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International Railway
Industry Standard

GUIDELINE 2 : 2012

We would like to thank the following people for the excellent cooperation and contribution, without which this Guideline would not have been

Technical Forum for

Improvement representatives IRIS Management Centre

Marcus Schmid (Leader) Rüdiger Mesterheide Bernard Kaufmann

VOITH TURBO Hanning & Kahl IRIS General Manager
Ekaterina Bochkareva Dario Montefusco Giuseppe Greco
Russian Register AnsaldoBreda IRIS Senior Manager
Angela de Heymer Mikael Nilsson Kujtesa Hajredini
Bombardier Transportation Faiveley IRIS Manager
Bernd Diekmann Valerio Paoletti
Siemens Mobility RINA
Giuseppe Greco Susanne Schaub
Hans Jahn Oliver Stein
DQS Knorr-Bremse
Kay Jürgensen Ursula Tacke
Bernard Kaufmann Luca Tuci
UNIFE AnsaldoBreda
Michael Lindstrom Dominique Sauvion
Bureau Veritas SNCF
Guideline 2 : 2012

1 INTRODUCTION The IRIS standard defines the FAI as (IRIS booklet ANNEX
5 and Notes in clause 7.9):
The aim of this guideline is to provide a guidance to all
Organizations during the implementation and mainte- Inspection, verification and documentation of a repre-
nance of an IRIS certified Business Management System sentative item from the first serial production run of a
(BMS) concerning arrangement, planning, execution new Product or major upgrade of an existing Product.
and documentation of a First Article Inspection (FAI)
NOTE 1 If the Product is one-off, FAI is meant as valida-
required to comply with the IRIS requirements (IRIS
booklet chapter 3, clause 7.9).
NOTE 2 FAI is not applicable for Organizations having
2 PURPOSE activities in design, only.

The main purpose of the FAI is to give objective and NOTE 3 If the Product is a software only, FAI is meant as
documented evidence that all engineering, design and validation according to applicable IEC standards.
specification requirements are correctly understood,
NOTE 4 FAI is a key milestone of the Organization’s
accounted for, verified, and recorded, as well as to
Production Process.
validate the production operations (including ma-
nufacturing gauges, tools, jigs and fixtures) of a new The terms “inspection”, “verification” and “documen-
Product (or major upgrade of an existing one) and can tation” hereinabove specified, are to be understood as
be considered as a binding requirement to be met prior a complete, independent, and documented physical
to release the series production. and functional inspection Process to verify that prescri-
bed production methods to produce an acceptable
Simultaneously, the FAI validates the manufacturing
item as specified by engineering drawings, planning,
equipments used to produce the Products.
purchase order, engineering specifications and (or)
other applicable design documents (extract from the EN
For the purposes of this guideline, the terms, definitions
and abbreviations given in ISO 9000 and IRIS apply.

Terms in this guideline beginning with capital letters are

listed and defined in ANNEX 5 of the IRIS booklet.
© 2012 UNIFE. All rights reserved.
4 GUIDELINE 2 : 2012 - FAI -

Additional terms used in this guideline: 4 IRIS FAI REQUIREMENTS

%Corrective Action Request (CAR): non compliance IRIS requirements on the FAI are covered on the IRIS
found during the FAI Process, to be recorded in the FAI booklet (chapter 3, clause 7.9).
Report and to be closed by the responsible party within
The implementation of a documented Procedure inclu-
the agreed time frame.
ding Records is assessed through the verification of a KO
% First Article Inspection (FAI): Inspection, verification question (ANNEX 4 and IRIS Questionnaire #7.9-1), which
and documentation of a representative item from the can also be put as not applicable (chapter 3, clause 7.9,
first serial production run of a new Product or major Note 2).
upgrade of an existing Product.
In addition, IRIS requires a Process (IRIS Questionnaire
% First Mounting Inspection: inspection performed, #7.9-2) to be established within the Organization’s BMS
upon positive result of the FAI, on the Product installed in order to ensure proper outcome of the FAI.
at the expected final destination (e.g.: System or rail
The IRIS requirements on the FAI also apply to suppliers
vehicle), to review interfaces or any other additional
(IRIS Questionnaire #7.9-3).
detail or both not verifiable during the FAI Process.
A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is also recommended,
% Product Manufacturing and Inspection Plan (MIP):
to measure the performance of the FAI Process establis-
document planning controls, inspections and tests
hed by the Organization.
foreseen during the manufacturing Process of a Product,
specifying (directly or through specific references) the Customer specific FAI requirements need to be taken
operational mode, the applicable technical docu- into account also.
mentation (e.g.: technical specifications, Procedures,
drawings, work instructions etc.) and the relevant 5 RESPONSIBILITY
acceptance criteria. Development of any manufacturing
A spreadsheet (or similar mean) to allocate responsibi-
step and relevant inspection result (wherever applica-
lities through the different Organization’s departments
ble) may be recorded in the appropriate area of the MIP.
on the FAI’s management, can be included as part of
% Project Management Plan (PMP): document spe- the FAI Procedure. Duties and commitments of the
cifying what is necessary to meet the objective(s) of the different individuals appointed for the corresponding
Project. activities could be stated therein, with regard to the
main activities to be carried out to plan, execute and
% Quality Plan (QP): document specifying which
document a successful FAI.
Processes, Procedures, and associated resources will be
applied by whom and when to meet the requirements
of a specific Project, Product, Process or contract [ISO

