Pastor Prince

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Pre Face

The student hand book is a special designed book that

contains all the basic information that every student of praise
academy need as guiding tools of their environment in this
This booklet is carefully arranged by headline that provide
detail to students as well as our parents with clarity.
Parents are encouraged to read this booklet to help their
child/children understand what is being written and abide by
the rules and regulations that govern this institution for future
History of the school
Praise Academy Foundation was founded September.10,
2018 by Pastor Prince Z Saturday Sr. as a result of deep
concern of less fortunate kids due to economic crisis.
Above all the school philosophy is to work with the less
fortunate parents for the promotion of quality education to our
children (future leaders) for better tomorrow.
Mission for the school
 To work with parents for the promotion of quality
education and sound moral guidance.
 To help students develop mentally, morally and
socially in every aspect of life.
 To train students to understand the Christian doctrine.
 To train students to be self-confident and self-reliant
 To restore hope to the hopeless.
 To build students up to full maturity
The school administers structure
1. Principal -The principal is the overall head of the
institution who supervise all academic issues. Student
are free to visit the office of the principal to talk with
him/her of there are needs.
2. Vice principal for instruction - controls all
instructional issues. Whenever a student is face with
academic problem(s), he/she may channel their
complaint to the office of the vice principal for
institution to seek redress.
3. Vice Principal of Students affairs – controls all
student’s social activities such as game, party etc. all
problems should be filed to the office of VPSA for
4. registrar the registrar controls all student’s reports and
all fee are to be paid to the business and finance office
of the school. He/she is the custodian of all financial
5. Faculty staff- includes all teaching staff of PASF
School are to buttress the effort of the administration
and support the mission statement of the school.
6. Cashier –serves as the chief crusted of PASF finance
and assist the registrar control the daily apparition in
consultation with the principal.
7. Supervisor for early children development oversees the
daily operation of the kindergarten program (nursery
k11) and head the Praise Academy kindergarten
department. they are group into two (2) categories
A. Rotational—4thgrade-6th
B. Self-contained-nursery -3rd grade
Admission Requirement
A. All student wishing to enroll in the school the first time
must sit and pass an entrance examination administer
by the school.
B. All student is to submit to the office. The registrar their
past academic repot cord, transcript and letter of
recommendation from their past school attended.
C. All student is to obtained their registration package
from the office of the registrar upon completing
registration and return with two (2) passport size

