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82073 iF LEGALLOGIC. Copyright Pbilipsines 205 ——- FRANC}S JUDINS N. EVANGELISTA v nsiongsirre.aauvo AIL Rights Feserved [No pat of his Book may be reproced in any fashion without permision from the authors. In adr fo trace unauthorized Feproductiv the authors have inchidea insgsicat errors Ahroxghowt this material ISBN 978-971-0115900-4 Bus Published in 205, Conn ok Supply ‘a Peis Baling. Quszon Aver, Qaezen Cy bie tte FOREWORD 1 veould be tie 1 stese the Imputtonce of Jog in the stuuly and procice of law. ter atl, 98 Sie Ealwand Coe hoe verter, “roo i the eo ea.” W is quite sping then hat fesal reasoning has received scant attention tea our egal ‘scoters and scholar, ‘The tools of legal loge ate indispensable fo ta student fn analyzing eases and problems axl in presenting thelr arguments fn aking the bay, examines age exhort to eesent their answers in «logical maniser In the practi of lta the administration of juste, the avecate and the dge wil soon realize that the persuasive power of tual and appellate arguments and of judicial decisions ts socked lit logeal ‘organization, In fine, legal logic is etc to success in tow scot in the bar examination, an i fegal practice. ‘The nuthous deserve stong commendation for hei work whlch should be requind reacting for law students md professors a5 well as forthe members ofthe bench and the bar ‘Lega eduention should place more emphasis onthe acquisition of egal shi and competencies rather than onthe te ‘memorization and regurgitation of legal res. The pulicaion of this book isa salient stp in his disecton Ally. MANUELR, RIGUERA ‘Montz Legal Education Bort MESSAGE “Those who sil ellove that any legal wasoning shoul be gud by the principles of lage wl beni eam his tok. Widh lear nguage, “the boule esses ond itastates through actual Supine Court decisions what rakes any easoningin law valli inv or fallacious, We teaches la} reasoning shill in a sf for better thon “hat of some a schol Prof. RENATO 8. MANALOTO Lawyer and Feat, Dyer Pioy Una Pippin «Dion MESSAGE Fray + textbook on lyl logic that 6 spetically “signe foe Flip law stems. Wiis dear and enganze Presentation ofthe ceneepts and principles of il tage and use ‘of examples involeng actual tel cases i he country this werk ‘wit surely euke the study of legal reasoning, mow engoging, Prucuctive, and enjoyable fr Filipino ta sents, [Congratulations to the authors ofthis estbowk, Deals Joli Evangsinta and At, David Robert Aquino, fa job well one! What hey ave accomplished isan ingptation to anyone thinking of making Phiippine education more elevant and reaningfl or Filipino students. Dr. NAPOLEON M. MAAQUIAO, Jk Atacl Preset Paogay Deta Soe Usiesiy “Mone ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS: FOREWORD, Atty Meet R Riguera Member Le eat Bo MESSAGES: Prof. Reno B, Mavatoto Layers Ect prt of Psp tf he ips Di 1 Napoleon M. Mabeguio, Je “sce Des of Py Det Sole Ua = me INTRODUCTION Chapter o Intl gic and Law om sal Res n 0° Argusnen sen Expression of Roos Recognining Argunents Components of Legal Reasoning vali gal Resoving, Chspter 2 Paaett Co pisinLegl Reaming Burden of Pro tence Relevance and Admissibility Testy of nesses Expert Testimony Examination Depenatencr ot Patents Chapters Daductive Rosoning i ane Deduction end Induction Sytem Types of Syllosisms Categories Spogicas Es Pa 4 2% a 26 Quant of the Proicate Paris ofa Categonica Syogisms ules for Vaiity of Cateyorieal Sylogims Hype tial sytagions Conditional Sogiems Rules for Conditional Syllogisms Enthymemes Palys tlogimns chapters patie sso ie axe Inductive Generations [evatuatiagIneitive Generalizations Analogical Arguments Evaluating Antec Anguments Chapters Fetes io Lge Reason Formal and Informal Falls 8 ra @ @ ” Equivoeaton Amphiboly Enproper Accent Vicious Abstaction ‘Composition Divison Fallacies of trstesance Argumeren af Howinen Arguimontuo a serio Arqurenton of Becsten ati Princ Fallacies ofnsulicient Evidence ‘Angiomentr a Artin Argumentun at Vercunian Actident Hesty Generatiction Argnmenton a Iemositons Fokee Dilemma 100 a2 108 m0 9 am us 0 2 Chapter Rules of Lega Reseving 125 INTRODUCTION Rates of Catlision 1s JSR DUC CN a ulesof Intexpretation and Constzucion 153 Rules ot 15 The ent ues ech by le 1m tar Sage toe Rules of Proceare awe cst of of cuts stn of as hh lf ee the mt theta About the Authors Most erature on the suet of legal lege eons from forvign jurists, The concapts, prinipies and mone Jmportenlly the examples given are cult fen experiences from legasystemy that ane not our an 2k as this situation that prompted us 10 undertahe this ‘humble workin order ta present ts de student oF Legal Lepic a itlly Filipino view oF the subject, “This work lise the Famdamvenl pins ingore "soning highlighting te concepts soe pincptes a plas seg attempts to present the stadent the rch dynamic flied in raffing lopial argument as ell understanding ite favs and itsstena. apprecioting the at of Mone importantly, this work works ts way around Someste Lae and ihustrates is saient point through the veo ‘uF ove jurispnsenes. While 1 sll ake our beainge on the hallowed grounds of egal loge from Western thaw, the ppliction and presentation Filipino, “Though Yeyal logic i considered a8 2 minor sublet, we besiew that the concepts, principles sr! disciptine embox ed in this very dynaiie oem would greatly -tengthen and sist the Mugen of Jaw in aas of legs) writing, debt and ingumenttion a8 wl a6 fn the Interpretation are eonsirtion As this will sotinunnsty be stork in progrse, this work doesnot purport fy bean estive exposton om tho sul Tims bru rather am attempt to help the student fra wih the eonodpts and principies ot May the dt tight of oti, en Ve tight of ae nd ot Sp of Grace the Authors ‘Geni Chapter 4 Introduction ve sti = asi Lia elton = has not fied me to any specie sevice Among te abit of ads eich singin 9, bates ood Sb amd ns on the ly oe is et lino ie ai went Fis ms ns, sane pou fr im Bate the echt Pal cng ed thet saris of mceaton is. dierent bined of ovation ot tag cated elation cll Bat Bian sequela poe Toco Brak Theda Logie and Law Logie Is the study ofthe principles al methods of goed reasoning, It isa science of seasoning which aims to detemine and lay down the eniteria of goon (earrec) reasoning ad Bad (ncocrect) reaming. tn fine with this purpose, It probes into the fundamental concepts of argument, inference, truth, fabily and yay, among others. [tis om this very purpose of undertaking this study here is practical value les ts by means of loge that We elaify our aleas, assess the acceptability ofthe claims and belies we encountes, defend and justify our assertions dad Statements snd mulke cational and sound decisions [Although psychology ls aso infested in and studies reasoning it is primarily concemed with how people reason Tihs demands lonking for patterns of behaviour, speech oF earoligica activity hat take place ithe process of reasoning, Trgies an he other hac studios the principles of good retain, Is task does not merely desceibe how people weason hut to discover and make availble those ctetia Wat cn be tose to est segments fr correctness! Logic being the sience of correct and sound seasoning i intiapensobte inthe ft of ae. The etficieney of practicing llopends on the quality of legal reasoning. Legat reasoning toh we use wher we apply laws, rules, and regulations 10 ppnticular facts and casei what we use when We Snenpeet Constitutions and statutes, when we balance fundamental Friniples and polices andl wien see evaluat evidences, and Jae judgments to onder egal decisions By examining at evaluating the elements and struchres ‘of legal reosoning, our legal judgments ard decisions vil shit fiom mse -abjecive preference to objective rationale Such kind bf judgenens ad decisions cin beter serve the nue ff. Givoo the prime impartance of logical reasoning in the tow proctice, fos ection should inclace the understanding tn analyse fundamental prineiples and methogoiesies of ol reaaoning that will able the aw students to discriminate Intec god std bad patterns of legal argumentation, For a profesion that sees co much on sound reasoning 1 valid argumentation in order to jostify & cain, defend = Proposition, assess the strength of evidences and render a “Ring Ge 6 Cor Catan rons Lope 183) a Judlicious detson, tigal logic should be pled atthe center of ‘ur legal cursiculun, ‘Legal Reasoning Argument a an Expression of Reasoning “Legal eessoning ike any in of ensoning, 3 exprestod Ahvough arguments, anal is with arguments that ogi hiely foncstned Ths, i important i ths imtwkactry chapter ta discuss the hundamental notion of argument, ts base elements fand strctates, and sshat makes it elstine fom her verbal ‘ltesances and expressions. When people hear the word “aignamnt” they wally Unk of sonne kind of quarrel or dispute. tn Lai, however, at argument aim pu forward and defend with teasors. To be mone precise, an aeguntent a yup of statement in shih fone satement i claims! to be true on the bass of another stotement/s. The statement that 6 being chimed to be te fella the conclusion and the statement that serves a the has ‘oF support ofthe conclusion i called the premise Thus, when & Inveyer attempts to prove, jostfy of defend a particular elim hy connecting #40 one of more claims, he/she is making an aguanent, rom the above explanation, we can sco how valuable sepuimente ane for layers, Lawyers become more persuasive ancl convincing if they develop the bab of speaking in Seguments, that is, they do not fst make assertions or claims thot something is rue (however confident and certain they an of the uth of ther assertions), but support thelr assertions by providing justifration, reasons or premises for thei aims However if is aot eneugh that Tawyers formate arguments fo persige people, fr not all argument ae coeect ind ceptable, In Leys, arguments are cetogorized as either Iogleal_or logical, valid or invalid, sound or unsound depending on the acceptability of the premises and. the ‘connection betwen the pomise and the conclusion. To beable to constricl write and present acceptable and. convincing arguments, avers must be shied in termining he tical soundness of agumens, ‘This 6 of determining the logic of arguments demands tho aby to analyze the stricture and eantent of agaments = what are the jt and problems Reig ied what the chil him of the argument, what are the