Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2016/0287.153 A1

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US 201602871.

(19) United States
(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2016/0287.153 A1
Samec et al. (43) Pub. Date: Oct. 6, 2016


CPC ....... A61 B 5/14552 (2013.01); A61 B 5/14555
(71) Applicant: Magic Leap Inc., Dania Beach, FL (2013.01); A61 B 5/6803 (2013.01); G06T
(US) 19/006 (2013.01); A61B 2562/0238 (2013.01);
A61B 2562/04 (2013.01)
(72) Inventors: Nicole Elizabeth Samec, Ft.
Lauderdale, FL (US); Adrian Kaehler,
Los Altos Hills, FL (US) (57) ABSTRACT
One embodiment is directed to a system comprising a
(73) Assignee: Magic Leap, Inc., Dania Beach, FL head-mounted member removably coupleable to the user's
(US) head; one or more electromagnetic radiation emitters
(21) Appl. No.: 15/072,341 coupled to the head-mounted member and configured to
emit light with at least two different wavelengths toward at
(22) Filed: Mar. 16, 2016 least one of the eyes of the user, one or more electromag
netic radiation detectors coupled to the head-mounted mem
Related U.S. Application Data ber and configured to receive light reflected after encoun
(60) Provisional application No. 62/133,870, filed on Mar. tering at least one blood vessel of the eye; and a controller
16, 2015. operatively coupled to the one or more electromagnetic
s radiation emitters and detectors and configured to cause the
Publication Classification one or more electromagnetic radiation emitters to emit
pulses of light while also causing the one or more electro
(51) Int. Cl. magnetic radiation detectors to detect levels of light absorp
A6B 5/45.5 (2006.01) tion related to the emitted pulses of light, and to produce an
G06T 9/00 (2006.01) output that is proportional to an oxygen Saturation level in
A6 IB5/00 (2006.01) the blood vessel.

Processing Data
Module Repository

72 74
Patent Application Publication Oct. 6, 2016 Sheet 1 of 7 US 2016/0287.153 A1
Patent Application Publication Oct. 6, 2016 Sheet 2 of 7 US 2016/0287.153 A1

Local Processing
------ ---Y & Data Module :
M w

76-7 v N-78
- - - - - -2----- ----- ----- -
FIG 2A Remote
Module Repository

72 74

70 72
76 S
Local Processing N -)" ----
& Data Module s -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Module
Y -- - -- - - - - - --

62 66 - Remote
s Data
60 80 - Repository


Patent Application Publication Oct. 6, 2016 Sheet 3 of 7 US 2016/0287.153 A1

Processing Data
66 Module Repository
f -1
68 ?- 76 -(- 78
& Data 70
Module :

74 FIG. 2D
Patent Application Publication Oct. 6, 2016 Sheet 4 of 7 US 2016/0287.153 A1

Patent Application Publication Oct. 6, 2016 Sheet 5 of 7 US 2016/0287.153 A1

field emitter

field SenSOr
Electromagnetic 404b.
field SenSOr

COmmunicationS Controller

Emita KnOWn
electromagnetic field
Determine Coordinate Space Corresponding
to electromagnetic field
Detect a behavior of COils at

Detect a position and
Orientation of SenSOrS

FIG. 5
Patent Application Publication Oct. 6, 2016 Sheet 7 of 7 US 2016/0287.153 A1

Hand-held Controller emits magnetic field
SensOrS detect magnetic field
Detect position and Orientation of the Object
Convey pose information to processor
Consult mapping database of the World
Deliver Virtual COntent

