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Mechanical Engineering Internal Combustion Engines Comprehensive Theory with Solved Examples and Practice Questions N= Exe) Publications MADE EASY Publications Corporate Otic: 44-A/4, Kalu Sarai (Near Hauz Khas Moto Station), Now Delhi-110016 Email. infomep@madeeasyin ‘Contact; 011-45124860, 8860378007 Visi us at. wnw madevasypublicatons org Int 1al Combustion Engines © Copyright by MADE EASY Publications, Allrights are reserved, No part of tis publication may be repraduced, stored in or introduced into a rettieval system, of transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photo-copying. recording ot otherwise), without the prior written permission of the above mentioned publisher of this book. First Edition: 2015 Second Eaition:2016 Third Eeltion: 2017 Fourth Edition: 2018 © Alrights reserved by MADE EASY PUBLICAIONS No part of this took may be reproduced rule in any writen permission fom ine shee Contents Internal Combustion Engines Chapter 1 Basics and Air Standard Cycles.. 1.1 Introduction 12. Classification ofc Engines 13. Components of Engines 14 Basic Terminology 15. OTTOCycle Engines: Petrol Engines. 16 DieselEngines 17 Constant Volume or OTTO cycle 1.8 Constant Pressure or Diesel Cycle 19 Dual Combustion Cycle 1.10 Comparison of four stroke and two-stroke engines 1.17 Comparison of Engines working on Otto and Diesel Cycle 1.12. Performance Parameters of LC. Engine 13 Assumy n of ideal Air Standard Cycle. 1.14 Comparison among Otto, Diese! and Dual oyeles Objective Brain Teasers Student’ Assignment Chapter 2 Combustion in SI and Cl Engines...... 21. SlEngines 22 Stages of Combustion 23 Rate of Pressure Rise 24 Rate of Pressure Rise 25. Knockin Si Engine. 26 ClEngines. 27. Spray Characteristics 28 Stages of Combustion. 29. Physical Factors Affecting Delay Period 20 20 2 2 2 ss se iii) 210 Rate of Pressure Ris. 76 2.11 Knockandl Cl Engine. nm 2.12 Combustion Chamber Design Principle 79 2.13 Comparison in Knacking Phenomenon of SIEngine and ClEngine 79 2.14 ClEngine Combustion Chamber 0 Objective Bran Teasers 81 Student’ Assignment 2 Chapter 3 Fuels oessecssvecssnecsssecsnecssnesssneesneceseesesnees BB. 3:1, Requlrementfor an ICEngine Fuel B 32. The Constituents of Crude Pettoleum andthe Properties B 33. Important Products of Refining Proces of Crude Petroleum B 34 fect of oltlityon Petrol Engine Performance 24 35 Octane Number es 3.6 Requirement of Diesel Ful 2 37 Cetane Number 85 38. Atemative Fuels for LC Engines 85 Objective Bran Teasers 86 Student’ Assgnment. 87 Chapter 4 Ignition, Engine Friction, Lubrication and Cooling... 4a 42 43 44 4s 45 Introduction, Energy Requirement, Requirements of An Ignition System, Magneto-ignition System, Friction Power. Components of engine Friction sense BB 88 88 89 2 93 93 ar 48 4s 40 an an 43 ana ans 46 an ans ag 420 4a 422 423 424 425 426 47 428 429 Total Friction Work Some More Components of Engine Fiction Friction Mean Effective Pressure Mechanical Friction, Mechanical Friction in Major Engine ‘Components Blowby Losses Effect of Engine Variables on Friction Side Thrust On the Piston, Lubrication Functions ofa Lubricant Lubrication Principles Beating Lubrication, Properties of Lubricants ‘Additives for Lubricants SAE Viscosity Number Lubricating Systems. (CRANKCASE VENTILATION, Engine Performance And Lubrication, Cooling System, Type of Cooling system Water Cooling Systern ‘Advanced Cooling Concepts. ‘Common Coolant. Objective Brain Teasers Student’ Assignment. 94 95 95 96 96 99 99 100 101 102 102 103 106 108 110 110 a8 us us 16 us 120 ry 128 ws (iv) Chapter 5 Emission sa 52 53 54 Supercharging, Engine Testing and Supercharging 126 Methods of Supercharging v7 Thermodynamic Cycle With Supercharging .. 129 Supercharging of Sparlgnition Engine. 131 ss 56 37 58 59 510 sa sn Supercharging of Compression Ignition Engine. 132 Advantages of Supercharging Over High Compression. 13 Effects of Supercharging 13 Supercharging Limits 134 Basic Performance Parameters of IC Engine... 135 Measurement of Engine Parameters nas ‘Variation of Exhaust Constituents with Engine Parameters. 138 Engine Design Modification. 