b) Leadership is the result of actions dear that
2008). Martinsen (2005) presents five important match as much as possible situations
characteristics of personality traits in the skilled c) Leadership is the result of behavior, approved
manager based on a review of 100 years of research and accepted by the environment;
on leaders and leadership. d)Leadership is always a “question of degree,
These five key personality traits is being to a correlation dependent power personal qualities of an
great extent open to the experience of others, being authoritative person with the honors of those to whom
genuinely curious, and having a sense of creativity and

Philadelphia, USA 38
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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

she is trying to render influence, and with the situation d) managing the movement of the group in
in which this group”; agreed with the direction of the group.
e)Leadership is a reflection of the level of a 5. The effect of group activity will be higher if
leader’s group to her level of development and formal and informal coincide in one person, which
interests, able to fulfill significant for her cottages. allows them argue that leadership is an element
4. The role of the modern leader is interpersonal, intergroup communication, having a
a) the formation of new groups; significant impact on wearing within the group, on the
b) implementation of the views and positions of results of joint activity and requiring steel attention
their supporters; and study.
c) all group and maintaining its cohesive.

Figure 1. The Army’s Be, Know, Do Leadership Philosophy

Source: Introduction to Army Leadership, CCR-145-3, Reserve Officers Training Corps Precommissioning Training
and Leadership Development. 2005. Page 4.

Military researcher A. V. Valkov claims to be a motivation while you are operating to accomplish a
combat officer a soldier requires complex of certain mission and improve the military base and country.
qualities that, forming a professional structure of it Army leaders anyone who, by virtue of assumed role
personalities are at the same time the basis leadership or assigned responsibility, inspires and influences
in the team. Most important of them he relates high people to accomplish organizational goals. Army
intelligence, purposeful laziness, the ability to leaders motivate people both inside and outside the
psychoanalysis and vocabulary, stress tolerance, chain of command to pursue actions, focus thinking,
emotional balance, management ability empathy, and shape decisions for the greater good of the
managerial discernment, exactingness, organization. Being a leader is a lot more complex
professionalism, sociability main factors of the than just giving orders. Your influence on others can
leadership skills of the cadet development. take many forms. Your words and your deeds, the
What is Leadership in defense system? values you talk about, the example you set, every
Leadership is the process of influencing people action you take—on or off duty—are all part of your
by providing them with purpose, direction, and influence on others.

Table 1. The Seven Key Army Values

L Loyalty Bear true faith and allegiance to the US Constitution, the Army, your unit, and
other Soldiers
D Duty Fulfill your obligations
R Respect Treat people as they should be treated
S Selfless Service Put the welfare of the nation, the Army, and subordinates before your own

Philadelphia, USA 39
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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

H Honor Live up to all the Army Values

I Integrity Do what is right—legally and morally
P Personal Courage Face fear, danger, or adversity (physical or moral)

Based on the analysis of scientific literature into ▪ the ability to direct attention and to develop
the structure of leadership qualities of a warrior the the interest of group members in general group goal
tractor should include: observer firmness, and its corresponding task;
determination, perseverance, practice identity, ▪ ability to organize a trust communication
initiative, organization, independence, self-control, with your supporters;
emotional stability, communication flexibility, ▪ ability to translate ideas, views and
development of new ones roles, preparedness for suggestions of group members as agreed a new
activities in military professional sphere. Availability program of action;
and acceptance by others qualities of excellence ▪ willingness to lead group members the
(suggestion of faith in one’s its leader, recognition of direction where they themselves want to go;
the dominant influence on the members of the group); ▪ ability to maintain unity and cohesion in the
▪ ability to take initiative in business groups in group.
interpersonal relationships;

Table 2. Leadership growth

Level Short characteristics

Diagnosing leadership skills. Determination of the presence of Lock for the
emergence and development of leadership. Requirements: leadership skills to
Internal leadership motivate and adjust yourself to work, to take responsibility for their actions and
keep the situation under control.
Situational, or contextual It manifests itself when a person takes on the role of leader depending on the
leadership (micro- words living situation and in a specific context. On it is a temporary
leadership) responsibility. What is happening? Most often, such leaders are motivated.
When the urgency of the situation decreases.
Command or tactical, The leader constantly leads his team. It is her inspiration. Taking the initiative
leadership (macroliding) in their hands over a large gap of time. Responsible for his team and its
members. Set tactical goals and committed to achieving them.
The leader manages the system as a whole. This is the leader of the leaders.
Systemic, or strategic, That is, he leads leaders Sets strategic goals, fights the company's vision,
leadership (metal lead) determines far-reaching plans and prospects development.

Leader activity algorithm conditionally can be justifiable risk; practical type of thinking, will and
reduced to the following sequentially: perseverance in achieving research goals). It is
1. An objective and thorough analysis reality and achieved by:
wording impartial conclusions. a) highlighting professional growth that in
2. The determination of the line of behavior on priority areas full work;
the basis of findings, program development we are b) mobilization of cadets continuing education
action and decision making. and professional development
3. Organization and mobilization of forces and 2. Purposeful state patriotic education, involving
funds providing member support groups in the a sense of pride and its military establishment. This is
interests of implementing the adopted a tendency, achieved by continuous study of domestic and military
which provides for. traditions of the people and his army, the formation of
According to the developed countries the "national spirit", involving seafarers in mass
management system military cadets are being tested events military-patriotic character, driven by local
and examined in following criteria’s for development authorities and public government.
of the leadership skills and talent management 3. The formation and development of positive
growing: motivation for military service under the contract.
1. The formation and development of high This can be achieved by creating appropriate
military professional qualities (skills and abilities use conditions of service, especially in social welfare plan.
of weapons and military equipment, determination, 4. Strengthening legal training and education
ability to instantly shift push to action; ability to with the aim of forming among warriors tractors
manage , educate them; be ready take responsibility respect for the law, aspirations strictly and clearly
for the last action given orders; high self-giving and carry out its riots. Education of contract warriors

Philadelphia, USA 40
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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

based on certain laws styles as persistent, repetitive Spiritual education of military servicemen cardinal
and social relations in educational process, the improvement of the quality improvement system of
implementation of which allows achieving to develop the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the
effective results and the formation of a soldier’s Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-3898". It was real
personality. Patterns of education are as fundamental intentions of making competition among cadets and
requirements based on which need to be educated full other personals which serves in Defense system of the
work. Focusing on theory and educational practice Uzbekistan by developing professional development
structural logical relationships and relativity of the and contributions under special tactics and strategies.
peculiarities of the upbringing process. According to the resolution approved the
The following patterns can be distinguished for composition of the Republican Interdepartmental
further development in Uzbekistan as main Commission for the implementation of the concept of
perspectives: increasing the effectiveness of spiritual and
a) Conformity of the goals and objectives of the educational work in the Armed Forces of the Republic
process education requirements that are modernized to of Uzbekistan. “This decision will instill in the Armed
the activity and personality of contract cadet; Forces the life and professional skills of servicemen
b) Conformity of methods, means and methods on the basis of knowledge and awareness, to enhance
educational impact goals and tasks of the upbringing their knowledge in combination with the real socio-
process, those conditions in which the soldier is in any political changes in the life of our country, around us
moment of his life; and around the world. This is another step towards
c) Correspondence of educational mutual addressing the ongoing socio-political processes in the
actions, influences and impacts of an individual social interests of our national interests and to address
and psychological subjective, group, age, gender, systemic obstacles to strengthening the ideological
professional skills for defending country, its territory immunity against internal and external threats”.
and population and so on. Best educational approach is every Friday of the
week in the Armed Forces is marked as "Day of
Discussion Spiritual Enlightenment and Patriotism", with special
Globalization process Uzbekistan developing its emphasis on spiritual and educational activities. In
strategy by holding peaceful diplomatic relations and addition, according to the decision, the Ministry of
international cooperation with international Defense will introduce an additional training system
community by equality and building democratic for the commander-tactical education and ideological
principle open market economy. On this occasion work on the basis of the general faculty of the Armed
even military sector is also fulfilled new modern Forces Academy from 2018/2019 academic year.
reforms with qualified personal. For further Within two months will develop the qualification
development this issues Uzbekistan adopted a Decree requirements, curriculum and program for this
of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan 4, 2018 specialty.
“The Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Figure 2. Innovative way of leadership level at Army

Philadelphia, USA 41
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

The position of "military psychologist" in Educational and Enlightenment Affairs will be

brigades and separate battalions, "psychologist" in the established in Uzbekistan.
military administration, "leading sociologist" in the Army leadership positions divide into three
brigades (in military units equivalent to them) and in levels—direct, organizational, and strategic. The
separate battalions. and educational advisor”. On the leadership level involves a number of factors,
basis of the Department of Military-Patriotic and including above figure. It is clear states that main
Spiritual Education of the Ministry's Central Office regression is leadership factor among many variable
and the Department for Relations with State and which serves and promotes new solutions and
Public Organizations, the Main Department for development goals.

Figure 3. Modern approaches of Levels of Army Leadership

According to the Decree following purposes put 2. Main content of cadet are for defensive
as a main generator of the leadership skills of the purposes only;
military personals. Current system works for aimed 3. Professional skills and leadership ability of the
improving the spiritual and educational level of the soldiers and cadet are provision of effective both
cadet, duties and responsibilities in front of the country;
▪ weekly “Spiritual Rise and military units and 4. International cooperation’s under exchange
institutions in organizing the "Patriotic Day." program and training provide competitive
▪ provide close assistance to its commanders; environment in each military base and in whole at
▪ regular social and economic conditions of Defense system of Uzbekistan.
families of servicemen study is a problem identified 5. Innovative management approaches directed
and the development and implementation of address for further development of new reforms at Deference
deficiencies; system for improving theoretical, tactical and
▪ “psychologist” included in military unit practical skills of each cadet.
management, military units and institutions;
▪ "The leading sociologist", "the spirituality of Conclusion and suggestions
the commander of the military unit"; Main purpose of this study was to examine a
▪ Cultural Advisor - Head of Culture Center ”; possible relationship between the leadership style
▪ Selection and presentation of senior citizens developmental leadership and the factor results of
in the field in the military, on a regular basis assist leadership in Uzbekistan defense system.
commanders of districts, divisions and institutions. Furthermore, a second outcome was to investigate the
relationship between the factor results of leadership
Findings and the five personality factors from the personality
In this research paper work followings are test. Looking at the factors exemplary model,
detected as a main instrument for the prospective ways inspiration and motivation, and individualized
of improving cadet leader developing skills in defense consideration that describes, we found that those
system of Uzbekistan: leadership skills of previous wad lower than
1. Uzbekistan uses transparent and rational innovative approaches due to it is more
foreign activity for cooperation with international internationally. While literature review showed detail
community; background of the research objectives but current

Philadelphia, USA 42
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

reforms are still going observation and more Safety and security of the country is all time under
optimized. Decree by the government is a real innovative reforms under great interest with a respect
generator of the professional and skilled cadet and to our beloved descendants.
officers in Uzbekistan. These personals are ready for
defending all territory of Uzbekistan and its
population with honor and with a big enthusiasm.


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3. Torgersen, G. E., Steiro, T. J., & Sæverot, H. system for leader evaluation and development.
(2013). Strategic education management: Leadership & Organization Development
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kontekst – noen refleksjoner etter et ar ved correlations between personality traits and
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development in a military context - some and Management, WCBEM. Procedia
reflections after one year at the Norwegian Economics and Finance 26, 2015, pp.1173 –
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research at the Norwegian Military Academy). 11. Ilchenko, L. P., Fomicheva, O. V., & Pisarenko,
Norwegian Work Research Institute, Oslo, G. P. (2015). On leadership of military servers
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QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 08 Volume: 76

Published: 08.08.2019

Raghad Abd Abu-Jassim
University of Kufa,
Asst. Lect., Faculty of Arts, Department of
the Arabic Language, Al-Najaf, Iraq

Aqeel A. Mubdir Al-kheigani

University of Kufa,
Prof. Dr., Faculty of Arts, Department of
the Arabic Language, Al-Najaf, Iraq


Abstract: Language employment comes in various forms in response to variant requirements that are specified
in their contexts. Such linguistic specifications are seen in the choices that are made by the message sender in the
locution in which s/he adopts an adequate strategy to show her/his intention and actualize what s/he aims at. The
strategy of persuasion is one of the most prominent interactional strategies that has received its linguistic fame from
its discoursal purposes. In order to achieve persuasion in any discourse, speakers might utilize certain linguistic
mechanisms to realize discoursal persuasion, which is diverse and complex, stemming from the plethora of human
Key words: Argumentation, Quran, holy Verses of the Unseen and Arabic language.
Language: English
Citation: Abu-Jassim, R. A., & Al-kheigani, A. A. M. (2019). A Pragmatic Study of Argumentation in the Holy
Verses of the Unseen: Linguistic Mechanisms as a Representing Model. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 08 (76),
Soi: Doi:
Classifiers: Linguistic.

Introduction considered as a fundamental pillar in building up aim-

Argumentation might be the most important oriented texts, particularly, the discourses and texts
mechanism to realize persuasive ends. It is regarded that are based on debate and argument. Hence,
as one of the most effective means to actualize argumentation assumes a significant place within the
persuasion, especially in the area of supporting the realm of pragmatic studies that are based on the basic
idea of believing in metaphysical things far from the objectives to invest possible and on hand mechanisms
perception of the human senses, as argumentation “is to deliver a specific linguistic message and familiarize
not bound to the circumstantial discoursal utilizations the addressee with that message to make him/her on
rather it is generally inherent in every discourse”(1). the move towards its achievement"(2). Argumentation
That is why; investigating argumentation becomes exploits certain techniques and mechanisms that affect
one of the major developments in the linguistic the conversational recipient to acknowledge the
investigational trends. In addition to the functions of desired ideas and arguments. Therefore,
reporting and communicating, language assumes the argumentation is indispensable in any discourse
argumentative function. Therefore, argumentation is especially on communicative levels. In this regard,

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argumentation is seen as a pragmatic interactional pragmatic tendency in rejecting the idea of separating
process in which the interactants exchange linguistic semantics (sentence meaning) from pragmatics
and paralinguistic messages that require certain (utterance meaning) in terms of the context of their
contextual and sociological dimensions of research that is the integral part of the Pragmatique
argumentation such as avoiding offensive and violent Integree(8). In this regard, Language actualizes a
forms of argumentation except in the presence of speech act rather than demonstrates a description of
disagreement. But this forces the interactional parties external reality. As for the statement and its
to address misunderstanding through debate and contextuality, it is analyzed in accordance with the
rhetorical argument without resorting to violent link between the linguistic data belonging to the
arguments. It is the socialized rich nature of linguistic component, the non-linguistic component
argumentation that urges the argumentation that is close to the meaning of the words, and the
interacting parties to come up with deductive rhetorical component that actually defines the
linguistic means of persuasion through involving meaning of the statement (contextual actualization)
other parties (3). (9).

Linguistic Argumentation Linguistic Means:

The theory of argumentation in language is The language of argumentation is a means of
attributed to two prominent scholars, namely, Oswald imposing linguistic authority on others by persuading
Ducrot and John Claude Anscombre, who have them to consent to the desired argument (10).
investigated argumentation linguistically and based Therefore, the addresser utilizes linguistic units that
their work on pragmatic studies, that have paved the conform to his/her speech, uses them and employs
way to the emergence of the theory of speech acts by them to exploit their various argumentative
Austin and Searle who proposed adding two speech capabilities and their different characteristics that vary
acts: (the speech act of requiring) and (the speech act according to their contexts in a way which realizes the
of argumentation). As for the pronunciation study of major aim of the discourse, making the discourse
Benveniste and the Bakhtine dialogue, the pragmatic linguistically richer and supporting the relationship
oriented work of which has approached argumentation between the arguments and their ends. They are a set
from a different angle"(4) Those two scholars have of driven linguistic tools and means, which are
established in 1973 a linguistic theory that is employed by the sender in his speech to present his
concerned with all the linguistic means and the natural arguments in linguistic forms that comply with their
language possibilities available to the speaker, context and represent the rules governing the
echoing the common idea that (we generally speak to argumentative relations between arguments and
influence others)... "This theory is intended to stress results to serve the purposes of persuasion. These tools
the idea that language carries an intrinsic function that or forms include:
is of argumentation"(5). So according to them, A – Causation Expressions:
argumentation is inherent in language structure itself Causation Expressions is a set of linguistic tools
rather than the discoursal content or the quasi-logical, that are utilized by the producer of the discourse of
formal or mathematical structures, as in the case of argumentation to build their arguments and their
Perlman and Tyteca (6), who have distinguished structures, since employing them in speech as a
between the meanings of argumentation: the standard justification of a verbal or a supposed question by the
meaning and the artistic meaning. On one hand, the addressee (11), including:
standard meaning of argumentation is concerned with The Causation Lam ‫(الم‬that):
presenting arguments and passing them with the aim Perhaps it is the most employed linguistic tool
of influencing addressees to produce more effective that is used in Arabic argumentation. Its
discourse; this meaning is a distinguishing but argumentative power lies in causative explanations of
insufficient measure of argumentation. Therefore, the acts, whether it is not explanation or Lam of the
nature of the addressees must be taken into accusative Kay (that in order that) (12), which has
consideration, to address them with suitable been mentioned in several Quranic verses, including
interactions. Also, the effectiveness of the the verse:
argumentative techniques utilized in persuasion “O you who believe, God will surely try you with
should be considered, as well as the exploitation of the the game that you take with your hands or your lances,
psychological side of the interacting receivers in order in order to know who fear Him unseen. Whosoever
to exercise the required effect on those receivers. On transgresses after this will suffer grievous
the other hand, the artistic meaning refers to a specific punishment.” (13)
class of relations that are deposited in the discourse in This is one of the verses of Quranic rulings,
general and listed in interactive speech, and these which comes in the context of the prohibition of
relationships stand out as scaled measure (Scalaire), hunting in the course of the holy event of Ihraam. (The
which can be measured in degrees (7). Benveniste and use of Liyablowakom ‫(ليبيويمي ي‬to try you) which is a
the Bakhtines’ linguistic efforts create a distinct conditional answer to a Holy Swear condition (By

