Dsip Topper Solution 2020

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Q1 Explain digital signal processing

Q2 comparison between digital and analog signal processing

Q3 explain signal manipulations
Q4 explain classification of continuous and discrete time signals
Q5 Define system

Q6 explain convolution and correlation

Q7 LTI syQ8 differentiate IIR & FIR system
Q6 explain convolution and correlation
Q7 LTI system
Q8 Differentiate IIR and FIR Systems
Q9 Sampling and quantisation
Q10 if the energy of the signal is finite its power is zero
Q11 State each of the following statement is true or false
a)linear phase filters are always IIR
b)For a casual system h[n] tends to zero, as n tends to infinity, the system is stable
c)A stable filter is always casual
d)A stable casual FIR filter has its poles lying anywhere inside the unit circle in the z plane
e)IIR filters have recursive realization always
Q12 explain impulse response and step response
Q13 Determine cross correlation of the following sequence
Q14 The impulse response of LTI system is h(n)={1,2,-1,3}
Determine the output response of the system to input x(n)={1,2,3,1}
Q1 write short note on properties of DFT
Q2 Explain linear convolution using DFT
Q3 Explain circular convolution using DFT
Q1 write a short note on FFT and need of FFT
Q2 write short notes on radix-2 DIT-FFT algorithm
Q3 Explain DIT FFT Flow graph for N=4 and 8
Q1 write short note on digital image processing
Q2 Explain sampling and quantization
Q3. explain image file format
Q4 Explain connectivity
Q1 explain image enhancement in spatial domain
Q2. Explain grey level transformation
Q3 Explain zero memory point operations
Q4 Explain histogram equalization
Q5 Explain histogram stretching
Q6. Explain neighborhood pixels processing
Q7 Explain filtering in spatial domain
Q1. Explain image segmentation in detail
Q2 Explain image edge detection using Previtt Mask
Q2 Explain image edge detection using sobel

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