Iris Guideline 1 2011 Kpis PDF

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International Railway
Industry Standard

GUIDELINE 1 : 2011

We would like to thank the following people for the excellent cooperation and contribution, without which this Guideline would not have been

Technical Forum for

Improvement representatives IRIS Management Centre

Marcus Schmid (Leader) Robert Milner Bernard Kaufmann

Cristina Bianchi Mikael Nilsson Giuseppe Greco
RINA Faiveley IRIS Senior Manager
Corine Branchet Elio Poletti Nevena Petrova
Bureau Veritas IMQ IRIS Manager
Jean-Christophe Coulaud Anne Pouyanné
Alstom Transport AFNOR
Angela de Heymer Susanne Schaub
Bombardier Transportation SBB/CFF/FFS
Bernd Diekmann Oliver Stein
Siemens Mobility Knorr-Bremse
Denis Garrigues Ursula Tacke
RATP GHH-Valdunes
Giuseppe Greco Luca Tuci
UNIFE AnsaldoBreda
Hans Jahn Dominique Sauvion
Kay Jürgensen Hans Van Mulekom
Bernard Kaufmann Klaus Wagner
David Martinez de Miguel
Guideline 1 : 2011

The aim of this guideline is to provide guidance to all 2

organizations during the implementation and mainte- DEFINITION
nance of an IRIS Certified Business Management System
KEY: Only Key when it is of fundamental importance in
(BMS) concerning the identification of the Key Perfor-
gaining competitive advantage and is a make or break
mance Indicators (KPIs) required to comply with the IRIS
element in the success or failure of the organization.

PERFORMANCE: Only relating to Performance when it

can be clearly measured, quantified and influenced by
the organization.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) help an organization
to define and to measure progress toward organizatio- INDICATOR: Only an Indicator if it provides leading
nal goals. information on future performance.

Once an organization has analyzed its mission, identi-

Effectiveness and efficiency are also key parameters to
fied all its stakeholders, and defined its goals, it needs
be considered to identify the right KPIs:
a way to measure progress toward those goals. Key
Performance Indicators are those measurements.
Effectiveness: The degree to which objectives are
In process oriented organizations, the goals are reached achieved and the extent to which targeted problems
through the implementation of effective and efficient are solved.
processes, therefore it is vital to make a regular perfor-
mance appraisal for the processes and for all the aspects Efficiency: The comparison of what is actually produced
that can affect the efficiency of the business. or performed with what can be achieved with the same
consumption of resources (money, time, labor, etc.). It is
The KPI, when properly developed, provide all staff
an important factor in determination of productivity.
with clear goals and objectives, coupled with an un-
derstanding of how they relate to the overall success of
In contrast to efficiency, effectiveness is determined
the organization. Published internally and continually
without reference to costs and, whereas effectiveness
referred to, they will also strengthen shared values and
means „doing the right thing“, efficiency means „doing
create common goals.
the thing right“.
© 2011 UNIFE. All rights reserved.
4 GUIDELINE 1 : 2011 - KPIs -

For a KPI of “Increase Sales“, there’s the need to con-

sider whether to measure by units sold or by value of
sales. Will returns be deducted from sales in the month
of the sale or the month of the return? Will sales be
recorded for the KPI at list price or at the actual sales

Setting targets for each KPI is of fundamental impor-

tance. If one of the organization goals is “to be the
employer of choice”, the associated KPI might measure
the “employee fluctuation rate“. Once the KPI has been
defined as “the number of voluntary resignations and
terminations for performance, divided by the total
In the IRIS scheme, KPIs are meant to measure the number of employees at the beginning of the period“
performance of the Processes. and a way to measure it has been set up (by collec-
ting the information in a human resource information
The KPIs usually are long-term considerations and may system), the target has to be established.
differ depending on the type of organization.
“Reduce employee fluctuation by five percent per year“
The selected KPIs will need to: is a clear target that everyone will understand and be
able to take specific action to accomplish.
1. Reflect the organizational goals,
2. Be quantifiable (measurable), Be key to the organization‘s success
3. Be key to the organization‘s success.
In selecting KPIs, it’s critical to limit them to those
Reflect The Organizational Goals factors that are essential to the organization reaching
its goals. It is also important to keep the number of Key
An organization that has as one of its goals “to be the Performance Indicators small just to keep everyone‘s
most profitable organization in the Rail Industry“ will attention focused on achieving the same KPIs.
have Key Performance Indicators that measure profit. That is not to say, for instance, that a organization will
On the other hand, a manufacturer of Bearings, having have only three or four KPIs in total. Rather there will
one of its goals “to provide better customer service” be three or four Key Performance Indicators for the
will set the related KPI to measure the responsiveness organization and all the units within it will have three,
performance of its Customer Service department. four, or five KPIs that support the overall organization
goals and can be “rolled up“ into them.
Be quantifiable (measurable)
If an organization‘s Key Performance Indicator is
For a KPI to be of any value, there must be a way to “Increased Customer Satisfaction“, that KPI will be
accurately define and measure it. “Be The Most Popular focused differently in different departments: the
Organization“ won‘t work as a KPI because there is manufacturing department may have a KPI of “Number
no way to measure the organization‘s popularity or of Units Rejected by Quality Inspection“, while the sales
compare it to others. department has a KPI of “Minutes A Customer Is On Hold
Before A Sales Representative Answers“. Success by the

