MA Political Science PI A19 PDF

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o ROllNO. o..."'".."'"
CIash ootoo '
'r ra a a o a t o a a oo ooo

Paper: I (Western Political Thought) Time: 3 Hrs. Marks: 100

Subject: Political Science

NOTE: Attempt any FOIR questions. All questiotts carry equal marks.

-tE L)LJ; L * ilt v p -,.a1P s)v tl z-J {: -->,

Q.l. Critically evaluate Plato's concept of Education in his Ideal State'
-L/ctV.,, V LJ F ( f o P,' /,h L Lult $V t$tfti * t[t t/)tr
Write a detail Aristotle's concept of slavery.
LP't zr/)r
e.3. Describe Machiavelti's views about religion *u^r(ri''Plow'f (2s)

-6/ctV.-yy' u,l L A ht a
) LJ $t :r/ltr
Q.4. Give a critical examination of Social Contract Theory presented by John Locke.
-,j, o fi)t S, av o L Jtt ctv * F / :r'/ltr
e.5. How Machiavelli has advised in his book 'The Prince' to rule a state in medieval era?
Analyze it critically. (25)

-cl/ ct4., f V 6 *'> - Lu.J r {L / 0t L L vl^lgP' q } / tt f L,t" d 4"'-'Vtlt L $'g' zd/Jty

Q.6. Evaluate the theory of Pain and Pleasure by Jeremy Bentham. (25)
-,,{ -'Pt.p xt,i;z('u :t/)rr
Q.7. Write note on any TWO of the following: (12Y, + lzt/r)
i. Aristotle's concept of Citizenship
ii. Hegel's Dialectics
iii. J.S. Mills' concept of Liberry

l.C .r;rr,,,{-giJ)ar*, z/ ltr

q,i*P(Ptr (Jr)
o/ avoq,fu (rr)
6,tfi *PQ,/-t+ (O)
aaa oo a o a oa a a o oo o oo aa ao


toa Rotl No. ...........o.... :
M.A.M.Sc. Part - I Annual Exam - 2019 aaaaoaaa aaoaoao oaa a.

subject: Political scletrce Psper: I (Western Politic.l Thought) Time: 3 Hrs. Msrks: 100

NOTE: Attenpt any FOLIR questions. All questions carry equal ma*s.

-d 4J; L->ilr 1e) -qLP Jtv'g z-${:..--, }

Q.1. Discuss in detail the Plato's concept of Communism. (2s)
-'d *,-pd,ito,pftt)$t t/ ltr
Critically evaluate Aristotle' s classifi cation of Govemment. (2s)
-,.1,1 V o* (v €
F r,P,t,/gl.(fu ,t :r / ltr
Q.3. Machiavelli is considered to be the father of Power Politics. (2s)
-tt-/'*t -7u t{6t6>,y-{,tfrt/$'Q' r/)tr
Q.4. Compare and contast Hobbes' and Locke's Social ConEact theory. Which theory is more
relevanttoday? (25)
r f lt r
7*. -) L n, Lr; r2 fP,,/ -,1-/t:v / " LJtt gv nt,.'tt, .
{' t)t7,av o

Q.5. Write down Montesquieu theory of Separation of Powers. Q5)

,t-,/uV.*t.,gr{"Pr#t zo/ir*
Q.6. Describe J.S. Mitl concept of Liberty in detail (25)
Q.7. Write note on any TWO of the following: (12%+ t2%)
i. Rousseau's theory of General Will
ii. Jean Bodin's concept of Sovereignty
iii. Karl Marx theory of revolution
-r,{,ylr-rrr{.-;t,J;ar* :t / )tr
*,P (Sb,W(ru (Jr)
$trtfitoy'ftt'ttf (=)

6/,tJr{ Qr)
a o a a ao a oo aooatot aa a a oa


M.A./1VI.Sc. Part I Annual Exam - 2019 (Snecial Re-ExcIm) ROU I{O. .......o...r...r :
- oa
a a ao r o o o o aa a at ooa a aa
Subject: Political Science Paper: I (Western Political Thought) Time: 3 Hrs. Marks: 100

