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PE Ross Evan R.

BSEnt 2-2

What are the benefits of learning the sport of arnis and what are the contribution to your total wellness?

Arnis, like many martial arts, is a sport that requires mastery of the mind and body. It deals with
strength, flexibility, strategy, and craftiness – all of which provides a balanced level of complexity every
time one engages in it. For example, an opponent might use brute force instead of well-timed strikes. A
different challenge every engagement allows for a variety of ways to fight and an interesting challenge
every time.

Arnis is an art form developed for fighting. But fighting isn’t the most important aspect but practice.
Practicing is what you must do to excel in fighting. Masters of the art didn’t become who they are
because they fought most of the time, but because they practiced constantly to make sure their body
and mind are conditioned for a fight. Arnis isn’t about fighting and beating all of your opponents, it’s
about mastery.

Practicing demands a level of discipline, so does Arnis. One must rise out of bed before sunrise to
practice; one must eat a balance diet to make sure the body is in best shape; one must remember all of
that is taught; and one must remember that one must do it everyday lest one might not master the art
at all.

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