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-Race: Yuan-Ti Pureblood

-Gender: Female

-Class: Barbarian

-Background: Noble


--Appearance: Nervous eye twitch

--High Ability: Dexterity-lithe, agile, graceful

--Low Ability: Strength-feeble, scrawny

--Talent: Great with animals

--Mannerism: Uses colorful oaths and exclamations

--Interaction Trait: Quiet

--Values: Greed (Evil), Captivated by a romantic interest

--Flaw or Secret: Secret crime or misdeed

Race: Yuan-Ti Pureblood

-Physical Characteristics:

--Age: 43 years

--Height: 5'1"

--Weight: 135 lbs.

--Skin: Dark Brown

--Hair: Brown

-Monstrous Origin: At a young age, you adopted a human religion and now serve it faithfully.

Class: Barbarian
-Primal Path: Path of the Ancestral Guardian


--Personal Totem: A necklace made from the claws of a young cave bear that you slew singlehandedly as
a child

--Tattoo: The symbols of your clan are displayed in viny patterns along your arms.

--Superstition: If an elf looks you in the eyes, she's trying to read your thoughts.

--Became a barbarian because: My devotion to my people lifted me in battle, making me powerful and

Background: Noble

-Trait: The common folk love me for my kindness and generosity.

-Ideal: Power. If I can attain more power, no one will tell me what to do. (Evil)

-Bond: The common folk must see me as a hero of the people.

-Flaw: I have an insatiable desire for carnal pleasures.

-Became a noble because: My family has been disgraced, and I intend to clear our name.


-Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


--Birthplace: Carriage, cart, or wagon

--Absent Parent(s): Your parent(s) died

--Family Lifestyle: Wealthy

--Childhood Home: Mansion

--Childhood Memories: I had a few close friends and lived an ordinary childhood.

-Life Events:

--Someone Important: You met an important human, who is friendly towards you.
--Job: You spent time working in a job related to your background. Start the game with an extra 2d6 gp.

--Marriage: You fell in love or got married to a(n) halfling laborer.

--Arcane Matter: You found a spell scroll (of the DM's choice) and succeeded in casting the spell it

-Trinket: A candle that can't be lit

Reed Smoothhands

-Race: Halfling

-Gender: Male

-Class: Fighter

-Background: Entertainer


--Appearance: Nervous eye twitch

--High Ability: Dexterity-lithe, agile, graceful

--Low Ability: Strength-feeble, scrawny

--Talent: Great with animals

--Mannerism: Uses colorful oaths and exclamations

--Interaction Trait: Quiet

--Values: Greed (Evil), Captivated by a romantic interest

--Flaw or Secret: Secret crime or misdeed

Race: Halfling

-Subraces and Variants:

--Subrace: Ghostwise Halfling

-Physical Characteristics:

--Age: 124 years

--Height: 2'11"

--Weight: 39 lbs.

--Eyes: Brown

--Skin: Ruddy-cast pale

--Hair: Brown

Class: Fighter

-Martial Archetype: Battle Master


Heraldic Sign: A rampant gold dragon on a green field, representing valor and a quest for wealth

Became a fighter because: I grew up fighting, and I refined my talents by defending myself against people
who crossed me.

Background: Entertainer

-Trait: I change my mood or my mind as quickly as I change key in a song.

-Ideal: People. I like seeing the smiles on people's faces when I perform. That's all that matters. (Neutral)

-Bond: I idolize a hero of the old tales and measure my deeds against that person's.

-Flaw: I once satirized a noble who still wants my head. It was a mistake that I will likely repeat.

-Routine: Poet

-Became an entertainer because: I ran away from home to follow a minstrel troupe.


-Alignment: Lawful Good


--Birthplace: Home of a family friend

--Absent Parent(s): Your parent(s) was/were imprisoned, enslaved, or otherwise taken away

--Family Lifestyle: Modest

--Childhood Home: Apartment in a rundown neighborhood

--Childhood Memories: Others saw me as being different or strange, and so I had few companions

-Life Events:

--Boon: A distant relative left you a stipend that enables you to live at the comfortable lifestyle for 1d20
years. If you choose to live at a higher lifestyle, you reduce the price of the lifestyle by 2 gp during that
time period.

--Tragedy: A lover disappeared without a trace. You have been looking for that person ever since.

--Someone Important: You met an important genasi, who is friendly towards you.

-Trinket: A rope necklace from which dangles four mummified elf fingers

Himo Horineth

-Race: Elf

-Gender: Nonbinary or Unknown

-Class: Fighter

-Background: Cloistered Scholar


--Appearance: Distinctive nose

--High Ability: Dexterity-lithe, agile, graceful

--Low Ability: Strength-feeble, scrawny

--Talent: Perfect memory

--Mannerism: Whispers

--Interaction Trait: Quiet

--Values: Discovery (Any), Captivated by a romantic interest

--Flaw or Secret: Oblivious and emotionally insensitive

Race: Elf
-Subraces and Variants:

--Subrace: Wood Elf

-Physical Characteristics:

--Age: 223 years

--Height: 5'6"

--Weight: 136 lbs.

--Eyes: Brown

--Skin: Copper

--Hair: Copper

Class: Fighter

-Martial Archetype: Eldritch Knight


--Heraldic Sign: A phoenix in a ring of fire, an expression of an indomitable spirit

--Became a fighter because: I could always pick up just about any weapon and know how to use it

Background: Cloistered Scholar

-Trait: I'm convinced that people are always trying to steal my secrets.

-Ideal: Beauty. What is beautiful points us beyond itself toward what is true. (Good)

-Bond: I have an ancient text that holds terrible secrets that must not fall into the wrong hands.

-Flaw: I speak without really thinking through my words, invariably insulting others.


-Alignment: Neutral Good

--Birthplace: Sewer or rubbihs pile

--Absent Parent(s): Your parent(s) disappeared to an unknown fate

--Family Lifestyle: Modest

--Childhood Home: Mansion

--Childhood Memories: Others saw me as being different or strange, and so I had few companions



----Gender: Female

----Race: Elf

----Alignment: Neutral

----Occupation: Explorer or wanderer

----Status: Missing or unknown

----Relationship: Friendly

----Birth Order: Older


----Gender: Female

----Race: Elf

----Alignment: Neutral

----Occupation: Farmer or herder

----Status: Alive and well

----Relationship: Friendly

----Birth Order: Older

-Life Events:

--Enemy: You made an enemy of a(n) human cleric. Roll a d6. An odd number indicates you are to blame
for the rift, and an even number indicates you are blameless.

--Someone Important: You met an important halfling, who is friendly towards you.
--Friend: You made a friend of a(n) human cleric.

--Boon: A friendly wizard gave you a spell scroll containing one cantrip (of the DM's choice).

--Supernatural Event: You saw a ghost.

-Trinket: A wooden box with a ceramic bottom that holds a living worm with a head on each end of its

A hilt from a broken sword

A cameo carved in the likeness of a hideous person

A mummified goblin hand

A dragon's bony talon hanging from a plain leather necklace

A tiny gnome-crafted music box that plays a song you dimly remember from your childhood

An iron holy symbol devoted to an unknown god

A small idol depicting a nightmarish creature that gives you unsettling dreams when you sleep near it

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