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Wireless Mobile Bomb Disposal Unit (WMBDU)

Wireless Mobile Bomb Disposal Unit (WMBDU)

The law enforcement community needs a low-cost robot that can reduce or
eliminate the danger for a bomb technician who must inspect, x-ray, and disrupt an
explosive device — preferably in its original place or may be sometimes need to be
relocated. Sensors and tools must be placed close to a suspected device. Approaching a
device can be dangerous, since many points along the path to the bomb may be booby-
trapped. Even when a bomb technician uses great care in inspecting or handling an
explosive device, the possibility exists that the bomber is waiting nearby to remotely
detonate the device or a secondary device when the bomb technician is within range. An
effective Bomb Disposal Unit (BDU) can reduce or eliminate the risk of potentially
deadly scenarios and allow a bomb technician to focus on disabling the device. The same
feature can be extended to be used in the war fields where the army might be required to
go into the hostile situations where mines could have been laid. In such situations in case
the human beings are allowed to go traverse over them there will be a major loss in the
human resource. Thus a need arises to diffuse or locate a mine from a distance. Even if a
BDU cannot diffuse a device, it can still relay information to aid in selecting tools and
procedures before a technician approaches a device. In addition, events recorded by a
robot’s camera can provide evidence for future forensic purposes.

In our project we propose to design a robust wireless mobile bomb disposal unit
that would be capable of reaching close to the objects of threat and the real scenario can
be observed through an onboard video camera which can send back video feedback to the
The various features that we plan to incorporate in our project are as follows:
1. Forward and reverse motion
2. Turning option – Left / Right.
3. Mine detector (Metal detector)
4. Grip mechanism
5. Scissor mechanism (for cutting wires / excavating)
6. Camera rotation mechanism.
Wireless Mobile Bomb Disposal Unit (WMBDU)

7. Alarms for bomb detection.

8. Wireless control.
9. Camera (Optional).
10. Power supply unit.
Powerful motors will be employed to make the unit move in different directions.
A stepper motor in the front will be utilized for the direction controlling mechanism and a
main DC motor will be used for driving the unit in forward/reverse direction. This
mechanism might be replaced with a sprocket and wheels movement in case possible.
An inductive type metal sensor mechanism will be employed that can detect the
metal in a given range. This sensor will be mounted on a moving arm and can be rotated
in any direction in the vicinity of the WMBDU.
A grip mechanism is also introduced to facilitate picking up of the bomb or mine
to take it to some remote place for controlled explosion.
The front portion of the grip will also be mounted with a scissor like mechanism
which can be used to cut (wires in case visible) or excavate the ground a little.
The camera will be mounted in the front and will have an option to move (rotate)
to show clearly where the unit is moving and also what is the grip going to pick.
The WMBDU will be equipped with Audio Visual alarms to inform about a
potential threat found. Upon reception of this signal the Bomb Disposal team members
can do a recce and try to evaluate the environment.
The power supply unit will be on board and will be used to power the entire unit.
In the prototype we will be using the power from the wall socket and the power supply
unit will comprise of the AC to DC conversion and also generating the respective
voltages as required by the on-board circuit.
Wireless Mobile Bomb Disposal Unit (WMBDU)

Block Diagram:

Relay Drivers and Relay Control Mechanism

DC Motor1 for
Mine Detector forward/ rear
Sensor direction
DC Motor2 for
forward/ rear

DC Motor2 base
movement for
Mine detector
RX DC Motor4 base
Fig1: Above Fig shows the block diagram of WMBDU
movement for

Stepper Motor for

TX Direction control DC motor 5 for
Stepper Motor
for Camera
Device DC Motor 6
Controller Grip for Scissor
With Driver

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