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Allah to teach you through testing in order to test your the second dimension is concerned with their sincere
obedience capacity(; Then comes the Arabic belief and dedication so they fear Him for His All
indefinite term “sha’y i.e. a thing ‫ ” شيي‬to conclude presence or metaphoric absence(14). As for the use of
that this is not a big deal or a grand test just like the the Prepositional (Ba/ by) in the Accusative case, it
burdening rules of killing oneself or abandoning refers to the meaning which says that they fear the
privileges. Allah has tested the people of Prophet unseen for the unseen. Thus, the reason behind the
Muhammad by the test of hunting while performing employment of the Causation Lam (that) is to warn
Ihraam, as He the Almighty has tested the children of them “Those who disobey shall expect
Israel with Sea fishing on Sabbath. In addition to the consequences.” i.e., the punishment of Allah will fall
warning that those who did not stand such little test, on the aggressor. Moreover, this little test or thing
“Will they endure greater burdens?” The Causation regarding (the prohibition of hunting in the course of
Lam (that) is combined with the present tense to show the holy event of Ihraam) even when the hunts
the cause of this fall in saying: (to teach those who approach them in their tents, they are not permitted to
disobey by the unseen), in this verse, there are two hunt while being under Ihraam. This is only to stress
major points: The first point, it metaphorically the fact that it is a test for them to tell who is going to
describes Allah here because Allah is All-knowing be delivered and who is going to be punished whether
and cannot be subjected to the limits of time and place, being in the very act or in private; accordingly their
therefore, the Verse meaning is changed accordingly; punishment is justified for disobeyed Allah’s
The second point is in the verse (In the unseen) There prohibiting commands. This can be represented by the
are two dimensions, the first one is about those who following figure:
fear Allah because they believe in the unseen, while

“We have surely sent apostles with clear signs, stubborn and man of pertinacious arguments who
and sent with them the Book and the Scale, so that men must be rejected with the force of iron.
may stand by justice; and We sent down iron which Moreover, another interpretation is attributed to
causes much distress but also has advantages for men, religion fundamentals and/or branches, in the either
so that God may know who helps Him and His sense of knowledge or deeds, the fundamentals are
apostles in secret. Verily God is All-powerful and All- enforced in the book, while the branches are the
mighty.”(15) actions and deeds which are measured by means of the
In this verse the Holy book refers to the scale of justice and interest, which is a symbol of the
theoretical symbol of power (the Scale) and the observance of justice, whereas iron is to discipline
practical symbol of force (the iron) to assure those who have breached one of the two routes.
steadiness in the face of hazards. This verse has a Additionally, Allah specifies the provisions of justice
linguistic order that is based on referential meaning, and equity as well as the scale in the Quran to urge
which echoes the logical organization of human people to follow and enforce those judgments based
beings interests. So, taking care of the spiritual side on justice and equity which are the major concern of
of man comes on top of the necessities, and then the kings. However, iron force is required to balance
nurturing the interests of the body and restraining the disobedient actions. This interpretation proves the
from unwanted acts are metaphorically represented in significant rank given to clerics of the book over that
this verse. This order tries to establish the fact that of Kings Keepers of Quranic laws enforcement. As for
engaging with Allah, the Creator, as well as His apparent divine aid for hypocrites or those who seek
creation including our loved ones requires treating earthly benefits of life, this merciful aid is nothing as
them with equality and justice, consequently the verse compared to the merits and glorious positions that are
referred to the scale, while mentioning iron stresses granted to those who truly believe in the heavenly
the way in which we deal with foes. In light of the unseen. Then, Allah the Almighty overstresses His
verse, Man is regarded either as the source openness overwhelming power over creatures to reveal those
and easy communication, who enjoys nothing but who will faithfully come to the aid of Godly
spending time with the Holy Book, as the most commands and His messengers under different
inquiring and reasonable person who must resort to circumstances including the unseen; still the Almighty
the scale of evidence and argument, or seen as a does not need that aid or support since He is All-

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powerful (16). So, The Causation Lam (that) is show them part of the unseen and Godly
utilized here to state the reasons behind sending them overwhelming knowledge of the peoples’ conscience
the Book and the Scale, so that men may stand by and every single deed of the people whether these
justice; sending down iron only to test the people and deeds are done faithfully or for hypocrite purposes.

The causative object, and the accusative (Kay Scholars have disputed over the derivation of the
), which transforms the form of the present verb into Arabic term ‘Haddoo ‫’هادوا‬. It is said they are called
the accusative case are amongst the linguistic tools of so because they repented after worshiping The calf
causality; but they are not employed in the verses of due to their saying in Surat Al-A'raaf verse (156):
the unseen. ((Inna Hudna Ilaik ‫إنيا هيانيا إلبي‬/ We have repented to
Thee)), i.e., repentance And they said that the heavens
B - Description: and the earth moved when God revealed the Torah to
Description comprises a number of linguistic Moses (Peace Be upon Him) at Sinai Mountain (21).
tools that are utilized to achieve persuasion in the Another interpretation states that they are attributed to
interest of argument presenter, it is one of the most Judas, the eldest son of Jacob according to The Torah.
effective linguistic tools in argumentation, and Say: O Muhammad, to those who are called Jews: if
includes: the Active Participle, Passive Participle. you claim that you are the supporters of Allah, and that
Description is one of the argumentative means that is Allah will help no human but you, so do you wish for
utilized by the sender of the argumentative message to death, and you do not wish death as you know the
persuade the receiver of the message (17) and counter sincerity of the Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah
their counterclaims. Consequently, the use of titles Be upon Him). The death that you escape cannot be
derived from adjectives is an indication of the degree escaped and then you will return to the Lord of worlds
of argumentation that belongs to a graded linguistic of the unseen and the testimony, and we shall inform
measure of choices from which the argument you about your what you have done in your past life
presenter would choose the exact arguments to argue deeds)), whether you flee from death and care for it or
with (18), as stated in following verse: not, then it is your end and your refuge, and you
Say: "O you Jews, if you claim that you are the benefit not from your escape. The employment of the
favourites of God apart from all men, then wish for Arabic term ‘Haddoo ‫ ’هييادوا‬is used only in places
death, if you speak the truth. But they will never wish where the addresser wants to blame the Jews and
for death because of what they had done in the past, remind them of their sins and repentance, which are
and God knows the sinners well. Tell them: "Death, utilized here as an argument to convince the addressee
from which you run, will surely come to you. You will of the idea that people with such fluctuating nature as
then be sent back to Him who knows the unknown and the "Bani Israel / sons of Israel", which means "the
the known, who will tell you what you used to do”. Chosen Ones", this expression indicates Selection,
(19) Preference, and Blessing on them even if they are
Here the Quran points out the Jews’ denial of the lined up as they claim, they must be addressed directly
Prophet’s message and his unquestionable features with this expression but the Qur'an has defied their
that are mentioned in the Torah and their other claim and refuted their argument by a stronger
religious books "We have witnessed -for the first time argument utilizing the verb "taamaloon ‫تيميويمي‬/ have
in the Qur'an that was revealed to the Prophet (Peace done" rather than the term ‘Tafaaloon ‫تيعيميمي‬/ have
and Blessings of Allah Be Upon Him) in Medina- the acted’ since ‫ “عول‬deed” belongs with the situation,
employment of the expressions “Jews and Torah” on while ‘faal‫فمل‬/acted’ is used in the verse below instead
the one hand and the use of the expressions of ‘did ‫’عول‬
“Christians and Gospel” on the other hand, a “HAVE YOU NOT seen how your Lord acted
prominent appearance in terms of frequency that has upon the people of the elephants? (22) And the verse
accompanied the Quran arguments has involved both “Have you not seen what your Lord acted upon the
Jews and Christians and criticized them at the same 'Aad”. (23)

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All these annihilations have occurred quickly and Israelites, they did not know that Benjamin would be
not slowly ... The matter with (faal‫ فمل‬/ acted) is that accused of theft. Moreover, they could not tell that
it does not require a stretch of time, but the act is done Benjamin has robbed or not, however, the king’s the
once and quickly "(24), since Allah has a pre- measure has been found on him, so apparently he was
knowledge of all creatures deeds at various times; the thief. They only said that when Jacob replied
consequently, the utterance “Lord of the world of the reprimanding them: “how did the king’s men know
unseen and the seen….” is used to stress the idea that that the thief is to be enslaved for stealing?” (29) Then
Allah is All-knowing and reveals the fact about the they have presented Jacob with the second argument
message of the Prophet whether you (Jews) confess or “We know not the unseen”. This argument comprises
not. several manifestations; the first is that they have
The Active Participle: witnessed the retrieval of the measure from
It is a derived noun that indicates the event, Benjamin’s riding camel. No one knows what really
occurrence and agent’s act. It is "A noun that is happened but God. While the second manifestation
derived from the act of the agents who have realized according to E’krema (a cleric) implies the sense that
and produced an action in the sense of occurrence, and someone concealed it in his ride in the night due to the
the grammatical form of which is morphologically fact that )AlGhaib ‫الغبب‬/the unseen( is used to denote
derived from tri-letter-base-form verb or other verbal the night in some Arabic dialects. And the third one
forms in the present tense with diacritic Dhama over according to Mujahid, al-Hasan and Qatadah is that:
the M initial letter of the verb and Kasra diacritic on “We did not know that your son would steal, if we had
the pre-ending letter"(25) Ibn Malik (died in 672 known that he would do that, we haven’t gone to the
A.H.) limited meaning of the active participle by king and pledged to protect him. As for the fourth
saying: "It is the distinguishing feature of the actor meaning, which is related to Jacob’s (Peace Be upon
with feminine and masculine forms in the present Him) reproaching them by saying: “Suppose he had
meaning or meaning of the past forms"(26). The stolen; yet how did the king know that the Sons of
active participle is one of the descriptive models used Israel had prescribed that whoever steals is to be
by the sender of the argument in his speech, the sender enslaved? It was you who told the king about this
may employ direct description, or they might do so verdict for an unspoken purpose" The sons replied:
with certain conversational discourses (27) as in the "We have mentioned this sentence prior to the theft
verse: incident. We did not pre-know that this incident would
So, go to your father and tell him: 'O father, your happen and this is shown in the verse “We know not
son has committed a theft. We bear witness to only the unseen”. in reference to this meaning (30), since
what we know; we could not prevent the unknown. 82. they are under accusation so they have utilized the
Enquire from the people of that city, or ask the men of active participle (Hafideen ‫حيافيب‬/keepers) because it
the caravan with whom we have come. We are verily is linguistically more stable and confirming than the
speaking the truth.'" 83. "No," said (the father). "You verb keep) For the importance of rejecting the charge.
have made up the story; but patience is best; God may Accordingly, the active participle is not exploited for
bring them back to me. He is All-knowing and All- mere description rather it is used for argumentative
wise."(28) purposes to influence the recipient and convince him,
In this verse, the sons of Jacob utilize (your son / due to the argumentative context in which they are
‫( ابن‬to offer their argument in "O father, your son has placed to argue for revealing their innocence that their
stolen." and do not use (our brother ‫( أخانا‬when they father doubts. The active participle is employed both
ask their father to send Benjamin with them in "They an argument and counter- argument as in the verse:
said, 'O father, here is our merchandize traded not; still They say: "How is it that no sign was sent by his
we shall cater for our family and keep our brother ...) Lord (to His Prophet)?" Tell them: "Unknown things
((Yusuf / 65). This might be taken as an introductory are only known to God. So watch and wait (for the
argument to the yet-to-come arguments they are going sign); I am waiting and expecting with you.20"(31)
to deliver, therefore they employ (your son) rather This verse presents the suspicions the people
than (our brother) because they intend to consolidate offered in their denial of the prophecy of the Prophet
showing their contempt for the alleged theft issue and (Peace Be upon Him and His Progeny); they have
disavow from their past pledges of keeping their said: “This Quran encompasses only words, and a
brother by means of using the confirming Arabic book with words only is not miraculous; neither Torah
nominal sentence; and then present their arguments; is the miracle of Moses (Peace Be upon Him) nor the
because they were accused of killing Joseph (Peace Be Gospel is the miracle of Jesus (Peace Be upon Him)
upon Him). Thus, the first argument is exaggerated: as these two prophets have demonstrated various
(We do testify but what we have seen), to show that miraculous acts that have confirmed their prophecies.
they were not definitely aware of this matter; since the So, the Prophet’s people have asked him to bring
measure was retrieved from Benjamin’s riding camel. about another miracle besides the Quran as a proof of
Likewise, they justified telling the king’s men that the the Prophet’s prophecy; therefore, Allah commands
thief is to be punished with enslaving in the law of the the Prophet (Peace Be upon Him and His Progeny) to

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respond saying: "Say, the unseen is in God’s threat is in their own interest. It is clear that the
knowledge so wait for it, I am waiting just like you." utilization of the active participle is more persuasive
The Messenger has presented them with the argument and influential for the addressee; i.e. here the semantic
that he is waiting for it with them, They knew that he signification is combined with the linguistic form to
did not read books or no teacher taught him for the realize the intended meaning, its purpose is to guide
past forty years, and was not engaged in thought and the recipient towards complying with the
learning, then this divinely elevated book is revealed conversational argument and surrendering to it effect.
by the person who shows no signs of high educational The Passive Participle:
standards prior to the divine revelation of the message What has been stated about the Active Participle
as a compelling proof that it is a miracle. And any can be applied to the Passive Participle excepting that
request or suggestions for additional miracles are not it is followed by Pro-agent or subject of the passive
required to prove his prophecy, as they are limited to (34), it is "a derived adjective that has received the
the will of God if He wishes to reveal it or not, all that act/effect of the actor or agent " (35), only "the
is part of the unseen (32). grammatical form of which is morphologically
Moreover, He uses the letter of excitation (Laula derived from tri-letter-base-form verb in the form
‫لييي ال‬/if), for narrowing the request as the passive (mafu’l ‫ (مييعييميي‬and from other verbal forms with
structure is employed, and perhaps the passive is diacritic Dhama over the M initial letter of the verb
utilized here to draw attention to the proof of sending and Fatha diacritic on the pre-ending letter"(36).
the Messenger of God, and God is the only One Who Exploiting the addressee linguistic forms (the passive)
pre-knows the unseen, reveals what lurks in their in the construction of argumentation in response to the
minds and proves the truth of the message, urging demands of the recipients and persuading them,
them to accept the forthcoming arguments, since they especially in the Holy Quran is pursued to avoid
have asked for something extraordinary due to their violence in the Quranic discourse, the addressee uses
ignorance of the essence of things and their illusions. different persuasive devices to influence the recipients
They assume that God is keen to show the sincerity of and change their beliefs. In terms of argumentation,
the Messenger and is provoked by their weak argumentative interactions might be employed to
refutations; therefore He hastens to compete with their freeze the conversational and intellectual abilities of
denial and if He does not do so He is dumbstruck by the addressees that are employed in coming back with
their allegations. Nevertheless, neither Allah nor his counter responses. Thus, fallacious arguments are
Messenger are influenced by such suspicions, since delivered to listeners to make them accept the uttered
Allah’s actions are only initiated by wisdom; therefore fallacious messages; consequently, the listeners are
sending them the Prophet is an act of mercy and divine required to interpret and decompose the uttered
means that is intended to reform the ethics of their messages and the objectives behind them to defeat
society. The Quranic reply has a threatening sense their opponent maneuvers by refuting their erroneous
(Say, the unseen is in God’s knowledge ‫فقل انوا الغبب هلل‬ arguments, as in the Quranic verse below:
), the deduction Fa’ ‫ فييا‬is combined with the verb “Or do you demand any wages from them so that
(Say/ Qul ‫ ) قل‬to counter their claim with a confident they are burdened with expense? (40). Or do they have
counter argument followed by Lam ‫ الم اليييويييميي‬that knowledge of the Unknown which they write down?
indicates the right of property to confirm the fact that (41).”
only God is All-knowing in terms of the unseen. In these verses, Allah the Almighty moves to
Answering what they have proposed with the idea of another invalidation of their excuses in their
the limited answering authority of the messenger in reluctance to respond to the message of the Prophet
this regard, to inform them that they boldly question starting from verses (36) to (41) in : (How do you
the power of Allah the Almighty (33), consequently, judge or whether you have a holy book), (or have you
the verbal sentence (I am waiting for it with you) is a any faith), (or have they any partners). Allah
deduction about the phrase (but the unseen). So both addresses here the infidels in a rebuking tone in "If you
of you have nothing but to wait and see for themselves ask them a reward for delivering the message” which
Allah’s actions, from Whom they (people of the is coupled with “Have you a holy book in which you
prophet) expect nothing but evil, and the study”. In the above mentioned verses, Allah has
accompaniment in (with you) is used to involve them mentioned all the fallacious arguments that would be
in the absolute comprehensive waiting. While the raised against the Message, which is why He says: (do
active participle (Montadharin ‫ مينيرييي ي‬/waiting) is you demand any wages from them so that they are
used to indicate the firmness of the messenger position burdened with expense) if you demand any wage they
in his waiting along with them and that he speaks not would feel like being in debt that burdens them
but the commands of Allah in his responses to them, without any fair favour you have delivered; therefore,
as well as to show a kind of solidarity in order to the verse insists on the need for a non-rewarding and
influence their thinking by assuring them he is one of non-punishing dimensions of the Prophet’s call,
them and is concerned with their interests. which are necessary, (or they know the unseen from
Additionally, he seeks nothing but their good and this which they write). This means that they are not certain

