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 Tettamanti Tamás, Luspay Tamás, Varga István: ROAD TRAFFIC MODELING AND SIMULATION › 2. Microscopic traf c modeling in Matlab › 2.1.
Linear car-following model with stability analysis

2.1. Linear car-following model with stability analysis

e microscopic modeling framework is based on individual vehicle motions in time and space [5]. Continuous
time is denoted by t, while the spatial coordinate along the road by x. en the position, speed and acceleration of a
vehicle are x (t), ẋ (t) and ẍ (t), respectively. We are interested in tra c ow modeling, therefore the focus is on
vehicle interaction, rather than the details of vehicular motions. In the simplest car following description, the
vehicle interaction is modeled through a ’stimulus-response’ relation, which expresses that drivers adjust their
speed based on the speed di erence with respect to the vehicle in front of them. In order to distinguish between
vehicles, the subscript i is introduced and the acceleration of the i-th vehicle is written as1

xï  (t + τi ) = λi (ẋi−1 (t) − ẋi (t)). (2.1)

Here τi represents the reaction time of driver i, while λi is the so called sensitivity. We assume that λi is a constant
number, which gives us a linear di erential equation and a linear car-following model. e model can be used for
analyzing long vehicle platoons by connecting them recursively via equation (2.1). In order to simulate the
behavior, we need the initial positions and speeds of the vehicles (i.e. xi (0) and ẋi (0) for i = 1, … , N , as well as
the acceleration pro le of the leading vehicle (ẍ0  (t)).
is is an extremely simpli ed model of a quite complex phenomenon, yet it illustrates basic tra c behaviour
in a very compact manner.

Note that i − 1 refers to the leader car.

2.1. Linear car-following m…

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