NOTE: Altenpt any FOUR quatians. All qu*tions carry equal muk.
-d Ocl# L..- tttr SL) -*"1/,.P ltr rq e-6{: -I-, i
Q. 1 Explain Plato's Ided State. Discuss various points of criticism against this concept.
-v{ ,/ ,lvrlrpfo/ ,.1t-g-,/s1gsL,t)V{ct}tttt t} )t,
Q, 2 Critically evaluate Aristotle's views about revolution.
-,.{,fuO$f.$|./LP.,t ry))v
Q. 3 How Machiavelli thinks about religion and morality.
Q.4 John Lock based a goverrunent on consent which is modem terminology is called Democracy.
Elaborate this statement.

-rl.lev,tloi.Jt-c'{q.,,,a&,OtlPt*ry4.dt,y.tlo,FrSlt vio/ uJttctv ,r'f g)rr

Q. 5 Write down Montesque's Theory of Separation of Powers.
-,,{.Y{o',,*,fr$t zo/itt
Q. 6 Describe J,S Mill concept of Liberty in detail.
-,t'"-,.P0,'fQ/tJ,Jr-+ xfitr
Q.7 Write note on any two of the following
a) Rousseau's Theory of General Will
b) Jean Bodin's concept of Sovereignty
c) Karl Marx Theory of Revolution
-r.{,>l/"t)L{ L/ Jty
d,P ffv$wfuu Q-ilt
,!t,t;}t r/ (cul.gff (:/
y$v, *P fi,{rtJt(r Q,
toooootooaaoaoaa a aooa

M.Ar/lV[.Sc, Part - I A,nnu?l -EIFm ;2Q.19. , ,.

(Clash) -o oo roarooa

Subject: Political Science Paper: II (Muslirr Political Thought and Institutions) Time: 3 Hrs. Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks.

-d gjj L-1 ilt r 1J -rt-/rP it r p z-J {: -:-, t

' Q# i, Describe in detait the main of tstamic potitical system. (25)
' -t/ /cl!,,,F,>? P ulyu t! Swj $ V LJ tl4i1,/,,
Q# 2. Glve Comprehensive overview of Human.rights. in lslam. (2S) , r. . i
' .r
':, t.'

d ly 12/
-,.c oi v r,|* r0 ? 0u t t r
Q# 3. Elucidate that how lslamic ooncdpt of sovereignty is different from Western concept of Sovereign ty? (2sl l

- ?.iv .-i! u.f r, i 0/ U ),/,! q fi / p tJ v il/.>,a

t t t3 / I y
Q# 4. Describe the sources of lslamic Law. (ZS)

- L//c)y.b L L ci v tl tk r:4 / t r
Q# 5. Disiuss'lbn-e-Khuld'gon's concept of Assabiya, how Assabiya Ptays an important role

in the rise and fall of civilizations. (25) j-i':

i. t

Q# 6. Discuss in detail tlte concept of Millat by Dr.Allama Muh-ammad lqbal. (25)

qj/g-tY <.*, i LJv t i -, * ?fii,s / rr

Q# 7. Write note on any two of the followings. (25)

(a) lmportance of Shura in lstarn

(b) Status of Minorities in lslam
(c) Concept of lmmamat by Al-Mawardi

-rl/t i,-> i <,,,{ *,i J; 1) p] / r t


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,o o ra o ora tooot toat"ol


o ROIINO.......oto.r."o' I o
tol t ooo too I ooooto o ttl t
Subjecfi Polltlcal Science Paper: II (Muslim Politicat Thought and Institutions) Tlme: 3 IIrs. Marks: 100

NOTE: Attcmpt any FOTIR questions, All questions carry equal marks.

