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Ecological Economics 160 (2019) 12–24

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Mangroves in the Galapagos: Ecosystem services and their valuation T

a,⁎ a b a,c
Michael K. Tanner , Nicolas Moity , Matthew T. Costa , Jose R. Marin Jarrin ,
Octavio Aburto-Oropezab, Pelayo Salinas-de-Leóna,d
Department of Marine Sciences, Charles Darwin Research Station, Charles Darwin Foundation, Puerto Ayora, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego, San Diego, CA, USA
Department of Fisheries Biology, Humboldt State University, USA
Pristine Seas, National Geographic Society, Washington, DC, USA


Keywords: Mangroves provide many benefits to human welfare, but they are disappearing rapidly; Ecuador and countries
Economic valuation within the Tropical Eastern Pacific (TEP) region have lost over 40% of their mangrove coverage in the last
Payments for ecosystem services 40 years. One reason for this destruction is that the benefits of mangroves have not been valued in a way that
Coastal and marine ecosystems policymakers and markets can understand. Here, we present the first economic valuation of multiple ecosystem
Recreation and tourism
services (ES) for Ecuador and the TEP using the Galapagos mangroves as a case study. We focused on three ES of
Small-scale fisheries
Carbon storage
high value and policy relevance: carbon storage, support for small-scale fisheries, and mangrove-based tourism.
Our data suggest that over 778,000 tons of carbon are stored in Galapagos mangroves, with mean belowground
carbon being 211.03 ± 179.65 Mg C/ha, valued at $2940/ha or $22,838/ha depending on the valuation
methodology. We identified mangrove-dependent fish targeted by the local finfish fishery, with net benefits of
$245 ha−1, making this fishery the second most profitable in the Archipelago. The value of mangrove-based
recreation was estimated at $16,958/ha, contributing $62 million to the industry. By accounting for stakeholders
and existing property rights, our results allow for the discussion of institutionalizing ES payments for the
Galapagos Islands.

Mangroves are highly productive tropical and subtropical ecosys- was estimated at US$60–78 million in Belize (Cooper et al., 2009).
tems characterized by the important ecosystem services and functions Although mangroves are widely recognized for their high economic
they provide, central to the welfare of many coastal communities value, deforestation has increased greatly during the last decades;
(McNally et al., 2011). Several studies have estimated the economic, predictions indicate that mangrove coverage will be completely lost
ecological and cultural importance of these ecosystems worldwide within the next 100 years if current deforestation rates persist (Duke
(Barbier et al., 2008). Mangrove-related small-scale fisheries in places et al., 2007). In particular, Ecuador has lost approximately 40% of its
like the Gulf of California represent 32% of total landings and generate mangrove coverage in the last 40 years (Hamilton and Lovette, 2015).
US $37,500 per hectare of fringe-habitat (Aburto-Oropeza et al., 2008); This loss of a valuable ecosystem has largely arisen from both market
with even modest losses of mangrove cover producing immediate im- and policy failures the public good non-market nature of the benefits
pacts on these fisheries (Carrasquilla-Henao et al., 2013). Mangroves provided by mangroves. Benefits from extractive or alternative land use
are also regarded as disproportionately important to global carbon se- of mangroves, such as shrimp farming, are easily privatized and mon-
questration and storage, given the small area they cover (Ezcurra et al., etized, whereas the benefits of conservation are dispersed and con-
2016; Donato et al., 2011), and account for a majority of carbon stored sidered a pure public good (Bann, 1998). This leads markets to over-
in estuarine ecosystems (McLeod et al., 2011). Their role as carbon supply deforestation and undersupply conservation, and can also lead
storers has been further highlighted by studies stating that mangroves decision makers to incur in inaccurate cost benefit analysis and unin-
should be an integral part of policy initiatives that seek to reduce formed decision making (Murray, 2016). The problem is compounded
carbon emissions through reductions from forest emissions (Miteva by deficient information on the specific benefits and particular bene-
et al., 2015; Pendleton et al., 2012). Finally, mangroves are regarded as ficiaries of mangrove conservation, which partly explains the lack of
culturally important, placing them as central to studies that asses nat- forthcoming efficient conservation investments for valuable mangrove
ural capital (Waite et al., 2014), For example, mangrove related tourism ecosystem services (Turner and Daily, 2008).

