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Glory of Bharatha

From ancient times, kings and emperors in Bharat [India] based their lives on
morality and acquired honor and glory. It is on account of them that Bharat is
called a divine land, the land of karma (right action), the land of yoga (spiritual
practice), and the land of tyaga (sacrifice). The name and fame of Emperor Ashoka
has survived for millennia because he practiced great virtues in his day-to-day
life. Akbar, among Moghul emperors, has been esteemed as a great ruler because of
his conduct as an emperor.

2. Divine personalities of Mahabharata

can be eiher Vyasa who complied it or Krishna who led a leading role as a character
as well as the one who directed the events towards the goal the nature decided to
attain when people started using their power against natural dharmas.

3. Ideal women characters in Indian Epics

All very strong minded and stick to the duties the society has stored for them.
Savithri who fought with fate and changed it.
Sita who never moved an inch from Dharma whatever is the situation. She could face
whoever she wanted to convince of her choice weather is Rama or Ravana. Same is the
case of Mandodari who was Ravana’s wife.
Kunthi who took ups and downs of life with same balanced behavior. Draupathi who
was very strong character.

4. Indian Festivals

Right from childhood, infants in India are part of every festival celebration in
the house. This helps them understand the rituals of each festival and they develop
a liking for the festivals and celebrations. As they grow older, they get fonder of
these festivals and they want to celebrate it in its full potential to enjoy it
thoroughly. These festivals bring them closer to each other as well as the country,
and instil a feeling of patriotism as well.

5. The glory of Ramayana

Ramayana story can be taken as a manual for Ruling people more than for any normal
individual. How a King should behave at every different situations he face.
At his younger age Rama went around to see the country. He got dejected seeing the
sufferings of people and became depressed. Then he got advise from his Guru about
the nature of life. These advices compiled together called ‘Yoga Vasishta’ and is
part of Ramayana. Like Bhagavat Gita in Mahabaratha this text will give us a
correct view point towards life.

Rama’s life was full of events where he could apply all these theories he learned.
Even though he was elder son and heir to throne, he did not have any hesitation to
leave his rights and exile the country when he learned about his father’s promise.
In his absence his brother Bharatha ruled the country keeping Rama’s padukas on the
throne. Bharatha also was an ideal example for Kings. After Rama got the throne
back he worked with dedications as a king and when his family needed to be sent
away, he did that for the sake of his peoples satisfaction

6. Message of Mahabharata

It can seen in different levels:

First, greediness of a prince that transformed into a world war, which could have
been avoided by practicing Dharma, ie work towards good for the entire society.

It can be seen as a skit planned as a background before putting forward the dharma
essence Bagavat Gita. So that a leaner can look for examples in the same purana.

Then if you take it is as a guidance for your own life, you can see many stories
which can be examples of different ways of dealing similar situations.
For example: Meeting of 2 friends who belongs to different financial statuses–
Drona and Drupada, Krishna – Kuchela . One led to permanent hatred and many bad
situations other one led to happiness and prosperity.

In the war, Karna’s saradhi was Salya who always talk negative and discouraged
him, While arjuna’s saradhi was Krishna who encourages and help him to go through
difficult situation with courage. From its effects you will know how important is
to choose the right friend or guide.

7. Ancient India contribution towards the world

Ancient India was a land of sages and seers as well as a land of scholars and
scientists. Research has shown that from making the best steel in the world to
teaching the world to count, India was actively contributing to the field of
science and technology centuries long before modern laboratories were set up. Many
theories and techniques discovered by the ancient Indians have created and
strengthened the fundamentals of modern science and technology. While some of these
groundbreaking contributions have been acknowledged, some are still unknown to

8. Indian rivers

The rivers of India play an important role in the lives of the Indian people. The
river systems provide irrigation, potable water, cheap transportation, electricity,
as well as provide livelihoods for a large number of people all over the country.
This easily explains why nearly all the major cities of India are located by the
banks of river. The rivers also have an important role in Hindu mythology and are
considered holy by all Hindus in the country.

Seven major rivers (Indus, Brahmaputra, Narmada, Tapi, Godavari, Krishna and
Mahanadi )along with their numerous tributaries make up the river system of India.
Most of the rivers pour their waters into the Bay of Bengal. Some of the rivers
whose courses take them through the western part of the country and towards the
east of the state of Himachal Pradesh empty into the Arabian Sea. Parts of Ladakh,
northern parts of the Aravalli range and the arid parts of the Thar Desert have
inland drainage.

9. Sacred ceremonies of India

Major types of Hindu rituals include life-cycle rituals (saṃskāra), especially

initiation, marriage, and death and ancestor rituals; worship and prayer (pūjā);
sacrifices, especially Vedic fire sacrifices (yajña, iṣṭi, homa) and blood
sacrifices; collective and individual festivals (utsava) and processions (yātrā,
tīrthayātrā); and individual vows (vrata). Highly ritualized is also the giving of
a gift (dāna).

10. Indian family system

Structurally, the Indian joint family includes three to four living generations,
including grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, nieces and nephews, all living
together in the same household, utilizing a common kitchen and often spending from
a common purse, contributed by all.

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