bases and premises advanced 10 suppor the claim, and what ane the eacial esucaptions impli in ones reasoning, Thus, is dardamendal that ane cam identify in portieaae apumtenative passage the two hasie elemoats in am argument ~ the concusinn and the premsce To helps da this ask there are words or phrases hat Iyplally serve to indicat the premise or the comeleston of at argument. The presence of any of them efter though sot esys. signals that what follows is the premise of the Conclusion, Some of the cosnmoa conclaion indicators aze thorefore, sa, thes, hancs, te. while the premise inictors We ‘fle une ate because sine, for, asmuch as, te ‘On fist reading a passage ite often useful to nding or Fighligh such indiator words shen we rin aeres them, especially if the passage i long and complex. Doing 50 ales us| to the crucial retionships of suppart within the paseage and thas gives us “landmarks” to its argumentative sree ‘he evince poset by the prosecution es sbtained dough wietanping. However, israel {for any pera, not being adrian by al the parties to fy pride commision, 1 Jap ay ite oF cable 0 sorely erin, infer or cant sch communication. There, suoh evince wll be asbesir hsprtair jici ivetigoto, Noting the wont “eee” inthe fit sentence helps us locate the argument’s conclusion, “Such evidence wil not be admissible sn this particular judicial investigation.” Wasa helps 1s recognize that the fist two claims (sentences) are offered as ‘easons ar premises in suppor ofthat eonelusion, Abortion should wt be eyaiced cen i ves of raje ond inst Beans ti not moray pore do ae innocent dfosless chit set someone el” sit In this passage, the wont “esse” intaduces the premise ‘that supports he anguer's postion sgainstegalzing abortion, Aveo of caution, however, ust beaded. Some of the arguments We wll encounter captain no indicators, Sometines| ‘we are just supposed to understand that an argument i being presente, ‘MOMs campaign got rf sido end fei the prolifera of hese sso errs sas dun: he movement ofebilesensing hey af Analyzing the content ofthis passage, we can sce thatthe speakel Js asserting the truth of the Sint siatement and supporting it with the second statement So, we have here an argument whore the fist statement is the conciion and the sscond siatement serves a its premise although we cannot see ‘ny premise or contusion indicators in the passage. Recognizing Argments As discussed! in an earlier paragraph, an argument isa group of statement, but not al groups of seatemrnts ae Brguments. An argurvontalwayshas.a conclusion and 2 premise ‘Without one, x busch of were: fs not at argument. I on this basis that we can recagnize whe there isan arguement and hen | ‘Bere & none. However, people ofen mistake argumen’s from passoges that seem to be arguments but are not. Thus, itis Iexperative to be skilled i distinguishing angements from none srgument, (One passage that is often mistaken with anjuments is cexplonation, An explanaion is an illempt. to show why Sometie, the cise, whean argument isan attempt to shove that somthing isthe ease." AlRhough an aegoment end a fxplonation are hat important fs legal easoning, the twa have to be distinguished because unlike arguments, explanations are rot meant to proven sey the Wath ofa particular clam. ube We ed company tee seated by te Srpreme Court frome fhe court fod itereut Inconsisncss the etuenoes probes fy the ny is tapos people from exprssing thsi is nsonstiational emus on Constitato tes he fram of speech. ‘On the surface, these ro passages look very much alike. Both give reasons, and hoth ise the indicator word because. However there san impartantdiference betice the tuo. The fist sentence is an explanation and the second sentence i. art agument ‘An explanation tis to show why something ls the cae. nour ist example, for instance, tis Lear that the speaker isnot ‘tying to prove the truth of the statemeat Hubert Webb end company were acquited by the Supreme Couvt 3 act that {snot contestable nor is a subject af controversy: Instead, the speaker is tying to explain why they were acquitted (or hone come they were acquitted), Of course, you can angus about + lun Gite al hil Tk: & Sets mdcten 0 ‘hater a given explanation i corrector not ut hat posticuar passage remtine a mere explaniaton which not meant © prove sy clan ‘ithough both arguments and explanations give reasons, the nature of these reasons cffers, In explanations, these asm fare stl the ates of factors that show how or why 8 thing fstne fo exist In arguments, they ane intended to. provide rounds to justify a aie, to show that i plausible or teu Thus, in the other enanspte shave about the lw prohibiting people from expressing their vias, the speaker 8 making at fngument because the second statement $6 intended € jastiy ‘why su aw is unconstetonal Typically, explanations ar given by cling causes of the cevent tobe explained. For example, the pidge porponed the bearing bestse the efersant fail to appear inthe court de to unstable health conditions ‘This a causa explanation the ane fo appear brought bout the postponement ofthe hearing ‘There np attempt £0 prove thal the judge indeed postponed the hearing, Such esumed asa fact, The later part of the passage offers Information that woud show how the fet came tbe Thus, to distingwth arguments from explanations, we reel ko asc a key question: fet the speaker’ intent to prove or {stoblish shat something fs the case ~ tht to provide reasons bor evidence for accepting a claim as rue ori Fis/he tet 4 cexplain shy something Is the ease that so offer an socount of ‘why sone event has occurred or why’ something isthe way itis? Teshe formes then the passage isan azgoment. Ifthe lates, then the passages an explanation Arguments should also be istinguished from unsupported opinions. Statements of belief oc opinion ae sfatemenis aut what a speaker of writer hagas to believe Such statements can be true or false, sional of irational, but hwy are parts of arguments only if the speaker or writer claims that they follow fom, or support, ther claims. Here is an example of eres of unsupported belt or opinion Tage oth tie proposed Junie Jutior and Wile Act being discusad at present én 9 biome cofeonc cama oft Cogs, Republic et $348 ust anil, Te man age af vial abity mus owed rae 5 012 ‘This carat be considered an argument berause acy there sno premise for reason) given why fhe minionum age of Admissibility and Relevance Evidence is deemed adissibe its rlevant to the issue and mone impotent its not excluded by provision of law ot by tho Hoes of Court. Asta eelovance, such evidence must have seh @ zelation to the fat in tue 98 t0 induce Delite existence or nomesistence, Tvidence to. be belloved must prosred nat only fom the moult of» credible witness but mst "pon. Caan 662 SORA 61 OH} ockwe Goeras tos SRA 2042, Gen! Cu, SR 205 0] bbe credit in tet as tole the test of conformity with the “knowledge and common experience of mankind.®) ‘Testimony of Witnesses ‘Testimony is generally confined te personal knowledge; and throfore eludes hearsay: Ths, a witness ean Westy only ti those tats which e knows of is personal knowledge whit are derived fom his own perception, except as otherwise [provided under the asf Ctr Section 36, Rile 130 of the Reeised Rules om Evidence, states that 2 witness can testify only to ohose facts which he knows nf oF comes font his personal rowed that, whic fate derived from is pescoption. A witness, therefore, may not testi a to what he metely fed frm mers either Because the 895 told, or he read or heard the same. Such testimony is ‘considered hearsay and may nat be ceived as proof of he tah ‘of chat heh learned, This i knose a the bearsay rae. The law, however, provides for speci exceptions to the hearsay rule. One ofthe exceptions i the entries in offi records mace fn the performance of day by x public officer. In oder words ‘official erties ae clmssble in evidence regardless ol whether theotiear person who made them sas presented and tsi jincaur since these enites are considered prima facie evidence ‘ef the facts etal therein, Other mseugnized seasons for this fexception awe mecesily and tnistworthiness. The neces consists in the Sneonvenience an! slificully of reqiting the blfsia's stendanes so 9 witness fo festiy t ittumerable tiaesactons In the course of hie duty. This wail aso unduly hamper putlie business, The tstworthiness consists da the presamplion of ragularay of performance of official dy by & public foes > oe vi be Game, BS SCRA BOI Peo Ost, SORASHE ot Expert Testimony [Bepert testimony refors to statements made by individuals ‘who are considered as experts in @ patiular fed. Note that under the Rules of Court, the opinion of a svitmess om a matter ‘equiting special knowledge, sil, experience oF tining which Ihe is shown to possess, maybe rwouived iq. evidence? Moreover under Uhe same Rulz,a published teats, pesca for pamphlet on a subject of history, law, science or att 8 Mime as tending to prove the truth of 3 matter stat theron fhe court aks judicial notice, of witness expe in the subject testifies, thatthe weiter ofthe statement inthe treatise poviodical or parnphlt is recognized is hie protest or esling ss expert inthe subject>" The mose common situation where export testinony s sort to by the courts hen 3 holographic sell sconteste Examination Pans nie that under the Ride of Cou the order in which a individual witness may be examine is as follows: 4) Direct examination by the roponent-sfers tothe xamination-ihict of a witness bY the perty presenting him on the fats relevant tothe su; b)Ciossexuminatin ty te opponent ~ Upon the termination of the diteet examination, the witness may be cxossaxamined by the adverse party as 40 any matters stated i u the. direct examination, or connected ‘herewith, with sufcent flinass and Irecdom to test his accuracy. and twuthfulness and feedorn from interest ot bias, or the reverse, and to elicit all Important facts beaving upon the ie? ) Recdiet examinaton by the proponent = Aer the ‘sionrexamiation of the witness has been feneluded, he aay be reexamined by the party calling him, to explain or supplement Fis anowers. given during the cross camination, On. sedinect examination ‘quetions cm attrs not ea ith ding th erossexamination, may be allowed by he court nie dscetions and d\Roroscexamition by He eppoueet - Upon the ‘contusion of the mies examination, the adverse panty may ro-cicesesamine the witness ov matters stated in his eecleet amination, and ako on such other tatters as may be allowed! by dhe court in Ste discretion.” ote, howsever tit ater the examination of a sstness by both sides has been conctuded, the witness cannot be realled ‘without leave ofthe court. The cout ll gant or withhold leave Inits discretion, asthe interests of justice may reqited.