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Experiment: 04

Structural Analysis of a 3D truss

Note: Truss Material Modulus of Elasticity = 10.6 X 106 lb/in2 and cross sectional area is 1.56 in2 .
The steps that will be followed are
1. Geometry:
a) Before starting sketching we will make a nodes value file
Open notepad > enter values
1 4 0 0 -3
Close > notepad
b) For sketch Select x-y plane click normal (look at)
c) Draw a sketch, click sketching
Click >line from point > select points (one by one)
d) After sketching make a line body.
Concept > line from sketches > line 1 > sketch 1 > click line of sketch > generate
e) Give cross-section to line body.
Select concept > cross-section > circular > dimension > 0.1m > click line body > detail view >
cross section > circular 1
f) Cross the working area.
2. Model:
a) Mesh the line body.
Right click on the mesh > generate > mesh
b) Click detail of mesh to perform sizing.
Mesh > sizing > relevance center > fine
3. Setup:
a) Apply support on the line body
Click on static > support > displacement
b) To fix supports of node 1, node 3, node 4 according given values (0 mean constant)
Click vertex > node 1 > apply (detail)
Click vertex > node 3 > apply (detail)
Click vertex > node 4 > apply (detail)
c) Apply load (force)
d) Apply 200 pound force downward on node 2,
Click > load > force > node 2 > apply vector > change into component > magnitude 200
e) After applying the force
Click static structure > right click > solve
4. Solution:
a) To get the solution of 2d truss
Right click on solution > insert > deformation > total
b) To evaluate the all result
Right click > solution > evaluate all result.
5. Result:
a) To get the result
Click > probe > deformation
Click > probe > force reactions
b) For getting report
Click > report preview
c) To save the file
Click > publish.

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