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It’s possible that none of the keys above are working for you. But there is a
solution. Thankfully, you can install and then activate Windows XP without
using a key. Here’s how to do it.

1. Click on the Start button in Windows

2. Now open the Run dialogue box

3. Type “Regedit” and hit Enter

4. Once the registry editor pops up, expand the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE


5. Open SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows NT > CurrentVersion >

WPAEvents located under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE

6. Once you’ve opened the WPAEvents registry entry, you will see the
OOBETimer in the right panel

7. Double-click OOBETimer to change its value

8. Highlight all values and delete them

9. Enter the new value:

FF D5 71 D6 8B 6A 8D 6F D5 33 93 FD

10. Click OK

11. Now right-click on WPAEvents and click on Permissions

12. Once the Permissions window appears, click on the SYSTEM tab and
click “Deny Full Control“
13. Now click OK, followed by YES on the next screen, and exit the registry

14. Restart Windows

15. After it restarts, press the Start button and bring up the Run dialogue box

16. Enter “%system” to bring up system information

17. Notice that your copy of Windows XP is now activated without using a
Windows XP product key

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