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.K. Tanner).
Received 4 June 2018; Received in revised form 7 December 2018; Accepted 23 January 2019
0921-8009/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.K. Tanner, et al. Ecological Economics 160 (2019) 12–24

Here, we directly answer the calls by the policy sector to include 2. Data and methods
valuation as a tool for conservation policymaking (Börger et al., 2014;
Laurans et al., 2013b) by providing the first ecosystem services (ES) Ecosystem services are provided in interlinked and complex socio-
valuation for a Galapagos habitat, using their mangrove forests as a case ecological systems, characterized by having biophysical and social de-
study. In doing so, we add to existing efforts to use ES valuations as part terminants interacting with each other (Liu et al., 2015; Ostrom, 2009).
of protected area (PA) management globally (Martín-López et al., In this study, we use the overall framework of ecosystem services,
2011), within the TEP region (Zarate-Barrera and Maldonado, 2015) adopting the broad definition by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
and specifically for the Galapagos (DPNG, 2014). Given the features of (MEA) that ecosystem services are the benefits people obtain from an
the ecosystem and how it interacts with the main stakeholders and the ecosystem (MEA, 2005). This wide-ranging definition is particularly
government of the Galapagos (Jones, 2012), we concentrated on: (a) relevant for valuation of the recreational and tourism benefits of eco-
soil carbon storage provided by mangroves, within the context of cli- systems, which, with this approach, can be understood to be the in-
mate change mitigation and adaptation policies, (b) nursery habitat for teraction between the ecosystem ecological services provided by man-
species of commercial importance for local small-scale fisheries in the groves and the conventional goods and services (Polasky and Segerson,
Galapagos Marine Reserve (GMR), and (c) support for tourism and re- 2009). The ecosystem services and their values identified in this study
creational activities, particularly since this industry is the main eco- fall into the consensus economic view in the literature (Barbier and
nomic engine in the Archipelago. By providing detailed information for Hacker, 2011) that any contribution to human welfare derived by
decision makers regarding specific beneficiaries and quantifiable ben- nature, either directly or indirectly, can be attributable to an ecosystem
efits arising from mangrove ES, we address market, institutional, and service, in line with the concept of ecosystem services adopted by the
information failures, surrounding mangroves and their ES. Addressing US Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA, 2009).
these previous failures allows us to discuss possible policy interventions The economic valuation of mangrove ecosystem services and the
based on realistic payment mechanisms for conserving the Galapagos interactions between the mangrove ecosystems with the main
Archipelago and its mangroves (Turner and Daily, 2008). Galapagos stakeholders is detailed in Fig. 1. This diagram details the
different ways that relevant stakeholder groups in the Galapagos benefit
from, or value, the ecosystem goods and services provided by man-
1. Study site groves (Jones, 2012). Identifying detailed information on how parti-
cular stakeholder groups benefit from specific mangrove ES is a critical
The Galapagos Archipelago lies on the equator, approximately step in a policy-oriented valuation, as stakeholder perceptions, in-
1200 km west of continental Ecuador. It comprises 13 islands and over stitutional arrangements and property rights are integral components of
200 islets, making up 1667 km of mostly rocky coastline (Snell et al., any scheme that aims to capture benefits on a practical and lasting basis
1996). The Archipelago is globally renowned for its role as the cradle of (Turner and Daily, 2008). As such, the focus of this analysis is on the use
Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, as an endemism hotspot and as a values of the mangrove ES that require some degree of stakeholder in-
priority region for conservation (Edgar et al., 2008). The 138,000 km2- teraction or input; non-use values are of importance for marine protected
Galapagos Marine Reserve (GMR) was created in 1998, and it reaches areas (MPAs) such as the GMR (Bennett and Gillespie, 2011; Jobstvogt
40 nautical miles out from the coastline. Within the GMR industrial et al., 2014), but they are outside the scope of this analysis.
fishing is banned, while artisanal fishing is permitted in delimited zones
for registered fishers of the local community. 2.1. Mangrove-dependent fisheries valuation methods and data
The human population of the Galapagos has increased dramatically
from 6000 residents in 1982 to approximately 25,000 permanent in- According to the terminology of the MEA, fisheries can fall into two
habitants in 2015 (INEC, 2015). This growth has been attributed to different categories of ecosystem services (MEA, 2005), either direct-
both a tourism and fishing boom that created a “gold rush” towards the use or non-use value. This paper focuses on fishing that has a direct-use
Islands (Jones, 2012). The economy is currently mainly driven by value, namely commercial and subsistence fisheries, as these fisheries
tourism, which accounts for approximately 78% of all employment, represent a provisioning service. The value of such a service is commonly
with fishing amounting to ~5% (Epler, 2007). Tourist visits have also determined by the quantity of fish and the type of species caught, and it
increased substantially in recent years from 26,000 in 1986 to 218,000 is usually valued by a market approach (Schep et al., 2012; Schuhmann
in 2016 (Observatorio de Turismo Galapagos, 2017a). and Mahon, 2015).
Three mangroves species grow along the Archipelago's coastline, According to the relevant valuation literature, support for com-
which provides less than ideal conditions for their development. High mercial fisheries as an ES can be valuated either using gross revenues
wave activity, a mostly volcanic coast, no permanent rivers and a small from the fishing sector or net factor income (NFI), i.e., gross fisheries
tidal range explain their seemingly undeveloped and stunted nature. On revenues minus the costs of other inputs in production (Brander and
younger islands of the Archipelago, mangroves grow directly on lava Florax, 2006; Cesar and van Beukering, 2004). Although gross revenue
fields, acting as pioneer vegetation (Nabhan, 1973; Wium-Andersen and has been used specifically for the valuation of mangroves' support for
Hamann, 1986). On the few islands of the Archipelago that have en- fisheries (Waite et al., 2014), this valuation method is expected to
closed bays, mangrove trees grow to more than 25 m high, particularly overestimate the producer surplus derived from the ES (Laurans et al.,
in western Isabela (Wium-Andersen and Hamann, 1986). 2013a). Therefore, in this paper we adopt an NFI approach for the
Mangroves in the Galapagos are close to a pristine state, given en- valuation.
vironmental protections in place since 1959 and the remoteness of the To determine which species depend on mangroves directly as their
islands, making alternative uses of mangrove land not only illegal but nursery or habitat, we reviewed the latest literature available for
most likely unprofitable. There is little evidence of deforestation except Galapagos mangroves (Aguaiza, 2016; Fierro, 2017). Since our focus is
on inhabited harbours, where mangroves compete with land develop- on commercially important fisheries, we then concentrated only on
ments for prime beachfront real estate (Moity et al., 2019). There are species classified as highly commercially important according to the
several approximations of mangrove coverage in the Galapagos, many fisheries species guide of the GMR (Molina et al., 2004). According to
of them based on rough or outdated estimates. This paper will utilize the chosen NFI approach, we collected the following required data:
the latest estimation of 3690 ha of mangrove coverage, which is based landings of the mangrove-dependent fish species, prices of the fish
on a low-cost novel methodology utilizing high resolution Google Earth species, and the capital costs associated with the local artisanal non-
images (Moity et al., 2019). species-specific finfish fishery. Since all mangrove-dependent fish spe-
cies are part of the finfish fishery, we applied the same cost structure to

