The Research of Semi-Sweet Wine Made On Fermented Chaha From Khikhvi Grapes

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Section Advances in Biotechnology



Dr. Sc. Mariam Khositashvili1

Dr. Miranda Gorgiladze2
Dr. Giga Buishvili1
Ph.D. Tea Khositashvili1
Ph.D. Sandro Chalatashvili1
Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University, Georgia
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Georgia

The paper focuses on the results of the research study of the must and wine of the
Georgian, aboriginal, rare variety of grapevine called "Khikhvi". The naturally and
artificially (IR) fermented chacha was used in the experiment. The objective of artificial
fermentation was to shorten the prolonged fermentation time of the freshly pressed
chacha. This excludes the activation of acetic acid bacteria in the chacha under the
influence of air oxygen. A rapid redox occurs in the liquid in short period by infrared
irradiation of chacha. IR-spectra of infrared radiation consists of vibrations
characteristic of all the functional groups in the liquid, the effect of which is enhanced
by a constant magnetic field. Infrared (IR) spectra were recorded with a Specord 75 IR
spectrophotometer, which automatically regulates the infrared spectrum in the band
from 4000 to 400 cm-1. The spectra were recorded in the cuvette of potassium bromide.
The rapid absorption of oxygen was due to infrared radiation. After processing the
physical agent, the quantities of nitrogen compounds, ethers, proteins, potassium, and
phosphorus of natural semi-sweet wine derived from grapevine "Khikhvi” was
Keywords: variety of grape, Kikhvi, fermented, chacha, semi-sweet.

Almost 530 different varieties of grape are currently recorded in ten of Georgia’s
viticultural regions. Among them, 36 varieties of grape are widely used for winemaking.
High-quality wines can be made using some of them, that requires studying their
agricultural technologies, using different technologies for winemaking, studying
chemistry, technology, and wine-tasting of the wines obtained [4]. Some winemaking
technologies (Kakhetian, Imeretian) provide for alcoholic fermentation of must with the
total or partial amount of chacha. This conditions the content of chemicals in the wine
with different amounts. The wine obtained by these methods is different with flavors
Studies found that "Kikhvi", a local, less-spread standardized variety of vine, is
characterized by a high technological parameter. It accumulates a high sugar content 737
18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2018

and has a high acidity [1]. The high-quality natural semi-sweet wine can be made from
it. This will increase the range of wine sale, and the forgotten white grape variety
"Kikhvi" will be restored.
It is known that the long-term monitoring and research of grape varieties and obtained
wine are necessary for winemaking, which is under control [2;3].
Vegetation of vine and quality of grapes depend not only on the agro-technical
processes but also on agro-climatic conditions. Agro-climatic conditions vary greatly
from year to year, which affects the quality of the wine. Uniformity in the sale of goods
is the demand for the market. Accordingly, it is necessary that the study is conducted
with the help of long-term observation and their average data are collected [10;11].
The research was conducted for five years, and the data were not very different from
each other. This allowed obtaining a homogeneous wine material.


The purpose of this study was to develop the method for the fermentation of chacha that
provided the production of high-quality wine [13].
When making natural white wine, it was necessary to ferment the must on its fermented
chacha with the amount of 10 %, giving the new qualitative and organoleptic properties
to the wine [8].
The purpose of the artificial fermentation of chacha was to shorten the prolonged
fermentation process of the freshly pressed chacha of grapes. This excludes the
activation of acetic acid bacteria in chacha under the influence of atmospheric oxygen.
A rapid redox occurs in the liquid by the artificial fermentation in a short period.
It is known that the infrared spectra of infrared radiation contain vibrations
characteristic of all the functional groups in the liquid and can provide important
information on the structure of organic molecules. Infrared radiation is stronger in the
presence of a constant magnetic field, and the perception of the infrared region is more
efficient in the band of the electromagnetic spectrum of 4000 - 625 cm -1.[5;7;14]
Photophysical processes and photochemical reactions underlie the effect of the IR and
the constant magnetic field associated with the resonance absorption of light by a bio-
tissue, leading to the formation of an electrically excited state of atoms and molecules:
weak intermolecular interaction is destroyed in the tissue and free ions are formed, after
which metabolic reactions are intensified. As a result of the impact, the energy activity
of the cell membrane changes, the cellular nuclear apparatus and enzyme systems are
activated, and the enhancement of oxygen uptake occurs due to oxidation-reduction and
biosynthetic processes [9,10,12].
Based on the above mentioned, our aim was to process the freshly pressed chacha of
grapes with the help of IR in the presence of the constant magnetic field. The chacha,
pressed by IR, was introduced into the must and alcoholic fermentation was carried out
on it.
The experiment was carried out on the yield of the widespread grape variety "Khikhvi"
in Kakheti from 2013 to 2016. The following technological operations were conducted:

