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Eumind School Life


By:- Sayed. Mohd. hamza

Eumind School Life
From Lorentz

Q1. How much is the average homework to do at school ?

Answer. We work until it is done. we can’t examine.
Some times it’s very long sometimes it’s very short. But
most of the times its easy.

Q2. What you have done so far in Eumind ?

Answer. We have taken interviews of our parents and

grandparents and made a whole data graph. So we have
almost done every thing.

Q3.If the schools are closed how long it will take to

open ?
Answer. Ones the lockdown has started from that time all
school are closed. But now in few states of India school
have started reopening and many students are test
positive. So the school will not open until the lockdown
gets over.

Questions by us

Q1. To what extend have the expectation towards the

students and the presser they feel changed ?
Mean: does your parents pressurize you to study?
Answer. Yes . our parents do presser us to study.
How do you feel when you all get pressurize?
Answer. We do not feel good.

Q2. How was the teachers co-operation change?

Means. how was the teachers co operation before corona
pandemic and after corona pandemic ?
Answer. When corona was on speak we didn’t have video
conferences. But now every thing is normal. And its all
the same.

Q3 .How has the communication change among the

during physical classes and now in online classes ?

Answer. In online classes we made more projects together

as compared to the physical class.

Q4. How has the time schedule changed as compared to

physical class and now in online class?
Answer. The class schedule is not change only change is
the information we get and the breaks between.

Q5. How has the appreciation of the school changed ?

Means. Has the school appreciated you all to come school ?
Answer. you can join video conferences if you are afraid of
corona virus. Or even come to school.

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