140 Objective Brain Teasers 141 Student's Assignment. a CHAPTER Basics and Air Standard Cycles 1.1. INTRODUCTION The internal combustion |.C.engine is a heat engine that converts the chemical energy of a fuel into mechanical energy, usually mechanical energy available on a rotating output shaft. Chemical eneray of the fuels first converted to thermal energy by means of combustion of {uel with air inside the engine. This thermal energy raises the temperature and pressure of the gases inside the engine, and the high pressure gas then expands against the mechanical mechanism of the engine. This expansion of gas is converted by the mechanical linkage of the engine to a rotating crankshaft, which is the output of the engine, 1.2 Classification of IC Engines yer Head ‘Suction Value ve Irate oF Sucton Manos Manis — Top Dead Conte: TC Paton (finder Voume, V {Gusigoon or Ws Pin Botom Dead — | Cente: BO. Gyinaer ‘Connecting Roa Crarkase —+| | cra Pn Ccranksnat crank Figure 1.1 he Internal combustion engines are usually of reciprocating type. The reciprocating internal combustion engines are classified on the basis of the thermodynamic cycle and mechanical method of operation, type of fuel used, type of ignition, type of cooling system and cylinder arrangement, etc. The detailed classification is given below ( MADE ERS Theory with Solved Examples [J 2 | Mechanical Engineering Postal Study Package BLEEK] MADE ERS 1. According to piston strokes in the working cycle (@) Four stroke engine (b) Two-stroke engine 2. According to fuel used in the cycle (@) Petrol engine (0) Diesel engine (c) Gas engine (a) Mult-fuel engine 3. According to method of ignition (2) Sparkignition (0) Compression ignition 4. According to fuel-feeding system (@)_ Carburetted engine (©) Engine with fuel injection 5. According lo charge feeding system (@) Naturally aspirated engine (b) Supercharged engine 6. According to cooling system (@) Air-cooled engine (0) Water-cooled engine 7. According to number of cylinders (a) Single cylinder engine (b) Multi-cylinder engine 8 According to speed of the engine (a) Low-speed engine (b) Medium-speedengine —(¢)._ High-speed engine 9. According to number of cylinders (@)_ Horizontal engine (b) Vertical engine (c) Veengine Se rere engines] [Two atoke engines & = (Reciprocating ony) Diss gle or compression ignton (Cl engines). ‘Dyided chamber] [pon chars] ‘enanes crass [Gateryignitor] [Meanetsisritor] —(preciamber] Water coaies) [Arenal [Resbrocatn] sary Wank] BeamTaRN) (Rare) [Wasarae) (Sigma) | (Tea (2.4 or 6) 24 0r8) 4.6.8. 12) (egese] eer Figure 1.2 CG theory with Solved Examples MADE ERSH ) MADE EASY Postal Study Package EURE) Internal Combustion Engines | 49 The compression ratio for a single-cylinder engine operating on dual cycle is 9. The maximum pressure in the cylinder is li jure and temperature of the at the beginning of the cycle are 1 bar and 30°C. Heat is added during constant pressure process upto 4 percent of the stroke. Assuming the cylinder diameter and stroke length as 260 mm and 300 mm respectively, determine : (i) The air standard efficiency of the cycle. (ii) The power developed if the number of working cycles are 3 per second. Take for air ¢, = 0.71 kJ/kgK and ¢, = 1.0 kiikoK ir Solu Cylinder diameter Compression ratio, Stroke length nitial pressure itial temperature, 250 mm = 0.25 m 9 800 mm = 0.3 mi tbar 30°C =30 + 273 =303K Maximum pressure, py =p, = 60 bar cutoff = 4% of stroke volume Number of working eycles/sec. () Airstandard efficiency V—— vv Now swoptvolime Ep. Exo 26x09 «00147 m* V,+¥, Also, compression ratio, vm iso, compression ratio, u o.o147+V, Vv, 0.0147 : Seis7 = 0.0048 mi ne leary Vy = Vet V, $0.0147, + 0,0018 = 0.0165." For the adiabatic (or isentropic) process 1-2 py Also, >i For the constant volume process 2 hh Pe MADE EASY Theory with Solved Exar C > _ www.madeeasypubli 50 | Mechanical Engineering Also, For the constant pressure process 3 ~ 4, Also expansion ratio, For adiabatic process 4—8, ee 2079) Also put Heat supplied, Q, Heat rejected, Q Naresaoaars = (ii) Power developed by the engine, P Mass of air in cycle is given by, _m Work done per cycle = m(Q,-Q,)= 0.0189 (1862.58 -663.14) = 16.999kd Power developed = Work done per cycle x number of