® ule, Sete Rs of Caen lp, Sate, uso Gea Moreover a witnais may be impeached by the party against whom he was called, by eoniradiciory evidence, by evidence that his general reputation fo uth, honesty or intogety is bad, for by evidence that he hae made at other Himes statements inconsistent with his present testimony, but not by evidence of particular wongfit acts, except that Ht may be shown by the ‘Somination ofthe witness or the tecord ofthe jadgiment that Ine has been convicted of an afense.” Before a witness canbe impeached by evidence that hea rade a other times statements inconsistent with hs present testimony, Uns slatements enust Be related to him. with the ssresmstancss of the tims and places and the persons presont, fy he must be asked whether he mada sch statements, and it {fy alloned to explain them I the statements be in wenn they imust be shovwa to the witness fore any question is pt to in oncerning ean Dependence on Precedents Store daemon quiets mover" This Is the bedrock of what we nose refer tas precedents. Irie general we that, when a polit has boon sete by a cision, it becomes a precedent tehich should be flloveed in subsequent secs before he same court The rue Ls based wholly fox policy, inthe iteret of uniformity are certainty of the la bot is Heguently deperted from. The decteine of adherence to precedents or sine dace was applied by the English courts and ‘wax later adopted by the United States In our very own) ‘pale 152 Sein 19, Rus Ga “amas rsdn, etna et, a, onpeds Law Dior 822) > rng. Vee Ting 552 SCRA GH 000) I i | | i | i } | i I Jsiction, the Civil Code echoes thisby declaring that jut Aecsons applying or interpreting the leas or the Constitution shal form prt ofthe aga gate of he Pipi © ‘The doctine of sine des at mon guia nose ie embodied in Asie 8 of the Chil Cle of he Pilippines.” "This the doctrine that, who a court has once Lid dow 4 prone, and apply t9 substantially the same, eegandles of whether the parties and Propet: ate the same. Follow past precedents and do not list what has Been setted, Matters steady decided om the Inert cannot br subject of Higation again. But ate that this rile oes not be ind adhesencr to precedents * fatuse cass, wore fats ane Tis based on the principle that once a question of fae ae been examined and decides, it shoul be deemed setled and slosed fo farther argument. Only upon shovsing. thal Srcumtances attendant in 9 parScular case override the great Denes derived by out uci sya from the doctrine of st acs, am the course juste in cating ase the sme. ‘The following cate ea cea istration of tar des: PESCA vs, PESCA* Petkioner Loma Pes and respondent Zosimo Pes were o marsed couple, Intl, the tart Davin, 98 SCRAZE5 (2006) creas, Sorta et Lato, 70 Pm 28 Femi Peg, £59 SOR 1322008 “Urnines. Done 888 S698 285009, om Ey young couple did not ive together a8 petitioner wat sulla student in college and respondent, a seaman, tad to leave the county on tourd an ocear-going vessel barely a month afer themarsiage Alter establishing duit residence the couple could nly stay together for 2 months in a year = ‘when respondent wa> on vacation. But despite this they bogota ben ewas only in 1985, chen petitioner besa to rotice that respondent showed gas of ‘pyeblgiaa dregciy” tw pectoren is manta He was emotionally immatene, an ieesponible shan, erveh and vient an ae also a habitual drinkes. Petitioner and thes children ‘so alo treated with physical violne Loan fllod petition to the Regional Test ‘Court fr the decoration of nullity ofthis mareage Jneakang psychologiealinenpacity, (On November 15,1995, the RTC declare the marrige mull and void ob int. This decision, Ihoweaver was reversed by the Court af Appeals ot the basis that Loma faled 40 show proof that Zosimo was indeed swkering trom payehol al ineaocty dat woul case hin to be incognitn of the Bese maria covenant, Appellant Sled» potion for review with the Supreme Court contending that the doctrine bid Dut by Somios 2 CA ard Rei the Palippnes CA and Motind® should have no retroactive application and om the assumption thatthe Mona "ulng could be applied tetroacvely, te guidelines therein outlined should be taken to be merely advisory and not mandatory in nature. ‘Tho appellant fiber contends that the pplication of the States and Molin dca should swarzant any remand ofthe ease tthe tal core {or further proceedings and not is diss Dis ie CA cri he doce Wid out Sr CA Maina? etch ppt to 2 CA wad Republic The High Coast found no amet inthe pation, The “astrine of sae esis,” one in Aatile 8 oF the Civil Coe, expresses that fill fecisions applying. ot ineypesing the law shall form partet the legasystem ofthe Phiippines The rule follows the settled legal masien ~ tosis ierprtats legis im atinet” = thatthe interpretaion plaoed pon the writen law by a ‘ommpetint court has the force of ls “The interpretation of construction ples by the courts establishes the coniemporancous legislative tent of the. ‘The latier as se interpreted and construed would thus constitute a part of that Jaw as ofthe date the saute i enacted fe is only oer & prior evling of this Court finds sel ate ovenrued andl a different view 3 Adopted, that the new doctrine may have t2 be applied prospectively i favor of pasties who have felled on the old doctrine and have acted in good Iaith in secordance thetewkh under the friar rule of lex prop on exp.” To reiterate + buen of proot i the duly of the panty alleging to prove hs claim, Evidence, on the other hand, i the romp sanctioned under the Helos of Cour! foxes prove oe establish a fact ina judicial proceeding. In order for such evidence fo be apprvcisted by the Court and admited by the {Couette elvan aed mates tthe ete at hand evidence may either he throws tesinany of witness or though the presentation of an object or document, As far as presentation of witnesses ate concerned, dhe Rules seguir that thoy and their testimonies undengo several examinations = inst, cous, e-iect and e-ross examinations - with een i ‘iow ascertaining truths al vers We ako have what we call precedents whids reer 10 issues that have been laid to rest by previous judicial decisions. This ensures not ony the stability ofthe judicial process but alo strengthens our justice system allowing fr conti. Chapters Deductive Reasoning in Law 1 het too 0 fanatic eye te aah of fru, ess Chit andy ce ho ha tp iit a the ont of epi avec Ti stories with Satan on apse the Tepe wont one He dno! hin, al everyting ae ppv ater cost Ba hae coe the dag = Heoeock is Deduction ané Induction Logiclans usually distinguish deductive from inductive esennns, Both ofthese forms of reasoning play moran roles fn one logal system. When appellate courts, fa instance, would dletemine nbethor the corect roles of law were applied to the blves fies of whether the rus of evidence were propery spplicd im esting the facts, they employ deductive asoring iv esses when 36 wnt to dotermine the fat of the 6 aro establish them throu causal arguments, probability or scientific methods, the reasoning chiefly relied upon is Snductve, How an these wo patterns of weatoning. diferent? Athoogh alt essoning or anguients attempt peavie suport Sat evidence ue teasons ~ for thei conclusions, they ditter| esl fa the anwunt of support they intend to provide. Some egasents to pove the rath of hei conelusions be yen ay doubt. Othors merely ry to show that their conclusions are plausible or likely or probable ta be true given the premises). “The fst kind of aggument is a deductive arguinent and the second kind isan incuctive argument. Jn ther words, we ate reasoning deductively when our premises intend to guarantee the truth of our conclusion wile we reason inductively when fu premiss are intended to provide good (ht not conclusive) evidence for the rh afar conctusion Here ar some examples of dedictinesensoning: Alt isdemsonos ae ci Driving under the saturn of feel is @ misono Monay,dicrng und he iofaoe oF ale is rina ao guts ssrtehes hss te quart i honor lard tha gs. Notice how the conclusions of these arguments ate sstablshed by the premises with absolute ceriinty, Each ‘onctusion fows from its promises with logical necessity ths ‘means that given the premises, the conclusion could not possibly be ake There ane owes when we make an argument the conclusion of which 1 not certin, ‘This ino! necessity 3 weakness for in many casas the mos that ein expect af | fasgument i to suppeet is conclusion with a egw of probability, fnductive arguments simply claim that thelr Conclusions ae ily or probable given the premises oer. “oven Esha, ott, Cl Tonk A Sets macaw 2 | b Consider this example [Noa student te Legal Logic class, bas goo study bis and 8 aloys ote os dscusins; He is eonsitent dans ter and has never foe ry sujet he as tk Ui ‘choo ont fn i ery poe tat Nit il no his ape agi cs “This is an inductive angument, Although i 9 stong angument, i does not provide an ebsoate guorantee that Net Will not fail in his Logst Logie class. Thete is sil a emote possi Hat he ail alin the sabe if the premises a re ‘hen the conclusion ill very ely probably, be tue: but the truth of the premises catot absolutely eute out the possibility thatthe canchision wil be falas, In other words, the contusion ‘ight tuen out lobe false even though the prvtises a na. ‘The folloseng, are some other examples of snducive arguments: ‘The car cat str exe ug here plenty of gale the en: ae ‘Gs ty thot he tery i ales exiuste, nt at fie yes the pas rate the ba sass se th 255s ad So we con say that fas year’s sucesfl br ‘eopins ant proably wot gy Eeyond 2h. Te Js sometimes sald thot the Basic diforence between deduction and induction is that deduction moves from general penis to particular conclusions, wherens iesiation moves a fromm particular premises to general canetusions, Although this is generally the case, it is wrong to use this as a basls of clstnguishing deduction from induction since there are Seductive arguments that move from particular to genesal and fduetive arguments that move frm general to particlar© Consider