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of the validation of the claims and arguments they meaning multiple definitions or limitations, but the
raise against the message, and they record and inherit unity of the identifier (39). Multiple limitations are
these claims and should support them with evidence. divided into three ones: real, formal, and verbal. The
Here, the Quran’s denying the idea that they have an real limitation refers to the essence of things so it is an
established argument that supports their claims of answer to the question (what is it?)... The formal
living under the best circumstances, or having dates limitation: is the verbal self-explanatory and
and charters that prove these claims, or great necessitating expression that qualifies essential and
supporters. The direction of interaction asserts the fact necessary qualities as in the verse that limits having
that they would not be harmed by answering the call wine: (a fluid that bubbly foams with acidic taste and
of Islam. This argument tries to refute the probable is preserved in casks) collecting these qualities
excuses on the assumption that the Prophet has asked produces wine, so that no wine comes out of it. As for
them to compensate him for the deliverance of their the Verbal one: It is explaining words with commoner
minds and souls by his call; however they would words (40), as in using drink for (wine), and the
respond to this call due the heavy burdens of the “White House” for the U.S.A. Government. Hence,
wages required by the Prophet. Moreover, the expressions with presentational, descriptive, and /or
employment of the interrogative with a rhetorical explanatory linguistic intentions are regarded as
force to reject the assumptions that lurk in their hearts, argumentative devices that represent diverse
presumably necessitated by the extrapolation of their definitions of different linguistic layers of one
intentions based on their interest in calling for good identity, from which the choice is determined by what
and guidance. Likewise, the Causation Lam ‫ الم‬is used the sender wishes to convey to the addressee and
to stress the fact that they assume that you will burden persuade him/her, as well as his view of things(41). In
them with your call so their arguments are raised to this regard, the verses of the unseen that comprise
refuse your call. Thus, the passive participle precedes undisputed outcomes which are represented by
the agent here to refer to the hardship effect which is multiplicity of Godly qualities that describe the Lord
combined with interval that introduces this hardship of the Worlds which are intended to establish a solid
(38). The above-mentioned counter arguments to undisputed argument to face the false counter claims
counter the claims that might be raised in this regard, raised by rejecting arguers; this why multiple
then another type of counter argument is triggered, definitions are employed in this verse to define a
namely the invalidation of a presumed argument they single identifier in order to clarify and describe his
count on to get some unseen information that people qualities, providing the recipient with un rejected
do not know, i.e. the information that is in God's argument.
knowledge, and is referred to by (the unseen ‫)الغبيب‬. He is God; there is no god but He, the knower of
Accordingly, the interrogative (Have they the the unknown and the known. He is the benevolent,
Unseen? ‫ )عنياه الغبيب‬is utilized here to say that they ever-merciful. 23. He is God; there is no god but He,
have hidden or unseen knowledge that is supposedly the King, the Holy, the Preserver, Protector, Guardian,
in God’s custody. The fronting of the prepositional the Strong, the Powerful, Omnipotent. Far too exalted
phrase ‫ عييينييياهييي‬to assure their possessing unseen is God for what they associate with Him. 24. He is
knowledge that in turn asserts this false argument of God, the Creator, the Maker, the Fashioner. His are all
knowing the unseen ; so the use of the passive the names beautiful. Whatever is in the heavens and
participle ( ‫مغ م‬indebted/burdened ) is intended to the earth sings His praises. He is all-mighty and all-
consolidate the aforementioned argument, as people wise. (42)
normally avoid fatigue or what causes them stress and These verses are intended to bring forth the
things that come against their will. In other words, this undisputed result of the preceding verses in the same
part of verse accurately portrays how heavy the Sura that have referred to the denial of the Sons of Al-
burden of the call for Islam is in the eyes of those who Nadheer ‫( بيني الين ييييبي‬A Jewish tribe used to live in
disbelieve as if it comprises imposing a wage or a debt Medina) the treaty they have signed with the Prophet,
in return of following this call. This meaning is as well as their verbal instigating acts that have urged
realized by combining both the semantic signifier and the Hypocrites in Medina to oppose Godly commands
the syntactic form of the passive participle with the and the Messenger’s teachings, and finally their great
purpose of uncovering their false arguments and fall in this life and the Hereafter. It is obvious they
rejecting them, and then directing the recipient to give no heedfulness to God in their actions and forgot
respond to the Quranic addressing discourse and about Him, so they did not choose what was good for
accepting it. them and the prosperity of their life and their future
C- Undisputed Outcomes: has been lost and demolished. Thus, whoever believes
A group of scholars consider some discourses as in Allah, His Messenger and the Dooms Day should
undisputed extra outcomes since they provide remember Allah and not forget Him and consider
discourses with nothing significant. However, a his/her deed, as these deeds are preserved by Allah
examination of these ones reveals their argumentative (43). And these verses come to address all people in
signifying function which is called "representation", different times and places, and ask them to think about

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what or whom they worship: here the unseen means However, mentioning these attributes reminds those
what is not seen or expected by people, the witnessed who count Allah’s Attributes of perfection and their
refers to what is seen or expected by people, while the corresponding attributes of deficiency ... Thus,
holy means flawless creator that is matched to the relating this verse to the previous verse that stresses
eulogized by the angels the Lord of Angel and soul. ((fear of God ‫ ))خشييييييبيي‬and delivers explanatory
As for the peaceful, it comes in the sense of safety, reasoning for the submissiveness of the mountain and
which is described as an exaggeration in describing its cracking due to the fear of God as if it tries to say
his correctness which is far beyond faults as He is the these things can only attributed to Him, Because He is
source of safety, the believer and the grantor of God; there is no god but He, the knower of the
security, the dominant over everything, the mighty unknown- to the end of these verses " (45) The Quran
omnipotent who forced his creation to what he employs these limits as different definitions for one
wanted, The pride source and it is said: proud of Self-existent identifier, and these definitions apply
keeping justice among his worshiping creatures, and only to This Divinity. He is the God who has no other
the Creator of what is estimated, and the god, and then the verse proceeds to specify the other
distinguishing of some from the different forms, and qualities that cannot characterize but Allah, and is
the representative, in a sense that He distinguishes used in a distinctive way to present the undisputed
what He sees the difference of forms (44). Although, outcome of argumentation, i.e. defining Allah the
These verses are dedicated for counting and Almighty by the effects of His Actions, which are not
explicating the holiest and greatest attributes of Allah shared by anyone else and this the most elevated
the Almighty and characterizing the Almighty with undisputed argument of Allah’s Godliness and
the most sublime qualities of Perfection and Holiness Divinity. This argument can be represented as
that are witnessed in the heavens and the earth. follows:

He is God; there is no
god but He.

He is God; there is no
god but He.

The Creator, The Maker, The

The Knower of the The King, the Holy, the Fashioner. The All-Mighty
unknown and the Preserver, Protector, and All-Wise.
known. He is the Guardian, the Strong, The Creator, The Maker, The
Benevolent, Ever- the Powerful, Fashio The Knower of the
unknown and the known. He
Merciful. Omnipotent. is the Benevolent, Ever-

ner. The All-Mighty and All-


Therefore, the linguistic tools are employed with to achieve the effect on the interactional recipient and
significant pragmatic employment in argumentation convince him/her to change his beliefs and ideas.
by investing the argumentative power they comprise

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1. (2011). Argumentation and Argumentative 20. (n.d.). Argumentation in the Quran, Abdullah
Deduction: Elements of a Theoretical Survey, Salah: 221.
Habib A'rab, Journal of the World of Thought, 21. (n.d.). Rhetorical Peaks in the Interpretation of
No. 1, volume 30, National Council for Culture, the Quran, Tabrsi: 1/221 - 222.
Arts and Letters, Kuwait, September 2011: 100. 22. (n.d.). Surat The Elephant / (1).
2. (2008). Argumentation in contemporary 23. (n.d.). Surat Al-Fajr/(6).
rhetoric: a study of the eloquence of 24. (n.d.). The Language of the Holy Quran: A
contemporary criticism, d. Mohammed Salem Linguistic Study of Derivatives in the First
Al-Amin Al-Taleb, 1, New United Book House, Quarter, Dr / Belgacem Balaraj: 125.
Beirut, Lebanon. 25. (n.d.). Al-Kafiah, Ibunulhajeb: 139.
3. (n.d.). the Argumentative analysis of the Quranic 26. (n.d.). Facilitation of Benefits and
discourse models and observations, d. Zakaria Supplementation of Ends/ Tasheel Al-Fawaeed
al-Sarti, a paper in a book: the analysis of the wa Takmeel Al-Maqsid, Ibn Malik: 136.
Argumentation of the discourse, supervision and 27. (n.d.). Speech Strategies, Abdul Hadi Al -
presentation: Dr. Ahmed Kadem, and Dr. Saeed Shihri: 488.
Al - Awadi. 28. (n.d.). Surat Yusuf / 81 - 83.
4. (n.d.). Eloquence of Persuasion in Debate, Dr. 29. (n.d.). Rhetorical Peaks in the Interpretation of
Abdul Latif Adel: 95. the Quran, Tabrsi: 5/393.
5. (n.d.). Language and Argumentation Dr., d. 30. Mafteeh, Al-Ghaib (n.d.). The Keys to the
AbuBakr al-Azzawi: 14. Unseen, Al - Razi:9/92.
6. (n.d.). Argumentation in the Quran, Dr. 31. (n.d.). Surat Yunus/ 20.
Abdullah Solah: 33. 32. Mafteeh, Al-Ghaib (n.d.). The Keys to the
7. (n.d.). Pragmatics and Argumentation Entries Unseen, Al-Razi: 210.
and Texts, Saber al-Habashah: 21. 33. (n.d.). Writing and Enlightenment, Ibn Ashour:
8. (n.d.). The Theory of Argumentation in 6/455.
Language, Dr. Shokri al - Mabkhout, A paper in 34. (n.d.). Meanings of Grammar, d. Fadel Al -
book: The Most Important Theories of Samarrai: 3/153.
Argumentation in the Western Traditions of 35. (n.d.). The Language of the Holy Quran: A
Aristotle up To Current Days: 363. Linguistic Study of Derivatives in The First
9. (n.d.). ibid., 356. Quarter, Dr / Belgacem Balaraj: 115.
10. (n.d.). Argumentation: Its Concept and Fields, 36. (n.d.). Al-Kafiah, Ibunulhajeb: 141.
Dr. Hafiz Ismail Alawi: 2/33. 37. (n.d.). Al-Qalam (46).
11. (n.d.). Argumentation: Its Concept and Fields, 38. (n.d.). See: See: Rhetorical Peaks in the
Dr. Hafez Ismail Alawi. Interpretation of the Quran, Tabrsi: 10 / 86-87,
12. (n.d.). Speech Strategies, Abdulhadi Al - Shihri: and Writing and Enlightenment, Ibn Ashour:
479. 15/268.
13. (n.d.). Surah Al - Maida (94). 39. (n.d.). Speech Strategies, Abdul Hadi Al - Shihri:
14. (n.d.). Mafteeh Al-Ghaib/ The Keys to the 489 - 490.
Unseen, Al – Razi. 40. (n.d.). Rawdhah Al-Ndhir wa Janat Al-mandhir,
15. (n.d.). Surat Al-Hadid. Ibn Qudaamah: 1/70 - 85.
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Unseen, Al - Razi :15/243. 490.
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Shihri: 486. 43. (n.d.). See: Al-Mizan/ The Scale, Attabatabai:
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19. (n.d.). Surat Al-Jumu'ah (6/8). 7/35.
45. (n.d.). Al-Mizan / The Scale, Attabatabai: 19/12

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 08 Volume: 76

Published: 08.08.2019

SH. T. Makhmaraimova
Termez State University
Teacher of Department Uzbek language, Uzbekistan


Abstract: The article discusses the role of metaphorical interpretation in the nomination process and the theory
of nomination in general, the essence of the approximation nomination and the metaphor involved in this process is
also described.
Key words: metaphor, metaphorical nomination, the role of metaphor in approximation nomination.
Language: English
Citation: Makhmaraimova, S. T. (2019). Approximation – a metaphorical interpretation in the nomenclature
representing a vague / precise category. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 08 (76), 53-56.
Soi: Doi:
Classifiers: The field of linguistics. UDC 81'373.612.2

Introduction relationships in speech (more toys, less bread), but

The metaphor of the M.P. Brandes painting is as also approximate, precise signs of actual and imagined
good as the figure and the instrument is the original realities and pages of real world [4]. Approximation
object of the nomenclature, the original and the replaces the approximate (approximate) nominal
original object [1]. name, insufficient knowledge of the objects,
V.N. Telia sees the metaphor as unique to the inadequate perception of the subject and their
secondary lexical nomination, which "reflects the new characters, inadequate vocabulary of the lexical
nominative means of presenting a new task to nomination, or the lack of proper lexical nomination,
describe" [2]. memory impairment, it places itself on the intra- and
In lexicology, the metaphor is considered as a extralinguistic factors such as the rush of the speaker
source of new lexical meanings: Karakamar and the neglect of his speech, and extends the nominal
(mountain range in the south of Uzbekistan), Altinsay, capacity of the language. The functional-semantic
and so on. and, accordingly, these lexicalized units are nature of approximation brings it closer to the
included in the dictionary accordingly. Therefore, the category of accuracy-uncertainty.
active participation of metaphor in the nominal theory
cannot be doubted. The word is about the metaphor's Discussion
involvement in the approximation nominative From a cognitive point of view, uncertainty is
process. defined by a variety of factors. These include: the
Approximation (lat. Approximare - "approach") speaker's insufficient knowledge of the denotation, the
is a linguistic concept that has been discovered in enthusiasm of the author, and the eccentricity of the
recent years under the influence of mathematics. speech (mainly the euphemism), the inability of the
This term, related to the category of ambiguity speaker to convey his thoughts clearly. Semantic
(accuracy / ambiguity) in linguistics, has been uncertainties give rise to approximation, although
included in the science in order to complement the artificial and natural. The ambiguity is manifested not
terminological lacunae related to the close semantic only in the lexical-semantic scale (relational
locus [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]. expressions of independent meaning and space), but
At the beginning of 90s of XX century V.V. also in the structure of the syntactic scale. However,
Buzarov and E.G. Linova suggested not only according to Sh.Bally [3], small syntax units have the
expressions of approximation of vague quantitative ability to name and name the surrounding

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JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

environment and represent qualitative transformations бўлаётгандир. Эҳтимол, Қосим ота хирмондан
at the level of the discursor (meaningful environment қайтиб, унинг келишини кутиб, супада нос чекиб
that reflects the objective reality of the environment). мудраб ўтиргандир. Ў.Ҳошимов, Муҳаббат. (The
Discourse, in turn, opens up in a particular case, at the crowing rooster in their yard may also have been
level of the modus (perceiving and evaluating the standing in front of it, stretched out its neck. Perhaps
individual's perception and expression level). Kasim's father was returning from the threshing floor
Archakova R.A examines the approximation of and was sitting on the platform, waiting for his
substantive denotations in artistic discourse with two arrival. O.Hashimov, “Love”) - The projected image
types of nomenclature and nonsensical character: 1) is based on a previously existing reality template
something new and 2) something that causes anxiety qualification (external factor: no migration).
(that is, is happening), and the corresponding 2. Мунира етти ёшидами, саккиздами опа-
conclusions will do. These types of devices are called сингил баравар кўкйўтал бўлишганди. Ў.Ҳошимов,
scientist approximators. And the spiritual-syntactic Бахт. (When Munira was seven or eight years old,
scale that shapes approximators is recorded as her sisters were bluebirds. U. Hashimov,
analytics. “Happiness”) - There is a memory of a past event, but
The complexity of defining the nomenclature details are ambiguous (external factor: no migration).
nomenclature according to the actual / uncertain 3. Шоира-да, алла сафар кўришганимизда
category of reality is complicated by the factors listed (табиий, ўша дамда ҳам хаёлим Сенда бўлган)
above. It is necessary to take into account the real and кўзларимга ғалати синчковлик билан тикилгандек
surreal, and the relative forms of perception of reality. бўлганди-я!.. Ҳ.Дўстмуҳаммад, Ҳижроним
Thus, an assumption or surreal expression is мингдир менинг. (It was as if the poem had a strange
expressed through input constructs and corresponding look in my eyes when we first met (naturally, at that
verb forms, such as loadings, singular links, and time my mind was in you! H.Dustmuhammad, “I am a
relative forms of perception, with similar thousand”) - There is a memory of past real events, but
constructions, corresponding forms of diamond. In details are ambiguous (external factor: no migration).
most cases, the category of ambiguity also creates the 4. Сени илк дафъа учратганимда, айтдим-ку,
author's variations in speech (all the time, somehow, ичимда юз берган... тўфонми, офатми... нима
some, etc.). учун қиёси йўқ мана шундай нурли туйғуни
The probability of the syntactic scale in офатга ўхшатишим керак?! Ҳ.Дўстмуҳаммад,
expressing uncertainty is narrower than the lexical- Ҳижроним мингдир менинг. (When I first met you, I
semantic scale. Consequently, the ambiguity is of two said, it was a flood ... a flood, a disaster ... why should
main (a) inner (bodily) and (b) external (outward) I compare such a radiant feeling to a disaster?
substantive features, and both of these require details. H.Dustmuhammad, “I am a thousand”) - details of
Accordingly, in most cases, visual aids, landscapes, human experiences (internal factor: metaphorical
and figurines do not participate in the expression of nomination. By moving the gauge to a precision by the
uncertainty about the details of real reality. On the metaphor of the emotion of the flood, disaster, light-
contrary, a metaphorical mechanism will be launched emitting metaphor).
to facilitate a clearer understanding of the reality in the 5. Қизнинг соч толалари Тиркашнинг юзига
subconscious activity of reflection in reflection of the тегиб турар, алланечук нотаниш, аммо тотли
inner world (the inner world), its notions and ҳис анқир, унинг бутун вужуди таранг тортилиб,
perceptions. As a result, the metaphorical expression оёқлари титрар, қизнинг елкалари ҳам билинар-
generated by relatively compact, meaningful syntactic билинмас силкинаётганини ҳис қилиб турарди.
devices simultaneously interprets the existing Ў.Ҳошимов, Муҳаббат. (The girl's hair was
perceptions of reality and seals a previously unknown touching her cheek, her face was strangely strangled,
concept into a new cognitive landscape. her legs trembling, and her shoulders were shaking.
As it was said, approximation nomination occurs O.Hashimov, “Love”) - details of human experiences
not only in the above mentioned language, but also by (internal factor: metaphorical nomination (unfamiliar,
means of transitions that help to form a certain image tasty feeling)).
and perception of reality. In this case, the reference to 6. Бояги қайноқ ҳислар ўрнини аллақандай
the interpretation reflecting the common similarity ёввойи куч эгаллади-ю, тарсакилаб юборди уни.
(metaphor), the whole / part (synecdoxa), and the Ў.Ҳошимов, Муҳаббат. (The wild feelings were
general relationship (metonymy) is intensified. replaced by some wild power, and they shook him.
Consequently, the participation of interpretations O.Hashimov, “Love”)
(interpretations, descriptions, interpretations) 7. Билмадим, ўша дамда гўдаклик ҳисларим
increases with the degree of uncertainty. In this case: жунбушга келдими, илинж, хавотир ва армон
(a) the presence / absence of relevant experience and аралаш тушуниксиз бир майл хаёлимга
skills related to the situation. Compare: тирғалди: “Мен шу оқликка лойиқманми?” деган
1. Эҳтимол, уларнинг ҳовлисидаги тождор шубҳали савол юрагимга ханжардек ботди.
хўроз ҳам қўноқда туриб, бўйнини чўзганча жўр Ҳ.Дўстмуҳаммад, Ҳижроним мингдир менинг. (I