FIG. 7
US 2016/0287.153 A1 Oct. 6, 2016

AUGMENTED REALITY PULSE OXMETRY 0005 Such AR and VR systems typically comprise a
processing capability, Such as a controller or microcon
RELATED APPLICATION DATA troller, and also a power Supply to power the function of the
0001. The present application claims the benefit under 35 various components, and by virtue of the fact that at least
U.S.C. S 119 to U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. Some of the components in a wearable computing system,
62/133,870 filed Mar. 16, 2015. The foregoing application is such as an AR or VR system, are close to the body of the user
hereby incorporated by reference into the present application operating them, there is an opportunity to utilize Some of
in its entirety. these system components to conduct certain physiologic
monitoring tasks relative to the user. Referring ahead to
FIELD OF THE INVENTION FIGS. 4A-4C, certain aspects of pulse oximetry are shown.
Referring to FIG. 4A, a conventional pulse oximeter device
0002 The present disclosure relates to systems and meth (802) is configured to be temporarily coupled to a user's
ods for augmented reality using wearable componentry, and finger (804), ear lobe, or other similar tissue structure, and
more specifically to configurations for determining oxygen to pulse light at different wavelengths through Such tissue
saturation in the blood of a user in the context of augmented structure while detecting transmission (and therefore
reality systems. absorption) at the other side of the tissue structure, to
provide an output that is proportional to, or reads as, an
BACKGROUND estimated blood oxygen Saturation level. Such devices are
0003 Modern computing and display technologies have often used, for example, by high-altitude climbers or in
facilitated the development of systems for so called “virtual healthcare scenarios. FIG. 4B illustrates a chart (810) of the
reality” or “augmented reality” experiences, wherein digi absorption spectra of hemoglobin that is oxygenated (806)
tally reproduced images or portions thereof are presented to versus deoxygenated (808), and as shown in such plots (806,
a user in a manner wherein they seem to be, or may be 808), in the red light wavelength range of the electromag
perceived as, real. A virtual reality, or “VR', scenario netic spectrum, Such as around 660 nm, there is a notable
typically involves presentation of digital or virtual image difference in absorption for oxygenated versus deoxygen
information without transparency to other actual real-world ated hemoglobin, whereas there is an inverted difference at
visual input; an augmented reality, or “AR”. Scenario typi around 940 nm in the infrared wavelength range. Pulsing
cally involves presentation of digital or virtual image infor radiation at Such wavelengths and detecting with a pulse
mation as an augmentation to visualization of the actual Oximeter is known to take advantage of such known absorp
world around the user. tion differences in the determination of oxygen Saturation for
0004 For example, referring to FIG. 1, an augmented the particular user. While pulse oximeters (802) typically are
configured to at least partially encapsulate a tissue structure
reality scene (4) is depicted wherein a user of an AR such as a finger (804) or ear lobe, certain desktop style
technology sees a real-world park-like setting (6) featuring systems have been suggested, such as that (812) depicted in
people, trees, buildings in the background, and a concrete FIG. 4C, to observe absorption differences in vessels of the
platform (1120). In addition to these items, the user of the eye, such as retinal vessels. Such a configuration (812) may
AR technology also perceives that he “sees a robot statue be termed a flow Oximetry system and comprise components
(1110) standing upon the real-world platform (1120), and a as shown, including a camera (816), Zoom lens (822), first
cartoon-like avatar character (2) flying by which seems to be (818) and second (820) light emitting diodes (LEDs), and
a personification of a bumble bee, even though these ele one or more beam splitters (814). While it would be valuable
ments (2, 1110) do not exist in the real world. As it turns out, to certain users, such as high-altitude hikers or persons with
the human visual perception system is very complex, and certain cardiovascular or respiratory problems, to be able to
producing a VR or AR technology that facilitates a com See a convenient display of their own blood oxygen satura
fortable, natural-feeling, rich presentation of virtual image tion as the move about their day and conduct their activities,
elements amongst other virtual or real-world imagery ele most configurations involve a somewhat inconvenient
ments is challenging. For instance, head-worn AR displays encapsulation of a tissue structure, or are not designed or
(or helmet-mounted displays, or Smart glasses) typically are well suited to be wearable. A solution is presented herein
at least loosely coupled to a user's head, and thus move which combines the convenience of wearable computing in
when the user's head moves. If the user's head motions are
detected by the display system, the data being displayed can the form of an AR or VR system with the oxygen saturation
monitoring technology of pulse oximetry.
be updated to take the change in head pose into account.
Certain aspects of suitable AR systems are disclosed, for SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
example, in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/205,126,
entitled “System and method for augmented and virtual 0006. One embodiment is directed to a system for deter
reality”, which is incorporated by reference in its entirety mining oxygen Saturation of a user, comprising: a head
herein, along with the following additional disclosures, mounted member removably coupleable to the user's head;
which relate to augmented and virtual reality systems such one or more electromagnetic radiation emitters coupled to
as those developed by Magic Leap, Inc. of Fort Lauderdale, the head-mounted member and configured to emit light with
Fla.: U.S. patent application Ser. No. 147641376; U.S. at least two different wavelengths in the visible to infrared
patent application Ser. No. 14/555,585; U.S. patent appli spectrum (or in another embodiment, in the non-visible to
cation Ser. No. 14/212.961; U.S. patent application Ser. No. infrared spectrum) in direction of at least one of the eyes of
14/690,401; U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/663,466: the user; one or more electromagnetic radiation detectors
U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/684,489; and U.S. Patent coupled to the head-mounted member and configured to
Application Ser. No. 62/298.993, each of which is incorpo receive light reflected after encountering at least one blood
rated by reference herein in its entirety. vessel of the eye of the user; and a controller operatively
US 2016/0287.153 A1 Oct. 6, 2016