The school uniform

The praise academy uses two prescribe colors for their
uniform. Cardkey and Red
Dress code
Boys form nursery to 3rdgarde –short cardkey trousers with
red color cardkeyt on the tape of the caldor and on the chaste,
red socks, black belt and black shoes.
Boys from 4th garde-6th grade-long cardkey trouser with red
shirt of cardkey on the color and red on the tape, red socks
black belt and black shoes. Note; boy’s shirt tail must be in at
all-time be properly tucked in their trouser.
Girl from nursery to 4th grade jumper 5th grade-6th grade dress
with red miss with cardkey.
Note: Girl must avoid makeup necklace, chain long homing
earring and no attachment or wave hair style & etc. All girl
from grade 1to 6th should plate their hair all down all uniform
and P.E t-shirt on trouser one to be purchased from the
registrar office and obtain all official receipt and proceed to
the principal office to the issued. Violators will be compiled
to repurchase from the school.
As sound moral academies excellence is our paramount
concern for every student, teachers as well as our parent
seriousness must be applied thought out to insure proper
academies success. Student academies points are determining
base on the following evaluation.
 Attendance………………………5(five) points
 Assignment/homework………….5(five) points
 Quiz(S)notes………………………20(twenty) points
 Test……………………………….50(fifty) points
 Total…………………………….100%
The attendance which constitutes is to determine by the
academies striation. All teachers are to submit their
attendance points for the student first and second semester
exam stand along: 100% each.
Academies standards
All academies report will be posted every period by the office
of the VPI on student academies performance on the bulletin.
This is to encourage age students to improve on their lessens
 Development subject………….60-69%
 Fair/pass………………………70-79%
 Honor…………………………80-89%
 High honor……………………86-89%
 Principal list…………………... 90-99%
Academies Policy
Any student who received 90%average or above with no red
mark base on our academies standard deserves midyear
promotion at the end of the semester.
Delinquent students
It is the academies will of the school (PASF) to train children
well and believed that there is no dull student only time and
effort are needed. Delinquent students are to use the school
extra study class to help them develop academically.
Parents are asked to give the students more time to study
his/her lessen and limit the house job as well as pleasure for
improvement. Failure to that, the student may not perform
well and at such the student may fail.
Make up
When student missed a quiz or test as a result of tuition
payment such student will be permitted to do his/her make up
if his/her payment is being settled and confirm by the
registrar. In time of illness, injury or any related problem the
student must write a letter of excuse to the class sponsor for
onward submission to the VPSA for action.
Incomplete space(S) will be filled with 60% should the
student fair to do it make up in this time frame.
Assignment, quiz, test or exam missed without a Witten
excuse or for no good reason after three school days will
received 0%.
Note: All make up will be administer on the school campus
Vocation school
The school conduct a special program each year July and
august to keep student basic academically and to prepare then
before school reopen. student from all school of tough
wishing to from part of this program cane make used of this
Summer school
Student who did not meet the school set academies standard
for promotion will not be given a report card. Such student is
required to clear their academies deficiencies before given
promotion. contrary to this the student will fail.
Summer school also open in July after general school classing
and last for two months.
Note: student with two red mark on the average line are to
attend summer school.

Devotion is to held on very school day from 7:30 to 8:00AM.
All students are to fully participate in the devotion process.
The senior student in collaboration with the Vic principal for
student affairs will conduct devotion and carry on inspection
to ensure that student who arrived on campus later after
devotion be asked to stay outside for one period before
entering class. Regular daily lesion starts from 8;15AM to
Recess Hours
Recess period is meant for student and teachers to adjust
themselves or rest for the second phase of the regular daily
learning activities. Student are now given the opportunity to
purchase food of their choice during this time no students are
allow to leave the campus or escape class during recess
period. violator will be punished by the administration.
Tuition arrears
Praise academy depends solely on minimum amount paid by
student to carry on the day to day activities of the institution.
The school given up to these installments for tuition payment
to enable parents adjust themselves. The installment chart can
be seen on the information sheet for easy perusal. Students
are advised to observe the payment plan and fully comply to
avoid future embarrassment. Any time payment is made, an
official receipt will be offered and balance will be stipulated
by the registrar. All payment of fees is to be done only to the
business office for documentation and accountability. Other
fees such as color day sport day will be administratively
decided as time approaches on a responsible basic.
All fees paid are not refundable
Chapel services
Our chapel services ore conducted every last Friday of each
month from 12:00 noon to 1: PM to glorify God almighty for
his blessing and divine guidance.
At this service student are to perform in a godly manner
through music play, drama, jokes etc. All students are
compelled to fully participate in the service. Unless you are
permitted by the VPSA through an excuse request. PASF
don’t despise other religions.
Attendance will be taken to track student who will escape
from the chapel service for further action against them
Note: chapel service attendance will be Graded 5points each.
Instructional requirement
The school request for the following instructional materials
from students for smooth and effected learning.
Note: books color, pencil, sharpeners (nursery-3rd grade)
 Liberian made reading test books from (k1-6th grade)
 Geometry set (upper class 4th-6th) students will be sent
home if these requirements are not met to help
improved the student academies skill
Student council government
The school guarantee her students to participate in a free and
fair democratic, process for the purpose of establishing of full
student leadership structure to aid the administration share the
affairs of the school, to promote the basic right of each
student and speak for the voiceless through the academic
committee on academic matters.
The school administration well come multi-party system. All
students are free to vote and be voted for with political base.
All students are to have a good political orientation.
Election Position
 President
 Vic president
 Secretary
 Financial
 Chaplain
Electoral board –the school through the office of the VPSA
will establish on electoral board to be needed by teachers who
sail work with other teachers who are neutral in the process to
spare head the election.
Criteria for each electoral position
 President –student who’s seeking for the position of
presidency of PASE must be a student with
85%average of above with good conduct. Must spend
one year and above in the school. most be a senior
student of PASF.
 Vic president must spend one year above with good
conduct and junior student
 Secretory –must be an academically equipped with the
average of 80% or above, must have a good written and
oral communication skill. He/she must be member of
the seventh or eighth grade class.
 Financial secretory-mush be a student with good
financial record. Must obtain the average of
80%orabove must spend at most one or two years in
the institution he/she must be member of the eight/nine
grade class. Must salient recommendation from
 Treasure must be member of a church, must have good
moral conduct, must have a good communication skill
orally, must know how get along with follow students
and must have 80%average and above and must be
member of the eight grade class.
Your role to leadership shorts from here!!! Students
council government fun drive:
Open the declaration of the election results, winning party
with be sound in to office not letter them two on three weeks.
During the program each class through the office of the
VPSA program committee chair person shall enforce
minimum collection of student support fund to augment the
basic program of the newly election leadership. parents will
be serve a communication to witness their children inaugural
program and to support the SCG fund drive.