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do not know, at that time my childhood feelings were саргардонлигим сўнггида ёрдамчилари билан
troubled, and a puzzling question of excitement, тупроққа қоришдиришға муваффақ бўлдим...
anxiety and longing aroused in my mind: "Am I А.Қодирий, Ўтган кунлар; Сизни ва отамни жуда
worthy of this whiteness?" H.Dustmuhammad, “I am соғиндим, агарда оғир оёқ бўлмасам эди, қиш
a thousand”) - Internal Factor: The tendency arises, бўлишиға қарамасдан Марғилонға жўнар эдим.
the question is my interpretation with the help of Қудангиз — қайин онамнинг сўзига қарағанда,
metaphors deep into my heart. келаси ойға кўзим ёрир эмиш. Қудангиз мени на
In most cases, the units that produce the ерга ва на кўкка ишонадир, ўн беш кундан бери
approxification nomination are expressed in separate қўлимни совуқ сувга ҳам урдирмай қўйди.
cataporic means rather than within a single sentence. А.Қодирий, Ўтган кунлар. – (I was able to dig into
In this case, similar formulas, such as day formants, the soil. I miss you and my father very much, and if I
can serve as substitutes for clarifying uncertainty: had not had a heavy foot I would have gone to
Suddenly, he noticed that someone had hit something Margilan despite the winter. When your grandmother
with a sharp tip on his leg. It looked like a spear or a looked at my mother-in-law, I thought I was going to
sword. M.Egamberdiev, “Yellow dragon attack”. miss her. Your husband has no faith in the earth or in
It is evident that these means of expressing the sky, and for fifteen days he has not even touched
uncertainty actually give a clearer picture of what is my hand in cold water. A. Kadiri, The Past Days.)
actually understood by the speaker and thus a dynamic
shift in the human mind from uncertainty to clarity. Conclusion
The use of descriptive-euphemistic features of In conclusion, approximators are mainly
euphemisms in approximative nominations is also a intended for artistic speech, reflecting the individual
common occurrence in speech, which is often speech of the author and the perception of the world
attributed to the artistic potential of the author's accordingly. It is based on the category of clarity /
approach. After a two-year hiatus, a hog named ambiguity, which provides the main characters that
Homid, who martyred an innocent man who had led are used to convey their views, ideas and opinions to
me to the dark dungeon and dragged me through the the reader, and represents parts of the author's
gates, after failing his wildest wishes, drove me out of conceptual world. Idiouslub represents a characteristic
the gate with a false spelling letter. feature of the linguistic identity between the text and
Сиз билан мени қоронғи зиндонларға the universe. Nevertheless, individual-choice
тушириб, дор остлариғача торткан, бунинг ила approximators, by the circumstances, do somewhat to
ўзининг ваҳшиёна тилагига ета олмағандан fill the lexical-semantic lacuna that is not present in
кейин маним тилимдан сохта талоқ хати ёзиб the dictionary through metaphors, and the analytics
дарвоза ёнидан ҳайдаттиришка муваффақ produced by approximators help to clarify the
бўлған ва бир гуноҳсизни шаҳид эткан Ҳомид ambiguities.
исмлик бир тўнғузни ниҳоят, икки йиллик


1. Brandes, M. P. (2004). Stilistika teksta. (p.370). 5. Burov, A. A. (2000). Sintaksicheskaya

Moscow. nominatsiya v russkom yazyke. Dis. ... dokt. filol.
2. Teliya, V. N. (1977). Vtorichnaya nominatsiya i nauk. (p.6). Stavropol'.
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3. Archakova, R. A. (2008). Fenomen prostranstve homo ludens. Retrieved 2019, from
approksimatsionnoy nominatsii substantivnykh
denotatov v khudozhestvennom tekste. Retrieved eading/2008/I/uch_2008_I_00008.pdf
2019, from 1. Burova, G. P., & Kornienko, A. A. (2018). Approksimatsionnaya nominatsiya kak
4. Buzarov, V. V., & Lynova, E. G. (1991). Chto proyavlenie antropogennosti v russkoy
takoe approksimatsiya v lingvistike? yazykovoy kartine mira. Vestnik pyatigorskogo
Inostrannye yazyki v shkole, №2, p.100. gosudarstvennogo universiteta, № 3. Pyatigorsk: Pyatigorskiy gosudarstvennyy
universitet, pp. 49-53.

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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

7. Bocharova, E. S. (2001). Funktsional'no- o-semanticheskoe-pole-approksimatsii-v-

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Philadelphia, USA 56
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 08 Volume: 76

Published: 13.08.2019

Nafosat Urokova
Bukhara State University,
a teacher


Abstract: This article highlights originality and genre-style updates in modern Uzbek poetry. The poems of
Askar Mahkam, Eshkobil Shukur, Ikrom Atamurod, Usman Kuchkar are analyzed and interpreted as traditional and
unconventional style of poetry. The poems are based on the traditional style of drawing; the poems based on the
lyrical experience illuminate unconventional style.
Key words: Lyrical epic, lyric-epic poem, unconventional style, lyric hero, symbol, lyrical experience, soul
image, modern tone, mystical melody, novelization.
Language: English
Citation: Urokova, N. (2019). Genre research in Uzbek poems of recent times. ISJ Theoretical & Applied
Science, 08 (76), 57-59.
Soi: Doi:
Classifiers: Literature.

Introduction. and I. Otamurod. The style of U. Kuchkar was formed

In recent years, Uzbek friendship has been in accordance with the traditions of modern liro-epic
developing on a number of principles. They reflect the poems. The poet's works reflect the poetic traditions
features of the world poem, folk and classical poetry, of H. Poem, Oybek, Zulfiya, A. Mukhtor, E. Vahidov,
modern epic. In recent years, a unique artistic system A. Aripov. Otamurod's style was reflected in the style
of poems has been created based on the story of the of contemporary Uzbek lyric poems.
great poets, such as A. Aripov, E. Vahidov, O. Matjon, We can say that the poet managed to create a
H. Sharipov. holistic artistic system of lyrical poems. The most
The poems compiled by E. Shukur, A. important feature of these poems is the sound of
Kutbiddin, I. Otamurod, U. Kuchkar are embodied in anxious heart, and the image of heartbreak is
the national poetic thinking, unique traditions and widespread. In them, as literary scholar U. Khamdam
views of our people. The most important features of correctly points out, "in this period it is almost
Uzbek poetry in recent years are as follows: impossible to abandon storytelling, imagery,
1. Revival of style: folk narration, use of prose narrative, and instead emphasize metaphors and
and prose that are unique to folk epics. details". This is especially evident in the poems of
2. Deep penetration of religious origins, I.Atamurod. Based on the changes that have occurred
mysticism in the poem. in the Uzbek epoch in recent years, the
3. Acceleration of genre synthesis, observation methodological researches and updates can be
of drama and novel approach in the poem. classified as follows:
4. Artistic depiction of deserving figures in the 1. Poems based on the plot.
history of the nation and the homeland. 2. Poems based on lyrical experience.
5. Modern style. One of the key features of the storyline is the
We can say that on the basis of these features a story. This feature brings him closer to epic type of
whole system of traditional and unconventional work. What is more, the Uzbek contemporary poems
poems has been created in our literature. that were developed and developed in the 20th century
Consequently, when the Uzbek poems are reviewed in are based on the plot. He has appeared in such works
recent years, there is a creative individuality in the as Oybek and Guli, H.Olimjon's "Aigul and Bakhtiar",
composition and poetry of the poems of U. Kuchkar "Semurg or Parizod and Bunyod", "The Girl of the

Philadelphia, USA 57
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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Water" by Mirtemir, "Dream Fountain" by E. lyrical poems. The molding of the lonely tree in the
Vahidov, "Arakov and Judge". The plot, the epic poem "The Lonely Tree in the Yard" by I.
storytelling aspect continued successfully in the Otamurod is a story of the burning of a lonely tree in
poems of U. Kuchkar. the wilderness by a passive passer. In poems based on
His poems "Persecution" and "Shirak" are lyrical experiences, as the literary scholar D.
important in this regard. There are three important Kuvvatova correctly pointed out, epic leaks are
features in the plot-based poems: 1. The proximity to formed on the basis of lyrical imagery [1].
epic works in terms of the breadth of the subject In modern Uzbek literature, lyrical poems form
matter, the novelization of the novel [U.Kochkor's a separate artistic system. The perfect examples of
poems "Shirak" and "Persecution"]. 2. Stories written lyrical poems like Oybek's Injury of My Heart, Surat
based on fairy tales ("Chamangul" by U. Kuchkar, by Mirtemir, Zulfia's "Fracture of Memory", E.
"Turonbotir"). 3. The manifestation of plot characters Vahidov's "Rebellion of Souls", "Sharovar" by H.
in lyrical poems (poems by I. Otamurod "The Tree in Sharipov, "The Sun's Fountain" by J. Kamol. An
the Yard", "Spot", "The Place"). important feature of them is that they are based on
Today's poem presents a fascinating plot, series monologic discourse, rich in images of lyrical
of heroes that are unique to the novel and epic works. experiences and lyrical retreats. The continuation and
Though the poet based the folk tale in the “Shirak” renewal of this tradition in Uzbek poetry in recent
poem, the work draws close to heroic stories. In poems years can be seen in the poems of I.Otamurod. His
based on fairy tales, our poets express the pain and works such as "Tazazzul", "Inside ... Outside",
aspirations of the people, which are difficult to "Ceramic Fractures", "Table", "Light from the Spirit"
disclose in their own time. The beginning of this are important in this regard.
tradition is connected with H. Alimjon's works "Aigul One of the formative changes that has shaped
and Bakhtiyor", "Semurg or Parizod and Bunyod". poetry in recent times is geometric elements. I. In the
Later this tradition was continued by such poets as case of Father Atamurov, this is noteworthy as a
Shukrullo and H. Sharipov. This feature is also novelty. In this regard, the poet's epitome is
evident in the poems “Chamangul” and “Turonbotir” particularly characteristic.
by U. Kuchkar.
There is another version of the poems, in which .................... Spirit + Light = Free ................
the lyric character is given a wider portrayal of .................... Free + spirit = light ................
emotions and experiences, but also serves as a .................... Light + Free = Spirit ................
formative event. This shows the epic character in


These three concepts always complement and When a person receives light to his heart, he becomes
complement each other. It is difficult to imagine them free and becomes free. He who has been purified of
separately. The spirit is the world, the heart, the soul. the spirit and who has attained to the perfection of a

Philadelphia, USA 58
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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

perfect man will draw close to God. The highest sign канор...........................................
of perfection is the pursuit of the Truth and the benefit ...Бардошимнинг тоқати тўлур
of the people. He is perfect in his words, deeds, and йиқилади сабримнинг уҳи...
intentions, as much as he brings good to the people, Ё ...б...о...н.
and he directs the evil to the right. It is noteworthy ... б ... и... т....м ...а...с...
that in some cases poets find it difficult to express ..................д...о ... ғ...и...н...г...-а...
their feelings and experiences. "Changes in the ...................................б...ў...л...у...р...
person's personality, inner emotions, mental disorders ёлғиз дарахтнинг чирқираган руҳи...
or mood swings are often left unexplained by him."
The language, which is the first communication Conclusion.
tool of our ancient ancestors, can be said to be poetry These works reflect the mystical and
in the form of signs referring to incomprehensible philosophical tones, the modern style. Most
phenomena that have been refined today. The importantly, no matter what the poet writes, the
emergence of the 'Poetry of the Sound' or 'Out of the artistic expression of emotions, the path of genuine
Mind' poetry is the result of these studies. humanity, the sorrow and the anguish in the heart. His
To avoid traditionalism in today's epic poems, lyric hero is, first and foremost, a heartwarming
the poet also refers to the means of expression, person. Recent literature has created such a new epic
gestures and signs of the first human form. form that it depicts a certain fact based on perceptions.
In the poems "The Lonely Tree in the Yard", "Spot"
Дунё............................................. and "Urun" by Otamurad, the lyrical heroic scenes of
армонларни................................. the heart are revealed, and it also contains small
ютгувчи....................................... details.


1. Burgardt, O. (1915). Novye gorizonty v oblasti 7. Ҳasanov, S. (2004). KhKh asrning ikkinchi
issledovaniya poeticheskogo stilya. Kiev: Izd- yarmi ўzbek dostonlari poetikasi. F.f.d. ilmiy
vo Samonenko. darazhasini olish uchun taқdim etilgan dis-ya.
2. Kovalenko, S. (1982). Poema kak zhanr Samarқand.
literatury. Moscow: Znanie. 8. Қuvvatova, D. (2014). KhKh asr ikkinchi
3. Potebnya, A. A. (1976). Estetika i poetika. yarmida ўzbek poemasi. Toshkent: Turon zamin
(p.614). Moscow: Iskusstvo. zie.
4. Aristotel' (1980). Poetika. (p.152). Tashkent: 9. Ҳayitov, A. (2002). Shakl izlanishlarining
Adabiet va san"at nashr. badiiyatga ta"siri. Sharқ yulduzi, # 4-fasl.
5. Raҳimzhonov, N. (1975). Lirik poema. F.f.n 10. Ҳamdam, U. (2012). Yangi ўzbek she"riyati.
ilmiy darazhasini olish uchun taқdim etilgan Toshkent: Adib.
dissertatsiya. Tashkent: AN. 11. Dzhumaniyazova, N. (2011). Istiқlol davri ўzbek
6. Raҳimzhonov, N. (2007). Mustaқillik davri lirikasida uslubiy izdanishlar: Filol.fanlari
ўzbek she"riyati. Toshkent: Fan. bўyicha falsafa d-ri (PhD) diss. avtoref.

Philadelphia, USA 59
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 08 Volume: 76

Published: 13.08.2019

Nurmat Ergashevich Mukhamadiev
Tashkent Medical-Pediatric Institute
Associate Professor of the Department of "Philosophy"


Abstract: Geo-economic and geo-ideological foundations of the emergence of a new secular order in the context
of globalization, the causes of geo-economic war between different states, the geopolitical policy of preserving
nations and peoples and philosophical methods.
Key words: globalization, geo-economics, geopolitics, geo-ideology, geo-economics, ethno-economics, neo-
economics, geo-ideological policy.
Language: English
Citation: Mukhamadiev, N. E. (2019). Geo-economics and geo-ideology - ideas and economical bases of the
origin of a new world order in the conditions of globalization. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 08 (76), 60-63.
Soi: Doi:
Classifiers: Philosophy.

Introduction infrastructure networks spreading around the world;

As we know, in the first quarter of the 21st secondly, global transnational corporations grow daily
century, important processes such as a huge surge of and “fill state borders”; thirdly, international trade is
globalization flow and an attempt to form a new world accelerating; fourthly, financial globalization and the
order take place in the world. These processes are growth of geopolitical processes; fifthly, the sharp or
closely related to each other, in that globalization, hidden from the eyes sharpness of the advancement of
being one of the factors of the emergence of a new competing processes; sixth, the widespread use of
world order as it affects a whole spectrum of society protectionist policies on the world market; seventh,
and conducts geo-economic, geopolitical, geostrategic the use of force to achieve their goals in an ideological
and geo-ideological activities carried out by states, struggle in an effort to dominate the world economy.
which in turn has its own variability of events. Thus, from a philosophical point of view, the
The formation of a new global schedule in the peculiarity of the sharp development of the
21st century begins, first of all, with geo-economic globalization process of the world economy is
activity between states, which is realized by evaluated by two characteristic features:
geopolitical means in which all efforts to ensure the 1. As a positive phenomenon: in the
social form are geopolitically supported as an development of economic integration among ethnic
ideological foundation. groups, nations, peoples; in the rapid spread of
modern communications and information
Materials and methods technologies; in the free zone of investment, capital
1. Geo-economics - the economic basis for the and commodity circulation; in the process of creating
emergence of a new world order. In the twenty-first new jobs and the emergence of employment
century, the globalization of the world economy is conditions; the possibility of cooperation in order to
becoming more and more controversial for the prevent an economic crisis, etc.
following reasons: firstly, any positive or negative 2. As a negative phenomenon: in obtaining the
changes in the economy of any country quickly affect enormous benefits of some economically highly
the development of existing communication and developed entities that, through various means, carry

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

out hidden actions that lead to the economic decline of the states that lead them to search for their place in the
nations, people and at the same time try to achieve geo-economic space.
their goals; in exposing developing countries to the 4. Geo-economics is based on the economic
arena of competition; to add “economic helot” under potential of each country: this is the technology for the
the motive of introducing quick economic support by production of goods, their types, competitiveness,
these powerful forces; in a propaganda of destructive demand, quantity and size; filling domestic markets
ideas into the consciousness and spirit of man through with domestic products; quality of communication
modern, information technology. networks; Logistics the amount and movement of
In order to form independent legal-democratic capital in banks; level of employment and real cash
states of Central Asia and join the international income. The more these indicators, the more stable the
community in a short period of time during the geo-economic situation in the country.
difficult and controversial conditions of our time, it is 5. Geo-economics is dependent on the level of
necessary: 1) an attempt to acquire one's status in the economic integration of each nation and state.
world economy, which has been formed over many Without such integration processes, geo-economics
centuries; 2) in the right choice of partnership in the cannot exist.
integration of the economic process, in solving the Based on these factors that ensure the existence
problem of using modern non-traditional of geo-economics, it can be described as a powerful
technologies; 3) ensuring the direct participation of a socio-economic process.
new class of owners in the world market; 4) in the Today, the emergence and development of geo-
instant logical awareness and awareness of the geo- economics is due to the following factors:
economic principles taking place in the world and its First, in the world, the beginning of the economic
correct use in practice by means of a scientific and activity of countries forms multipolar free economic
practical solution. systems instead of bipolar economic systems that have
As we know, geo-economics, first of all, gained independence based on their geographical
emerged as a new geopolitical stream in geopolitics; location;
secondly, as a product of global economic processes, Secondly, thanks to today's fast-functioning
which has a specific object, subject; thirdly, the information technology, the high-quality functioning
necessary study from the philosophical position of this of “intangible” economic relations (such as
phenomenon as a socio-economic reality. transferring money between banks, distribution of
Today, the geo-economics problem can be loans, awareness of commodity exchanges, drawing
studied in two ways based on the dialectical unit of the up tax conclusions by country);
theory: Thirdly, the intensification of the processes of
1) As a socio-economic process. mutual integration to ensure economic development
2) As a socio-economic idea and philosophical based on the geographical, national and national and
thinking. territorial capabilities of states;
The fundamental factors of geo-economics as a Fourth, the unification of large and small owners
socio-economic process are as follows: in various territorial unions, transnational alliances in
1. Geo-economics depends on the geographical the benefits of unhindered profits of these companies;
location of nations and states, the material earthly Fifth, with the consistent efforts of less
resources, natural and climatic conditions. In the case developed national sovereign states to preserve their
of a geographically convenient geographically located own economic independence from the acquisition of
country with a rich natural and climatic climate, this land resources by other countries through the use of
country will dominate in geo-economics processes technological advantages. Thus, geo-economics is the
and subsequently become a central force space. income received as a result of the integration of more
2. Geo-economics is one of the socio-political than 200 countries on the basis of geographical
processes, which depends on the sovereignty and location, territorial location, and sovereignty,
economic independence of any country. Having economic independence of the state, entrepreneurship,
gained full economic independence and moving to a communication opportunities and economic potential
market economy, countries that have reached an of the owner, nation, people and states. Carry out its
agreement on legal equality in various forms of economic activity, present it as a new economy in
ownership are able to fully participate in geo- order to preserve its identity as a result of the growth
economic processes, as well as receive sufficient of national identity can be considered the main
profit and share their share of economic profit. attribute of the formation of a new world order and
3. One of the main driving forces of geo- ethno-economy, which is based on a new model.
economics is the class of owners. The entrepreneurial Neo-economics is a new model of civilization,
activities of the class of owners encourage the driven by the global economic system, which
participation of geo-economic processes to meet the combines new values and combines anthropogenic,
economic needs and interests of the whole nation, and ethical, cultural and spiritual-moral factors to
reproduce the quality of society.