eycles per second CG theory with Solved Examples MADE EASY 60. Be - 1B = To80x5 F557 2000 K 4 . oe 100 or 0.04 or p= 1.82 % hy Tyxp = 2020 x 1,82 = 2666.4 K MiB [ MeV xh Ve a Me e oOfTy— Tp) * (Te= Ts) 0.71(2020 = 728.6) + 1,0(2686.4-2020) 1962.58 kuikg elTs—T) 0.71 (1287 ~303) = 663.14 kuikg Q,-Qy _ 1862.85 - 663.14 Q, 1562.58 0.576 = 57.56% pi _1x10°x0.0165 Pre parang 7 001899 16.999 x 3 = 60.99 = 51 kW ) MADE EASY ? Objective Brain Teasers Postal Study Package BIE) Internal Combustion Engines | 55 Q.1._ Brake thermal efficiency of the three basic lypes of reciprocating engines commonly used in road vehicles are given inthe increasing order as {@) 2 stroke SI engine, 4 stroke SI engine, 4 stroke Cl engine (b) 2 stroke SI engine, 4 stroke Cl engine, 4 stroke SI engine (6) 4 stroke SI engine, 2 stroke SI engine, 4 stroke Clengine (8) 4 stroke Cl engine; 4 stroke SI engine, 2 stroke SI engine Q.2 With increasing temperature of intake air, IC engine efficiency (a) decreases (b) increases (c) remains same (6) depends on other factors Q3._Thesilencer of an internal combustion engine (a) reduces noise (b) decreases brake specific fuel consumption (bste) (©) increases bsfe (a) has no effect on its efficiency, Q.4 Adiesel engine develop aBrake power of 4.5 kW. lis indicated thermal efficiency is 20% and the mechanical eficiency is 86%. Take the calorific value of the fuel as 40000 ku/kg the indicated specific uel consumption in kalkWhr is (a) 0.4 (b) 0.5, (ce) 02 (@) 03 Q5 ADiesel engine is usually more efficient than a sparkignition engine because {2) diesel being aheavie: hydrocarbon, releases more heat per kg than gasoline (b) the air standard effcieney of diesel eyele is higher than the Otto cycle, at a fixed compression ratio (c) the compression ratio of a diesel engine is higher than that of an SI engine ( MADE ERSY (@) selt-ignition temperature of diesel is higher than that of gasoline Q.6 Anautomobile engine operates a a fuel arratio 0f0.05, volumetic efciency of 90% andincicated thermal otficioncy of 30%, Given that he calorific valuo of the fusl is 45 MJ/kg and the density of air at intake is 1 kgim?, the indicated mean effective pressure for the engine is (@),6.075 bar (b) 6.75 bar (0) 675bar (a) 243 bar Q7_ Piston compression rings are made of which one ofthe following? (@) Castiron (©) Aluminum (0) Bronze (@ White metal Q.8 A4 stroke, four cylinder spark ignition engine having bore 7 cm and stroke 9 cm develops 20 KW at3000 rpmaifthe:clearance volume in each cylinder is 50 om®, the brake thermal efficiency i 60% of air standard officioncy and the calorific value of the fuel is 43 Muska consumption in kg/hr is (e) 424 (&) 733 (594 (@) 356 Linked Data (@.9-0.10) A single oylinder, 4 stroke diesel engine running at 1800 rpm has a bore of 85 mm and a stroke of 110 mm. Ittakes 0.56 kg of air per minute and develops a brake power output of KW while the air fuel ratio is 20:1. The calorific value of the fuel used is 42550 ku/kg and the ambient air density is 1.18 kgim®. the fuel Q9 The volumetic efficiency in % is (@) 6867 (b) 84.47 (c) 74.56 (a) 56.86 @.10. Brake specific fuel consumption in kg/kWhr (@) 0.14 (0) 0.32 (©) 0.28 (@ 040 ‘Theory with Solved Examples [J 56 | Mechanical Engineering Postal Study Package PXEE] MADE EASY Q.11 Amechanic has an engine from a 1970 model ccar which works on the basis of Otto cycle. The engine displaces 1.8 liters, has a compression ratio of 10.2: 1 and has six cylinders. The pistons in the original engine are 120 mm in diameter. ‘The mechanic bores the cylinder and replaces the piston with new pistons that are 2 mm larger indiameter than the originals. Keeping all other factors same, the percentage change in power output will be (@) 436 (b) 336 (©) 545 (a) 254 Q.12 Assertion (A): For a given compression ratio, the thermal efficiency ofthe Diesel cycle willbe higher than that of the Otto oycle. ‘Answers Reason (R): In the Diesel cycle, work is also delivered during heat addition. Te) 2etelenaiala) 4.) S.C) (@) Both A and R are true and Ristheconect. g(a) 7, (a) 8 (c) 9 (b) 10. (0) ‘explanation of A (b) Both Aand Rare true butRisnotacorect 17. (b) 12. (d) 13. (a) ‘explanation of A (@) Ais true but R is false (@) Ais false but Ris true its and Explanations: (d) Q.13 Which one of the following p-T diagrams bp = 4.5 kW illustrates the Otto cyole of an ideal gas? Typ = 80% = 0.20 My = 85% = 0.85 CN. = 40000 kuikg o jp = 5.29 kW =—2 The Im x GV. ogo = £29 m, x 40000 o m, = 4.408 x 10~ kgls ) = 4.408 x 9600 x 10 “kgihr = 1.586 kale indicated specific fuel consumption, m iste = ™ kerk sto = SE kale ‘Theory with Solved Examples MADE EASY CHAPTER Fuels 3.1 3.2 3.3 Requirement for an IC Engine Fuel + It should take very ite time for combustion * Itshould have high energy density + Low deposit forming tendency, The Constituents of Crude Petroleum and their Properties + Paraffins (C, Hpqqa) like methane, propane, Iso-octane, n-Heptane, They are saturated and stable compound. Branch chain or isopara‘fins are highly knock resistant in SI engine than straight chain paratfins ‘+ Olefins (C,, Haq) like ethylene, propylene. They are unsaturated and unstable compound. They cause gummy deposit after oxidation. + Napthenes (C,H,,) ike cyclo butane, cyclo hexane. They are cyclic and saturated compound. They are more stable than olefins. ‘+ Aromatics. They have ring structure of benzene (CH,) as central structure. They are highly active or even explosive (Like Toluene) Important Products of Refining Process of Crude Petroleum + Natural Gas. They are paraffinic compound mainly Methane, + Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG). These are also paraffinic compound propane and butane, They can bee liquified in ambient condition by applying pressure. ‘+ Gasoline or Petrol. Itis the highest liquid petroleum fraction. All liquid fraction having boiling point upto 200°C are gasoline. Its specific gravity is 0.70 to 0.78 ‘+ Kerosene. These have boiling range 150°C to 300°C and specific gravity 0.78 to 0.85, These are heavier than petrol ‘+ Diesel. These have 200°C-370°C boiling range and wide range of specific gravity. These are having more specific gravity than petrol ( MADE ERS Theory with Solved Examples [J 84 | Mecha al Engineering Postal Study Package BLEEK] MADE EASY Effect of Volatility on Petrol Engine Performance ‘+ Volatility is the tendency of fuel to go from a liquid to a gaseous state on slow heating of fuel Quantity of fuel evaporated with temperature is measured which is called distillation and this is a measure of volatility of the fuel ‘+ Frontend volatility (0-20% evaporation) Cold starting, hot starting and vapour lock are three important performance characteristics which are affected by the front end volatiliy of the gasoline used 1, Cold starting: High front end volatility is required for easy starting of engine. 2. Hot starting: Ifthe front end voiatity is very high, it will create problem in hot starting as more and more vapours will be present in the combustion chamber making the mixture too rich to ignite 3. Vapour lock: Low front end volatilty is required so that sufficient amount of liquid fuel could be pumped as more vapourization makes air fuel mixture lean because of less quantity of vapour and liquid fue! * Mid range volatility (20%-80% evaporation) 1. Engine warm up, acceleration, smoothness and fuel economy: The mid range volatility should be sufficient enough to get all these performances of the engine. 2. Carburetor icing: A low mid range volatility is required to prevent carburettor icing. More volatile fuel evaporates rapidly, lowering the temperature of carburettor body. With high humidity content, water vapour in the fuel condense and freezes. ‘+ Tail end volatility (80%-100% evaporation) High tail end volallity causes less crankcase dilution, leSs engine deposits, gum formation and spark fouling + Aldohycios and poroxides formed attor oxidation of unsaturated hydrocarbon are knock inducing compounds, So Alphanaphihol is used as antioxidant. * Sulphur in fuel causes corrosion, adour and poor explosion characteristic in petrol 3.5 Octane Number ‘+ Itis percentage of iso-octane in the fuel containing iso-octane and n-Heptane that gives the same knocking intensity as that of the fuel Whose octane number is calculated. Octane number 80 means the fuel is equivalent to 100% mixture of iso-octane and n-Heptane where iso-octane is 80% and n- Heptane is 20%, + Octane number of a fuel can be increased by adding Tetra ethyl lead (TEL), ‘+ TEL causes spark plug fouling so ethylene dibromide is used to avoid lead deposits for spark plug fouling. 