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A journey with no success

A normal sunny day with no word of vanity till now. I am in school, almost the last week of my
school year. My friends talking about the next school year, if we will be in the same class or not
and discussing that what will we do this summer. All of them were happy including me until the
moment I heard the news. When I came home from school, my father was already home from
work with a worried expression on his face while mom was sitting on the couch holding her
forehead and looking at me. I walked inside without taking of my shoes or hanging my coat or
even taking of my bag and said, ‘what’s wrong, is everything alright.'' My mom who likes a clean
house, did not even notice the dirty floor on which I had stepped with my shoes told me
everything that we were going through. My grandfather had died years ago, and my
grandmother lives with my cousin who is married and has two children in a small village. My
grandmother was not fond of big cities and a modern-day life. Sometimes people living in the
town came to visit her but not so often, so she was alone and wanted to meet my father. he gets
only holiday in June and July so he cannot meet her Moe often because of work. That day we
decided to move completely with our grandmother and leave the country and for my father he
will be working there and visiting us on holidays. My mother agreed to this, and my sisters were
jumping up and down that they were moving out of the country but if you ask my opinion on this
than let me tell that wasn't happy at it.The thought of being in another envionment,culture and
people was not easy and I felt like nervous and scared that how are we going to manage but it
was not in my hands and I agreed. My father asked my grandmother who was not giving an
honest opinion whether yes or no. My father started looking for houses in the areas near the
village. My mother started packing stuff. The news spread very quickly and mostly all our
neighbours, friend, relatives got the news. They began to question the common questions like
where, why, when are you moving. My father had booked the flights. I know it went all so quickly
in front of my eye like wind but

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