-d uLl; L -.:,- iltv StJ -rt-/P Jt r.,\2 a- 6rt --+ I

Q# 1. Describe in detail the main characteristics of lslamic Political System. (25)

-,J /r)?.s? f u\V rl;W 6 ? 6 tyt,t,/, r,

Q#Z::How lslbmic;cilfl'cepf of Sovere{gfity is different to the western;coqcept?'Give inhlytical view. (e0' r, :::

-,J /,h oi V - ? -i9 Lif u fi 0f ) r,{,!, * i

e, rt t
g u, t,2
/ r r

Q# 3. bescribe the irnportance of Shura in lslarnic Political system. (2S)


-J /dy;ait {,J, i d #t 6 V tl u, t;:3

/ r t

Q# 4. Describe the importance of Human rights given by lslam . (ZS)

-J /r)Vq, tf,, 4 1, O dU tO 4is. L f v t,4 / n,

Q# 5. Discuss in detail about the concept of W azarat by Al-Mawardi (25)

' -t /-/r*l. uF < o rU, a,P LLJ r'r rU t:S / tt /


-J_/c.r.r.P <0, i, i L)v Gu *

Q# T.Write note on any two of the followings. (25)

(a) Sources of lslarnic Law

(b) Status of Minorities in lslam
(c) lbn-e-Khaldum's Concept of Assabiya.

-r{4, i g r 1 r, {* t"t 1}-.t a, * rl / tr

);LLctivtJtyt (-ttt)

lvrolttf*f (y)

*"ftrvu;b4t @)
aa oo a aoooa oaoaaaoaa a a,
a Roll No. ............oo.. :
toaoooara aaaaota a aoaa a

Subject: Political Science paper: III (Comparative and Developmental Politics) Time: 3 Hrs. IVlarks: 100

NOTE: Attempt any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal narks'

-d ()4; L--ilr 1A -4./tP Jrv tN +6{:.-- I

Q.1. What is anomic activities and what problems it creates in the way of political development.(25)
*$/t*,.f- r{r{r.t+trL6}t!l',tttt c-:t7{e-U* /7:t'Pr:E
t t/ )tr
Define the concept of Political development and describe its main characteristics.
.4/ctbo?P ULVfutlt,1,/eV,t!.,i L6;gV :r/ ltr
Q.3. Define modern political leadership.Also discuss its important characteristics and problems.
-Ll-,/,:,tr,,!v t:epP (, tfut f -q/A i r! * rl 6?+rr,r 7 lt,
Q.4. Define political cultnre and its kinds' Q5)
-4/,lv.Svt-ar 1lurtltJ/o-i {*66V zr'/ )tr
Q.5. Elaborate legislatures Role in the Developing Countries. Q5)
41/aV)u.fft)Yt,tr,Jv10; :a/ltr
Q.6. Describe in detail the traditional approach to the study of comparative politics. (2s)
-,*'yv,Ff,lttrtgu,st,LvL*?d6 rr/j,,
Q.7. Write note on any TWO of the following: 02%+ lZ%)
i. Political Modemization
ii, Kind of Political Culture
iii. Qualities ofa good leader
iv. Role of Bureaucracy in process ofpolitical Development
g{,.>}.r,,,{-gt,);a,,,t uf)rr
e-++tflr (.nr)
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o?f 6wD&.t (ey)
,u,ffil,,/trx.r.f ,.f LO;gV (r)
f& aa a at aa a aa a oata aaa a a.a
Ito RoIl No. .........r......
€al ILA./NI.Sc. part - I Annual Exam - 201g ooo aao a a oa oao o t t t'o'
Time: 3 Hrs. Marks: 100
Subjecfi political Science Paper: III (Comparative and Developmental Politic9

NOTE: Attempt any FOIIR questlons. All qaestions carry equal mark'

-,.A oJJ L..:-, ttv St) -ttltP t)tv,q *6rt --' i

Q, 1 Write a detail note on the BEHAVIORAL APPROACH. (25)

-,t- /a V.
-, u tlJ * L of' t y i tyQ s. d t L1 tb, 6 / rt, t,J- /-q i,t f w 6 V - 2 / J r
Q. 2 Define iPolitical System. Also briefly describe the input function' of a political system with the help of David
Easlon's model.