coupled to the one or more electromagnetic radiation emit ciated with the pixels. The controller may be configured to
ters and one or more electromagnetic radiation detectors and automatically detect the subset of pixels based at least in part
configured to cause the one or more electromagnetic radia upon reflected light absorption differences amongst signals
tion emitters to emit pulses of light while also causing the associated with the pixels.
one or more electromagnetic radiation detectors to detect BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
levels of light absorption related to the emitted pulses of
light, and to produce an output that is proportional to an 0007 FIG. 1 illustrates certain aspects of an augmented
oxygen saturation level in the blood vessel. The head reality system presentation to a user.
mounted member may comprise an eyeglasses frame. The 0008 FIGS. 2A-2D illustrate certain aspects of various
eyeglasses frame may be a binocular eyeglasses frame. The augmented reality systems for wearable computing applica
one or more radiation emitters may comprise a light emitting tions, featuring a head-mounted component operatively
diode. The one or more radiation emitters may comprise a coupled to local and remote process and data components.
plurality of light emitting diodes configured to emit electro 0009 FIG. 3 illustrates certain aspects of a connectivity
magnetic radiation at two predetermined wavelengths. The paradigm between a wearable augmented or virtual reality
plurality of light emitting diodes may be configured to emit system and certain remote processing and/or data storage
electromagnetic radiation at a first wavelength of about 660 SOUCS.
nanometers, and a second wavelength of about 940 nano 0010 FIGS. 4A-4C illustrate various aspects of conven
meters. The one or more radiation emitters may be config tional pulse oximetry configurations.
ured to emit electromagnetic radiation at the two predeter 0011 FIG. 5 illustrates various aspects of a wearable
mined wavelengths sequentially. The one or more radiation AR/VR system featuring integrated pulse oximetry modules.
emitters may be configured to emit electromagnetic radia 0012 FIG. 6 illustrates various aspects of a technique for
tion at the two predetermined wavelengths simultaneously. using a wearable AR/VR system featuring integrated pulse
The one or more electromagnetic radiation detectors may Oximetry modules.
comprise a device selected from the group consisting of a
photodiode, a photodetector, and a digital camera sensor. DETAILED DESCRIPTION
The one or more electromagnetic radiation detectors may be
positioned and oriented to receive light reflected after 0013 Referring to FIGS. 2A-2D, some general compo
encountering at least one blood vessel of the retina of the eye nentry options are illustrated. In the portions of the detailed
of the user. The one or more electromagnetic radiation description which follow the discussion of FIGS. 2A-2D,
detectors may be positioned and oriented to receive light various systems, Subsystems, and components are presented
reflected after encountering at least one blood vessel of the for addressing the objectives of providing a high-quality,
sclera of the eye of the user. The controller may be further comfortably-perceived display system for human VR and/or
configured to cause the plurality of light emitting diodes to AR
emit a cyclic pattern of first wavelength on, then second 0014. As shown in FIG. 2A, an AR system user (60) is
wavelength on, then both wavelengths off, such that the one depicted wearing head mounted component (58) featuring a
or more electromagnetic radiation detectors detect the first frame (64) structure coupled to a display system (62)
and second wavelengths separately. The controller may be positioned in front of the eyes of the user. A speaker (66) is
configured to cause the plurality of light emitting diodes to coupled to the frame (64) in the depicted configuration and
emit a cyclic pattern of first wavelength on, then second positioned adjacent the ear canal of the user (in one embodi
wavelength on, then both wavelengths off, in a cyclic ment, another speaker, not shown, is positioned adjacent the
pulsing pattern about thirty times per second. The controller other ear canal of the user to provide for stereo/shapeable
may be configured to calculate a ratio of first wavelength sound control). The display (62) is operatively coupled (68),
light measurement to second wavelength light measurement, Such as by a wired lead or wireless connectivity, to a local
and wherein this ratio is converted to an oxygen Saturation processing and data module (70) which may be mounted in
reading via a lookup table based at least in part upon the a variety of configurations, such as fixedly attached to the
Beer-Lambert law. The controller may be configured to frame (64), fixedly attached to a helmet or hat (80) as shown
operate the one or more electromagnetic radiation emitters in the embodiment of FIG. 2B, embedded in headphones,
and one or more electromagnetic radiation detectors to removably attached to the torso (82) of the user (60) in a
function as a head-mounted pulse oximeter. The controller backpack-style configuration as shown in the embodiment of
may be operatively coupled to an optical element coupled to FIG. 2C, or removably attached to the hip (84) of the user
the head-mounted member and viewable by the user, such (60) in a belt-coupling style configuration as shown in the
that the output of the controller that is proportional to an embodiment of FIG. 2D.
oxygen Saturation level in the blood vessel of the user may 0015 The local processing and data module (70) may
be viewed by the user through the optical element. The one comprise a power-efficient processor or controller, as well as
or more electromagnetic radiation detectors may comprise a digital memory, such as flash memory, both of which may be
digital image sensor comprising a plurality of pixels, utilized to assist in the processing, caching, and storage of
wherein the controller is configured to automatically detect data a) captured from sensors which may be operatively
a subset of pixels which are receiving the light reflected after coupled to the frame (64). Such as image capture devices
encountering at least one blood vessel of the eye of the user, (such as cameras), microphones, inertial measurement units,
and to use such Subset of pixels to produce the output that accelerometers, compasses, GPS units, radio devices, and/or
is proportional to an oxygen Saturation level in the blood gyros; and/or b) acquired and/or processed using the remote
vessel. The controller may be configured to automatically processing module (72) and/or remote data repository (74),
detect the subset of pixels based at least in part upon possibly for passage to the display (62) after Such processing
reflected light luminance differences amongst signals asso or retrieval. The local processing and data module (70) may
US 2016/0287.153 A1 Oct. 6, 2016