© 2011 UNIFE. All rights reserved.


sales and manufacturing departments in meeting their office‘s volume numbers are counted in one region, i.e.
respective departmental Key Performance Indicators that none are skipped or double counted? How much,
will help the organization to meet its overall KPIs. by percentage or value or units, do we want to increase
sales volumes each month?
Example of a well defined KPI:
• Title of KPI: Employee Turnover SMART KPIs

A KPI can follow the SMART criteria.

• Defined: The total of the number of employees who
resign for whatever reason, plus the number of emplo- Specific: It has to be clear what the KPI exactly
yees terminated for performance reasons, and that total measures. There has to be one universally-accepted
divided by the number of employees at the beginning definition of the KPI to make sure the different users
of the year. Employees lost due to Reductions in Force interpret it the same way and, as a result, come to
(RIF) will not be included in this calculation. the same and right conclusions which they can act
• Measured: The human resource information system
Measurable: The KPI has to be measurable to define
contains records of each employee. The separation
a standard, budget or norm, to make it possible to
section lists reason and date of separation for each
measure the actual value and to make the actual
employee. Monthly, the human resource department
value comparable to the targeted value.
will query the database and provide department heads
with Employee Turnover reports. The human resource Achievable: For every KPI a target value has to be
department will post graphs of each report on the defined. It is important for the acceptance of KPIs
intranet. and Performance Management in general within the
organization that this value is achievable. Nothing is
• Target: Reduce Employee Turnover by 5% per year. more discouraging than striving for a goal that you
will never reach.
Example of a badly defined KPI:
Relevant: The KPI provides more insight in the
performance of the organization or processes in being
• Title of KPI: Increase Sales
consistent with its policy and business plan. A KPI
is only relevant if the organization‘s processes can
• Defined: Change in sales volume from month to
influence it.
Time phased: It is important to express the targeted
• Measured: Total of sales by region for all regions value of the KPI in time. Every KPI only has a meaning
if one knows the time dimension in which it is
• Target: Increase each month realized. The realization and standardization of the
KPI therefore has to be time phased.
What‘s missing? Does this measure increases in sales
volume by value or units? If by value, does it measure
list price or sales price? Are returns considered and if
so do they appear as an adjustment to the KPI for the When an organization wants to define KPIs it has to
month of the sale or are they counted in the month assure that the indicators are unmistakably defined,
the return happens? How do we make sure each sales objectives are in place and that the calculation can be

© 2011 UNIFE. All rights reserved.

6 GUIDELINE 1 : 2011 - KPIs -

done easily, preferably automatically. Additionally it 5.6.2)