Philadelphia, USA 61
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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

The subject of this economy is a problem that Geo-ideology is a system of means and methods
needs further study in the branches of economics, expressing interests and needs, goals and aspirations
philosophy, sociology, political science. on the basis of political, legal, ethical, religious,
2. Geo-economics war and its causes. For a creative, philosophical, scientific views and opinions
number of objective and subjective reasons, neo- of a certain ethnic group, nation, people and their
economics cannot be combined with a post-ecological political, legal, economic, spiritual and cultural
regime, based on an anthropogenic system, as a model opportunities of the geographical location,
of a new world order. Post-industrial regulation based independence and sovereignty of the country.
on technology, states that they have the right to In general, the concept of geo-ideology can be
independently manage the world economy, using their widely and narrowly interpreted. We tried to cover
technical and technological advantages of the neo- this privately, based on the principles of philosophical
economy, and also prefers to conduct independent science, the principles of general, individual and
economic activities based on the capabilities of each special, based on this formation of geo-ideology, in
country. This struggle for these primary goals can be making decisions of the new world order there are the
called an “invisible" geo-economic war. following features:
And so how to understand the geo-economics 1. The objective need to build up countries close
struggle or war? A geo-economics war is the to each other to strengthen economic relations.
subordination by one state close in continental 2. The unity and mixing of the historical past,
territorial state through economic and political ancestors, nations and peoples living in a particular
obedience. The objective factors causing a geo- region. This phenomenon leads to the formation of the
economic war are: lack of natural resources necessary product of the social population, living for thousands
for living in the geographical area of a particular of years close to each other in blood and the spirit of
nation, inadequate location of transport nation.
communications, lack of reservoirs relative to their 3. The unity of historical roots, philosophical
neighbors; subjective factors of which are the foundations, the history of language and thought,
ideological principles of the leaders of various states, culture and art, ethical and aesthetic values, traditions,
unions of social movements, political parties; the similar moral values and mentalities that have lived
degree of formation of an ideological worldview, that for centuries in a particular region.
is, Totalitarian-aggressive and democratic consents, 4. Everyone living in this area has the right to
the peaceful nature of partnership between subjects protect human rights and freedoms, to protect them
are the main subjective factors in the formation of geo- both within the country and abroad, in particular with
economic disagreements or wars. regard to abuse of women and children, the exclusion
By the twenty-first century, the geo-economic of national and racial or social discrimination.
war is gaining momentum thanks to the invisible recognition of ideological consensus as a guarantee of
actions of the "third hand". An example of this is the peace and equality and the need to implement these
artificial geo-economic wars between the United ideas.
States, Britain, France, Russia, China and other There are two ways of geo-ideological action -
countries that have gained national independence and, the process of differentiation and integration. At the
in particular, for the import of natural gas and oil-rich same time, geopolitical differentiation is a separation
countries. They use various forms of economic of ideological foundations, which is equivalent to
sanctions against the powerless. As a result, hundreds national ideals in relation to the ideals of other peoples
of thousands of innocent people are victims of a geo- of this region, in accordance with the basic ideas and
economic war. principles of the national ideology of the peoples
Such concern can only be avoided by creating an inhabiting the same region, integration is an
ethno-economic system based on the development of ideological solution to a single regional ideological
neo-economics. The democratization of this and ideological point vision, which is based on the
mechanism will possibly lead to the establishment of spiritual cohesion of ideology. Accordingly, geo-
a new world order. ideology is a system of integrated ideas based on the
3. Geo-ideology - as the ideological basis for interests and views of peoples living in different
the emergence of a new world order. In the context independent states of the region. This is still a
of globalization, social progress cannot be achieved, philosophical question that awaits its solution in the
nor are ideological events contradicting its future.
quantitative and qualitative characteristics. Each Geo-ideological policy is a set of actions related
ideological process is a unique phenomenon; which to the consciousness of the peoples of one region, a
reflect the ideological, individual interests of each system of ideas, harmful moral and ideological
person. However, there is a system of ideological influences, methods and means of preventing
ideas inherent in each country based on the common oppression, as well as the development, regulation and
goals of the people. One of the ideological views control of their activities.
arising from globalization today is geo-ideology.

Philadelphia, USA 62
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Naturally, internal and external geo-ideological 4. The struggle against destructive ideas that
policies are distinguishable among themselves. threaten the independence of states.
Internal geo-ideological policy is the task of The means of implementing the geo-ideological
mobilizing citizens for the development of a new level policy are:
of development based on strategic goals set by people 1. The level of formation of ideological and
living in regions within the country. Foreign geo- ideological consciousness of the peoples living in the
ideological policy is distinguished by the region, through their identification of the attitude of
strengthening of the authority of peoples in the people living in the neighboring state to the conditions
international arena, based on mutual cooperation in of public life (identification of food, clothing,
the region, to protect the influence of independent housing, etc.). Establishing the mutual cooperation on
development on international relations and protect the this basis.
influence of foreign ideologies. 2. Awareness of how to overcome together
The effectiveness of geo-ideological policy internal and external ideological threats that impede
depends on its means, methods and forms. It is the independence of the people of neighboring
important to consider the interests of different groups, countries.
classes and layers of social development. Geo- 3. The development of geo-economic relations
ideological policy is so effective that the ways of between the states of the region, their geopolitical
organizing its interactions, taking into account the means, the activation of their strategic directions by
future prospects of social reality, can be brought closer geopolitical methods and the creation of a system of
to the general public. programmed actions for their implementation, etc.
General methods for implementing geo-
ideological policy include: Conclusion
1. Independence of any country in the region, In the context of globalization in Central Asia, a
recognition of sovereignty and non-interference in its new world order is being formed. It is also the unity
internal affairs. of the historical fate and religious and other national
2. The establishment of good neighborly spiritual values of the peoples living in the region. It
relations, the strengthening of friendship between is characterized by the establishment of mutually
peoples. beneficial economic relations, the preservation of
3. Timely implementation of agreements identity through political dialogue.
between states and the conclusion of mutually
beneficial agreements.


1. Moreau, D. F. (1996). Introduction to 7. Ubaydullaev, I. (2017). Aspekty formirovanie

Geopolitics. Ch. 5. (p.76). Moscow: Concord. geoekonomicheskogo myshlenie sobstvennikov.
2. Kochetov, E. G. (1999). Geoeconomics Vestnik Rossiyskogo filosofskogo obshchestva,
(Mastering the global economic space). (p.4). Moscow, pp.80-82.
Moscow: BEK. 8. Shumpeter, Y. (1982). Teoriya
3. Dergachev, V. A. (2003). Global geoeconomics ekonomicheskogo razvitiya. (p.278). Moscow:
(Transformation of the global economic space). Progress.
(p.3). Odessa: IPREI NASU. 9. Zang, V. B. (1999). Sinergeticheskaya
4. Dergachev, V. A. (2004). Geoekonomicheskiy ekonomika. Vremya i peremeni v nelineynoy
slovar'-spravochnik. (p.177). Odessa: IPREEI ekonomicheskoy teorii. Per.s angl. (p.335).
NANU. Moscow: Mir.
5. Ponomarev, L. N., et al. (1987). Economic 10. Mirziyoyev, S. M. (2018). Our people`s consent
culture: (the nature, trends of development). is the highest genius to our qork. (p.429).
(p.55). Moscow: Mysl. Тashkent: «Uzbekistan» NMIU.
6. Ponomarev, L. N., et al. (1987). Economic 11. Muhammadiev, N. E., & Yahshilikov, J. Y.
culture: (the nature, directions of development). (2017). National Idea - Development Strategy.
(p.259). Moscow: Mysl. Monograph. (p.424). Tashkent: Fan.

Philadelphia, USA 63
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 08 Volume: 76

Published: 14.08.2019

Joel E. Asuncion
Asian College of Technology Educational Foundation
Director, Office Standards, Accreditation and Research

Norberto M. Secretaria
Cebu Technological University
Social Sciences and Management Department, Main Campus


Abstract: Advancement of technology is the language of the modern society. With the rapid evolution of
computers where Internet of Things, Big Data, Cloud Computing and the like are the universal direction, appraisal
and evaluation of human resources, in similar manner have to cope with such change. This paper tested an innovated
technology system for the evaluation of academic heads in an educational institution. In the testing of this new
technology utilization the researchers used the Technology Acceptance Model. The result showed that the
respondents agreed to the usability of the features of the system, easy to use, and functional as desired. It was
concluded that there is a need to shift from web-based design to a mobile application and adopt the Innovated
Technology Model of the Academic Heads Performance Evaluation System using an Android platform that would
operate through smartphones for evaluation. The new mobile application would help the employees evaluate their
academic heads with lesser time consumptions which would lead to the productivity of every faculty for the benefit
of all shareholders.
Key words: Innovated Technology, Performance Evaluation, Human Resources Management.
Language: English
Citation: Asuncion, J. E., & Secretaria, N. M. (2019). Innovated technology of the performance evaluation
system for academic heads. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 08 (76), 64-74.
Soi: Doi:
Classifiers: Management.

Introduction need for academic head evaluation compels higher

Performance evaluation is always of imperative educational institutions to have a systematic approach,
concern in every organization across the globe, even in to administer, evaluate and enhance academic heads'
the academic community, higher education institutions performance and leadership for the benefit of all
while managing its people and resources. It is shareholders. The performance evaluation is designed
considered as one of its primary duty, which is to to guide the human resource department for possible
evaluate whether it’s human capital, the employees, are promotions, salary increase, transfers, additional
performing well above organization’s expected target. benefits and other incentives as well as helping poor
Although higher education institutions depend upon performers to achieve and develop their potentials
both teaching and non-teaching staffs working on it, (Alston & Marschke, 2008).
yet major responsibility comes upon the academic In the academic community, academic heads’
heads who are the source of leadership and academic performance evaluation has received renewed attention
direction of a department or the college. Therefore, the as a mean to improve schools. However, several

Philadelphia, USA 64
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

authors (e.g. Danielson and McGreal, 2000; Frase and devices (Amhad, 2016). Information Technology
Streshly, 1994; Heneman and Milanowski, 2003) researchers across the continent have seen a massive
notice the practice of performance evaluation often is increase in the use of mobile apps, particularly in the
nothing more than a perfunctory exercise which takes developing countries like the Philippines. It is essential
a lot of time from the school administration and to note that teachers at Asian College of Technology
teachers. It is worth noting that people are the lifeblood used smartphones in their daily activities. For lessons,
of colleges and universities. If there are no students, presentations, assignments, and notes. It helps them to
faculty, administrators, and staff, there cannot be a monitor students' attendance regularly by just visiting
college or university. People are their primary the teachers' portal. With these current trends, it is but
resource, and the development of these people is their rightful not to be dependent on ordinary desktop
reason for existence. Due to the paramount importance computers and laptops to perform obligations for the
of the people who are in higher education, it is essential improvements of the school wherever they are.
to understand how well this personnel is performing in Thus, the researcher assessed the innovated
their roles and if they are fulfilling the responsibilities performance evaluation system of the academic heads
for which they were hired (Flaniken, 2009). of Asian College of Technology International
Asian College of Technology International Educational Foundation is using the famous
Educational Foundation, with its commitment to Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) of Fred Davis
provide quality education always adheres to the general (1989), the and proposed an Android application.
concept of performance evaluation to make sure that its
academic personnel perform its duties and obligations Methodology
and to maximize their potential. However, this tedious There were a total of 172 respondents from the
process as authors like Danielson and McGreal, Asian College of Technology International
(2000); Frase and Streshly, (1994); Heneman and Educational Foundation. These respondents were
Milanowski, (2003) noted that it takes time to divided into three groups such as higher
accomplish and is therefore often the cause of the administration; academic heads, and the faculty (see
problem with slow processes and lack of time to Table 1). These respondents were asked to answer an
complete the evaluation, given the fact that it was adapted questionnaire which was modified according
mainly done prior to the first semester of the academic to the purpose of the study on the innovated academic
year 2016- 2017 until the researcher, after the head performance evaluation system (AHPES) and the
assessment of the process suggested for its automation. perceptions of an ideal AHPES.
It is a well-established fact that schools like Asian
College of Technology, is moving towards a more Results and discussion
modern approach such as e-learning, computer-aided Features
instructions, evaluations, mobile applications and in A key measure of the effectiveness of any
several processes. The recent move to make it more proposed system is the accuracy and reliability of its
accessible is to develop a mobile app and make it work information (Markgraf, 2016). According to
using an Android platform and an Android Operating (a business website), the
System that primarily use in smartphones. accuracy of the data a system uses and the calculations,
The android applications have a preference for the it applies to determine the effectiveness of the resulting
web-based solutions because they are more information. The sources of the data determine whether
transformative than the web and are growing at a much the information is reliable. Historical performance is
faster rate. The mobile application development space often part of the input, and also serves as a good
is dominated by the smartphones and among the measure of the accuracy and reliability of its output
smartphones, 84.7 % comprised of Android-based accordingly.

Table 3. Features of the System



I can
access the
1 system 2.25 2.23 2.24 2.24 (A) 1.93 1.97 1.95 1.95 (A) 2.10 A

Philadelphia, USA 65
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

I can
2 evaluation 2.43 2.33 2.36 2.37 (SA) 2.01 1.97 1.98 1.99 (A) 2.18 A
using the
I trust the
3 2.56 2.01 2.27 2.28 (A) 1.74 2.24 1.97 1.98 (A) 2.13 A
features of
the system
4 2.47 2.33 2.38 2.39 (SA) 2.05 2.01 2.02 2.03 (A) 2.21 A
5 provides 2.49 2.32 2.37 2.39 (SA) 2.01 1.99 2.03 2.01 (A) 2.20 A
ess of data
Mean 2.44 2.24 2.32 2.33 (A) 1.98 2.04 1.98 1.99 (A) 2.16 A

SA - Strongly Agree
A - Agree
DA - Disagree
DV - Descriptive Value

As shown in Table 3, the average weighted mean transaction easier with accurate results and better
of the features of the previous system used by Asian security.
College of Technology was 1.99 which could be
interpreted as AGREE while the Innovated system, on Functions
the other hand, had an average weighted mean of 2.33 Functions are usually among the major
which could be interpreted as AGREE. The result consideration in using a certain system. Table 4 shows
shows that users even though the interpretation shows the responses of the users on the functions of the
that they agreed it can be noticed with careful system for both the previous and the innovated.
observation of the results that users preferred the Adebayo (2007) explained that the existence of
features of the Innovated Academic Heads functions is needed to improve and enhance decision
Performance Evaluation System over the previously making on the issues affecting human and material
used system. This is in agreement with Cumiskey and resources. This includes the productivity an individual
Hjorth, (2013) that the new generation preferred the employee may attain by using certain management
use of a mobile application to help them make the systems. That dedicated employee preferred to do
things fast for them to move and do another.

Table 4. Functions of the System


2.27 Agr
1 complet 2.35 2.43 2.55 2.44 (SA) 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.10 (A)
(A) ee
on using

Philadelphia, USA 66
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

2.18 Agr
2 on 2.50 2.20 2.36 2.35 (SA) 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 (A)
(A) ee
2.18 Agr
3 e head 2.68 2.03 2.35 2.35 (SA) 2.03 2.00 2.00 2.01 (A)
(A) ee
on using
2.10 Agr
4 quickly 2.34 2.14 2.25 2.24 (A) 1.95 2.00 1.97 1.97 (A)
(A) ee
ion is
the user 2.18 Agr
5 2.43 2.23 2.33 2.33 (A) 1.75 2.31 2.03 2.03 (A)
to (A) ee
e the
2.18 Agr
Mean 2.46 2.21 2.37 2.34 (SA) 1.96 2.08 2.02 2.02 (A)
(A) ee

SA - Strongly Agree
A - Agree
DA - Disagree
DV - Descriptive Value

In Table 4, displays the responses of the users of that respondents summing up the two could do more
the systems in the previous and the innovated as to the regarding productivity than the previous system. The
functions of the systems. In the previous system, it has innovated system helped them to improve their
an average mean of 2.02 which could be interpreted as productivity without sacrificing their other duties such
AGREE while the innovated system users as evaluating their academic heads for the betterment
STRONGLY AGREED to its functions as they rated of the organization.
the predictors with an average mean of 2.34 (Strongly
Agree). The difference as shown in the Table was clear User Satisfaction

Philadelphia, USA 67
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

User satisfaction responses determine how Management theorists underscore the importance
satisfied are the users with the previous system given of satisfaction for success in any undertaking, whether
some certain criteria. The users’ responses to their its business or in information technology through
satisfaction of the previous and the innovated system management systems (Kennedy and Schneide, 2000).
are displayed in Table 5. It is through the satisfaction that a user will continue to
accept and use the systems

Table 5. User Satisfaction

I am satisfied
with how easy 2.27 Agre
1 2.41 2.33 2.38 2.37 (SA) 2.14 2.21 2.17 2.17(A)
to use the (A) e
I feel
confident in
using the
academic 2.16 Agre
2 2.43 2.14 2.28 2.28 (A) 2.00 2.09 2.04 2.04 (A)
head (A) e
I can
2.15 Agre
3 the evaluation 2.25 2.34 2.31 2.30 (A) 2.00 2.02 1.99 2.00 (A)
(A) e
quickly using
this system
I am satisfied
with how the 2.13 Agre
4 2.47 2.01 2.25 2.24 (A) 2.02 1.99 2.01 2.01 (A)
system (A) e
I can access
the evaluation
online at any
2.13 Agre
5 time; thus 2.23 2.18 2.28 2.23 (A) 1.97 2.08 2.01 2.02 (A)
(A) e
for me
2.17 Agre
Mean 2.36 2.20 2.30 2.29 (A) 2.03 2.08 2.04 2.05 (A)
(A) e


SA - Strongly Agree
A - Agree
DA - Disagree

As shown in Table 5, users were still satisfied interpreted as AGREE. However, much higher than
with the previous system with an average mean of 2.05 the previous system.
which could be interpreted as AGREE. However, it
can be noticed that it differs as to the mean. With the Perception of the users on the innovated
innovated system, as to satisfaction level, users were academic heads performance evaluation system as
satisfied with an average mean of 2.29 which could be to tam

Philadelphia, USA 68
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

performance evaluation system with an average mean

Seigel (2008) in citing Davis (1985) wrote that of 3.06 which could be interpreted as USEFUL. The
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), a model that overall result of the survey supports Davis (1989) as
describes user determinants for technological cited by Sun et al. (2013) which specifically mentioned
acceptance based on perceived usefulness and that the perceived usefulness would always rely on the
perceived ease of use in deciding whether or not they degree to which a person using the system is
will use the technology. In this study, users were asked comfortable and believes that it would enhance his or
to evaluate the innovated Academic Heads her performance. Further, the Since what users are up
Performance Evaluation System of Asian College of to here is to increase productivity as explained by
Technology International Educational Foundation Adebayo (2007) and that the proposed system will not
regarding perceived usefulness, perceived, ease of use hinder the effective performance of their duty. This
and its behavioral intention to use the system. observation is supported by the results given in Table
4, the functions of the system to which we could say
Perceived Usefulness that as perceived by the respondents in this study, with
Usefulness of an application refers to the comfort an interpretation of STRONGLY AGREE, we can
ability of the system to provide notifications and conclude that the innovated system help them improve
information to the user (Salman et al., 2014). In this productivity which is one primary objective in
study, the users were asked to evaluate the perceived developing a system like this Academic Heads
usefulness of the innovated academic head Performance Evaluation System.
performance evaluation system. This implies that users perceived the innovated
As presented in Table 6, the users find it system as useful in improving the performance of their
comfortable using the innovated academic head academic heads.