- q { c f ; t,,id {o {$ u i (' r- L )i
V u iJ vl. - I
r /q itlct i 6 t*3 /J / t

Q.3 Define Political Culture. What kinds of Political Culture has mention by S.E. Finer. (25)
q,tes. tTdulf rt 4,t o, ?, r.>, F{"i t +0 ;4-+/,)'
Q. 4 What is the role of Army in Government and Politics of a developing country? Discuss. (25)

- d L /z i,- u -J n i-i /- L trt 4 tl i 6Jq + j ; 4r - s,iJ,,

Q5 Wrile me?:ures do you suggest for the national integration of a developing country. Q5)

Q' 6 Explain the meaning of "state Building." what
are the problems that Developing states have faced
in the
process of creating any effective State

- { e. lto r, {* d J-;rr*-7,/,J,
Q.7 Write note on any of the two.

a. Traditional Elite
b. National ldentity r-
| -
c. concept of Legitimacy
O Marx concept of chang I-/


t ROllNO..'o"""""'o' o
taa l a oot"
ao t a oaa tot o'

Subject: Political Science Paper: fV (International Relations) Time: 3 Hrs. Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt any FOUR questions, All questions cafty equal marles.

-d ULJ; L-- t|tr

S'J -4/tP it r rt=z e-d rt -> t

o a ooaa oo a ooo o oorao o oao


o ROIINO......"t""".. o
M.A.lVf.Sc. Part - I Annual Exaln,,,- 2019 oa o t
', ooo oooo o tooo oo o o

Subiect: Pollttcal Science Paper: IV (International Relations Time: 3 Hrs. Marks: 100

- NOTE: Auempt any FOUR questions. All quesfions catry equal marks.

-d ULJ; L-:-llv StJ a"1/uP ltr tl c-6{:-', f

be1ne lnternationa[ Relations and criticalty examine the significance of lnternational RefaJions.

_ "..::,j.._:: ...:,i.: ' '' -{,/O*'r--,',!a;wOiiuotf'q/qi{*ttltli;ii'r!',;,'
'.' -'
Define- drpiqmacy lt is an art of resoiving'problems, Critlcally explain. '
, ,

,.1 i, ...j'l::,
._,:. ::,,:" .,. ,

' 't lnternational,Law. What are the main : sources of Internationa! Law, '
.: " -
t,Ji z /il l L o, i v tJ i u i - rt/-e i
a ,
ti t
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.:-:: ii.f ,Y-Lyr..rr y.. Fol"eion.
'{oter.minants:nf ...v..erir.r
p611"r. , ,::t
. ., . .

. -:. : . .-.:...___.. -. ... : .

of Modern State Systetrl. '

., .,
Q6. E-xplain different methods of peaceful Conflict Resolution.

'.' : ' ...' '

Q7. Write note on the following:

aaaaaa aoaaa a a aaaaaaaaa

ta aRolt No...............o.
a a aoa t aaa a oaaaao'o'

Subject: political Science Paper: V (tdeology and Dynamics of Politics in Pakistan) Time: 3 Hrs. Marks: 100

NOTE: Afrempt any FOUR questions. All quzstions ca.try equal matks'

-d L)LJ; L->tv 1u) -qIP Jrv,q a${:.,.:,- }

Q.1. Discuss in detail the underlying reasons and causes of repeated military interventions in
Pakistan. Also explain that what steps can be taken to diminish the trends of military

-4,z-,f L LL,ff /*u 6i,1,,*l1i -4.fu.t,>lr. t tf i,.t t $:${ *t

)t od\ f r
Q.2. Critically evaluate the process of Islamization process under General zia regime in Pakistan.
AIso elaborate yo* urrrr"rs, by highlighting its on state and society in later
decades' Q5)
t :t,ult,g U )V Lt : LT L L.F vr t
t -,.1,, V 6 rP fi.F L C- / uy L'", F r!,V J f
t r.t ctt{y :r/ lrr
What were the key challenges and issues which delayed the p^locess of Constitution making
Q.3. framework
early years of pakistan. ehlo explain that how absencl of an effective Constitutional
hampired the democratic prooois in later years in Q5)
l-,,-t-.x!-nt,/t:'r4lrr,t*\2,{,!,f Liv,l,O:vrlt r,tctdy,.ttttv\ r/)rr
What were the key factors which led towards separation of East Pakistan? Explain in detail
with reference to political and Socio-economic apprehensions of Bengalis and responses of
Pakistani State. (2s)
0{rn, r,},, y V,P Ov;; O ; v, tr G v,,6 ? L cl t $.f r,.{ { o\r., tJ,V t! {,*,! odyL ? :r'/ ltr