be operatively coupled (76, 78), such as via a wired or “passable' to one or more users in a relatively low band
wireless communication links, to the remote processing width form preferable to trying to pass around real-time
module (72) and remote data repository (74) such that these video data or the like. The augmented experience of the
remote modules (72, 74) are operatively coupled to each person standing near the statue (i.e., as shown in FIG. 1) may
other and available as resources to the local processing and be informed by the cloud-based world model, a subset of
data module (70). which may be passed down to them and their local display
0016. In one embodiment, the remote processing module device to complete the view. A person sitting at a remote
(72) may comprise one or more relatively powerful proces display device, which may be as simple as a personal
sors or controllers configured to analyze and process data computer sitting on a desk, can efficiently download that
and/or image information. In one embodiment, the remote same section of information from the cloud and have it
data repository (74) may comprise a relatively large-scale rendered on their display. Indeed, one person actually pres
digital data storage facility, which may be available through ent in the park near the statue may take a remotely-located
the internet or other networking configuration in a "cloud friend for a walk in that park, with the friend joining through
resource configuration. In one embodiment, all data is stored virtual and augmented reality. The system will need to know
and all computation is performed in the local processing and
data module, allowing fully autonomous use from any where the street is, wherein the trees are, where the statue
remote modules. is—but with that information on the cloud, the joining friend
0017 Referring now to FIG. 3, a schematic illustrates can download from the cloud aspects of the scenario, and
coordination between the cloud computing assets (46) and then start walking along as an augmented reality local
local processing assets, which may, for example reside in relative to the person who is actually in the park.
head mounted componentry (58) coupled to the user's head 0020 3-D points may be captured from the environment,
(120) and a local processing and data module (70), coupled and the pose (i.e., vector and/or origin position information
to the users belt (308; therefore the component 70 may also relative to the world) of the cameras that capture those
be termed a “belt pack” 70), as shown in FIG. 3. In one images or points may be determined, so that these points or
embodiment, the cloud (46) assets. Such as one or more images may be "tagged', or associated, with this pose
server systems (110) are operatively coupled (115), such as information. Then points captured by a second camera may
via wired or wireless networking (wireless being preferred be utilized to determine the pose of the second camera. In
for mobility, wired being preferred for certain high-band other words, one can orient and/or localize a second camera
width or high-data-volume transfers that may be desired), based upon comparisons with tagged images from a first
directly to (40, 42) one or both of the local computing assets, camera. Then this knowledge may be utilized to extract
Such as processor and memory configurations, coupled to textures, make maps, and create a virtual copy of the real
the user's head (120) and belt (308) as described above. world (because then there are two cameras around that are
These computing assets local to the user may be operatively registered).
coupled to each other as well, via wired and/or wireless
connectivity configurations (44), such as the wired coupling 0021. So at the base level, in one embodiment a person
(68) discussed below in reference to FIG. 8. In one embodi worn system can be utilized to capture both 3-D points and
ment, to maintain a low-inertia and Small-size Subsystem the 2-D images that produced the points, and these points
mounted to the user's head (120), primary transfer between and images may be sent out to a cloud storage and process
the user and the cloud (46) may be via the link between the ing resource. They may also be cached locally with embed
subsystem mounted at the belt (308) and the cloud, with the ded pose information (i.e., cache the tagged images); so the
head mounted (120) subsystem primarily data-tethered to cloud may have on the ready (i.e., in available cache) tagged
the belt-based (308) subsystem using wireless connectivity, 2-D images (i.e., tagged with a 3-D pose), along with 3-D
such as ultra-wideband (“UWB) connectivity, as is cur points. If a user is observing something dynamic, he may
rently employed, for example, in personal computing also send additional information up to the cloud pertinent to
peripheral connectivity applications. the motion (for example, if looking at another person’s face,
0018 With efficient local and remote processing coordi the user can take a texture map of the face and push that up
nation, and an appropriate display device for a user, Such as at an optimized frequency even though the Surrounding
the user interface or user display system (62) shown in FIG. world is otherwise basically static). As noted above, more
2A, or variations thereof, aspects of one world pertinent to information on object recognizers and the passable world
a user's current actual or virtual location may be transferred model may be found in U.S. patent application Ser. No.
or “passed to the user and updated in an efficient fashion. 14/205,126, entitled “System and method for augmented
In other words, a map of the world may be continually and virtual reality”, which is incorporated by reference in its
updated at a storage location which may partially reside on entirety herein, along with the following additional disclo
the user's AR system and partially reside in the cloud Sures, which related to augmented and virtual reality sys
resources. The map (also referred to as a “passable world tems such as those developed by Magic Leap, Inc. of Fort
model’) may be a large database comprising raster imagery, Lauderdale, Fla.: U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/641,
3-D and 2-D points, parametric information and other infor 376; U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/555,585; U.S.
mation about the real world. As more and more AR users patent application Ser. No. 14/212.961; U.S. patent appli
continually capture information about their real environment cation Ser. No. 14/690,401; U.S. patent application Ser. No.
(e.g., through cameras, sensors, IMUs, etc.), the map 13/663,466; U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/684,489:
becomes more and more accurate and complete. and U.S. Patent Application Ser. No. 62/298.993, each of
0019. With a configuration as described above, wherein which is incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.
there is one world model that can reside on cloud computing 0022 GPS and other localization information may be
resources and be distributed from there, such world can be utilized as inputs to such processing. Highly accurate local
US 2016/0287.153 A1 Oct. 6, 2016