% System: aggregation of hardware and software

components, arranged to achieve specific functions or
features. The term „System“ also consists of subsystems,
equipments and all other components requested or re-
commended or both to achieve the required functions.

% Type Test: single (series of) test(s) through which

technical compliance of the System to the Project,
statutory and regulatory requirements is proven.

© 2012 UNIFE. All rights reserved.


6 PROCESSES OF THE FAI ments, tools, jigs and fixtures, materials needed to
manufacture the Product, Human Resources needed
6.1 FAI management
for the Process (Quality and design & development
To properly and punctually manage the FAI Process, an technicians etc.).
Organization can address the following main questions
% KPI: see chapter 6.6 on this guideline.
6.2 Applicability
% WHEN. To define, plan and monitor when an FAI
could be conducted; The FAI is performed on new Products representative of
the first series production run, manufactured by using
% WHAT. To decide and specify what Product or com-
defined methods, intended and validated for the nor-
ponent could be subject to the FAI, what inspections
mal production Process (series production), or in case
(verifications) could be conducted on these Products
of major upgrade of an existing Product (first samples,
or components and their associated Processes, what
prototypes or incomplete parts cannot be considered as
data could be recorded as output of the FAI Process;
valid for this purpose, therefore).
% HOW. To specify how an FAI could be carried out and
Any possible derogation to this rule may be released by
how the results could be documented and recorded;
an appointed and identified individual (whose position
% WHO. To state different responsibilities through the
and responsibility is to be formally defined by the Or-
Organization, concerning the overall FAI Process
ganization) and can be covered by an appropriate and
management (who is responsible for what?);
specific risk analysis.
% WHERE. To determine whether the FAIs could be
Transfer of production of a Product or component sub-
carried out internally or at supplier’s premises (tier
ject to the FAI to a different production site of the same
to be defined), primarily depending by the Processes
Organization and (or) to a different Organization as well
developed by the Organization.
as a Process change, supplier change or supplier site
Such and similar concerns can be included by the Orga- change, always require the repetition of the FAI.
nization into the required documented Procedure.
Whether the FAI is a compulsory condition, this require-
The FAI Process shall be defined by the Organization ment is included in the QP and MIP, as a binding step to
(e.g. through a flowchart), to detail the main activities release series production of the Product.
to be carried out by the different involved functions in
6.3 Arrangement and planning
A typical “List of Products and components to be subject
The FAI Process mapping (with relevant objective) can
to the FAI” may be defined by the Organization and
be established by the Organization, by addressing the
included in the FAI Procedure.
following (e.g.):
Criteria may be stated by the Organization on how to
% INPUT: Project technical specifications and drawings,
select the Products and components to be subject to the
material certifications, work instructions, MIP, FAI
FAI (e.g. safety critical Products, not procured standard
plans, QP, first Product sample, tools, fixtures and
catalogue hardware, Products resulting from Special
Processes, supplier’s designed Products,…). A matrix is
% OUTPUT: FAI outcome, FAI report, open items and therefore needed by the Organization to define and list
CARs list (if any), design & development modifications the Products to be subject to the FAI.
(if any).

% RESOURCES: manufacturing lines, measuring instru-

© 2012 UNIFE. All rights reserved.

6 GUIDELINE 2 : 2012 - FAI -

Criteria can also be stated by the Organization, to define final design review report, list of applicable drawings,
in which cases the FAI may be repeated (e.g.): QP, MIP, fire and smoke test reports,…).