those two exams These pie wars Fiveisa rine mmber, Sooo empress and ‘hav. at nantes ten ta at ight ‘regime mar. AIS of LK. Reng’ revons oaks hao bon ests getlpemie an There, Her mex? hoot all prey be Iter (urtica eancsion) ‘The Sst a deduetive argument but the resoning moves foes poticaloe premises to 2 general conclusion, wile the second i a inductive argument but ws reasoning ows from tpneral ta pasticulst, Thus, wt males an argument edie Drinduetve snot the pattern ot particlaity or generality inthe premises and conclision, Rathes it fs te type of support the ptemtces ae aimed to provide for the conelsion. ‘o deterine whether an argument is daductive or inductive, we can ely om indieator words that spl the nd oF ‘lain the argarent mkes, For example, a phrase such ns “it necessarily lollmws that” almost always indicates that an argument is deductive. Hore ate some common deductive indestor words evenly ie dein ooh tae enitly ths togicly haps at ‘hang M. Co Ca Coben nvedsono Loge 103) Ey Booty Beets at fovcisely mit bt costa “These ate some common indctve insientor words roby one woudespcs ta tiely It pub to supose it ‘hanes are iC tosmae foes hat ‘When no indicator words ate presen ts help ws decile whether an argument is deductive or inductive, ee pst ave to base our ucdgment on the content ofthe premises and caelason ff the argument isthe conclusion intended to ollow wh tit hcessity from the prentisos off fF intended simpy follow fromthe premises wittea degree of geobabilts? In this chapter, 6 will concentrate on deductive arguments and discuss ndutive arguments nthe next chapter Syllosisms In opie, deductive arguments are offer expres in what swe call “aylogome" A syllogism i throeline argument — that 45, an aryuent that conscts of exactly two premkes and a conclusion, This fori of reasening 6 what I ching below the sutfoce of mot judicial opinions anv briefs: Gottned Links expressel te significance of the sylogints the hundred years fag eallag it savention “oe ofthe mst bewail nd one of he rast fnyortens, onde By the art mind The value of Ssllogisms, particulary im legal rosoning, eas also eeagniced boy the eighteewth century reformer Cesare Deceari who fespnesy advossted tht, in the area of criminal lave, judges ult follow splepistic le of argu "ie ery cri ss pu shoul ee £8 pret slg he magn premise Should Le Nam Ese Come Horan Us Car fhe generat sth mina promi, he act, mio dos or doesnot cor ke na he eoeclason equi ar condemnation. But for all ts power the principle of the sylogisn is suprisingly straghtforvard: What iste ofthe universal is true of tke partloulae If we kno tat al torts ace evil wrongs and ‘defamation i a tort thetefore defamation isa civil wrong. Is ho exaggeration ta say that the slog ies a the hose of legal ‘iting, Consider these fllowing examples The Constitution pris woe-Flpines to sce tls of th pic dos Signing this del of sb wil enale Mr acoon, fn lieriny, to opie d te of ts. fo of te pic donno Thenfire, signing this ast of sale ie Sadish poner includes the power 46 deternie ‘ote 7 no here as bee grave abst 9 diserei oe par of any breach or fnstramentalty of the Goverment The Suprome Coa: granted ui power, and Therefore, the Supreme Court has the power to Ulcrmine ety oF not Dre bas ben & rece abuse of scction om the par of ny Branch or instrumentality of the Goverment ‘The President oa grant omesty fo the miitary utente is m concurtence of & raiorty of all the members of the Congiess "Can Bese, On Crs ra Parihnat fre Onis ou, 1865) 6 Less tha lf ofthe msnbers ofthe Congres isn ifroor of granting anes the mary matinee and ‘Thonfr, the President cannot grant te sid ‘nosy 1 important that lave stadents develop the habit of thinking in sylagiains, When briefing a case assigned i thee diss, the skeleton othe deductive sslagiun must poke through i their deserpton of the cass rstanale Laveyers, whenever possible, must make the ayguments in thelr briefs and memo« in| the form of sylogisms, A clear, well-constucted syllogism fears each conclusion i well-supported with evidence, and iives the josge 9 recognizable hash ¥o evaluate che stength of the argument Being able to construct slogisms i one sil, being able to form good syllogism is another shill Not al slgisms ate logical. Deductive arguments may either be vad er anvabd ‘What do we mean by valid and java arguments? ‘We have seen that all deduetive arguments lain, implicitly or explicitly, tht thelr conclusions follow necessary from thle premises. However, some dedustive arguments have sonciusions which de nofollow nacessoily fom thei promis ‘These arguments ste invalkd deductive argoments. A val deductive argument 6 an aeguinent in ovbich the conchasion really does follow neerssiily rom the prvages. Put anther sway, a lid argument isan aygmont in which: if the promises fre tue, then the conclusion mart be cue or dhe erat of the ‘promises guarantoe the truth oft conclusion. “These are examples of valid arguments: Instore arent Ruble ae sts ‘Their, rulers ar tt ele conducts All wars fhe nit more ae then goed are aij, All acta eer nlc re a Shon goo. “Terre, ll cle wars ave ust. Mammals eg Fish ane manna ‘Then. ee Bs, Below are examples of ial arguments: A Proisweri ina fine Anna coroittad eine onc: aud Teves. Amoi commited frowd f.—All fies oe eriina fens, ant foes pnistable by Thee, ll crinin ofeee pile soto fo Chinese ve Asiens ‘Avericans are ot Chinese “Therfre. Amerisns re not Aston As the &xamples above show the valcity (or invalidity) of arguments does not depend on the truth of the peemises or the ‘conclusion, Angument c has obviously false premises and fale onelsson but i valid, Te should be emphasized, however, tot no valid argument can have all ue promices and fale fonclasion. This important rath follows tr the very Aefintion of a valid argument Since a valid argument, by efitin, isan argument in which te conclusion seat be tre it the geomses are true, no valid argument can have all true primis and fase concusion, Looking at the examples of invalid arguments, we can notice that invalid arguments may have trae premises and ie conclusion 8 can be seen in argument f Again these examples shove that what determines the validity (or invalidity) of the Argument not the truth (r falsity) of ts promises ot conclusion but the relationship betes its promises and cones ~ that 4s whether the corsion ello necessity fom the premises (Gepot noah way, whether the premises guaran the trath of the conclusion) ‘Ths, the baste questlon in determining the vaiity of ar arguments aot I the premise tre? Oris the conchsion true? The basic question is Dats the conclusion follow necessarily fromthe promises? (Or da the premises grantee the Guth of the conelusion?) Ifthe ansveer sys, tha the arguments vai Whe answer ino, than the argument is inva shold be noted that the forms “palit” or “inetd” do sat apply 4 inductive segusments since inductive arguments, 5 the frst place, do not cain thot their conclusion follows fom the premises sith trict necosty for that matte, all inductive snguements are tekeally Invalid). Other terms of appraisal are lus for inductive argument such as "stong" and “eat” This ‘wil be discussed in the next chapeee is: how do we determine whether an argument is va for invalid (hat is, whether its conclusion necesasly Follows from ts premsses? “Types of Syllogisns “Ta adres tie question, we noel to fist undlestand the types of deductive arguments. Sllogms are of to types fMigorical and hypothetical | A cwtegorical sllogicm Is a syllogism composed of cloporial statements alone while a Hypothotealslloginn includes bosh categorical and faypothetelstsements » Acatogorcal statement isa statement that directly assets something or states 2 fact without any canlitions. ls subject Is simply affirmedt or denied by the predicate, The following ame ‘samples of categorical statment: Sonata tod pico ‘The Pllipines not a commune sta Some crimes aeons aia seni Tre Supreme Cont dnd he practice oan. Some oes te no puto A hypothetical statment i a compound statement which ‘contains 2 proposed or tentative explanation, A compound ists of at Teast tivo clauses connected by fnjuinetions, adverts, etc, which express the relationship between the elivaes as well a¢ at assont toi The asses are simple lates or statements that contain one subject and ene predicate. The following ave examples of hypothetical fe countrys serous danger da oan ‘or rbulin, the President cam declare ‘Marti Ls a parly to 0 court fits to performs sis Ions ft conta thee tee & loach sft ‘The bench of contract ie either actual or nipetory Given the explanations of what categorical and Inypothetcal satemcnis are, we can nov understand beter categorical and hypothtical sjlogisms. The following is a City councilors ne elected public ofits Jevomy snot an elt public of ‘Thre, Jerry i a a ty counor Notice that every stakiment in the above syllogism is a categorical statement. Hypothetical sllogtams, however, fcaatain a hypothetical statement usually located in Hts fis premise, The example blow e «hypothetical sllogione foo statement = not iene ta device ist anyon, tle sfetement te ot fiandalenn Mrs, Lin ad no intention of dee saporior Pirsors Abr Lines statement th fie, Tot ol feel ing ter ‘We will fist deal with categorical yllgisms and den ‘wih hypothetical yogis. Categorical Sytlogiems Props of Categorie! Statement We can beter understand categoria syllogism and thee valicity if we understand well the mature of estegorcal Satemcats. Every categorial statement has quality and ‘quant ats properties. Quality: the quality ofthe statement may be affomstive or negative, Astatement that has the fers "a," nh “none” nd “acer” 8 negative. In the absence of such qualities, the statement emative Here are sume examples af airative stateraents Sine rin oe puso by permet The aces dvi th args ast Rn Here are some examples of negative statements: Noone move te ees Theacusa wot gully of he cre, Query: the quantity of a statement i edhe Uunivesal or paticulas The statement js univers? whe iat i being aftrmed! or denied of the subject tera Ite whole extension; the statement ts porter when what ie boing aftitmod a denied of the subject is just a pat of cetension. Usually there ae qeantifiers that help determine the quantity ofthe steement, For universal staemunts we svi hove enh or particular statements ve have some almost mast otal sera many feo ‘The following are examples of