ization of the user's head, totems, hand gestures, haptic emit light with at least two different wavelengths in the
devices etc. are crucial in displaying appropriate virtual visible to infrared spectrum in direction of at least one of the
content to the user. eyes (12, 13) of the user, one or more electromagnetic
0023 Referring to FIG. 5, a top orthogonal view of a radiation detectors (828, 830) coupled to the head-mounted
head mountable component (58) of a wearable computing member and configured to receive light reflected after
configuration is illustrated featuring various integrated com encountering at least one blood vessel of the eye of the user;
ponents for illustrative purposes. The configuration features and a controller (844) operatively coupled to the one or more
two display elements (62 binocular—one for each eye) electromagnetic radiation emitters (832, 834) and one or
three forward-oriented cameras (124) for observing and more electromagnetic radiation detectors (828, 830) and
detecting the world around the user, each having an asso configured to cause the one or more electromagnetic radia
ciated field of view (18, 20, 22); also a forward-oriented tion emitters to emit pulses of light while also causing the
relatively high resolution picture camera (156) with a field one or more electromagnetic radiation detectors to detect
of view (26), one or more inertial measurement units (102), levels of light absorption related to the emitted pulses of
and a depth sensor (154) with an associated field of view light, and to produce an output that is proportional to an
(24), Such as described in the aforementioned incorporated oxygen saturation level in the blood vessel. The head
by reference disclosures. Facing toward the eyes (12, 13) of mounted member (58) may comprise an eyeglasses frame.
the user and coupled to the head mounted component (58) The eyeglasses frame may be a binocular eyeglasses frame;
frame are at least one emitter and at least one detector. The
illustrative embodiment shows a redundant configuration, alternative embodiments may be monocular. The one or
with one detector device (830; associated field of view or more radiation emitters (832, 834) may comprise a light
field of capture is 30) and one emitter device (834; associ emitting diode. The one or more radiation emitters (832,
ated field of irradiation is 826) for the right eye (13), and one 834) may comprise a plurality of light emitting diodes
detector device (828; associated field of view or field of configured to emit electromagnetic radiation at two prede
capture is 28) and one emitter device (832; associated field termined wavelengths. The plurality of light emitting diodes
of irradiation is 824) for the left eye (12). These components may be configured to emit electromagnetic radiation at a first
are shown operatively coupled (836, 838, 840, 842), such as wavelength of about 660 nanometers, and a second wave
by wire lead, to a controller (844), which is operatively length of about 940 nanometers. The one or more radiation
coupled (848) to a power supply (846), such as a battery. emitters (832, 834) may be configured to emit electromag
Preferably each emitter (832, 834) is configured to control netic radiation at the two predetermined wavelengths
lably emit electromagnetic radiation in two wavelengths, sequentially. The one or more radiation emitters (832, 834)
such as about 660 nm, and about 940 nm, such as by LEDs, may be configured to emit electromagnetic radiation at the
and preferably the fields of irradiation (824, 826) are ori two predetermined wavelengths simultaneously. The one or