Table 6. Perceived Usefulness

Perceived Usefulness 4 3 2 1

1 It is comfortable using the system 74 68 27 3 3.24 Useful

2 Easy to learn how to use the system. 54 99 18 1 3.20 Useful

3 The system gives error messages that clearly tell 53 78 34 7 3.03 Useful
how to fix problems.
4 Recovery is easy and quick. 48 80 34 10 2.97 Useful
The information provided by this system is clear
5 such as online help, on-screen messages, and other 47 87 31 7 3.01 Useful
6 The organization of information on the system 47 87 33 5 3.02 Useful
screens is clear.
7 Using the interface of this system is more likeable. 48 75 40 9 2.94 Useful

MEAN 3.06 Useful


VU - Very Useful
U - Useful
SU - Somewhat Useful
NU - Not Useful

Philadelphia, USA 69
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Perceived Ease of Use shown in the Table, the average mean of the predictors
The users’ responses to the perceived ease of use was 3.08 which could be interpreted as EASY TO
are presented in Table 7. USE. It could be understood based on the given data
Perceived ease of use as hypothesized by Davis presented in Table 7 that the Innovated system is easy
(1993) and mentioned Seigel, (2008) refers to the to use and likable thus attract users to further use the
degree to which the individual believes that using the system. The result presented in Table 7 could be
system would require little or no mental and physical interpreted about the features in Table 3 and functions
effort. This would mean that whether the use of the in Table 4 which respondents agreed and preferred the
system would really easy and not to add burden on the innovated system.
part of the users (Marangunic´ and Granic, 2014). As

Table 7. Perceived Ease of Use


Perceived Ease of Use 4 3 2 1

1 Satisfied with how easy to use the system. 55 84 32 1 3.12 Easy to Use
2 It is simple to use the system. 54 92 24 2 3.12 Easy to Use
3 It is easy to learn to use the system. 50 92 27 3 3.15 Easy to Use
4 It is easy to find the information needed. 48 82 39 3 3.1 Easy to Use

5 The information provides for the system is 54 81 34 3 Easy to Use

easy to understand 3.02
6 The interface of the system is pleasant 48 82 37 5 3.08 Easy to Use

7 The system has all the functions and 60 78 27 7 Easy to Use

capabilities that the user is expecting to have. 3.01
I would find the system to be flexible to
8 55 78 28 11 Easy to Use
interact with 3.11
MEAN 3.08 Easy to Use


VEU - Very Easy to Use

EU - Easy to Use
SEU - Somewhat Easy to Use
NEU - Not Easy to Useful

Perceived ease of use as hypothesized by Davis mentioning the result of Table 5 (User Satisfaction)
(1993) and mentioned Seigel, (2008) refers to the that all the respondents were satisfied and are therefore
degree to which the individual believes that using the easy to use base on the features and its functions.
system would require little or no mental and physical
effort. This would mean that whether the use of the Behavioral Intention to Use
system would really easy and not to add burden on the TAM postulates that user behavior in using any
part of the users (Marangunic´ and Granic, 2014). As system is determined by the behavioral intent (Knight,
shown in the Table, the average mean of the predictors 2004). This Behavioral intent is commonly termed as
was 3.08 which could be interpreted as EASY TO Behavioral Intention to Use Technology. It is defined
USE. It could be understood based on the given data as the degree to which a person has formulated
presented in Table 7 that the Innovated system is easy conscious plans to perform or not perform some
to use and likable thus attract users to further use the specified future behavior as explained by Davis (1989)
system. The result presented in Table 7 could be and cited by Fathema, Shannon, and Ross (2015).
interpreted about the features in Table 3 and functions As displayed in Table 8, it presents the users'
in Table 4 which respondents agreed and preferred the responses to the behavioral intention to use the
innovated system. innovated academic head performance evaluation
With all the positive responds from the system of Asian College of Technology International
respondents of this study, it can be pointed out not Educational Foundation.

Philadelphia, USA 70
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

In Table 8, it shows the users’ behavioral This affirms that if users find a specific technology as
intention to use the innovated system which by the a useful one (PU) as shown in Table 6, then they
users’ perception got an average weighted mean of develop a positive intention of using it (Fathema, et al.,
3.20 which could be interpreted as HIGH ATTITUDE. 2015).

Table 8. Behavioral Intention to Use


Behavioral Intention to Use VHA HA LA VLA Mean DV

4 3 2 1
1. I intend to use the system in Very High
the future 73 76 17 6 3.26
2. I expect my use of the system
in the future 55 93 19 5 3.15 High Attitude
3. It is worth it to use the
evaluation system 70 78 19 5 3.24 High Attitude
4. Given that I have access to
the system at anywhere, I plan to 67 78 20 6 3.20 High Attitude
use it
5. I predict I would use the
system in the next two (2) 58 86 21 7 3.13 High Attitude
3.20 High Attitude


VHA - Very High Attitude

HA - High Attitude
LA - Low Attitude
VLA - Very Low Attitude

It could be said that the predictors had the same Summary of the perception of the users on the
interpretation (basically the same behavioral intention innovated academic heads performance evaluation
to use) with regards to the overall average weighted system
mean. Further, Fathema et al. (2015) study further In Table 9, from among the three indicators,
affirm our findings as shown in Table 8 that if users perceived ease of use and behavioral intention to use.
have the intention to use a specific technology then A system is said to be timely if it can deliver the
they use it. needed task in a short period.
Also, the behavioral intention of the users to
continually use the system could help in the future
improvement of the innovated system.

Table 9. Summary of Results on the Perception of the Users on the Innovated Academic Heads Performance
Evaluation System

Average Mean Interpretation

Perceived Usefulness 3.06 Useful
Perceived Ease of Use 3.08 Easy to Use
Behavioral Intention to Use 3.20 High Attitude
Over all Mean = 3.11 Acceptable

3.11 with a verbal interpretation of acceptable. between the means only proves that users reserved a
The overall average mean implies that using TAM the room for improvements and that the Innovated system
system is acceptable to the users and the difference could be improved depending on the users’ need.

Philadelphia, USA 71
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Thus, improvements to perfect the innovated system The gathered data were processed further to
must continue. determine if there is a significant difference between
the previous and Innovated Academic Heads
Significant difference between the previous Performance Evaluation System. A t-Test was used to
and the innovated performance evaluation system determine the significant difference set at significance
This section presents and interprets the results of level of 0.05. The following are the details of the
the tests of the hypothesis. The data are presented in hypothesis testing.
Table 10 showing the decision and the conclusion to
the hypothesis.

Table 10. Result of the Test of Hypothesis at α = 0.05 Level of Significance

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances

Innovated Previous
Mean 2.320155 2.020543
Variance 0.004401 0.003085
Observations 15 15
Pooled Variance 0.003743
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
df 28
t Stat 13.41128
P(T<=t) one-tail 5.18E-14
t Critical one-tail 1.701131
P(T<=t) two-tail 1.04E-13
t Critical two-tail 2.048407

Decision: Reject the Null Hypothesis

Table 10 presented the significant difference Conclusion

between the previous and the innovated Academic There is a need to shift from web-based design
Heads Performance Evaluation System. The findings to a mobile application and adopt the Innovated
show that the difference could be traced back on the Technology Model of the Academic Heads
respondents’ experience with the previous and the Performance Evaluation System using an Android
innovated system based on the features, functions and platform that would operate through smartphones for
user satisfaction shown in Tables 3, 4 and 5. evaluation. The new mobile application would help
Thus, it is important to note that the difference the employees evaluate their academic heads with
exists between the functions and features of both lesser time consumptions which would lead to the
systems which the respondents preferred to boost productivity of every faculty for the benefit of all
productivity as Adebayo’s (2007) findings would tell shareholders. This statement can be based on the result
us that the existence of functions and a features are on the respondents’ perception using the famous
needed to improve and enhance decision whether or Technology Acceptance Model of Davis (1989) which
not to use or not to use a system. In deciding, it the researcher used to evaluate the innovated system
includes the productivity an individual employee may which turns out that the innovated system is easy to
attain by using certain management systems. That use and very useful. With this, the respondents who
dedicated employee preferred to do things fast for will become the users of the system based on table 8
them to move and do another. will positively use the system when it is fully
The decision as shown in Table 10 to reject the implemented.
null hypothesis is supported by the different results
mentioned earlier in the discussion of the features,
functions and user satisfaction.

Philadelphia, USA 72
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350


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Philadelphia, USA 74
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 08 Volume: 76

Published: 14.08.2019

Diyor Turdiqulovich Juryev
Kashkadarya branch of Research Institute for Grain and Leguminous crops
PhD, Senior Researcher, Karshi, Uzbekistan.

Nurislom Davron ugli Kuyliev

Kashkadarya branch of Research Institute for Grain and Leguminous crops
Research Assistant, Karshi, Uzbekistan.

Norboy Shokirjonovich Kayumov

Kashkadarya branch of Research Institute for Grain and Leguminous crops
Research Assistant, Karshi, Uzbekistan


Abstract: In southern regions of Uzbekistan a sharp rise in air temperature in the period of grain yield
accumulation of soft wheat causes to reduce in grain productivity. At flowering stage of soft wheat a sharp rise in
temperature leads to the damage of generative organs, sterile flowers and less quantity of grains in spikes and also
in the period of grain yield accumulation, increased temperature causes to decreasing the weight of 1000 pieces of
grain and other yield elements. In this period, particularly, in pollination stage if the temperature is too high, the
pollinators may be completely damaged following poor grain yield. In order to solve this kind of problem heat-
resistance features of soft wheat varieties and samples have been studied and the most resistant ones have been
selected. So, this article outlines the resistance features of heat-resistant varieties to various environmental factors.
Key words: Bread wheat, drought and heat, optimal planted, late planted, selection, variety, line, yield.
Language: Russian
Citation: Juryev, D. T., Kuyliev, N. D., & Kayumov, N. S. (2019). Correlation of economic and valuable features
of bread wheat with external environment factors. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 08 (76), 75-79.
Soi: Doi:
Classifiers: Agronomy. UDC 631.11: 631.52



Аннотация: В южных регионах Узбекистана резкое повышение температуры воздуха в период

накопления урожая зерна мягкой пшеницы приводит к снижению урожайности зерна. На стадии цветения
мягкой пшеницы резкое повышение температуры приводит к повреждению половых органов, бесплодных
цветков и меньшему количеству зерен в колосах, а также в период накопления урожая зерна, повышенная
температура приводит к снижению массы 1000 штук зерна. В этот период, особенно на стадии опыления,
если температура слишком высокая, опылители могут быть полностью повреждены вследствие плохой
урожайности зерна. Чтобы решить эту проблему, были изучены характеристики термостойкости сортов
и образцов мягкой пшеницы и отобраны наиболее устойчивые. В данной статье описаны особенности
устойчивости жаростойких сортов к различным факторам окружающей среды.
Ключевые слова: мягкая пшеница, жара, оптимальные сроки, поздние срокиселекция, отбор, сорт,
образец, урожайность.

Philadelphia, USA 75
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Введение После провозглашения независимости в

В результате глобального изменения климата Республике Узбекистан в сельско-хозяйственном
в мировом масштабе в ряде стран производящие секторе, а в частности для развития зерновой
зерно такие как США, Канада, Китай, Индия и отрасли произведены масштабные мероприятия. В
Россия для повышения урожайности зерновых результате чего в кратчайший период была
уделяется внимание на создание устойчивых приобретена полная независимость зерна. На ряду
сортов к факторам внешней среды. В весенний и с этим, создание новых скороспелых,
летние периоды на рост, развитие, а так же на высокоурожайных сортов устойчивых к стрессам
показатели урожайности производимых сортов внешних факторов, с высокими показателями
пшеницы влияют несколько факторов. качества зерна, а так же научные исследования по
По данным R.A. Richards и других 32% оценке гибридных линий являются актуальной
пшеницы выращиваемой в развивающихся задачей. В Кашкадарьинском филиале Научно-
странах подвергаются воздействию жары [8]. исследовательского института зерна и
Сорта пшеницы местного типа, зернобобовых культур проводятся ряд
выращиваемые в Центральной Азии, являются исследований в целях создания новых сортов
устойчивыми к жаре, опасная температура, устойчивых к факторам внешней среды.
вызывающая коагуляцию белка на ранних фазах
растения составляет + 55°С + 56°С, а в фазу Материалы и методы
колошение –налива зерна составляет +61°С, Схема полевого опыта была составлена по
наиболее устойчивые сорта пшеницы других программе Genestat3 Complete blok design и по
экотипов выносят температуру воздуха от + 56,6°С Alpha lattice design. 105 сортов и образцов были
до +58,2°С [8]. сопоставлены и изучены по срокам высадки семян
Экспериментальные данные S.Kinha и других в оптимальный (15 октября) и поздние (15 ноября)
показывают, что пшеница хорошо растет и сроки посева, в ходе исследований было изучено
развивается при температуре от +15°С до +25°С, а влияние жары в период налива зерна на
повышение температуры, то есть когда качественные показатели высаженных в поздний
температура превышает +25°С, наблюдается срок семян.
снижение продуктивности пшеницы [10]. Размещение опыта, фенологические
В своих исследованиях Л. К. Ляшок, М. П. наблюдения в ходе исследований, подсчёты, а так
Рейнольдс и другие отмечают, что температура же анализы были проведены по методу (ВИР
является основным фактором для роста и развития Всесоюзный институт растениеводства, 1984), а
пшеницы. Оптимальная температура для биометрические анализы по методам
получения высоких урожаев является + 24°С [5]. Государственной сортоиспытательной комиссии
Фотосинтетическая активность колоса сельскохозяйственных культур (1985,1989).
является важной частью термостойкости. Анализы технологических показателей качества
Раннеспелость или термостойкость не могут зерна были проведены по методическим пособиям
гарантировать высокую урожайность. “Методические рекомендации по оценке качества
Продуктивность раннеспелых сортов также зерна” и “Методы биохимического исследования
обусловлены быстрым развитием, а также растений”. Математическо-статистический анализ
быстрым накоплением сухого вещества и данных был проведён по методу Б.А.Доспехова.
эффективностью процесса ассимиляции [7]. Период колошение-созревание сортов и
Суховеи, наблюдаемые в период вегетации (в образцов высаженных в оптимальные сроки
фазы кущение-цветение) приводят к снижению высадки семян в жарких условиях
количества зерна в колосе пшеницы [3]. Кашкадарьинской области составляет от 36-50
Если в фазу цветения пшеницы показатели дней. В ходе проводимых исследований
температуры и влажности высоки, то при 30°С определилось, что период колошения семян
температуре в течение 3 дней, получаемое зерно высаженных в оптимальные сроки высадки
уменьшится на 68 процентов [1]. наблюдался от 16 апреля до 3 мая, а в поздний срок
Создание сортов мягкой пшеницы путём от 28 апреля до 15 мая.
отбора сортов и образцов, обладающих этими Высокий показатель урожайности во многом
характеристиками и особенностями зависит от веса зёрен в колосе, было отмечено, что
(термостойкими и засухоустойчивыми), является в проведённых нами исследованиях вес зёрен в
надежным методом селекции [4]. колосе изменялся по годам в зависимости от
Сорта озимой пшеницы используют влагу в погодных условий.
почве, которая образуется в результате осенних,
зимних и весенних осадков [6]. Результаты исследования
Тепловой стресс влияет на процесс Главная цель исследования определить
фотосинтеза растений и ограничивает его выносливость сортов и образцов к жаре для
активность [10]. определения показателя урожайности изучаемых

Philadelphia, USA 76
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

сортов и образцов высаженных в оптимальные и По итогам данных 3-х лет, что показатель
поздние сроки высадки семян. В ходе урожайности у испытуемых сортов и образцов
проведённого нами исследования наблюдалось, КР11-105-43, КР11-105-90, Ғозғон, КР11-105-44,
что период начала фазы колошения у образцов Жайхун, Туркистон, КР11-105-50, Дустлик, КР11-
позднего срока высадки семян наблюдался на 9 105-50, Навруз был выше, чем у стандартного сорта
дней позднее, чем у оптимального срока. В Краснодарская-99, который составил 59,8 ц/га, так
результате повышения температуры воздуха в же определилось, что и при высадке семян в
период “колошение-созревание” наблюдалось поздние сроки посева показатель урожайности был
понижение показателя урожайности на 15,3 ц/га и высоким.
вес 1000 зёрен на 8,5 гр.

Рисунок 1.

Вес 1000 зёрен у изучаемых сортов и образцов Из показателей качества зерна были
высаженных в оптимальный срок в 2012 году проведены анализы по определению белка и
составил 32,14-52,01 г, а у позднего срока 25,5-43,7 клейковины сортов и образцов. Фаза налива зерна
г, или же на 6,6-8,9 г меньше, чем при высадке в у испытуемых сортов пришлась на период сильной
оптимальный срок. Аналогичная тенденция жары, что в свою очередь отрицательно отразилось
сохранилась и в 2013-2014 годы. на показателе количества белка в составе зерна
По средним данным 3-х лет показатель веса семян высаженных в поздний срок, а у выносливых
1000 зёрен сортов и образцов высаженных в сортов и образцов не наблюдалось резкое
оптимальный срок составил 32,15-46,16 г, а в снижение количества белка. По итогам анализов
поздний срок 28,6-42,1 г, или же разница между были отобраны сорта и образцы с высоким
показателем веса 1000 зёрен варьировалась между показателем белка в составе зерна высаженные в
3,5-4,0 г. оптимальный и поздние сроки посева.