% in case of changes in the design affecting fit, form or In case of a complete System, the positive result of the
function of the part; type tests (or comparable positive results on a similar
application) may be also considered as a pre-condition
% in case of change that can affect fit, form or function
to perform the FAI.
of the part in manufacturing or supplier:
In case specific type test outcomes could be made
- Process or
available after the FAI (e.g. endurance tests results), any
- location or
possible impact on the System’s configuration can be
- materials
evaluated for Product’s modifications and FAI repetiti-
% tooling in case of a stop of production for a certain on.
When all the stated pre-conditions are satisfied, the
% a natural or man-made event (e.g.: vandalism,…), Organization may begin the FAI (either internal or at
which may adversely affect the manufacturing Pro- supplier’s premises).
Depending on the Product to be subject to the FAI,
on the overall design & development responsibilities
Criteria could be subject to review and customer’s
and whether the inspection could be performed at
approval, if requested.
Organization’s or at supplier’s premises, a “typical” list
In case a FAI could be developed by a supplier of the of participants (with relevant individual responsibility)
Organization on a determined Product or component, may be defined by the Organization and included as a
specific requirements may be included into the contract template in the FAI Procedure.
(purchase order) issued by the Organization, to manage
The team in charge to conduct the FAI has to be able
and rule such activity with the supplier.
and responsible to execute, complete and report the
The “FAI Program” can be defined by the Organization outcome of the following tasks (e.g.):
for each Project and may include the “List of Products
% review all the documentation pertaining to the
and components to be subject to the FAI”, the relevant
manufacturing Process (e.g.: MIP & QP, manufacturing
responsibility (internal or supplier), and all the relevant
work instructions) to make sure that the foreseen
data to properly schedule and manage the FAI activities
operations included therein are carried out as plan-
(e.g. Product part number, purchase order number,
FAI expected date, FAI effective date, presence of open
% review all applicable documents supporting the
FAI for completeness and updating (e.g. QP, MIP,
Specific responsibilities may be assigned within the inspection and test data, acceptance and routine test
Organization, to monitor and to keep the Project’s FAI Procedures);
Program updated. % review material certifications for updating, comple-
teness and conformance to the stated requirements
6.4 Execution
(e.g. non metallic materials fire and smoke test
Pre-conditions to perform the FAI are to be evaluated reports, raw materials test certificates, …);
by the Organization prior to begin the FAI, by reviewing % verify that Special Processes carried out during ma-
the availability of a list of approved documents, dra- nufacturing are qualified, validated and approved as
wings, certifications and plans, applicable to the Pro- required by contractual or internal or both require-
duct or to the component to be subject to the FAI (e.g. ments (including authorized personnel and external

© 2012 UNIFE. All rights reserved.


sources, if any); % Approved: FAI successful

% verify that applicable Product’s and Process’s key % Conditionally Approved: no blocking open items
characteristics are fully met; % Rejected: FAI failed because of blocking open items
% verify that all specific gages, tools, jigs and fixtures
In case of conditional approval a concession or a
designed and used during manufacturing are valida-
deviation permit is needed and the serial production
ted, qualified and traceable, as applicable;
can start, providing that materials under concession
% verify that statutory and regulatory requirements
are identified and the open items are closed within the
applicable to the Product are met;
agreed time.
% verify Product configuration and its correlation to the
applicable and updated Project documentation and 6.6 KPIs
A KPI to measure the performance of the FAI Process im-
% verify that traceability requirements are met, as
plemented by the Organization, is also recommended.
% report and record any possible discrepancy or non Useful guidance and examples on how to define and set
conformity or both of the Product or Process or both up a specific KPI on the FAI Process, may also be found
to the statutory and regulatory, contractual and in the IRIS Guideline 1: 2011 “KPIs”.
internal requirements;
% define the result of the FAI and decide whether to 7 ANNEXES
authorize the starting of the serial production or (in
7.1 Forms & Templates
case of negative result) to repeat the FAI;
% fill and distribute the FAI report listing the open items It is strongly recommended that the FAI Procedure in-
(if any), addressing responsibilities and defining the cludes specific forms and templates, to assure punctual
expected closing date for each item; and complete gathering of the FAI results and to allow
% follow-up and close all open items raised during the easy sharing and updating of the different information
FAI (if any), gathering required information by the through the Organization and the stakeholders and to
interested parties and reviewing them for complete- report FAI output data, results and outcomes.
ness and conformity to the stated requirements.
Such forms & templates can be designed to allow a
The Organization may also define whether a “First simple, clear and quick management of the information
Mounting Inspection” will be necessary to settle the through the Organization, the stakeholders and during
FAI Process (e.g. in case of interior fittings) and finally the FAI planning, execution and data review.
release the series production.
However, the FAI documentation records retention,
6.5 Nonconformance management based on customer or regulatory or both requirements
(if any), can be foreseen and included in the FAI Proce-
The FAI has to be considered incomplete (therefore
series production cannot be released) until all the non
conformities, the open items or the CARs or both affec- A “FAI Checklist Template”, which may be used by the
ting the Product subject to the FAI are closed and the Organization during the FAI Process, is enclosed with
corrective actions are implemented by the responsible the present Guidance as “ANNEX 1”.