ented to irradiate targeted tissue comprising oxygenated and more electromagnetic radiation detectors (828, 830) may
deoxygenated hemoglobin, Such as the vessels of the Sclera comprise a device selected from the group consisting of a
of the eye, or the vessels of the retina of the eye; the emitters photodiode, a photodetector, and a digital camera sensor.
may be configured to emit both wavelengths simultaneously, The one or more electromagnetic radiation detectors (828,
or sequentially, with controlled pulsatile emission cycling. 830) may be positioned and oriented to receive light
The one of more detectors (828, 830) may comprise pho reflected after encountering at least one blood vessel of the
todiodes, photodetectors, or digital camera sensors, and
preferably are positioned and oriented to receive radiation retina of the eye (12, 13) of the user. The one or more
that has encountered the targeted tissue comprising oxygen electromagnetic radiation detectors (828, 830) may be posi
ated and deoxygenated hemoglobin, so that absorption may tioned and oriented to receive light reflected after encoun
be detected and oxygen Saturation calculated/estimated. The tering at least one blood vessel of the sclera of the eye of the
one or more electromagnetic radiation detectors (828, 830) user. The controller (844) may be further configured to cause
may comprise a digital image sensor comprising a plurality the plurality of light emitting diodes to emit a cyclic pattern
of pixels, wherein the controller (844) is configured to of first wavelength on, then second wavelength on, then both
automatically detect a Subset of pixels which are receiving wavelengths off. Such that the one or more electromagnetic
the light reflected after encountering at least one blood radiation detectors detect the first and second wavelengths
vessel of the eye of the user, and to use such subset of pixels separately. The controller (844) may be configured to cause
to produce the output that is proportional to an oxygen the plurality of light emitting diodes to emit a cyclic pattern
saturation level in the blood vessel. The controller (844) may of first wavelength on, then second wavelength on, then both
be configured to automatically detect the subset of pixels wavelengths off, in a cyclic pulsing pattern about thirty
based at least in part upon reflected light luminance differ times per second. The controller (844) may be configured to
ences amongst signals associated with the pixels. The con calculate a ratio of first wavelength light measurement to
troller (844) may be configured to automatically detect the second wavelength light measurement, and wherein this
subset of pixels based at least in part upon reflected light ratio is converted to an oxygen Saturation reading via a
absorption differences amongst signals associated with the lookup table based at least in part upon the Beer-Lambert
pixels. law. The controller (844) may be configured to operate the
0024. Thus a system is presented for determining oxygen one or more electromagnetic radiation emitters (832, 834)
saturation of a user wearing a wearable computing system, and one or more electromagnetic radiation detectors (828,
Such as one for AR or VR, comprising: a head-mounted 830) to function as a head-mounted pulse oximeter. The
member (58) removably coupleable to the user's head; one controller (844) may be operatively coupled to an optical
or more electromagnetic radiation emitters (832, 834) element (62) coupled to the head-mounted member (58) and
coupled to the head-mounted member (58) and configured to viewable by the user, such that the output of the controller
US 2016/0287.153 A1 Oct. 6, 2016