Таблица 1. Масса 1000 штук семян и качественные показатели сортов и образцов, посеянных в
оптимальные и поздние сроки

Оптимальные сроки Поздние сроки

Название Масса Масса
№ Количество Количество Количество Количество
сорта 1000 1000
белка, клейковины, белка, клейковины,
штук штук
% % % %
семян, г. семян, г.
1 Матонат 40,6±2,3 13,9±0,9 25,7±2,5 39,9±1,3 12,6±0,9 24,3±0,8
2 КР11-105-11 44,5±3,7 15,5±1,3 30,4±2,7 39,7±1,5 14,2±0,2 28,3±0,3
3 Туркистон 41,9±1,2 15,6±0,8 30,6±1,2 37,0±5,3 14,2±0,1 28,5±0,1
4 Южная-12 43,4±1,7 16,2±0,7 29,2±3,0 38,6±3,2 13,9±0,4 24,2±1,6

Philadelphia, USA 77
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

5 Наврўз 40,7±2,5 14,9±0,6 30,6±0,7 39,9±0,8 14,2±0,3 27,9±1,5

6 КР11-105-42 44,3±2,9 14,7±0,8 26,7±2,8 36,6±4,4 13,5±0,3 25,1±2,5
7 КР11-105-43 45,5±1,9 15,6±0,7 30,5±0,8 41,2±0,6 14,5±0,2 28,9±0,5
8 КР11-105-44 44,6±4,4 15,1±2,3 27,5±0,6 38,6±1,7 14,2±0,1 26,0±3,1
9 КР11-105-45 44,3±1,8 13,3±0,5 27,0±1,0 37,7±4,0 12,4±0,4 25,8±0,3
10 КР11-105-50 40,5±3,2 14,5±1,3 29,6±0,8 39,3±3,5 14,0±0,1 27,0±1,7
11 КР11-105-59 41,3±1,8 14,0±0,2 28,6±1,5 37,3±3,0 12,9±0,3 26,1±2,6
12 Ҳ. Башир 41,3±1,7 15,4±0,5 29,7±0,8 40,1±1,0 14,4±0,2 28,5±0,3
13 Заррин 43,2±0,2 15,1±1,3 29,3±1,1 39,9±0,0 14,3±0,2 28,2±0,4
14 Ғозғон 44,3±0,5 15,4±0,9 29,6±0,5 40,7±0,7 14,3±0,2 28,2±0,2
15 КР11-105-90 39,1±2,5 15,1±0,4 28,5±0,9 35,1±2,6 12,2±1,1 23,7±1,6
16 КР11-105-96 41,3±2,9 13,6±0,8 27,6±1,6 34,5±1,0 12,7±0,7 25,5±0,5
17 Бунёдкор 45,5±2,2 16,0±0,6 29,8±0,9 42,2±0,8 14,5±0,4 28,4±0,3
18 Фаровон 40,7±1,0 15,2±1,0 29,4±0,5 40,2±1,0 14,2±0,2 28,5±0,1
19 Барҳаёт 45,5±2,4 15,1±0,9 28,7±0,3 40,6±1,3 14,3±0,4 28,4±0,1
20 38,7±2,0 14,0±1,1 28,0±0,4 33,6±1,9 13,1±0,2 26,3±0,9

Хлебопекарные качества пшеничной муки в Выводы

основном оцениваются количеством и качеством Исходя из данных показателей урожайности
клейковины. По итогам проведённых сортов и образцов высаженных в оптимальный и
исследований у оптимального и позднего срока поздние сроки посева семян, у образца КР11-105
посева семян самый высокий показатель высаженного в оптимальный срок показатель
клейковины наблюдался в 2013 году. У большего урожайности превысил на 19,8 ц/га, в поздний
количества испытуемых сортов и образцов под срок на 23,9 ц/га, у образца КР11-105-44 в
влиянием жары в период колошение-созревание оптимальный срок на 5,1 ц/га, в поздний срок на
показатель клейковины резко снизился, а у 12,0 ц/га, у образца КР11-105-50 в оптимальный
некоторых сортов и образцов по данному срок на 8,2 ц/га и в поздний срок на 13,7 ц/га, чем
критерию было отмечено стабильное положение. у стандартного сорта Краснодарская-99. По
По итогам результатов 3-х лет определилось, итогам проведённых 3-х летних исследований
что показатель средних данных содержания следующие сорта и образцы КР11-105-44, Ғозғон,
клейковины в составе зерна оптимального срока КР11-105-43, КР11-105-90, КР11-105-50, КР11-
составил 24,5-30,7%, позднего срока 23,2-28,9%. 105-99, КР11-105-11, Навруз благодаря своей
Показатель качества клейковины ИДК у выносливости к условиям внешней среды, а в
оптимального срока составил от 68,0 до 100,9, а у частности к жаре определились как
позднего срока был равен от 70,8 до 106,5. высокопродуктивные сорта.


1. Beknazarov, N. B. (1999). Research report on higher yields, compared to control varieties”.

the subject of “Creating and submitting to the (pp.75-81). Gallaorol.
trial and testing commission high-quality, fertile, 2. Genkel, P. A. (1956). Diagnostics of drought
resistant to diseases and extreme conditions of tolerance of cultivated plants and ways to
soft wheat varieties corresponding to low-lying increase it (guidelines). (p.28). Moscow: AN –
and mountainous areas, which yield 10–15% SSSR.

Philadelphia, USA 78
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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

3. Ivanov, A. L. (2002). Problems of farming in 7. Yusupov, B. A., & Nurbekov, U. A. (2007).

drought conditions. Moscow. Crop production, Scientific and practical solutions for grain
No. 2, pp. 3-5. growing (scientific collection). (pp.38-42).
4. Lukyanenko, P. P. (1970). Stages of Gallaorol.
development of domestic breeding and its 8. Richards, R. A. (1992). The effect of dwarfing
prospects. Selection and seed production. genes in spring wheat in dry environments. 2
Moscow, No. 2, pp.30-40. growth, water use and water use efficiency. Aust.
5. Lyashok, A. K. (1984). Relationship of winter J. Agricul. Res. 43: pp.529-539.
wheat productivity with the frequency of water 9. Sinha, S. K. (1985). Drought Resistance in Crop
exchange and thermal gradients. Physiological plants: A critical physiological and biochemical
aspects of the productivity and resistance of assessment. Drought tolerance in winter cereals.
winter wheat to stressful effects. (pp.97-105). Proceeding of International Workshop 27-31
Moscow: Kolos. October. (pp.349-351). Capri. Italy.
6. Khalilov, N. K. (2002). Biology of cereals. 10. Wahid, A., Gelani, S., Ashraf, M., & Foolad, R.
(pp.78-79). Samarkand. (2007). Heat tolerance in plants: an overview.
Environ. Exp. Bot., 61, pp.199–223.

Philadelphia, USA 79
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 08 Volume: 76

Published: 15.08.2019

Nilufar Arashovna Elova
Institute of Microbiology of the Academy of Science,
Laboratory of Microbiology and Biotechnology of Probiotics, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan.

Guzal Djumaniyazovna Kutliyeva

Institute of Microbiology of the Academy of Science,
Laboratory of Microbiology and Biotechnology of Probiotics, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan.

Aziza Abdugafforovna Siddikova

Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
Laboratory of Chemistry of High Molecular Compounds of the Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances
Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan.

Oliy Ravshanovich Akhmedov

Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
Laboratory of Chemistry of Polysaccharides, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan.

Hulkar Fozilovna Kamolova

Institute of Microbiology of the Academy of Science,
Laboratory of Microbiology and Biotechnology of Probiotics, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan.


Abstract: An exopolysaccharide (EPS) in the amount of 250 mg/l was obtained from the culture supernatant of
Lactobacillus plantarum EB-2 grown in MRS broth. In the IR spectrum of EPS, intense absorption bands were found,
generally characteristic of a class of carbohydrates. The molecular weight of the EPS obtained from L.plantarum
EB-2 was 3.16x104 Da, the polydispersity index was 1.9. The EPS from L.plantarum EB-2 consisted from a mannose,
glucose, galactose and rhamnose in an molare ratio of 21.7:12.4:2:1, respectively. An in vitro study of the antioxidant
activity of L.plantarum EB-2 EPS in the diphenylpicrylhydrazil (DPPH) system showed that radical scavenging
activity (RSA) has being increased depending on the concentration of the investigated EPS. The maximum RSA was
detected at 4 mg/ml being 42%, which is more than the activity of ascorbic acid.
Key words: lactobacilli, exopolysaccharide, monosaccharide composition, antioxidant.
Language: English
Citation: Elova, N. A., Kutliyeva, G. D., Siddikova, A. A., Akhmedov, O. R., & Kamolova, H. F. (2019).
Production of exopolysaccharide by lactobacillus plantarum EB-2 strain. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 08 (76),
Soi: Doi:
Classifiers: Biology.

Introduction Species of the genus Lactobacillus and

Lactobacilli represent microorganisms that are Bifidobacterium are widely used as probiotics for
wide spread in the environment. High biological and humans and animals. According to the act of the
functional activity of strains lactobacilli determines American Food and Drug Administration, they have a
their practical use as probiotics and in food production recognized safety status (GRAS-status), due to their
[1, 2]. long history of safe use in fermented foods and their

Philadelphia, USA 80
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

presence in the normal intestinal and urogenital Microbial exopolysaccharides are an object of
microbiota of people. intensive research due to their importance in the
Some species, such as L. plantarum and L. structure and metabolism of microorganisms.
fermentum, have received the qualified presumption Exopolysaccharides of lactic acid bacteria play a
of the Safety Status (QPS) assigned by the European crucial role in improving the rheology, texture, taste
Food Safety Authority (EFSA) [3]. of fermented foods, have a beneficial physiological
One of the most famous biological properties of effect on human health and have antitumor,
lactobacilli is a pronounced ability to the production immunomodulating and anti-carcinogenic activity
of lactic acid [4]. It is established, that the activity of [18].
acid formation depends on the composition of the LAB can also produce various functional
nutrient medium and cultivation conditions. It is oligosaccharides. Oligosaccharides have huge
believed that only the L (+) - isomer of lactic acid is a industrial applications as prebiotics, nutraceuticals,
biologically active form, which is quickly and sweeteners, moisturizers, drugs against colon cancer,
completely utilized by the human body [5]. Lactic acid immune stimulants, etc. [19].
bacteria antagonism in relation to microorganisms due To justify the use of exopolysaccharides of lactic
to the formation of lactic acid, the production of other acid bacteria in biomedical practice, veterinary
antimicrobial and antibiotic-like substances: medicine, the food industry, knowledge of their
lysozyme, hydrogen peroxide, bacteriocins (lactacins) structure and biological activity is required. In this
[6; 7; 8], short chain fatty acids [9; 10], diacetyl [11]. regard, studies devoted to the allocation of the study
Polysaccharides are used in various industries. of new strains of lactobacilli, producing
Natural food thickeners are of particular interest to the exopolysaccharides and studying the biological
food industry such as guar gum, locust bean activity of exopolysaccharides isolated by these
gum, pectin, starch (all from plants),gelatin strains are relevant and can have significant scientific
(animals), alginate, carrageenan, agar (all from interest and applied value.
seaweed), xanthan gum and gellan gum (all from The purpose of the work is product
bacteria)[12]. characterization, isolation, chemical structure and
Various researchers have shown that lactobacilli antioxidant potential of the exopolysaccharide from
have great potential for the biosynthesis of Lactobacillus plantarum EB-2 strain.
exopolysaccharides. Most of these supplements,
however, are less and less considered desirable. Materials and methods.
Lactic acid bacteria produce extracellular Culture L.plantarumEB-2 isolated from
polysaccharides (EPS), which provide the texture of domestic Armenian feta cheese according to the
fermented milk products [13, 14]. generally accepted method identified by
Exopolysaccharides of lactic acid bacteria also morphological, physiological, biochemical properties,
positively affect the taste, smell and preservation of as well as 16 sRNA sequencing and deposited in the
the final product [15;16]. Many of the collection of the Institute of Microbiology of the
exopolysaccharide-producing strains of lactobacilli Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
belong to the genera Streptococcus, Lactobacillus, Universal primers of the 16S rRNA gene used in
Lactococcus, Leuconostoc, and Pediococcus [17]. the identification of L.plantarum EB-2.

Primer Primer nucleotide sequence


BLAST analysis of the obtained nucleotide method described by Cerning, J. et al. [21]. Culture
sequence of 16S rRNA gene of L.plantarum EB-2 was L.plantarum EB-2 restored from the lyophilized state
performed using the NCBI database. For the 2-3 transfers in MRS-broth and incubated at 37 °C for
compilation of the phylogenetic tree, 15 strains of 48 hours. An inoculum in a volume of 20 ml (2%, w /
Lactobacillus plantarum were selected according to v) was added to 1 ml of MRS-broth. Under aerobic
the Clustal W program. conditions were incubated at 37 °C for 48 hours. After
The phylogenetic tree was compiled using the culture incubation, TCA was added to a final
Simple Phylogeny online program [20]. concentration of 4% (w / v) and stirred for 30 minutes
Isolation of polysaccharide from L.plantarum at room temperature. Cells and precipitated proteins
EB-2. were removed by centrifugation at 7,000 xg for 30
Isolation of polysaccharide from L.plantarum minutes at 4 °C. Chilled ethanol was added to the
EB-2 culture fluid was carried out according to the supernatant in an equal volume and kept at 4 °C for 48

Philadelphia, USA 81
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

hours. Precipitated EPS were collected by Antioxidant activity. Antioxidant activity was
centrifugation at 7000 xg for 30 minutes at 4 °C. The judged by the binding of the oxide radicals of
precipitate was dissolved in distilled water and diphenylpicrylhydrazine (DPPH) [26]. 2.0 ml of an
dialyzed at 4 °C for 48 hours, then dried by alcohol solution of DPPH (0.4 mM) was added per 1
lyophilization. Total carbohydrates in lyophilic – ml of an aqueous solution of exopolysaccharide L.
dried exopolysaccharides of lactobacilli were plantarum EB-2. The mixture was thoroughly mixed
determined by the phenol sulfuric acid method and incubated at room temperature in a dark place for
[22].The quantitative determination of proteins in the 30 minutes. The absorption coefficient of the mixture
composition of crude exopolysaccharide was carried was measured at 517 nm on a Cary 60 UV-Vis
out by the method described by A. Yermakov et al. spectrophotometer (Agilent Technologies, USA).
[23]. Antiradical activity was calculated by the formula:
Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Analysis (Ао−А1)
%RSA= Ао х100, where - A1 is the absorption
of EPS. FTIR-spectrum of exopolysaccharide
coefficient of the sample solution; Ao is the absorption
L.plantarum EB-2, registered Fourier transform
coefficient of the DPPH solution without a sample. An
infrared spectrometer Vector-22 (Bruker, Germany)
aqueous solution of ascorbic acid was used as a
in the frequency range 400-4000 cm-1. 2 mg of
exopolysaccharide was mixed with 200 mg of
Statistical processing. All experiments were
potassium bromide (KBr) (1: 100 ratios), then the
carried out in 3 replicates. In statistical processing
mixture was pressed into a mold with a diameter of 16
determined the arithmetic mean, standard deviation,
mm and conducted IR spectroscopy for detection of
confidence intervals, the significance of differences
functional groups characteristic of polysaccharides
was determined using Student's criterion. Differences
were considered significant at a significance level of
Analysis of the monosaccharide composition
p≤0.05. The results were analyzed using standard
of the exopolysaccharide from L.plantarum EB-2.
packages of licensed programs MS Excel 2003 and
The determination of the monosaccharide
STATISTICA 6.0 [27].
composition of the obtained EPS by gas
chromatography is described in V.V. Arasimovich
Results and discussion.
[25]. To establish a monosaccharide composition, the
Identification of the EPS-producing culture of
polysaccharide was hydrolyzed with 1N concentrated
L. plantarum EB-2. Cells of L.plantarum EB-2
sulfuric acid at a temperature of 100°C for 6 hours.
culture are Gram-positive, catalase negative short
The hydrolyzate was then neutralized with barium
bacilli, located singly and in pairs, 0.6 μm x 1.2-3.6
carbonate, deionized with KJ-2 (H+), and 1 ml was
μm in size.
evaporated on a rotary evaporator.
The culture actively ferments salicin, mannose,
The identification and quantitative composition
mannitol, melibiosis, ribose, raffinose, trehalose,
of monosaccharides was determined on a GC Plus
sucrose, fructose, lactose and galactose, grows with
2010 gas chromatograph (Shimadzu, Japan) under the
6.5% NaCl and 0.4% bile.
following conditions: T injector -250 °C; total flow -
The L.plantarum EB-2 culture was also
60 ml / min; flow through the column - 0.89 ml / min;
identified by sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of
carrier gas is nitrogen; Rxi-624S1MS column; column
the 16S rRNA gene. BLAST analysis of the sequence
length 3 m; ID ID 0.25 mm; column temperature - 230
of the 16 S rRNA genes showed high identity (99%)
with 15 typical strains of L. plantarum. Phylogenetic
Molecular weight characteristics were
analysis revealed that the sequencing product from
determined on an Agilent 1260 Infinity size exclusion
L.plantarum EB-2 is very close to the strain
chromatograph (Agilent Technologies, USA).
L.plantarum SRCM103411 (Figure 1).

Philadelphia, USA 82
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Figure 1. Phylogenetic tree, compiled from sequencing of 16 S rRNA genes of L. plantarum strains.