universal statements All sectoral canoes mast bet leas 85 yrs af agen te day teat, Alli hues oe lds of batho’ degre No stettes thet ane ie congict it the Consttatin ari, The following are examples of particular setements Some acts of ignton oe justia 2 ot al senatorial candi re iil to re Sone criinatofrees ae enous ris. ‘Quantity ofthe Predicate “The proscate term has it oven quantity, vehich # not ‘ontical to nor dependent on the quanly of the subject ten, Jn determining the quantity ofthe predicates slo must be observed Predicate of an atfiemative statement is generally pantculs, However, in statements where the subject and the predicate are identical, the predicates universal. The predicate ofa negative statements always univer Tr the flowing statements, the predates ave pattculn Tho hippos ssa deri cote Some senators an eppostinists Inthe following statements, the predicates are rivers Manny ir did ot son He 2000 preset eta, Some sot ate na ewer A iaotir ie 0 fonole pont (Along this ‘Satonont & afinactio, the sdject and the protste ar etc) Parts of Categories! Syllopism ‘As mentioned vorliey, a categorical yllogian is aductive arguement consisting of the categorical sa that together contin exci dhe tems eae hi occu in excell b90 lagents. There ar thee Ks oF eros in a esogorical slag ‘Minar fer (S)~ the sabe of the consis also called the sot erm) Major term (P) ~ the priate ofthe concuson (at ale the predict erm) Mite te 4 ~ the te ond in oth preter a erst mediate btn hein an hej ters ‘These are three Kinds of statements in a categorie syllogism Mino premiie — fhe promise whic contains the nor promise ~ the previse oh comin the Covctuion~ the statement he premises support Hore ae two examples that llustate the diferent terms nd statements i a etegorical login MooP Al ots ae cot wrongs. (jor premise) 5 Mt eligence afr. esinr promise) s » ‘Therefore, negligence isa col wrong consion) P M All cantacts 2th vogue ers ae ei. major eis) s M This contract ns oi. rin preied s P Tharfre, his contret does nat comin vague terms Tevncleson) Note that both syllogism above’ ave alld syllogioms. “They wl serve as examples of valid caegorcal slic for the next section which gives ws the rules in determining lohether the eateorial sls are valid inal Roses fr the Validity of Categorical Sylloginss oe: The login ast ont fs iv poms No soa county scat The Piipines i ot sas Thengore bisa coptobst country. [No miliary action whose hora effets eamnot be conto is monly pris, All mary 138s of bloga waxpons ae ary actions howe harp acts tb conta. Thenfore, no mitary uses of Wologia!weapone are orally permis isi fens ae na criminal fess. ‘Slander ' ot criminal fens: ‘Thefore sander is el fens ‘Ane the thie syllogisne valid? The only waists is the second. The other tho sols the frst re and, as, axe invalid He cam be olvervd that oth ofthe promises in eo syllogism are negative statements. Tho rationale bin this re 1s thal when the puoi ate both negative, the middle term fails to serve its function of mediating between the niajor nd minor terms. The violation of thie ule is calla the fallacy of ‘exclusive premise. ‘hus we can say that even If in the Sits, Doth of the premises aye tre it does not fllor thatthe Philippines is a capitalist country, It may have 2 mised econom Inthe sane way, the le of reasoning in the thd ier fs omg becouse ‘even if is true thot Clo offenses are nt tena odes, avd let us aay Almeygiving is not a erminal offs, we-cannot conclude that Almegiting & ace otenee, fy 2: Thi mas be the ps of wrote ‘The terms in the syllogism must have esacly the Some meaning aru! must be used in exactly the same way in etch ‘ecurtence. ter tae has diferent meanings ints aeurrences ian equivocal team. univocal term has the same mating in lifer occurmnees. la ous tew examples of valid syllogism, each pal of terms has the same mang, Examine the following axamples What i narra good ‘Tomato mistake eur ‘Thurefore, to mak tke good ‘he Congr can crestor ali cs Thelewof supe at demand as. ‘Therfore, the Congress cat abt the lw of sippy and dimen Sting cigates ta yerson bas 18 yrs of age ‘sunlit That are sid clowetts to 8 student elo 18 ves Thee, the ore asad he es, 6 Which syllogsms above ate invalid? The frst and the second. Inthe fst argument, the xm "ature used with 0 different mestings: as something pure (nat arfcial) and as something normal of usta. fs the snd example, the term au has two diffrent waages inthe int and second promises In the that yogi, ech of the teens fs en vse the same sense, Whats meant by “blow 18 yrs of age” the fst premiee ie he same ain the socom promis ‘The violation of the secand rule is called the fallacy of ‘equivecston. Equiveeation usualy occurs n the mic ter, te 3: The mie term mst Benner a est oe Most mayors tae pote pote Mr Heres is or Three Mi. Hors ha pla panty Lie i firs of foation Reyes witre accusation a form of efaation. ‘Therefore, Reyes wnraeacusain isa ie, No ary actions iat intentionally Aa Saver tins aes. Some Mateyian military actions “in. Sebok sndoainaly hill inwcet citi, Thengore, sone Malaysian itary ations mere ot ja whic terrae sre ptical bot premises. The it frst fom (8 “mor” and In he secant The swason fot this rule is thot when losis here ate vali? The is two examples dey both vitlate Rie 3. Notice that their middle rn the of ertion™ middle term 38 pstcular in oth promises t might stand for a diferent postion ‘ofits extension in each occurtence and, thus, be equivalent to two terms, and, therefore alto fulfills fancton of uniting or Separating the minor andl major terms, Such violation is called the allay of particular middle, Notice that fy the third syllogism which is a valid syllogism the mite term (vsttanyarhons the indetionly stestions"s univers in tho fst premise, alehough poeticlar in the second promise, Ta determine the miele term nivel fo poticlay refer to the discussion on the quantity of the statement and prodieste, However there is an exception 4 this ral Even if the idle terns particular in both premises, but His quanti by ‘nos” in both premisos and the eamcksion is quantiied ty ‘one dhe syllogism does not woke this thi rule This ss ‘nce the combined extension ofthe middie term anor than universal Far example Most aor ho politi partes Mis gore ane corr Thenfore, samc people ano aoe politic! ports recor Rule Ifthe tr te contusion swiss the sme term ‘ne pence mast also be zeal, Examine te following anger Ayers ed he Pippin Daly Fauve. ‘Al ger a ert, Theron, all who read he Philippine Daily Tague ar iterate, AIS acts Shot inflict more harms tha goad are just A Eigao A Raj, age Enid andor Ra 198). Alt terre te inflict nar hae an god “Therefore lero act ae us Felons are criminal fense. _Miodemeanrs arent fone. ‘Darfore isceeaars a rot rial oss, aly the second aygumnt above fe valid. In the fest sll, the minot ter "those wha read he Philippine Daily Inguiter” Je universal im the consiusion hut particular in the promise, Such violation fclled de fllcy of ict mines In the tied exampe, the major tem “criminal offenses" is uenivesat inthe comets bt partewar in the premise. Such 3 ‘lation is ealled the fallacy of lick majo. “Tho rationale behind Ais rule i that in a deductive fangument the contusion should aot go beyond what the [premises state, Ths, the conclusion most not be wider in| ‘eters than the premises Again, to detornine ifthe major term oF minor term is universal for particular, efer to the discussion on the gsanticy of the satsnent art prea, Hypothetical Sylopisns A hiypotheti! spllgism is 3 sllogism that contains a hypothetical stoment an one of premises. "Hypothotc syllgicms are of the kinds conditions losin ‘ejnctive soto cjnciesltasn Since in legal easoningy we often encownter contional arguments, we wil foes on conditional singin, Conditional Syllogisms The conditional syllogism is a sjllogism in which the aor premis isa conditional statement A conditional statement is a compound statement which assets that one member (the then elas) is tre on condition thot the ober member (Qe i elas) fs tue, For example, ft tins then the ground wil be wet. The if use or itveqtalent ‘called the antscecent. while he then classe orisequvalent it called the consequent What is important in thé conditional statement i the sequence between the antecedent anid the camsequent that the tna oF the conseqeent follows upon the faliliment of the ‘condition stated in the antecedent. It es not mater whether individually the antecedent or conssquet is ta ols; what matters isthe relationship betseen ther The statement ~ the Philippines is in Asia, then Melebors Aquino is a Filipina does not make sense although ach clause, ten singly ste, The Philippines i indeed in Asia and Melchora Aquino is'a Eiipina. Vet the feet that Melchore Again is a Filipina is not a casseqaent of the Plippines being in Asia. On the other hand, the statement ff Melchora Aquino is not an Asian, dhen she isnot Filipino is a nue steterment although the lauses, taken sil, are false. The Slatement is tue because being an Asian s essential to bing & Pipine Conditiona) statements can be expressed not only in if then clauses but alboin a wide variety of diferent sentences Por vane eng tnnnger he dye mans that yo hae to face @ tromendous amount of per presi ‘The fut tat se is «naive of ol pis that ‘sho oso te cheno le a Anyone whe doers fir Ginatra must be @ Mark ‘Capo t nds you wre bora By ster a piri oi not ner the Kian of He When hose ns pour fv Sams, Espana ‘Aur case one of grote changes his mind, ‘ow a get Hess. se write these statements in the then forms, we cat see that theie meting runsins the same, you ave a toeaer ese days, then you must fice teers moun of por pres, sh swat of Bol then she Kno hare ‘the chocolat ills ave I he ches for nebo hen he must Be @ Mark Caguia f you are ot hon aga by wate aw pit thn ou carotene the Kingvom of Hee 1 Reroy ts your i Sampo, thee Espana ‘Ave. is lode Hone ofthe grants changes Wiser mind, then ‘ou wl ge he cap. “The minor premise affirms the consequent. THis invalid form scale the fallacy offing the consent ‘The conditional sillgim can be symbolized by the rnecrene fotlowing 1 ans, tho the growed be wet, ADE he growed swe, c A= forthe antecedent Thar, drained A = forthe eoncequent = = for the negation ofthe stnkment = toe “imphes = for therefore” ramine the following conltonaleyllogians. Which of hese ae valle which teal? be fod the pn, thor fe stole snr