(844) that is proportional to an oxygen Saturation level in the vessel optical densities (OD ratio, or “ODR) at the two
blood vessel of the user may be viewed by the user through wavelengths, such that SO=ODR-OD/OD
the optical element (62). ondwavelength

0025 FIG. 6 illustrates various aspects of a technique or 0027. In one embodiment, wavelengths of about 570 nm
(sensitive to deoxygenated hemoglobin) and about 600 nm
method for using a wearable AR/VR system featuring inte (sensitive to oxygenated hemoglobin) may be utilized in
grated pulse oximetry modules. Referring to FIG. 6, head retinal vessel oximetry, such that SOODR-ODoo
mounted member or frame removably coupleable to a user's mm/ODszo . Such formula does not account for adjusting
head may be provided (850), and a components configura the ratio by a calibration coefficient.
tion may be operatively coupled to the head mounted 0028. Various exemplary embodiments of the invention
member, having: one or more electromagnetic radiation are described herein. Reference is made to these examples in
emitters coupled to the head-mounted member and config a non-limiting sense. They are provided to illustrate more
ured to emit light with at least two different wavelengths in broadly applicable aspects of the invention. Various changes
the visible to infrared spectrum (or in another embodiment, may be made to the invention described and equivalents may
non-visible to infrared) in direction of at least one of the eyes be substituted without departing from the true spirit and
of the user, one or more electromagnetic radiation detectors Scope of the invention. In addition, many modifications may
coupled to the head-mounted member and configured to be made to adapt a particular situation, material, composi
receive light reflected after encountering at least one blood tion of matter, process, process act(s) or step(s) to the
vessel of the eye of the user; and a controller operatively objective(s), spirit or scope of the present invention. Further,
coupled to the one or more electromagnetic radiation emit as will be appreciated by those with skill in the art that each
ters and one or more electromagnetic radiation detectors and of the individual variations described and illustrated herein
configured to cause the one or more electromagnetic radia has discrete components and features which may be readily
tion emitters to emit pulses of light while also causing the separated from or combined with the features of any of the
one or more electromagnetic radiation detectors to detect other several embodiments without departing from the scope
levels of light absorption related to the emitted pulses of or spirit of the present inventions. All Such modifications are
light, and to produce an output that is proportional to an intended to be within the scope of claims associated with this
oxygen saturation level in the blood vessel (852). The disclosure.
controller may be operated to cause the one or more radia 0029. The invention includes methods that may be per
tion emitters to emit electromagnetic radiation at two pre formed using the subject devices. The methods may com
determined wavelengths, such as a first wavelength of about prise the act of providing such a suitable device. Such
660 nanometers, and a second wavelength of about 940 provision may be performed by the end user. In other words,
nanometers, with a cyclic pattern (Such as about thirty times the “providing act merely requires the end user obtain,
per second) of first wavelength on, then second wavelength access, approach, position, set-up, activate, power-up or
on, then both wavelengths off, such that the one or more otherwise act to provide the requisite device in the subject
electromagnetic radiation detectors detect the first and sec method. Methods recited herein may be carried out in any
ond wavelengths separately (854). The controller may be order of the recited events which is logically possible, as
operated to calculate a ratio of first wavelength light mea well as in the recited order of events.
Surement to second wavelength light measurement, and 0030 Exemplary aspects of the invention, together with
wherein this ratio is converted to an oxygen Saturation details regarding material selection and manufacture have
reading via a lookup table based at least in part upon the been set forth above. As for other details of the present
Beer-Lambert law (856). invention, these may be appreciated in connection with the
0026. In one embodiment, a significant amount of the above-referenced patents and publications as well as gener
overall eye-based pulse oximetry activity is done with ally known or appreciated by those with skill in the art. The
software operated by the controller (844), such that an initial same may hold true with respect to method-based aspects of
task of locating vessels (i.e., within the Sclera, retina, or the invention in terms of additional acts as commonly or
other ocular/vascular tissue structure) is conducted using logically employed.
digital image processing (such as by color, grayscale, and/or 0031. In addition, though the invention has been
intensity thresholding analysis using various filters; also described in reference to several examples optionally incor
may be conducted using pattern and/or shape recognition; porating various features, the invention is not to be limited
the software and controller may be configured to use the to that which is described or indicated as contemplated with
intensity of the center of the targeted vessels and the respect to each variation of the invention. Various changes
intensity of the Surrounding tissue to determine contrast/ may be made to the invention described and equivalents
optical density); with the targeted vessels or other structures (whether recited herein or not included for the sake of some
identified, emission/detection and processing of detected brevity) may be substituted without departing from the true
data (which may include image processing) may be utilized spirit and scope of the invention. In addition, where a range
to determine contrast; then the controller (844) may be of values is provided, it is understood that every intervening
utilized to calculate density ratios (contrast) and to calculate value, between the upper and lower limit of that range and
the oxygen Saturation from the density ratios as described any other stated or intervening value in that stated range, is
above. Vessel optical density ("O.D.) at each of the two or encompassed within the invention.
more emitted wavelengths may be calculated using the 0032. Also, it is contemplated that any optional feature of
formula OD, -logo (I/I), wherein OD, is the opti the inventive variations described may be set forth and
cal density of the vessel; I is the vessel intensity; and I, is claimed independently, or in combination with any one or
the Surrounding retina tissue intensity. Oxygen Saturation more of the features described herein. Reference to a sin
(also termed “SO) may be calculated as a linear ratio of gular item, includes the possibility that there are plural of the
US 2016/0287.153 A1 Oct. 6, 2016