3.6 Requirement of Diesel Fuel + Flash point: I be high ‘+ Fire point: itis the temperature at which the flame can sustain for more than, S seconds. It should be high, ‘+ Cloud point: Itis the temperature at which the wax content of the diesel separates out in the form of solid, It should be low. ‘+ Pour point: its the temperature below which the entire fuel freeze. It should also be very low. e temperature al which a visible flame occurs for less than 5 seconds. It should Cl Teen with Scivedesamples = MDE ERSY —wmadennsypublcainsarg ) 86 | Mechanical Engineering Postal Study Package EXE] MADE EASY Enzyme Starch in carbohyrate. swear Fermentation ean) = | byyeast ‘+ Vegetable ol particularly sunflower oil ean be blended with diesel to reduce the consumption of diesel CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) * Itisamixture of 90% Methane and remaining Ethane. + Itis.a.good SI engine fuel due to high Octane number. * Fuel availabilty is large. ‘+, odourless and sae in operation. + Lowengine emissions. ‘Summary Itis percentage of iso-octane in the fuel containing iso-octane and n-Heptane that gives. © the same knocking intensity as that of the fuel whose octane number is calculated. Cctane number 80 means the fue is equivalent to 100% mixture ofiso-octane and n-Heptane where iso-octane is 80% and n-Heptane is 20%, (Octane number of a fuel can be increased by adding Tetra ethyl lead (TEL). Itis the percentage by volume of cetane (Cy, Hs,) in a mixture of cetane and a-methyl rnapthalene (C,. H, CH,) that has the same performance in the standard test engine as that of the fuel whose cetane number is calculated, So if a fuel is equivalent to 100% mixture of cetane and a-methyl naphthalene where cetane is 85% and a-pmethyl naphthalene is 15% then cetane number of the fuel is 85. * High cetane number of Diesel engine fuel reduce its knocking tendency. g Objective Brain Teasers a4 a2 CG theory with Solved Examples For determining the ignition quality of compression ignition engine fuels, the reference fuels used are (@) Iso-octane and n-hoy (b) Cotane and a-methyinapthalene (¢) Hexaclecane and n-heptane (@) Cotane andiso-octane (b) The cetane number of alcohol fuels is very high which prevents their ignition by ‘compression (¢) The octane number of alcohol fuels is very low which prevents their ignition by ‘compression (@) None of the above ‘Alcohols are unsuitable at diesel engine fuels @.3 Methane burns with stoichiometric quantity of because ait. The air-fuel ratio by weight is {@) The cotane number of aalcohol fuels is vory 4 (o) 147 low which prevents their ignition by 6 (a) 17.16 ‘compression ) MADE EASY a4 as a6 Match List-| (Fuels) with List-l (Characteristics) usages) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List-1 Semi-bituminous coal High-speed dieseloil Biogas LPG List-t1 Methane and carbon dioxide Propane and butane Calorific value of 10,600 kcallkg Power plants gom> Bene Codes: A @ () ©) @ enone anwsto rT) Ina petrol engine car, which one of the following performance characteristic is affected by the front-end volatility gasoline used? (@) Hot starting and vapour lock (0) Engine warm-up and spark plug fouling (©) Spark plug fouling and hot starting (@) Vapour lock, engine warm-up and spark plug fouling Consider the following statements: 1, Motor gasoline is a mixture of various hydrocarbons with amajor proportional being ‘aromatic hydrocarbons, Postal Study Package BIE) a7 az as a4 as MADE ERSY Internal Combustion Engines | 87 2, Compressed natural gas is a mainly composed of methane. 3. Producer gas has a Predominant component of hydragen with lesser proportion of carbon monoxide. 