reso belting bn Aevording to the meio tge! examination, tar ns race of supose resi ay pare of his dy ol ating ‘Thane, eid nt ie the gun Rules fur Conditional Slogisms There re to valid forms oF conditional slog. ‘When the minor premise affirms the antscedent, dhe conclusion rons afr theconssquent This form scl aos poms i ins, thn te god beet A sia, 4 Thenfne, He ground i wet c c 1 you ove tie to vote, Hen you mast be 18 wars re, My cous icaboe Lys of eg ‘Therefore, my cousin geo, When the mior premise denies the consequent, the condluson wnust deny the anlcident, This form i called fe afudant bs mo Arawak his rods tien, stctomeon sve, he cast be gut of Fre The denon os tht esteem i untae Therefore, he is guilty of oud ft is, tho the ground will beet A> The ground wo fc ‘There iid not ain, “4 1 be woes the Rite States se the eine Tappewad, shen Je caot aon the A eonditonal syllogism i inwlid if the esi promise denice the antecedent. This ili form is called the fay of| denying the antecstent 1 aos provi that he wos in fhe Unie States at that ne 1 0s, th tie grind a ewe, AE Pharos conto have conte he rime ei wot rain “A Tharfre, the growed i ot et “< 2 ‘The est and the fouith sytoglcas hee are val. The ist. follows the modus tollens for, and the fourth follows the ‘modus ponens form, However the second and thir sylogiams are invalid, In the second splosism, where the fallacy of ating, te consequent Is commited, even if both premises are te, be ‘anno he certain that the conchsion fs also true since there ar ther proweguisites to be eligible to vote such as elsesship and Inaving register as a voter Your cousin may have mit the age requinemient tut he muy have failed to rege withthe COMELEC The third is alen inatit aving commited the fallacy of denying the antecedent. The defendant may kor that the statement is untrue But the suppose victim dl not actay ‘ely om the statement that was made Grhih i anole eesti trierion to prove there ws a fraud Entymemes We do not often find these syllogiste forms of arguing ia legal writing, Legal opinions and memorandums ate not weiien im such o foemal structure consisting of two prema nd @ conclusion. Hoveeves, mest legal arguments actully flow the sylogstic reasoning: we only have to analyze deeper the arguments te excavate the syllogisis. ae logician notes that am argumen’s basic structure, ay be obscied by an excess ‘verbiage. Dut an argument’ stracure may lao be abcuned for us... because its to sparse and has missing components Such arguments may appear sounder than they aww becatse we sre unaware of important assumptions nade by ther. Consider this onesentence argument penne! by Justice Blackanun in his Rot. We opion Mo Ep, Wh Gand Reto: fa ean fl ees 20 This right of pone, wheter i Be founded in the Fowrtsonth-mendinent's concept of personal Ibert and restritions upon tte actin, ws wef iti, a8 fhe Disiet Court detain, inthe” Now Amendment's nscrectin of ght to the pope rad enough So enn roman dis tether or not to terminal er papnancy ying bow the surface of Justice Mlackmun's agument ie the folosng slots The right of pricy i guranteed by te Feanteth or Dt a Aromas decision to ermal her regtey pet y he ight of pene ‘cision wether to Then tor her egy protec ly the Fourie 7 Nath Amend Sometimes i is mare an a snatler of rearranging sentences and rephrosing sttsments 10 match up sith the syllogistc form. Sometimes a Tyg writer doest’t mention all parts of he slog, leaving one ta ead betwee the lines, One ay ji the cones tht the Cyborerime Prevention Ate Tunconstcutionat by mentioning only. cme premise the Gyberedime. Prevention Act intringes om our” freedom of jecpresom. The argument is incomplete, ut ican easy be Completed and assesses ith tepand to it valcty By supplying the missing promise = aw is unconstitutional ndinges on fur reedoin of expression. ragetodaeat Loom Lamp: Aue oO Le Tae BO iat (ncn sie Blaney OUT AE UT part being “understand” of only “in the min “eatigr” 1s called an In ordinary legal discourse, arguments and inferences are ‘xpressed enthymemuticaly: The teason ie easy to understand 4 lige body of legal statements ean be presumed to becom knowlege, and Sogal practitioners save themscles table by not repeating wellknown and perBaps trivially trae ropostions that their listeners al sade ean perfety well expected! to supp for dhemeelves” Meneouer its mot at a lusua! fora legal argument to be thetoically more pert sail persuasive when stated enthemematcally: tun when ‘enunciated in complete detail As Arsiofle wrote it hi Rito, ‘Sheets Hat. relvow antigens ese te loner appa Jn each ofthe following eeteymemes, ean you supply the issng prem: R isu fied desig i Ks ecient by Ravsns tse letter Jo. Karls i "areos, Ror kas pray hile ed. Manuel fas been soon vinning awey from bog ere byte alo ering. ‘Manuel is mar ely 0 the burglar In the first passage, the missing premise is: One wh hs ied desir 4k mare tke toil In the other argument what ‘was only imply stated was People eho lee from the scene of crime are mone ikaly guilty than they di no ee Polysptogsins Aside from not explicily expressing arguments and opinions in standard syllogism, lage) veritecs also have the ‘Ragu ooo amp A Ga Cesta Tein 0 "AT “ tendency to pile one syllogism on top of another. We cal these angumens 3b “palyullgions” A polysyllogiem is 9 sets of syllogism in which the conclusion of ane splogism supplies 2 premise ofthe next syllogism. Typically, plysyllogists ae used ‘because more than one logical step i needed to reach the desiced conclusion Be an the oaks fr something ike this as you pik apart complec legal opinion: Anat tot conte ffivnation enolic for etion ty the puilic i a public PDS contains formation sowie or nsec aye pai ‘Those, FDS ea pd document args fsa her PDS, DDS sa yn dostment Thayne, Virsa o public acumen Enisiyngo pubic document ise cial fs. Verge ffi public denne. ‘Thavefone, Verges commited aerial ofewse Anyone. proce 69 commie 0 etal offense should be dsmissed from government ares comet acriinal fe Thevfore, Vargas ought to te diss from _poteramené service 2 Chapters Inductive Reasoning in Law “ny tf oe ato pv fe. _Frow may. is reser. = fe = Wi oer I the beginning of Chapter They, we briefly discussed what inductive arguments are and difirentiated. them feoen deductive arguments. Now we can get a clase ok at inductive rguments and how important ate they in legal rensoning Inductive aguments are arguments in which the prembes are ite to rosie spp bunt sone ede forthe Une dative angumens hich drow out th ot information. alway eontainat in the prem inactive arguments pve thor information te than whet he Premises ar saying, fan induce angumen hate ae Jn the canhcstan gis beyond the eidenes enh Ha Frome Lis for then hat inductive arguments Jat Sim that the cos is estas er ea Tl proce junmnice the tath of the. eolasion. What induce swgmerts i tht her orton, tse on the penn, is likely or probably true. es ‘The absence of compete certainty, however, does not dlifalo the importance of induction tthe lave, Dehactive easuing snot applicable eases where there is me established Jaw or biong: precelent, or clear statite to provide the major 8 premise of our legal argument. And there are so many cases of this in law Here, the Inryer must build the mje premise hrimself He has to draw upon the cumalative experience ofthe judiciary, the specific holdings of other cases. When be has gather a saffcient eas lay, he will then formulate a general norm that fupports is aim. i ie indactive teaconing thts seeded hen Aside feom enabling ws to fashion a general re when such is not readily availble, inductive reasoning f what We chiefly employ in determing the facts of the case. Indeed, disputes i court are most often not about fans, but about matters of fet Was the person acewsed prevent in this place wero the cme ws commited ees he na ifort pace se hes claiming? Did tho act of 4 cause the inj of BP The cont rma rst determine the facts before wus or sates axe applied to those tes. To accomplish this, se primal rly on euetive reasoning Deosions on cases are elten, detved fom intuctively Inferring hat given the ruth ofa set of particule carametanees| dain about the cace ie justified, Jurisprudence of xscent ‘inuage teach us that conicion cin be had even upon drcumnesatal evidence given that the sheumstancis proven should consttate an unirelinschain which leas one to fir ant reasonehlecorcusom pointing to he accused 1 the exclusion of thas, a the author of the crime People ws: Paguntolan™ Changed with a exime, Pagantslan and his companions were contieted by the court based on Bis and pieces of cincurnstanoss shown by the tell These pleens of evidence it aha ean tLe ot 188). et m0 Penne ne ‘ollecively indicate that Paguntalan and his ‘companions acted in concert had a cameron design and understanding 10 Kill the viel. Thovgh no iret evidence of conspiracy sva8 shown in the evidence, this did not detct trom the fac, a6 sarge by the prosecution. that the act of Paguntatan in killing his victim as also an tof Ins co-conspirators. The prosecution as. ange thot the time honored jrtspraence is that deck proof is not essantial fa prove eanspirocy Kray he Shown by a number of indetinte acs, conditions and circumstances which vaey according 10 the purposes tobe secomplishet apd fom sehich may Togically bo inferred that there was Inductive Generatirations ‘There aww many types OF inductive reasoning, and Ae simplest and most camvon of these types is called “indutioe etait.” An inductive generalization fs “agement tht nls onrcevises of serple ejlation to wee wat eed ‘se popadetion as ¢ whet." This claim és genet clei that tnahes a statement about all most of somne members of «class, group. oF set, The flowing are some exainples of gener cls Allow sbudets we req stay tation Every performance-shaeing dg is bron fhe Tee Francs Hewsays ae not adie eourt, Most corswessinen are against te legalization of "creamy stam a, Cnt Tiina Suter hon 25 Although the stle of each of these four cain aifer all fre general clnims. Since the fist two use the words “all” and "earny’ we ean wecognize without mich trouble tha Uy refer to all mambere of cass, grup, or se, The fst refers to all members of the group fine shidents the sooo! eelees 0 all members of the group performance-enitncing drugs. Even though the thiedclaien des not wee the words every oral foo general claim Further ths cai s noes: general