is necessary that the organization identifies itself with • Non conformities raised by the customer throughout
the KPIs and is aware how to influence them. Not the the entire Project Life Cycle (IRIS clause 5.6.2)
quantity of KPIs but the quality decides (“twenty is • Tender management (IRIS clause 7.2.4)
plenty”). • Design and development (IRIS clause 7.3)
• Purchasing Process (IRIS clause 7.4.1)
5 • Project Management or new Product development
MEASURING KPIs (IRIS clause 7.7)
• Project Management – Cost management (IRIS clause
For measuring KPIs several prerequisites must be 7.7.4)
6.2 Recommended IRIS KPIs
• Definition of calculation of KPI (e.g. (value X/value
Y)*100; (actual value)- (planned value)); • Internal and supplier non conformities throughout
• Unit of measurement must be defined (e.g. the entire Project Life Cycle (IRIS clause 5.6.2)
percentage, Euro, quantities); • Supplier on time delivery performance (IRIS clause
• Adequate reporting interval must be fixed 5.6.2)
(e.g. monthly, quarterly); • Response time on non conformities raised by the
• Presentation form must be chosen (e.g. pie diagram, customer (IRIS clause 5.6.2)
bar chart, spider diagram); • Quality Deficiency Costs (IRIS clause 5.6.2)
• Target for the reporting period must be displayed • Review of requirements related to the Product (IRIS
(e.g. delivery performance to the customer 95%); clause 7.2.2)
• Data source must be chosen (e.g. table XYZ from the • First Article Inspection (FAI) (IRIS clause 7.9)
ERP-system); • Customer satisfaction (IRIS clause 8.2.1)
• Accuracy of the KPI data must be known; • Analysis of data (IRIS clause 8.4)
• Data collector must be nominated (e.g. Mr. X from the
sales department, Ms. Y from procurement); TABLE 1: KPI definition table
• KPI owner must be named;
KPI Description: ...
• Trends of the KPI must be interpretable (e.g. sales
Process: ...
increases due to a new sales representative or due to
Objective of the process: ...
a sales campaign);
Process owner ...
• Guidance for taking actions must be in place (e.g.
Prediction of the KPI: ...
sales decrease is analyzed by meeting with sales
Unit of measure: ...
Target and reporting period: ...
• All prerequisites must be documented in an agreed
Calculation of the KPI: ...
format (e.g. in a KPI profile)
Accuracy of the KPI: ...
Data source: ...
Reporting interval: ...
Framework condition: ...
Influence on KPI: ...
6.1 Mandatory IRIS KPIs Data collected by: ...
KPI reported to: ...
• Customer on time delivery performance (IRIS clause
Actions: ...

© 2011 UNIFE. All rights reserved.



KPI or Process name IRIS Status Definition examples Target value Process target Reporting Reference
clause interval to Annex

Customer on time 5.6.2 Mandatory (sum deliveries on time) / X% To be compliant Monthly

delivery performance (sum deliveries) x 100 with confirmed X
delivery dates

Non conformities 5.6.2 Mandatory Customer non conformity X / Month To reduce Monthly
raised by the customer cost per month or variation and
throughout the entire or Z / project waste in supply
Project Life Cycle Warranty cost by project or chain
or Y%
(Claimed parts) / (delivered
parts) x 100
Tender management 7.2.4 Mandatory Cost deviation X% To meet Monthly
to estimated budget, customer or
without customer requirements Project
caused change requests milestone

Design and 7.3 Mandatory Number of design Number of To be on time Monthly

development changes, without changes by keeping costs or
external caused or and quality Quarterly
changes X% criteria
(sum of design changes
after design freeze) / (sum X
of design drawing) x 100

Purchasing Process 7.4.1 Mandatory (Non conform purchased X% To improve the Monthly X
product deliveries) / (sum of supplier delivery
received purchased product quality
deliveries) x 100
(Non conform purchased
products) / (received
purchased products) x 100
or or
Cost deviation to improve the
to estimated purchase budget control

© 2011 UNIFE. All rights reserved.


KPI or Process name IRIS Status Definition examples Target value Process target Reporting Reference
clause interval to Annex

Project Management 7.7 Mandatory (Realized Milestone) / X% To manage Monthly

or new Product (Planed Milestone) x 100 Project or
development or or deliverables Project
delivery time milestone
deviation concerning number of
final customer days

Project Management – 7.7.4 Mandatory (Estimated costs) / (final X% To manage Monthly

Cost management costs) x 100 Project budget or

Internal and supplier 5.6.2 Recom- Internal and supplier Costs / Month To reduce Monthly
non conformities mended rework costs + internal and or variation and or
throughout the entire supplier scrap costs Costs per waste in the Project
Project Life Cycle category entire Project Life milestone
or Cycle
Costs per
Costs per

Supplier on time 5.6.2 Recom- (sum deliveries on time) / X% To ensure on Monthly X

delivery performance mended (sum deliveries) x 100 time delivery of
Response time on non 5.6.2 Recom- Response date of non X days To improve Monthly
conformities raised by mended conformities – issue date of or customer
the customer non conformities X hours support

© 2011 UNIFE. All rights reserved.