The resulting phylogenetic tree showed that L. industrial purposes and from an economic point of
plantarum strains can be grouped into three separate view waste management other industries as a basis for
branches, of which one branch is divided into two a nutrient medium is appropriate [32]. Many
branches. Strain L.plantarum EB-2 formedas one of discussions are ongoing about the formation of EPS
the branches alongwith another branch of the strain under the influence of various conditions. It is
L.plantarum SRCM103411.Within this branch generally recognized that cultivation conditions or
L.plantarum EB-2 showed 100% sequence identity several other factors (pH, temperature, incubation
with L. plantarum FAM 21789 FAM21789 scf0087, time and composition of the growing medium) have a
Lactobacillus plantarum isolate L. plantarum A6, significant impact on the yield and composition of
Lactobacillus plantarum strain Nizo2776 NODE, EPS. The results of studies by some authors show that
L.plantarum SRCM103411, proving that these five strains of lactobacilli, depending on the carbon source
strains are closely related. Sequence identity with the of the nutrient medium, can produce EPS with various
other strains of the cluster was 98%. rheological properties [33].
Isolation of polysaccharide from L.plantarum Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Analysis
EB-2 culture supernatant. When growing of exopolysaccharide L.plantarum EB-2. Infrared
L.plantarum EB-2 culture in MRS-broth yield of spectroscopic (IR) analysis is an effective technique,
lyophilic - dried crude EPS was 250 mg/L. on the basis of which is the oscillation communication
Lyophilized EPS was an amorphous cream-colored groups at characteristic frequencies and is used to
powder, it was well dissolved in water, had a smooth determine functional groups and to describe covalent
fibrous structure. Crude EPS contained 65.59 ± 0.7% bonds. In the IR spectrum of EPS of L.plantarum EB-
of the total polysaccharides and 7.37% of the protein 2, intense absorption bands were found that was
(nitrogen content 1.17%). In the work of Xin Wang et generally characteristic of the carbohydrate class
al. (2017) analysis of the raw EPS of Lactobacillus (Figure 2). Widely located peak at 3412.17 cm– 1 it
plantarum KX041 showed that the content of total depicts the extended vibrations of the hydroxyl group
sugars in this EPS is 60.59 ± 0.92%. Also, by the and characterizes the carbohydrate ring [34]. A weak
Sevage method were determined the protein content peak at 2935.57 cm-1 indicates the presence of
equal to 12.88 ± 0.64%. After removal of free EPS aliphatic CH2 groups, which are contained in proteins
proteins by the Sevage method, residual proteins that and other organic substances. The absorption peak in
are covalently linked to the polysaccharide molecule the region of 1700–1770 cm– 1 means that glucuronic
were detected [28]. Proteins contained in acid or diacetyl ether is present in the EPS [35]. The
exopolysaccharides, play an important role in peak at 1643.77 cm – 1 represents the extended
modifying the physicochemical, thermal properties, vibrations of the C = O group [36]. Short peaks in the
and bioactivity of polysaccharides [29]. region below 1500 cm– 1indicate the presence of
The yield of heteropolysaccharides is from 0.05 sulfated groups and that this substance is a
to 0.60 g/l [30] on the contrary, homopolysaccharides polysaccharide [37]. Also, the peak at 1225.24 cm– 1
are synthesized in large quantities up to a few grams / belongs to CO bonds in ether or alcohol groups [38].
liter [31]. The peaks in the range of 1051.66 - 920.27 cm-1 means
MRS-broth is the most suitable medium for the vibrations of C-O and C-O-C glycosidic bonds,
growth and synthesis of LAB biopolymers. But for showing the presence of carbohydrates [39].The

Philadelphia, USA 83
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

presence of carboxyl groups in the IR spectrum of the

polysaccharide can serve as a binding site for bivalent
cations [40].




114 1745.45

113 1448.95 657.34

112 1225.24 525.27

111 2935.57


108 1051.66

106 1643.77






100 3422.17


4000.0 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400.0
Figure 2. FTIR-spectrum of EPS from L.plantarum EB-2

Monosaccharide composition of by L. plantarum YW32 consisted of mannose,

exopolysaccharide L.plantarum EB-2. fructose, galactose, and glucose in an approximate
GC analysis of the monosaccharide composition mass fraction of 8.2: 1: 4.1: 4.2, respectively [43].The
of EPS L.plantarum EB-2 showed that this EPS exopolysaccharide from L. plantarum KX041
consists of mannose, glucose, galactose and ramnose contained arabinose, mannose, glucose and galactose
in a molar ratio of 21.7: 12.4: 2: 1, respectively (figure in a ratio of 0.95: 12.94: 7.26: 3.31. The presence of
2). galactose and arabinose in the molecule is associated
According to the literature, EPS from various with the antioxidant activity of the polysaccharide
strains of Lactobacillus plantarum are [44].
heteropolysaccharides and mainly consist of glucose, Molecular weight of exopolysaccharide
galactose, mannose, arabinose, and rarely xylose or L.plantarum EB-2.
fructose. When analyzing the monosaccharide The molecular weight, XPS of L.plantarum EB-
composition of L. plantarum NTMI05 and NTMI20 2 was 3.16x104Da, the polydispersity index was 1.9
by HPLC methods the presence of a single peak (Figure 4).
belonging to galactose was revealed [41]. Yanjun The molecular mass of exopolysaccharides of
Tang et al. as part of the polysaccharide L. lactobacilli ranges from 40 to 6000 kDa [15]. The
plantarum revealed a wide range of molecular weight of EPS obtained from L. plantarum
monosaccharides, as ribose, ramnose, arabinose, YW32 is determined to be 1.03 x 105 Da. The
xylose, mannose, glucose and galactose in a molar polydispersity index was 1.255, which means the
ratio of 2: 1: 1: 10: 4: 205: 215. Also, this presence of a homogeneous EPS material in the test
polysaccharide hada relatively high molecular weight sample [43].
of 2.4 × 106 Da [42]. The exopolysaccharide produced

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

Figure 3. GC chromatogram of the monosaccharide composition of the polysaccharide from L.plantarum


Mw/Mn=1,9 31600 Da

Figure 4. Chromatogram of the molecular weight of EPS from L.plantarum EB-2

Many authors claim that molecular weight has a Antioxidant activity of EPS from L.plantarum
great importance in the manifestation of the biological EB-2.The antioxidant activity of EPS from L.
activity of EPS. It was shown that the high antioxidant plantarum EB-2 was judged by the activity of binding
activity of EPS from Bifidobacterium animalis PH is of free oxide radicals of DPPH. DPPH free radicals
due to its low molecular weight [45]. EPS with a high are stable radicals with an unpaired valence electron
molecular weight possess antitumor activity than EPS of one atom of the nitrogen bridge, which significantly
with a low molecular weight [46]. decrease under the influence of protons of the radical
acceptor [47]. In our work, the antiradical activity of

Philadelphia, USA 85
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ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

EPS of L.plantarum EB-2 was determined using a EPS from L.plantarum EB-2 increases, depending on
colorimetric method at concentrations of 2, 3, and 4 the concentration of the investigated EPS and % RSA
mg / ml, ascorbic acid served as a positive control. As were at an EPS concentration of 2 mg / ml 14.6%; at
can be seen from figure 5, the antiradical activity of 3 mg / ml 24% and at 4 mg / ml 42%.


DPPH radical scavenging activity (%)



20 % RSА Vit С



2 mg/ml 3 mg/ml 4 mg/ml

Figure 5. Antioxidant activity of EPS L.plantarum EB-2 and ascorbic acid.

Wei Li, et al. report that crude EPS has greater obtained than ascorbic acid, but at a dose of 5 mg / ml,
antioxidant activity than purified. This is due to the EPS shows a promising antioxidant activity with 30%
presence in the raw EPS of other antioxidant DPPH free radical binding activity [43].
substances, such as proteins, peptides and trace EPS bioactivity may depend on many factors,
elements. Moreover, they act as synergists and interact such as chemical composition, molecular weight,
with the binding of free radicals [48]. Tsiapali et al. structure, configuration, extraction and purification
stated that antiradical activity depends on the conditions. The molecular mass of EPS plays an
monosaccharide composition and glycosidic bonds important role in antioxidant activity [52].
Excess free radical production leads to oxidative Conclusions.
damage to biomolecules (lipids, proteins, DNA), EPS isolated from L.plantarum EB-2 has a
leading to the emergence of many chronic diseases molecular weight of 3.16x104Da and consists of
[50]. In the work of Zouaoui Benattouche et al. data mannose, glucose, galactose and ramnose in a molar
on that when studying the activity of EPS from S. ratio of 21.7: 12.4: 2: 1, respectively. Also, this EPS
thermophilus, the highest antioxidant activity - has a high anti-radical activity and can be used as an
55.83% was observed at a concentration of EPS of alternative to chemical antioxidants in the food and
1000 mg/ml [51]. Although the EPS from L. pharmaceutical industries.
plantarumYW32 comparatively lower results were


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Philadelphia, USA 89
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

QR – Issue QR – Article
SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS
International Scientific Journal
Theoretical & Applied Science
p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online)

Year: 2019 Issue: 08 Volume: 76

Published: 19.08.2019

I.U. Kuzikulov
Namangan state university,
a senior teacher


Abstract: In the article traditional ways of treatment, healers, bakhshis, blowing on somebody to drive away
evil spirits, preparing remedy and the information about the practical use of medicine, hospitals and sanitary are
described on the basis of ethnographic materials.
Key words: healer, bakhshi, blowing on somebody to drive away evil spirits, illness, treatment, diagnose,
remedy, sanitary, hospital.
Language: English
Citation: Kuzikulov, I. U. (2019). About the changes in medicine of Fergana valley at the end of the xix and the
beginning of the XX centuries. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 08 (76), 90-92.
Soi: Doi:
Classifiers: History.

Introduction The medicines were made from mercury, copper

Medicine is now popular with the term “folk and iron powder, alum, tutty (used as medicine for the
medicine” and it means a practice connected with eyes), lime, sulphur, snake and lizard powder, dried
health, treatment and medicines. But in real medicine fruit and vegetables, plant flowers and roots. Honey,
widely includes sanitation, purity and rational eating bee wax and mummy were the most common
besides treating or curing. From the ancient times medicines [1: 1965. p. 45; 2: 1967. p. 213]. The blood
local people applied for the healers who treat by the flown from the injuries was stopped by putting
help of drugs, priests (mullas) and bakhshis in order to buttocks, tobacco and burned felt and then
get a treatment. The mullas treated by reciting sacred disinfected[2: 1967. p.213.].
ayats and duas, writing various religious words on At the beginning of the XX century Doctor
paper, the bakhshis treated by driving away evil spirits G.A.Kolosova wrote about that the healers’ treating
with the help of their tools such as cards, prayer beads, syphilis by mercury, mange by kumiss and tying the
whips, mirrors and knives and the ways of treating of upper part of the body beaten by a snake are
the healers were connected with natural medicines. appropriate and fill scientific medical requirements [4:
The first and most important step of treating is 1903. p.86]. There was a tradition of vaccinating
diagnostics. For diagnosing the disease the healers against smallpox, one of the hardest illnesses, among
paid attention to the patient’s face, eyes or the colours the local population. But, this practice in the most
of their feaces and urine, on which part of the body the primitive way was done without following the rules of
pain is. In diagnosing the disease the healers’ diagnose sanitation: for making vaccination the whey of real
by touching the pulse is specially worthy of praise [1: smallpox was taken and mixed with water and this
1965, p.45; 2:1967. p.213]. vaccination was sent from the thmb and index fingers
After giving a diagnosis the first instruction is to [5: 1958. p.324].
prescribe a diet. The healers as well as the people were The researcher M.Isakova mentioned in her
aware well that various food and drinks would article “Медицинское обслуживание населения
influence differently on the human organism. That’s Ферганской области в конце XIX – начале XX вв”
why food and drinks were considered to be remedy (Medical service of the population of Fergana valley
and were separated into high calorie and low calorie at the end of the XIX and the beginning of the XX
[3: 1886. p.71]. centuries) about the medicine in Fergana valliey. In

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

the article she gave information from the inspections sometimes let the factors causing the illness. For
of O.Girs, one of the Russian officials, that the example, from 1902 to 1913 the number of the Kyrgyz
information about medicine remained to the local decreased 6–10%. As D.Aytmanbetov showed hard
healers from the ancient times and there were many life, insufficiency and famine as the reason for that,
books of the genius of medicine like Hippokrates, Ibn especially, the weakness in front of the epidemics can
Sina at the libraries at the healers’, and it was a special be noted as the main factor. Exactly as a result of the
significance that O.Girs compared the local healers repeated break out of the epidemics again and again
with the Russian doctors: “Surprisingly, despite 18 the Kyrgyz decreased 10 % for ten years (from 1903
years after the invasion of the country, our doctors to 1913) [2: 1967. p.219].
haven’t learnt the ways of treating the local illnesses In the life of the Central Asian people special
at the level of competing with the local healers yet” care for water reservoirs, trees and plants was
[6: 2018, p.99]. developed from the ancient times. It can be seen in the
Although great experience about particular ways customs and traditions or resources connected with the
of treating had been gained for centuries, from the preservation of the nature. The “Avesta” a sacred book
view point of that time medicine was behind the of Zoroastrianism is the bright example of it. The
developed European medicine. That’s why Russian development of money circulation changed the
specialists tried to develop modern medical system in relation to the nature developed for centuries. At the
Central Asia. Naturally, at first, the local people didn’t end of the XIX and the beginning of the XX centuries
believe the unknown medicine [7: 1890. p.53]. But the the rapid increase of the new industrial enterprises and
people quickly understood the opportunities of the of course, the ancient tanning, soap making, candle
modern medicine. V.I.Kushelevskiy’s information making, painting and plastic boiling enterprises
proves it too: “The local people believe our medicine situated in the populated territories, their wastes and
and doctors and this belief is rising day by day. Sarts emissions were thrown into the canals and pools [10:
and Kyrgyzs understand our medicine, especially, our 1958. p.325]. These cases caused to increase the
surgery well” [8: 1891, p.282]. In this way the folk probability of the infectious diseases widespread.
medicine and modern medicine, which were As V.V.Bartold noted that one of the biggest
completing and sometimes contradicting each other, faults in the local watering system was the lack of
began to develop side by side. drainage system. The less development of this system
Especially, mullas, bakhshis and healers were caused swamps and the increase of the epidemics of
against the modern medicine. But, at the end of the the infectious diseases by them [11: 1963. p.329].
XIX and the beginning of the XX centuries modern At the end of the XIX and the beginning of the
medicine began to show its advantages in the valley. XX centuries different types of plants and insects
That’s why despite the contradiction the local people carrying diseases came into the valley together.
realized that the Russian doctors had some advantages V.I.Kushelevskiy wrote: “Before the Russians came
than the local folk healers [9: 1903, p.110]. there was no cockroach (Bllatta germanika) at all in
The Russian government found it proper to Turkistan. Now there are many of them in many
establish hospitals and medical posts in Fergana valley places. They haven’t been increased in Fergana yet”
in order that the local people use modern medical [8: 1890. p.352].
service. In the biggest cities of the valley such as in
Osh there was a fifteen-people city hospital [2: 1967. Conclusion
p.224], in Andijan a fifteen-people, in Kokand a The specialists paid attention to the ways of
twenty-people, in Margilan a twenty-people and in struggling against the diseases as well as preventing
Namangan a twenty-people city hospitals were them and the sanitational conditions. For example,
working [6: 2018. p.99]. Besides that, medical posts, V.I.Kushelevskiy too recommended planting
special hospitals for women were established too. sunflower in order to use it and drying the swamps as
According to the statistical data, the number of the well.
users of the medical service increased year by year. At the end of the XIX and the beginning of the
V.I.kushelevskiy gave a definition to the illness XX centuries in Fergana valley the modern medicine
smallpox as the following: “No illness leaves was also developed side by side together with the folk
frightening results like smallpox: among the settled, medicine which had been developed for many
half settled population, it appears sometimes here and centuries. Despite the contradictions of the
sometimes there and leaves thousands of barely alive, priests(mullas), some healers or bakhshis, the people
incurable, hopeless patients after itself” [8: 1891. p. realized the useful features of the medicine. On the
350]. The illnesses like smallpox and cholera killed other hand, it is possible to realize that as a result of
thousands of people. Thus, it is more useful to prevent the widespread of the medicine the changes were
the illness than cure it. As a result of analyzing the happening in the traditions and customs and
data we can see that in spite of the fact that Islam psychology of the local population at that time.
challenges people for cleanness, the local people

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350


1. Abyshkaev, A. (1965). Karateginskie kirgizy tadқiқ etishda ezma, bosma manbalar va

v kontse XIX – nachale XX vv. (p. 45). ulardan foydalanish muammolari”
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2. Aytmanbetov, D. (1967). Kul'tura materiallari. (p.99). Andizhon.
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3. Nalivkin, V., & Nalivkina, M. (1886). Tashkent.
Ocherk byta zhenshchiny osedlogo 8. Kushelevskiy, V. I. (1891). Materialy dlya
tuzemnago naseleniya Fergany. (p.71). meditsinskoy geografii i sanitarnogo
Kazan'. opisaniya Ferganskoy oblasti. T. III. (p.282).
4. (1903). O narodnom vrachevanii sartov i Novyy Margilan.
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Philadelphia, USA 92
ISRA (India) = 3.117 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630
ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.156 PIF (India) = 1.940
Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350



1. Safarov, I. I., Kulmuratov, N. R., & Ruzimov, A.

Influence of dynamic dampener on distributions of areas of parametric resonance of
viscoelastic mechanical systems with periodically variable rigidity. …………………………... 1-6

2. Sayitkulov, I. A.
Usage of term "Folklore books" in folklore studies and development of "Temurnoma" (“Life
of Timur”). ……………………………………………………………………………………… 7-10

3. Rahmani, F. P.
The problems and prospects of improving the organizational and economic mechanisms of
innovative development of industrial enterprises. ……………………………………………… 11-16

4. Kozhevnikov, V. A., Pankratova, E. S., & Shahbazov, I. V.

Push notification service. ……………………………………………………………………….. 17-31

5. Zhunisbekov, S., Dzhakiyaev, D. K., & Zhashen, S. Z.

Environmental issues of radioactive ore mining in Kazakhstan mining industry. ……………… 32-36

6. Djurayev, B. T.
Prospective ways of improving cadet leader developing skills in defense system of Uzbekistan. 37-43

7. Abu-Jassim, R. A., & Al-kheigani, A. A. M.

A Pragmatic Study of Argumentation in the Holy Verses of the Unseen: Linguistic
Mechanisms as a Representing Model. …………………………………………………………. 44-52

8. Makhmaraimova, S. T.
Approximation – a metaphorical interpretation in the nomenclature representing a vague /
precise category. ………………………………………………………………………………… 53-56

9. Urokova, N.
Genre research in Uzbek poems of recent times. ……………………………………………….. 57-59

10. Mukhamadiev, N. E.
Geo-economics and geo-ideology - ideas and economical bases of the origin of a new world
order in the conditions of globalization. ………………………………………………………... 60-63

11. Asuncion, J. E., & Secretaria, N. M.

Innovated technology of the performance evaluation system for academic heads. ……………. 64-74

12. Juryev, D. T., Kuyliev, N. D., & Kayumov, N. S.

Correlation of economic and valuable features of bread wheat with external environment
factors. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 75-79

13. Elova, N. A., Kutliyeva, G. D., Siddikova, A. A., Akhmedov, O. R., & Kamolova, H. F.
Production of exopolysaccharide by lactobacillus plantarum EB-2 strain. …………………….. 80-89

14. Kuzikulov, I. U.
About the changes in medicine of Fergana valley at the end of the xix and the beginning of the
XX centuries. …………………………………………………………………………………… 90-92

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Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260
JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350

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