Section Advances in Biotechnology

The 1st test variant - took into account the production of white wine with help of
European technology or alcoholic fermentation of the must was carried out without
The 2nd variant - is the same as the 1st one, with the difference that the amount of 0.1 kg
/ l naturally fermented chacha was introduced into the must for 5 hours and the
alcoholic fermentation process was carried out on it;
The 3rd variant is the same as 1st one. The amount of 0.1 kg / l of the fermented chacha,
processed with the physical agent, was introduced into the must. As a physical agent, a
10-10-minute factor of influence of IR and a constant magnetic field at a frequency of
100 and 50 Hz, was used. The remaining processes were performed in the same way as
in the second variant.
The 4th variant is the same as the 3rd option. A 10-10-minute factor of influence of IR
and a constant magnetic field was carried out at a frequency of 5000 and 1000 Hz. The
remaining processes were performed in the same way as in the second variant.
Since infrared spectroscopy is one of the most important methods of physical and
chemical studies of organic compounds, spectroscopic analysis has therefore been
carried out in test and trial wine materials. Infrared (IR) spectra were recorded with a
Specord 75 IR spectrophotometer, which automatically regulates the infrared spectrum
in the band from 4000 to 400 cm-1, since absorption strips characteristic of all
functional groups are in this spectral band.
Based on the results obtained, it is possible to identify the substance and make their
structural analysis. The spectra were recorded in the cuvette of potassium bromide.
The results are shown in Figures 1 and 2. The results of the chemical and
physicochemical analysis of the test and trial semisweet wine are given in Table 1.

As the table and figures 1 and 2 show, two peaks out of ten were found in the region of
phenolic compounds, apart from the region of benzoic compounds (260-330 nm), in the
trial wine material (without fermentation). Four peaks were found in the region of
nitrous, ethereal compounds (381-383 nm), and four peaks found in the region of
unsaturated hydrocarbons and acids (205-260 nm). Differences are shown between
extinction coefficient indices in samples obtained using fermented chacha when
comparing the spectrogram data of this sample. For instance, the index of the absorption
coefficient of the wine material fermented on the artificially fermented chacha (by IR)
almost increased 6-fold and amounted to 400 instead of 67.98. The absorption index
doubled and amounted to 400. The increase in absorption coefficients is especially
remarkable in the region of nitrous, ethereal compounds. All of these indicate the
growth of the aromatic compounds in the wine material produced by the fermented
chacha, which is ultimately, positively expressed in the organoleptic characteristics of
the wine materials.
Both quantitative and qualitative changes in substances were recorded in the trial
samples. For example, two new peaks appeared in the region of nitrogenous and etheric
compounds (225 and 200 HM) in wine material as a result of processing of chacha with 739
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the low dose, but only one peak was in the region of carbohydrates and unsaturated
The new peak (on 217 and 206 HM) appears on the spectrogram of wine material as a
result of processing of chacha with a high dose. The absorption coefficients of the peaks
increase as much as possible in this last sample. Six peaks out of seven are characterized
by a high index. It should be noted that 57.1 % of peaks were placed in the region of
nitrogenous and etheric compounds and the content of peaks in the same region was
42.8 % in the spectrum of wine material fermented on the naturally fermented chacha.
The number of protein increased 2.5 fold and phosphorus increased by 26.6% in wine
materials. The number of potassium and sodium also increased in the fermented
samples. Special attention deserves the high rate of potassium -1.350 g/l that increases
nutritional and dietetic properties of wine materials. It is also important to have a high
content (474.03 g / l) and an increase in the amount of phosphorus.

Figure 1. Khikhvi - 2014. The spectrogram of spectroscopic analysis of wine material

obtained by the artificial fermentation (Low dose).

Figure 2. Khikhvi - 2014. The spectrogram of spectroscopic analysis of wine

material obtained by the artificial fermentation (High dose).

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Volatile acidity in wine material fermented on the artificially fermented chacha is low
by 0.11 g / l or by 20 % compared to the naturally fermented chacha. Volatile acidity in
wine materials fermented without chacha is less by 32.3 % or by 0.21 g / l. This
circumstance indicates the effectiveness of the processing technique of chacha, which is
reflected in a short exposure time (20 minutes). This excludes the possibility of
activating acetic acid bacteria in the pressed chacha, which may occur during the natural
fermentation of chacha for several hours. The total numbers of the extract (with
increasing dose), in the wine material fermented on artificially fermented chacha, is
reduced in comparison with the naturally fermented chacha. This is reflected in its
tasting indicators: the wine becomes softer and pleasant.

As a result of the study, we can conclude that IR of the physical agent on the artificially
fermented chacha caused biochemical and physical - chemical processes in the
fermented chacha: namely, the oxidation-reduction and synthetic reactions were
activated under the influence of enzymes that increased the rapid absorption of oxygen
in chacha and in wine material made on chacha. There has been an increase in
quantitative indicators of different chemicals in comparison to the naturally fermented
chacha. Namely, the regions of absorption of the chemical substances such as proteins,
phosphorus, potassium, and sodium and their quantitative indicators increased in the
wine materials made on artificially fermented chacha. The nutritional and dietetic
properties of the wine made on the fermented chacha grew with the increase of these
substances. The method of the physical agent of chacha – fermentation is effective
because of the short time of action on the chacha, which excludes the activation of
acetic acid bacteria in it. Compared to the test wine (the alcoholic fermentation without
chacha), the natural semi-sweet wine derived from the "Khikhvi" grapes using the
method of the processing of the physical agent is relatively mild and pleasant. This is
due to the factor of the shortage of time of the influence of IR - physical agent on
artificially fermented chacha. Extract substances (pectin and tannins substances) and the
chemical and organoleptic characteristics are little in the test wine material.

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