KPI or Process name IRIS Status Definition examples Target value Process target Reporting Reference
clause interval to Annex

Quality Deficiency Costs 5.6.2 Recom- Internal rework costs + Costs / Month To reduce Monthly
mended internal scrap costs or variation and or
Costs per waste in the Project
category entire Project Life milestone
or Cycle
Costs per
Costs per

Review of 7.2.2 Recom- Number of changes due Number of To properly Monthly

requirements related mended to non properly identified changes identify or
to the Product requirements customer Quarterly

First Article Inspetion 7.9 Recom- (Sum of successfully X% To ensure Monthly X

mended performed FAIs) / (sum of a stable or
performed FAIs) x 100 production start Quarterly

Customer satisfaction 8.2.1 Recom- (Sum of customers included X% To monitor Yearly

mended in customer satisfaction and review
measurement) / (total sum information
of customers) X 100 relating to
or customer
Correlation between perception
customer perception correlation in
and internally measured X%
delivery performance

Analysis of data 8.4 Recom- (amount of data analysed) X% To determine, Yearly

mended / (amount of data collected) collect and
x 100 analyse
or appropriate data
(amount of data collected) / to demonstrate
(amount of data requested) the suitability
x 100 and
effectiveness of
the QMS.

NOTE 1: The definitions given in Annex 1 (IRIS KPIs) are for examples only. The organization may choose a different definition for the men-
tioned KPIs, if preferred.

ANNEX 2: KPI examples

Customer on-time delivery

KPI Description: Design and Development Purchasing Process

Process: production and service provision design and development purchasing

Objective of the to be compliant with confirmed to be on time by keeping costs and to improve the supplier delivery
process: delivery dates quality criteria quality

Process owner please enter process responsible here please enter process responsible here please enter process responsible here

Prediction of the quality of drawings and bill of amount of deliveries that have to be
on-time delivery to customer
KPI: materials claimed at supplier

Unit of measure: percentage (%) percentage (%) percentage (%)

Target and
please enter actual company target please enter actual company target please enter actual company target
here here here

(non conform purchased product

(sum of design changes after design
Calculation of (sum deliveries on time) / (sum deliveries) / (sum of received
freeze) / (sum of design drawing) x
the KPI: deliveries) x 100 purchased product deliveries)
x 100

Accuracy of the please enter here the accuracy with please enter here the accuracy with please enter here the accuracy with
KPI: which the KPI can be determined which the KPI can be determined which the KPI can be determined

ERP-System, manual records, PDM-

Data source: ERP-system ERP-system; manual record

monthly monthly or quarterly monthly

none none none

new item, new supplier, product

Influence on delivery performance of suppliers, contract clarification, qualification of modification at supplier, uncertain
KPI: maintenance of equipment staff, new technologies purchasing information, other
problems at supplier

Data collected please enter here the person please enter here the person please enter here the person
by: responsible to collect the data responsible to collect the data responsible to collect the data

please enter here to which part of please enter here to which part of please enter here to which part of
KPI reported to: the management the the management the the management the
KPI is reported KPI is reported KPI is reported

root cause analysis (bottleneck) and meetings with supplier, strong

action plan incoming goods inspection

Supplier on time delivery

KPI Description: First Article Inspection (FAI)

first article inspection (internal and

Process: Purchasing

Objective of the to ensure on time delivery of

To ensure a stable production start
process: suppliers

please enter process responsible please enter process responsible

Process owner
here here

Prediction of the statement of the compliance of assessment of the achievement of

KPI: suppler confirmed delivery dates first article inspections

Unit of measure: percentage (%) percentage (%)

Target and
please enter process responsible please enter actual company target
here here

Calculation of (sum deliveries on time) / (sum (sum of successfully performed FAIs)

the KPI: deliveries) x 100 / (sum of performed FAIs) x 100

Accuracy of the please enter here the accuracy with please enter here the accuracy with
KPI: which the KPI can be determined which the KPI can be determined

Data source: ERP-system; manual records ERP-system; manual records

monthly monthly or quarterly

none none

new items, new supplier, product quality of contract review,

Influence on
modifications at supplier, purchase qualification of staff; capability of
of primary material measuring equipment

Data collected please enter here the person please enter here the person
by: responsible to collect the data responsible to collect the data

please enter here to which part of please enter here to which part of
KPI reported to: the management the the management the
KPI is reported KPI is reported

meetings with suppliers, strong

expediting of supplier
A UNIFE initiative supported by

The rail industry

The rail operators

The rail associations

This document and its contents are the property of UNIFE. This document
contains confidential proprietary information. The reproduction,
distribution or communication of this document or any part thereof,
without express authorization is strictly prohibited. Offenders will be
held liable for the payment of damages.

© 2011 UNIFE. All rights reserved

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