Rules and regulations

Students have to read these rules below and behave
accordingly throughout in the school. these rules are apply to
all students of PASF with no exception.
1. No stealing on campus –such habit is prohibited, if
caught said students will be punished administratively.
2. No fighting on campus-violator will by the disciplinary
committee or be suspended for two weeks with an open
letter of apology upon return date.
3. No using profane languages on abusing follow student
or teachers violate will be suspended or expelled based
on the degree of the act.
4. No coming to school late-three time in a week without
farther notice, said student will be asked to invite
his/her parents to the VPSA office and latter receive a
warming latter.
5. No disturbing class or the academies hall while school
is in session, violators will be punished by the school
6. No student is allowed to be bushy hair to school,
violators will be send home to get prepared for the next
7. No student is allowed to go out of class with out on
authorized class pass, violators will be punished
8. Any student is who dress in his is not fully/her school
official uniform, will be send home with bout
9. Any female students fund pregnant will be expelled
from school without hesitation
10.Any students caught with harmful instrument such as:
knife, razorblade and expel
a. If a student is caught with gun, he/she will be
turn over to the state security for investigation
and latter be given expulsion
11.Devotion is to be conducted only by senior student in
collaboration with the VPSA to ensure that students are
neatly dress. any students who fair to participation in
the devotion will be sent home for two weeks
12.Write your name on your bag, copy books lunch avoid future embarrassment. The
administration will not be held liable for any mission
item without name.
13.No damaging school materials, violators will be as to
pay or replace said item.
14.No loitering in the school is uniform or after school
hour. If caught doing so said student will be suspended
and punished upon return date.
15.No female student is allowed to visit any teacher
(male) after school. If caught said student will be
expelled from the school.
16.No chewing gum or eating in class. Violators will be
17.No wearing jewelries or bringing cell phone, head
phone, margarine. etc. on campus if fund said item will
be seized and may not be returned.
18.Any student who have problem with fellow student
must follow the following procedures:
a. Sponsor
c. VPI

19.Student’s leader’s election must take place after first

and second period test.
20.No selling in class or on campus violators market will
be seized and will not returned.
21.Students should always have their ID card or badges
displayed. While in their official school uniform for
22.No writing on school wall, chairs, and benches etc.
violators will be punished for school act.
23.School properties mush be taken as students is using
24.All student must be neat on campus
25.No spying during test time penalty range from 0-60%
26.Any students caught under the influence of alcohol or
drug will be expelled immediately.

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