4, Cetane number of uel used in diesel engines in India is in the range of 80 to 90. Which of these statements are correct? (@) tand2 (0) 1 ands. (©) 2,3and4 — (d) 1,2, 3and4 ‘Which one of the following fuels can be obtained by fermentation of vegetable matter? @) Benzene —_—_(b) Diese (€))Gasoline 99)(6) Alcohol Answers -@ 2 3) 4) 5 @ - fa) 7. (a) Student's Assignments Discuss the important qualities of a SI engine ful What is vapour lock? What do you mean by ignition quality of a fuel? Discuss the basic qualities of a good Cl engine fuel Briefly discuss the rating of Cl engine fuels. ‘Theory with Solved Examples [J CHAPTER Ignition, Engine Friction, Lubrication and Cooling 4.1 Introduction Ina Sl engine, the combustion process is initiated by an electrical discharge between the spark plug electrodes when the piston is close tothe end of compression process. The ignition system carries the electric currentto the spark plug where the sparknecessary to ignite the fuel-air mixture is produced. The high temperature plasma koro! created by the spark develops into a solt-sustaining and propagating flame front, a thin reaction sheet, where the exothermic chemical reactions occur. The ignition Initiates ths flame propagation process in a repeatable manner cycle-by-cyele, under all operating conditions of oad and speed, and at the appropriate point inthe engine cycle Times the sole objective ofthe ignition system's tonite the combustion process and itisnot associated with the gross behaviour of combustion phenomena, Therefore, the ignition syste should le considered from the standpoint ofthe beginning of the combustion process thatit initiates. 4.2 Energy Requirement The development of a high compression ratio engine led to the development of a system which can product a light-ension spark across a shor fixed gap in the combustion chamber for the ignition of the charge ‘spark can be produced from one plug electrade to other only if a sufficiently high voltage is applied. In a typical spark ischarge, the electrical potential across the electrode gap is increased untithe oreakdown of he intervening mixture occurs. This breakdown voltage (preceded by are and (low discharge) is the entical voltage below which there can be no spark. About 0.2 mJ of energy is required to ignite a quiescent stoichiometric fuel-air mixture at normal engine conditions by means of a spark. I the mixture is rich or lean, the energy required Is about 3 md It has been found that the ertcal spark encrgy required to ignite a given mixture decreases rapidly as the sparking 9.012 volageisincieased, Thus inalypealinsanc,fotam>tue, |. Faora sitength of 125: 1 the spark energy required to ignie this 8, charge was 6 md at SHV, 2mJ at OKV and U7 mat 7 KV. — ES Figure shows the minimum spark eneray required for diferent § 0.008 air-fuel (gasoline) ratios. £ Boo The conventional ignition system delivers about 30 BS t+ ‘mJ of electrical eneray to the spark, Thus a smal fraction of Tee Ww 13 Ww a8 the energy supplied to the spark gap is transmitted to the Figure 4:1 Ratio of airto Gasoline gas mixture and the rest. the energy is lost as heat energy. CEG Theory with solved Examples MADE Enss ) MADE EASY Postal Study Package EURE) Internal Combustion Engines | 89 It may be mentioned that the mixture in the spark gap is never entirely homogeneous-it may be very rich or may bbe a lean mixture and sometimes it may contain a few droplets of fuel or ail. Therefore, the practical picture of ignition to suit all conditions not only demands that energy be furnished quickly, but also requires a definite duration of spark. The conventional ignition systems deliver 30 to 50 m4 of electrical energy to the spark and the duration is longer than 0.5 ms to ignite the charge and initiate the combustion process. 4.3 Requirements of An Ignition System The requirements of a smooth and reliable ignition system can be listed as following The system must provide sutciot votage across the sparkplug electrodes to produce a spark cischarge 2. The system should supply sufficient energy during spark discharge to ignite the combustible mixture adjacent to the plug electrodes under all operating conditions 3. Tho spark should be produced atthe appropriate point during the compression process and in a repeatable manner eycle-by-cycle. The duration ofthe voltage pulse should be sutfcient to ensure ignition 4. The system should have the means for automatically changing the spark timing with changes in load and engine speed 5. The peak voltage produced by the