same items present. More specifically, as used herein and in 8. The system of claim 5, wherein the one or more
claims associated hereto, the singular forms “a,” “an.” radiation emitters are configured to emit electromagnetic
“said,” and the include plural referents unless the specifi radiation at the two predetermined wavelengths simultane
cally stated otherwise. In other words, use of the articles ously.
allow for at least one of the subject item in the description 9. The system of claim 1, wherein the one or more
above as well as claims associated with this disclosure. It is electromagnetic radiation detectors comprises a device
further noted that such claims may be drafted to exclude any selected from the group consisting of a photodiode, a
optional element. As such, this statement is intended to serve photodetector, and a digital camera sensor.
as antecedent basis for use of such exclusive terminology as 10. The system of claim 1, wherein the one or more
“solely,” “only' and the like in connection with the recita electromagnetic radiation detectors is positioned and ori
tion of claim elements, or use of a “negative' limitation. ented to receive light reflected after encountering at least one
0033. Without the use of such exclusive terminology, the blood vessel of the retina of the eye of the user.
term “comprising in claims associated with this disclosure 11. The system of claim 1, wherein the one or more
shall allow for the inclusion of any additional element-- electromagnetic radiation detectors is positioned and ori
irrespective of whether a given number of elements are ented to receive light reflected after encountering at least one
enumerated in Such claims, or the addition of a feature could
be regarded as transforming the nature of an element set blood vessel of the sclera of the eye of the user.
forth in Such claims. Except as specifically defined herein, 12. The system of claim 6, wherein the controller is
all technical and scientific terms used herein are to be given further configured to cause the plurality of light emitting
as broad a commonly understood meaning as possible while diodes to emit a cyclic pattern of first wavelength on, then
maintaining claim validity. second wavelength on, then both wavelengths off. Such that
0034. The breadth of the present invention is not to be the one or more electromagnetic radiation detectors detect
limited to the examples provided and/or the subject speci the first and second wavelengths separately.
fication, but rather only by the scope of claim language 13. The system of claim 12, wherein the controller is
associated with this disclosure. configured to cause the plurality of light emitting diodes to
1. A system for determining oxygen Saturation of a user, emit a cyclic pattern of first wavelength on, then second
comprising: wavelength on, then both wavelengths off, in a cyclic
a. a head-mounted member removably coupleable to the pulsing pattern about thirty times per second.
user's head; 14. The system of claim 12, wherein the controller is
b. one or more electromagnetic radiation emitters coupled configured to calculate a ratio of first wavelength light
to the head-mounted member and configured to emit measurement to second wavelength light measurement, and
light with at least two different wavelengths in the wherein this ratio is converted to an oxygen Saturation
visible to infrared spectrum in direction of at least one reading via a lookup table based at least in part upon the
of the eyes of the user; Beer-Lambert law.
c. one or more electromagnetic radiation detectors
coupled to the head-mounted member and configured 15. The system of claim 14, wherein the controller is
to receive light reflected after encountering at least one configured to operate the one or more electromagnetic
blood vessel of the eye of the user; and radiation emitters and one or more electromagnetic radiation
d. a controller operatively coupled to the one or more detectors to function as a head-mounted pulse oximeter.
electromagnetic radiation emitters and one or more 16. The system of claim 15, wherein the controller is
electromagnetic radiation detectors and configured to operatively coupled to an optical element coupled to the
cause the one or more electromagnetic radiation emit head-mounted member and viewable by the user, such that
ters to emit pulses of light while also causing the one the output of the controller that is proportional to an oxygen
or more electromagnetic radiation detectors to detect saturation level in the blood vessel of the user may be
levels of light absorption related to the emitted pulses viewed by the user through the optical element.
of light, and to produce an output that is proportional to 17. The system of claim 9, wherein the one or more
an oxygen Saturation level in the blood vessel. electromagnetic radiation detectors comprises a digital
2. The system of claim 1, wherein the head-mounted image sensor comprising a plurality of pixels, and wherein
member comprises an eyeglasses frame. the controller is configured to automatically detect a Subset
3. The system of claim 2, wherein the eyeglasses frame is of pixels which are receiving the light reflected after encoun
a binocular eyeglasses frame. tering at least one blood vessel of the eye of the user, and to
4. The system of claim 1, wherein the one or more use Such subset of pixels to produce the output that is
radiation emitters comprises a light emitting diode. proportional to an oxygen Saturation level in the blood
5. The system of claim 4, wherein the one or more vessel.
radiation emitters comprises a plurality of light emitting 18. The system of claim 17, wherein the controller is
diodes configured to emit electromagnetic radiation at two configured to automatically detect the subset of pixels based
predetermined wavelengths. at least in part upon reflected light luminance differences
6. The system of claim 5, wherein the plurality of light amongst signals associated with the pixels.
emitting diodes are configured to emit electromagnetic
radiation at a first wavelength of about 660 nanometers, and 19. The system of claim 17, wherein the controller is
a second wavelength of about 940 nanometers. configured to automatically detect the subset of pixels based
7. The system of claim 5, wherein the one or more at least in part upon reflected light absorption differences
radiation emitters are configured to emit electromagnetic amongst signals associated with the pixels.
radiation at the two predetermined wavelengths sequentially. k k k k k

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