jst Beene Intell ws what hearsay ate not rather than wht Hey are. The finat example specially mentions most congressmen, but i should be understond to eft tothe entire case nf eongresen, 1 makes a gencel claim abot the whale cass of congressmen beast lames that most an against he legalization of divurce and implies that Ye remainder ate not aga An inductive generalization uses evidee about limited amber of people ot things of a certain ype (he sample population, to make » generat claim about 4 lager geoup of people or things of that type he population a= «whole, Inductive generalizations have the ollawing foes Z percent ofsered Poe 6, his probe, theo, hat Z pronto all Fs eG Por ample, we wank to know what percentage of sudents at» particular college are in favor of abllching the sleath penalty Cleady it wuld be exeemaly dificult ¢9 ask every student atthe cole whether they favor abolishing Hie death peru. What ste can practic ui fo sect» gate of students and determune thei portion on the iste, en then to genecalize th results to the whole scent body. An inductive [povzratization could be writen ot fll Sitysfve perc of students at X Callege wo tere guested ave for of ablishieg ‘eth peat. 1s probe, nfo, ht sitive percent of TD stent % Cll ae for of otis he dnt penely Evaluating Inductive Generstizations ‘Thowe ano two important questions we must ask when i comes to determining sshether inductive genetlistons we strong or weak Is he Sample ange Eoagh? ‘he sire ofthe sample population i an essential factor in determining whether the conelasion abou the population as @ ‘hoe i justified or not. sample is “lage enough when its clear that we b not rushed t0 judgovert, that we have: not formed 2 hasty generalization, Admittedly. this busines of speciying what we mean by “enough snot eos, but tentimes fe common sense can Pelp us doeide when the sample i large enough. As ale of thumb, the mow examples yet find he stronger you asuent becomes, tn Camm s Commonne Tavs Cay eer judge ais lambasted an exper est lottemptins te foros mises ect loc on os slservatin fel Bee patents Basa onthe fee patients DE Schentel) for served canacs induced tran heap he develope hs hing nee ht he applied te O'Conner thus coming the logical fallacy tron ot inerrant sts generalization) oes when a person rime cetera rl rom De, Schertbel has illogically crested a “binding sincera rule” based upon insufclent data (One thing that we need to consider in determining the suficiney of the quantity of the ample i the nny of the ‘whole population. In our example regatding. the students Porition om death penalty, awe mst know around how many Students are thete in the college. Suppose there are atounel hece thousand students, 2 sample of twenty students 36 clesrly insutficient. A hundred students, however, may already be enough. Adding ity more will increase the strength of on argument Suppose we have thse hundees students for ou sample, sill that make the conelasion of out generalization acceptable? Not necessasiy. Although the sample definitely lwge enough, there is anoiher factor we need sn evaluating the steength of inductive generalization, This, we need to ask another question, eth Semple eprestaig? Although those wane three funded stents who exe interviewed for the survey, the generlization may be weak the tivoe hundeed students only zepesenta particular portion ofthe whofe stutent population. Suppose these thiee unde tadonts ae all members of Christ Youth in Action (CYAN 3 Ctholie ganization wf young pple, thes mass ot actually represent the hole student population if a significant number fof students in tht college isnot a member of tat organization. This will make cut conclusion questionable since such nembership to that organization gest fluences one's vive fon est jenalty fr the Catholic Chatch strony oppress kind of punshment. We call thet kind of sample a bissed sample. : [A sample is representative if there i diversity in out sample that i the various subgroups ofthe whale population are represented inthe seleted respondents}. In the ease of the students, the sample should elles the “same percentage distribution inthe entire student body of X College as tepands course, year grade average, age, 0 wngonizain, igi, 1 some 4 few variables. Thus, s€ ou sample comes from the Aiferent subgroups it sa nepresentative sample This basis for ealuating he strength of our genrafization is especially iesportant- when the’ populetion ave are dean with. 1 heterogenous, ne way to ensues sutfcent relevant diversity is by making the sample random. random saniple i “ave i wich al reer of the ul ppovaonby to Be th some For instance, you could interview memes randomly by choosing every fifth or keh name on the membership list ‘nother possibility would be to randomly inrview people ins common meting place The ara of erating a tandomt sample Is fo ensure that the diversity of the largt is reflected bythe sample twit not be a random sample fit excludes pt of the Inu. For example sample of college students in ¢ paicuat unversity chosen ftom the students coming out from men's Jucker room would not indude any femsle students In the ssmple “Tis hae been the problem in the lace poling blunder fat happened in the United States tn 1936, Literary Digest mmagarine conducted 2 massive polling effort to predict the ‘outcome of the Pieskdentil elect bebweon AY Landon aout Franklin Roosevelt The Digest poles well over two fallin people, and the wast majoriy alicated they woul vote for London (keep in mind that modern news organizations theis polls on the mxporses of 1,000 propel. In the acl election haw, Roceevelt won 523 electoral vos el Landon ‘eveived only eight. How did Literary Digest get it s0 wrong, utr ser & Pewter Ce king: A Users Mee 26 (012) ‘when it had crated is rule from a massive numberof pasticlar ‘amples? The problem was the Digest compose its polling list from telephone directories. In 1936, only about 40% of households owned telephone, usually those who are in the “upper cass, Thus, oven if hey used random sampling in picking, the buividuals to cll and ask for thelr presidental preference, the comple poplation is an unrepresentanve group of the ‘American public ac that me ® Samples may also be hissed sehen surveys rele patticipants to nate contact rather tha sing a survey faker to Scively solst responses, For example, sorveys requiting that pavtcipants respond by sending 2 ext message, going online phoning in their response are They to get unrepresentative results sine the respodents ate self-cected. Only peopte who fe particulary inomeste inthe sue a kay to respond tothe Survey, To)-make matiers worse, unless surveys proven respondents from contributing thee ansiers more than ance the Sata hey toe skewed by unscrupulous repeat respondents ‘ho are tying to infiuence the outcore.* "We carob tht whe ete sary compan inthe Pippin ike SHS, Pale Asn) cont ep pol, Shay nay hove enly sound Li to 2200 report 10 represent the whote Filipina popaation Goch one Can ‘Hrs ion w poset) Bot hee survey are uly ble The the sme ken rovln rpecating floret etre of ups ef the hale poplin, hat meso, he respons ome rm teen rpions ofthe county. scertcononic ‘Guns ae groups at soon When we cannot do mich about our sample (uel a6 fcreasing it, we can make our generalization cecepsble by fovinlsting an appropriate vonchaon, A. good inductive oes an & Pe! Newby, Cit Ty AUsrs Minus ten Ja & Pol Meaty, tel Tigers Maus 0202) 6 angument should make a conclusion that is appropiate to the evidence offered by its premises. The conclusion should not ‘sim move than ts premises can suppor, Fr esample All tr ofthe Malaysians Let are joo in uses, Se mast Malye ae gorda basse, ete the cenetusion claims thot ma est Malastans ate good in bois, Bu ts premise only cited ten Malaysian who are food ia business. We could make the argument stung by making eur conctusion less sweeping, that fs the concheion "ould cover tess ground. For example, if we instead say Allen fe Maloy ar guano $0, many Motaysinne regu i sins rgument would be strong. Given our premise, the ‘conclusion fs more likely to be tre if its clam i tare hited festictng itself to many rather than ghost Malaysian. Othey Phrases that could soften the conclusion are possible prob nd likely. Remember that inductive generalizations shoul ee ‘vest thei eoncusions, Lets take anes exam None of te tm tence Tones this scoot enous tow tap Spr So, tacher te is scl ks ape Spanish We can see that the conclusion isso swecping that dhe argument ot strong. Afterall if there juat one schon ta that schoo! who knows how to spak Spanish the concacion voll easily be false. To play it sat, the, we might conclude Instead that “Very fu ify, tein bo this sehen! anew to “8 Sounich* This sail a sweeping conclusion, but allows for the possibitty of a few exceptions, This. motes the relison likely to be tue and sho: te acgument is aan, Analogical Arguments noe ype find aumento commonly ed ‘ntatranlogll ent Asin “cpt of ng bet” on ima Tine ines, We fate Sree in calle stance exis aml io ere et see ee orate ‘tare you ae erste the haat me poste We sn nce smi poms ons Pers lowe en sting pe, ‘Ashlee sto, Ie cost 0 ge rs mr, 18s hee tp oe a. Indeod, most of oue everyday reasoning is based on analogy, Joan reasons that hoe new par of shows wil be durable fom the grou that her other shoes with the same brand an rae have been usable, In dh same way, Viele infers tha he vl enjoy the action mavic het ging to watch tonight because Wha the some diector and esting ators as the past action movies he enjoyed. Analy lsat Ue bass ofthese sp, ondinary arguments we make eatbe notice that none ofthese eget cetsin oF demonstatively valid, None of thelr cancusions follow with Toe neces from Shir premises. Its logiealy posible that Jats nee pic of shoos will not ast long or Visto 6 not enjoy that aston movie. ust ko any inductive argument, thete is mo imathematcalcorsinty in snaogicl arguments. However, the ais of thse aepuste is tay sil be teasomaly accepted. ‘what makes an argument by analogy? Analogical ngurments dopor® tpn st analogy oF sat betes feo fr more things. Analogies compas tio of moze things; ‘ing Seem, tal rd Mg: A Shs tite 0. o snguments by anstogy go one step futher. They clsio that nother sinilarty exists, given the similarities alkeady recognized. © Whereas analogies simply pont out ssimdarty arguments by analogy clsim that ertainsiilarites ee