system must be safe so that there is no damage to the spark plug electrodes, Since the ignition system should have a source of electrical energy and that can be obtained either by a battery or by a generator of magnets, three methods have been generally employed to produce the necessary high voltage, and they are based on the principles of mutual electromagnetic induction. These are {@) Battery ignition System, ) ignition System, and (6) Electronic ignition System, 43.1 Battery Ignition System Figure 4.2 Mechanically Operated Battery Ignition System The components of a conventional battery system shown in igure are a 12 V battery, an ignition switch, an ignition coil, a resistor, a distributor (which houses the breaker points, cam condenser, rotor and advance mechanism), spark plugs, and low and high-tension wiring Battery : The storage battery is an electrochemical device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy. The main functions of a battery are: ()) to supply a high current (upto 200 amperes) tothe starter motor and a low current to the ignition system, (ii) to supply current to the electrical units when the total demand ( MADE ERSY ‘Theory with Solved Examples [J 124 | Mechanical Engineering ee 2079) MADE EASY ? Objective Brain Teasers Q1_ The method of determination of indicated power of multicylinder SI engine is by the use of (@) Morse test (©) Prony brake test (6) Motoring test (d) Heat balance test Q2 Ina Morse test for a 2-cylinder, 2-stroke, spark ignition engine, the brake power was 9 kW whereas the brake powers of individual cylinders with spark cut-off were 4.25 KW and 3.75 kW respectively. The mechanical efficiency of the engine is (@) 90% (b) 80% (©) 455% (@) 525% Q.3. Match List-! with List-ll and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List A. Air standard efficiency of Otto cycle List-l 2. Diesel cycle Codes: A B CC D @ 5 1 4 2 (b) 3 5 2 4 () 3 5 4 2 pbs ‘Common Data Question (2.4-0.5) Ina test on a four cylinder spark ignition engine the following power and fuel consumption measurements were made CG theory with Solved Examples with all cylinders firing 30,00 kW with cylinder 1 only net fring 20.75 kW with eylinder 2 only net fiting 20.50 kW with eylinder 3 only net fiing 20.50 kW with eylinder 4 only net firing 20.75 kW he time taken to consume 250 ml of fuel is 85 seconds Specific gravity of fuel = 0.85. Calotific value of fuel is 40 Mulkg. Q4 The mechanicaleticiency of the engine is (2) 67% (b) 80% (©) 90% (a) 95% Q5 The brake thermal efficiency of the engine is (a) 25% (o) 40% (6) 35% (a) 20% ‘Common Data (0.6-0.7) The Willan line measured for a four-stroke, four-cylinder Is expressed as: FC = 0.15 + 0.03 x BP, where FC is the rate of fuel consumption in gms and BP is the brake power in kW. The bore of each cylinder is 75 mm and stroke is 90 mm and the speed is 3000 rpm. If the engine develops brake power of 20 kW Q.6 Mechanical efficiency is 06 (o) 07 (08 (08 7 ; indicated mean effective pressure in kPa is, (a) 628.76 (o) 314.38 () 512.14 (¢) 678.48 Q.8 Consider the folowing statements relevantto the ignition system of $I engine 1. Toosmalla dwell angle wil lead tothe burning of condenser and contact points 2. Toosmall a dwell angle wil resultin misting 3. Too large a dwell angle will result in burning of condenser and contact points. 4. Too large a dwell will result in misfiring Which of these statements are correct? (@) tand2 (o) 2ana3. (©) Sanda (@) 4and+ ) MADE EASY ‘Answers 1. @ 2 (@ 3. fa) 4. (b) & © 7@) 8 &) Hints and Explanations: 2. (a) BP cynaer (BP) = 4.25 = 4.75 KW (P)ng=9 3.75 = 5.25 KW Tolal IP=4.75 + 5.25 = 10 kW BP - 2 100=90% 0 Wp ( Postal Study Package BIKE] 5. (d) a4 a2 as a4 as a6 MADE ERSY Internal Combustion Engines | 125 Student's Assignments What is ignition? How does it differ from combustion? Explain, with aneat sketch, the working principles of a battery ignition system. Deseribe, with a neat sketch, the working of magneto ignition system, Slate the properties of a good lubricant, Why cooling of an IC engine is necessary? Compare the merit and demerits of air and water cooling system. . ‘Theory with Solved Exa tw

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