Research Methodology: Types of Taboo Words Are Used in What Is The Function of Taboo Words Are Used in

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In this chapter, The writer explains the method of the study used to conduct this

research. The research methodology are research problems, research design, source of data,

the method of collecting data, the method of analyze data.

1.1 Research problem

There are two kinds of research problems in this research: 1) What types of taboo words

are used in Carrie movie ?. 2) What is the function of taboo words are used in Carrie movie ?

3.2 Research Design

The method that used in this research is qualitative descriptive method. The focus

investigation of types of taboo word, and the function of taboo word that used in the Carrie

movie. The result of this research is descriptive. So, for instance, this research uses

descriptive approach.

According to the characteristics of qualitative research by Bogdan and Biklen (1992), it

is said that a researcher of qualitative research is the key instrument. It means that the

researcher plays an important role in deciding data both to include and to exclude. As

outlined in the conceptual framework, researchers use descriptive analysis. Data is

purposefully collected to classify, to compare, and to analyze to get deep understanding of the

topic about.
Qualitative research is also described as an unfolding model that occurs in a natural

setting that enables the researcher to develop a level of detail from high involvement in the

actual experiences (Creswell, 1994).

3.3 Source of data

To complete this research, the researcher seeks data from movie which is related to the

research material. In addition, the writer also seeks other sources from The analysis of

data are from Script Carrie Movie.

3.4 The Method of Collecting Data

There are three steps of data collecting, which are conducted during this research. First,

the writer watch the Carrie movie, and then download the script of the movie. The second

step, the writer italized the data and classifies data based on types of taboo word as they were

needed. And Finally, the writer analyzed data with the function of taboo word.

The technique of data collecting in this research are types of taboo word and the function

of taboo word. The data italized completely based on the data sources from script of movie.

The data found were finally classified based on descriptive and so are the whole data.

This study technique of data collecting was the writer searches and marks analyzed

words which consist of types of taboo word based on the title that is taboo word in

3.5 The Method of Analyzing the Data

In analyzing data it needs identifying, classifying, interpreting data, and finding

conclusion. For this reason, researcher will take several steps.

a. Identification. The first step is identifying the source.

b. Classification. The second step is classifying the collected data

c. Interpreting. This third step is finding the function of taboo word that was found in the


d. Describing. The fourth step is describing the types of taboo word and also the function.

e. Conclusion. This last step is finding conclusion to answer the research question demands.

3.6 Concluding Remarks

This research used qualitative descriptive research as research design. The writer choose

Movie as the data source, because the writer finds taboo word that used in the movie. The

writer collected the data and made table to classify the data concerning suitable particle

(Epithet, profanity, vulgarity, obscenity) and function of taboo word then describe it with

applied the theory that related with the data.

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