Q.5. Give a detailed account of issues and challenges of National integration in Pakistan. Also
suggest the potential measures to enhance national integration process in Pakistan. (25)

r.l:bV l-LLt'4ctur,/6 6i tr-,,1,tv,PrJvx,f, oi aody r/ )r,

Q.6. What were the significant reasons of failure of Parliamentary Democracy from 1988-1999 in
Pakistan? (2s)
r,f {ot$ t {6 gb
t! ; A Od,, l,.t tldr,J t gg g,! <- 1 e88 v/ )rr
Q.7. Write short notes on any TWO of the following: (12Y, + l2%)
i. Ideology of Pakistan
ii. Prospects for Pakistan as Federation
iii. 18th Constitutional Amendment in Pakistan
-gd o;r-rr{.-$J;at,e ,27 )t,
ctdyt,P (.-lr)
)b,>tr0 r,!-:vgc)dta (=)
(;4',tit @)
ooo'o oto
o t a ao t aa o oo"'
UI\NERSITY OF THE PUI\JAB :t Roil No.."..o""".,""otoof t"Ito '
M.A./]VI.SC. Part -.I...,, AnnUalEXam -
il-r" paper: v (rdeology and Dynamics of Politics in Pakistan) Time: 3 Hrs. Marls: 100
ffij".t, poriticat

NOTE: Attempt any FOTIR questions. All questians catry equal marks.

1J -41P ltr tl 46fi ->

-d ULJ; L.,,.> tt v t
The induction of the military in the internal politics
of Pakistan is primarity an outcome of
Q.1. referenl!!.,to
failure i*o*petency of Political class. Provide appropriate argument and
*a \1"
/ udl / )r
'r,i;;;;:,l if i
, *,v ll
u, a -7 t o * t! o l :'vtg' 4' * $ A4 *D t t' $'i
-gf r,j tltW
General zia regime in Pakistan'
e.2. criticalty evaluate the process of Islamization process under
aLE your
Also elaborate answers uv
J,L* Grrvvvre vJ ruc'-'-e------e itt consequences on state and society in later
frfgt ffgntirrg ---

/ ttt'. L'v i t!'V J f' * ctdtr r / )t r

,,, Ji-i u ru t-t, Li L tf Lflf- -d. 0 t V LJ *n 6y L &' r

the first constitution and pertinent issues in Pakistan'
e.3. Discuss in detail the stuuggle for framing
Also expound the causes-&failure of thi constitution of 1956'

-atrv.Jur,-ii*ii: Ziiir-'t,tsb6tY *y L6;viI &ddy r/ )tr

for the separation of
Give a detail accotrnt of leading causes and factors
Q.4. A'
East Pakistan tnlgll.
rt/ ll'
-q/ct1.o\*rt>(/ L,!A,!ody6?,,ttgtt
Q.5. Discuss in detail the challenges and issues ofnational inlegration in p_akistan, es)
Q'6' \eligous political parties in Pakistan arc less successful in electoral politics despite having
gq!9ant abilirv to mobilize different segmerrs to- ro"r"ty oo;;;;X;r. Discuss in
detail the underlying
*a"$h *1, L {,q u { L./C.|: fu -ilr {eu!,-{e Lz_}vvtu$ ;{ddt,
td zt / r

4,/U!,rl$ il!J t _ q ).y / vt

Q.7. Write short notes on any TWO of the following:
+ l2%)
i. Role of Judiciary in rakistanirortics Q'2%
ii. Ideology of pakistan
iii. Features of 1973 Constitution

.,.{,>}r,rd.-g,1):a,* :z7lt,
ttt,/() * ;t ea"Odtn <_;lt>
Qtdyo/)c)dlil LJ.4t/1 (=)
oYllf,gf L,ozt Q)

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