evidunce {hat there is another siianty (r other simulates). This type of reasoning ha «simple structure: A and B have characterise X Abas charateristiY. Therefore, Bhas characteristic chee eng i ry wl a ow pty in lecdng wht rule of lato apply va parca ease in Scitngaiputed fact eestons Lets yo the tnd apaliction of anslgial Tessoning. In lw Legal seams comply iin coming up wih anv egal cam base oly ‘stashed precedents Typ, ths ene thats ol cee fs ompned toa oder one, an the outeame nf eno cae Broce onthe has he the’ uta El Len Be toremost American authority on the oe of analogy inthe la cksrbe aafogea reasoning as a wee sep proses, esas sinartis between ro casas, 2) anu the oe ot ta embed i heft ens, and 3) appt the tof lato the send case. ° This (orm of eaening Kleen howe datas foie or inductive. genmaticaa, Racal tk dlstuton reyes us to resson frm univer proses anal pee tt Athos fst kt socal nse tles fom a nant of spacings aloe in conti, cakes. onedo-one compatsons Wnt ney eneraiains or elance on unversl rls Inthe lane at "ogicinns anclogy fea process of ressning from the patience to the pasa. {etus look at an exemple tolustrte the distinction Suppose you are to defend a legal claim that the use of Imashuana shout be allowed by the state, The isue pertaining "én Le An notctan Lege Reston (180, 6 to this matter is hinge on two opposing legal opinions ~ one that asserts mazjuana isa hea her and the other that claims marijuana is a dangerous drug. Which of these two positins is to be followed? Without a ceae universal rule or past eases on polnt, deductive loge and ineuctive generalizations ge of 6 help rsteac your must ey an the powcr of analogs fo convince the cour that mariana it be Geated as healing herb, To defend your stand, you must aseer that maria, ike ther herbs that are not prohibited by ls, ls nontonie. It das ol contain substances that lil brain ells or inerase sks of cance, ‘There ave boon no deaths associated with marijuana use. On| the contrary ike legal herbs, marijuana provides more heath benefits than sks. I helps in cusing thoumateid arthritis, Glgbetes, PTSD, epllepsy, antbiourerstant infections and rewrotogical disorders, ‘The process of drawing thew the devertant fingerprints atthe scare ofthe crime al the fact that the defendant was found with a large amount of money without being ale 0 give any acceptable reason. The jdge tll straw conclusion fiom such evidences about who has stolen the item base upon his/her knorstdge ofthe history of ponpl’s stone nother caus. Circurstantil evidence i safien fr onwiction ita) There is more than one cteumstance: by The faa font which the inferences ave derived are proven’ and, 0) ‘The combination of all he crcamctance suc as to prove ‘wonviction beyond reason outst Evaluating Analogical Arguments Just as them are good or bad aulics, thee are aso geod and ba analogical agents. On of the fallacies o! teasing fs elle fllacy of fase analogy (which will be discuss ater in fhe chapter on fallacies). I results from coemparing tv for move) things that are not wally comparable. I is « matter of laiming that two things share a certain similarity on the bass of cher siilarities, while overionkingimpovtentdfssinartes "ing Cop & Gar Chen inreston Loi 194) ‘tng Copa Ca.Coben. Ieuan Lege e854) = ‘How can we deiertnine If an analogical argument i good? “There are certain criteria that can guide our evaluation of the spument’ soundness. “The tet criterion t be considecd inthe evaluation of an analogical angement i he elevance of siaetes. Consider, for ‘example the fllowing analogieal argument Arison signal tno le the owghist il Ago nominate sontons, raking he fare 0 ‘uy inmigeation dscuments'e crime, We an expect the New Mca son past ser Ue. feral, [New Mei © @ Bt eA, gi Ma bt haze a large putin tiga, ant bth rarely Mesiz." tn this example, New Mesos compared wo Artzona, Te argucr has etl tv ways hich ty ate sini thy both haves large popltion mira and ae bor by Mexico. ty cvltatng tis analogical fngument we Cover wht the indie cia tween he two ttre fekvant or imlevant tothe eeacasion ofthe argument. The isoue te whether New Meds will Waly pass a lar Imigaton Ine With rexpret to this Hae, he ainiain Suh te eer ev fo he coda te njuent Hower suppene one wil te the sae chon tased on tho premise tat Aan New Mico ae bode ter 1 Repubican govemor and oth have several tora toms ae pals, Tes wil not be ood argument Fees though then one dtd snd btweim the vo sey tise Siniloriie hae de baring an ibe sue of posing et mito i Cons agother eampe 9 prions ce ase 1 Sole Soy’ Heyl adsl Cau tr oat Soon sued Cert ove th ig k had been to bere Jadcon BP Mary Cen Tring: Aes Mon 01) wor, In a case at hand (Case 2), Giovanni bought Mike's bicycle siving as payment counterfeit maney. Giovanni knev i was phony money. Mike discovered the feud and sued Giovaay for the rlurn ofthe bicycle. Will Mike also win the case? Yeu What 4s the similarity in the two casas? The lwo persons being raed both dishonesty acquind possession of another's proper thie simibrity js rekvant on the question of whether or mot the defendant has acquted ownership sights of te property Another important enterion by which —anatagicl argument may be judged has to do with the whecont Aissimilaritios between the entities being compared. Consider this example _ President Clinto’s actions ate ot just abut sx, * Tut consite “struts of jute jus as former President Nixon's actions were, Both Nixon and Clinton ted about thei earhict in tying to cover §up an improper conduct and Clinton even ei it Under oath. 1 Nixon's actions were impeach {Clinton's shoul also be. Tis ses to be & goa analog agaal a the slot clad has Forno fhe ove of whats or ant Girton setions oe anpethaie However one eat eet oe doit argument by cing a sleant erence al eae Beticeon the eiice” comport whieh stg tha Nin hs were mu : tre mae nan stp fever up ‘imi aon teak detraciom of peey sad stereo ted to abuses ot presealpower er alae prion cfs, whens Clin atin ane che Senses wee not an aboce of presenta! pote al veyone le abit sex 30 hat fis ats tid nef fo ingen. ‘weaken the , Clinton's sie cant ‘Lot us put a twist sogarding the Issue of the bicjcle ‘owner’ attempt o recover this property This wil be Case 3. Quite similar to Case 2, suppoie Giovanni obtained the beyco by fraud, misrepresenting some Important facts hat induced Mike bo ianser the ile of Whee, that betore Mike rn se to ever the bicyle, ivan sold to Mervin who didnot know of Glovann's fraud. and Mervin pid Giowams the market value of the bicycle Mike sued Mevvin for the rstam of his property, Can an anaogieal Aegurient sucued in defending the clan that Mike shoul win the cae and resaver the bievele as the Ho precedent ces Comparing ths present case with the previous cases although there are similares among the eases, the presen ease has a felevant diference from the previous cases ~ Mervin has no Knowledge that the item sos suse acquired by Giovani fs the previous eases the logat battle was between the innocent owner andthe erongdoct the thie or the defraud Bt in the present case, the batle 5 between tn innocent persons — i i ketoeon the innocent otener and fhe innocent buyer, That isa solevantditforence that can fatty the bayer’ ‘ownership ofthe bieyte. Lets put mother tis In Case 4, suppose that, ke in Case 1, Roger stole Sonny's bicyte, except that fle ie Case 3, before Sy ea sue forts return, Roger sold it to Cesar Also Bike in Case 3, Cesar as fancae shat i was ston ant paid Rogee is ful macket value Sonny aust to recover the bieyle, Wil Cesar alse be free ofan Titty or Sony can win the case and tecover the stem? Aithough thew are simiantice Between Cases 3 and & the fostcome can be different The origin owner can reaver the cycle from the buyer despite the fact thatthe buyer had good faith im busing the stem and was unatwate of te dishonest sequislion ‘What elevant diffrence do Cases 3 and ¢ have? ‘The celevant ditesence was how the bicycle was sequin from the original owner ~ thet and frauen inducement. I the case of thett (Cases 1 and 4), the orignal owner (Sonny) ‘ever intended to transfer th te to Roger the propaty wes taken without Sonny's knowledge and without hic tent pose the tle. That means thi no tle Was ever pared. aut Reger scquicdl no te, OF stated difoneriy: he acquired a vokd tile, And he could not pass on to someone ale a beter tie than he hnweth hah In the case of froudutent inducement (Cases 2 and 3) Mike slid intend anal oct to transfer the tite, although the oxener wea ised by Giovanni’ frautulent inducement 8, Clovonn aed acquit the ie, though tas a “oie fas opposed “ant fille This means thot Mike can sill cover the bieyle fhe seed {gic while Giovoun sll had the tem beceuse be could sill oc he te, Buti, before Mike ste ovoid the tt, Giwvannt sola it tw ax innocent buyer who paid ll valu(o. Bome Tale Parchaser),the tite that he had transicred t9 tie BEP became on ttle, Ino longer cou be “ah Hore we sc that i the examples given iis important in ‘natogical reasoning to check ovr simi si how citexee the Fass te in varios cases the fet re suibtonialy san the svscome af the esses wil not be diternt is ifthe fects hare relevant dilerences, the outcome in one case will not be the some in snes case Arguing that the contusion of the anaboical reasoning ‘olbies spite relevant clifnenes between th: enties being compared lads f the fllay of falke analogy as the fllowing ‘case example would shove, Thain were te simi ne et he ptton Tete te coven onthe tof ee ements wn eal on he st dean thet few eben thatthe previous rung wee emmeons: The {nse he pain “oly dul it he ely ately ra hs ce Cpe inthe econ, the et scion eer toga doce wes in he way meno Kilosboyan es. Morator® In 1995, PESO. anel POMC signed an Equipment Lease Agreement wherein PGMC leased confi Intery equipment and accessories to PC5O. not receipts alloted Sato Tre ewes lr 8 yas and POSO pombe he oes, pon’ the expiration af Hea, PESO may urchase the equipment for P25 aviltion, The felling orth 8 ptition wae Hes declare the erecront wah because ie solve of PSDs Cfrant tse dng ig Moe imaprfotiy wits Set 20) of Art SD othe 87 Constitution and tht standing can no ong te questioned Bocuse i ha come te eo the erent “The responcent answered that the ag is ehiernt fom the Contract of Lease ond ere fn bidding zequied. The power to determine the a Scent (1985)

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