Nevertheless, the Organization may define criteria and

conditions for releasing or not releasing the serial pro-
duction, regarding the following possibilities:

© 2012 UNIFE. All rights reserved.

8 GUIDELINE 2 : 2012 - FAI -

ANNEX 1: First Article Inspection (FAI) Checklist

Type of FAI:
Contact person/function:

Remarks to status of

Remark to question


Closure date



# Section Question

Is the status of the purchase order correct?
1 Purchase order
(number, date and issue level)

2 Purchase order Is the order confirmation available?

Is the documentation updated as per latest

purchase order and relevant open items:
- Supplier drawing / bill of material (BOM) /
3 Scope of supply wiring lists
- Drawing detail / issue
- Supplier part numbers
- Modification level

Is the routine testing status of the first article

Type testing / consistent with the inspection and test plan?
Routine testing (Remark: all Procedures and reports shall be
available for review)

Is the type testing status of the first article

Type testing / consistent with the Qualification and Test Plan
Routine testing (QTP)? (Remark: all Procedures and reports shall
be available for review)

Identification/ Have the identification/configuration of the parts

Configuration been inspected?

Is the content/layout of the Inspection Certificate

(e.g. Inspection Certificate 3.1 according to
7 Documentation
EN 10204:2005) consistent with customer’s

Inspection of Is all the required labelling available & posi-

component tioned correctly (e.g. indentification plate)?

© 2012 UNIFE. All rights reserved.


Remarks to status of

Remark to question


Closure date



# Section Question

Has the first article used for the FAI been
Inspection of produced using the final series production
component processes & equipment? (i.e. prototype not

Inspection of Do workmanship and aesthetics meet customer

component requirements?

Are all routine test reports compliant with test

Inspection of Procedures? (Witness routine test as specified,
component cross reference the FAI component serial number,
and review test reports)

Inspection of Is the routine test equipment calibrated?

component (Request copies of supporting documentation)

Do the critical parameters (e.g. dimensions,

electronic values) and Interfaces match the latest
specifications or model on all parts? (Review
Inspection of
13 dimensional reports for all the FAI component
parts, and understand how dimensions have
been recorded, e.g. using a measuring machine
or by hand, …)

Is the correct version of software (and of

Inspection of
14 software patches if applicable) installed? (Record
and check with engineer)

If applicable: have the installation instruction

and the documents for installation training at
15 instruction and
the customer been forwarded to the relevant

Do the packaging, delivery method, delivery

documentation, and component identification
16 Packaging
meet export, customs and customer require-

© 2012 UNIFE. All rights reserved.

10 GUIDELINE 2 : 2012 - FAI -

Remarks to status of

Remark to question


Closure date



# Section Question

Has the status of any applicable concession been

17 Concessions

If rework has taken place on the component,

was an agreed & approved rework procedure
18 Concessions
followed and did the supplier obtain approval
prior to reworking this specific item?

Is a part number given for each software and
19 Assurance
hardware component of the system?
(SWQA): part

Have all documents required been accepted by
20 Assurance
Software Quality Assurance (SWQA)?
Software Is the software validated and has the validation
Quality report been approved?
21 Assurance

Does the product match all the safety

22 Safety

© 2012 UNIFE. All rights reserved.


© 2012 UNIFE. All rights reserved.

A UNIFE initiative supported by

The rail industry

The rail operators

The rail associations

This document and its contents are the property of UNIFE. This document
contains confidential proprietary information. The reproduction,
distribution or communication of this document or any part thereof,
without express authorization is strictly prohibited. Offenders will be
held liable for the payment of damages.

© 2012 UNIFE. All rights reserved

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