M.K. Tanner, et al. Ecological Economics 160 (2019) 12–24

Fig. 1. Conceptual framework for the economic valuation of mangrove ecosystem services in the Galapagos and stakeholder interactions. Modified from (Barbier and
Hacker, 2011).

all species valuated. Average capital costs were subtracted from the Costs associated with finfish fishery are presented as a percentage of
revenue of each commercially important species, arriving at the socio- the gross income associated with the average catch and average price
economic value associated with mangrove-dependent fisheries in the for the finfish fishery in the Galapagos. Capital costs were obtained
Galapagos. As total fish landings are not available for the Galapagos, from interviews with fishers and personal communications with mem-
these were reconstructed using both available information in published bers of Santa Cruz Island Fishers Cooperative (COPROPAG), and com-
and grey literature (Manabu, 2007). plementary information on direct and indirect costs and average catch
To estimate landings we first made use of the results of a study per fishing trip was obtained from a study on profitability of fisheries in
analysing the distribution and consumption structure of finfish fisheries the Galapagos (Velasco et al., 2014).
landings in Santa Cruz, Galapagos (Manabu, 2007). According to this
study, the tourism sector (on-board tourism) and exports to mainland 2.2. Carbon sequestration and storage in soils
represent over 60% of total consumption of finfish fisheries landings,
with the remaining consumption being distributed among the local food According to the MEA, carbon sequestration is regarded as a reg-
industry and local inhabitants. Data on both exports and tourist fish ulating ecosystem service (MEA, 2005). Unlike the tangible benefits of
consumption is readily available, allowing us to estimate the distribu- provisioning ecosystem services that carry market prices, benefits of
tion and consumption structure for the total landings estimations. Total regulating ecosystem services like carbon sequestration are less obvious,
quantities of exported fish, segregated by species, were obtained from being regarded as indirect use values of a non-consumptive nature
GNPD's database of fish exports from 2013 to 2016; the GNPD regulates (Barbier and Hacker, 2011). A robust valuation of this ecosystem ser-
shipments of fish from the GMR to mainland Ecuador. Data on quan- vice should consist of both reliable scientific data estimating carbon
tities and species of fish consumed on cruise vessels was estimated for stored in the mangrove ecosystem and an appropriate valuation
the whole on-board cruise vessel sector by Haro-Bilbao and Salinas-de- methodology that can encompass the utilitarian benefits of carbon se-
León (2014), who tracked and analysed consumption on 70% of the questration and storage to society and human welfare (Jerath et al.,
cruise vessels of the sector, representing over 80% of the passenger 2012).
capacity of the total fleet in this tourism modality. Prices of fish were Mangrove carbon storage includes the stock of carbon that has been
collected with the aim of calculating gross fisheries revenue. Local sequestered, mainly in sediments. Data on carbon stored in mangrove
prices were recorded from Puerto Ayora's Pelikan Bay local fish market sediments changes according to geographical location and particular
and compared to prices taken by Haro-Bilbao and Salinas-de-León features of an ecosystem (Ezcurra et al., 2016; Murdiyarso et al., 2015).
(2014), after adjusting prices for Ecuadorian inflation (Banco Central This study uses data on carbon stored in mangrove sediments and es-
del Ecuador, 2017). timates of total belowground carbon per unit area (in tons of C per

M.K. Tanner, et al. Ecological Economics 160 (2019) 12–24

hectare) from Costa et al. (in press). As detailed in Costa et al. (in press), making use of existing data on visits to mangrove sites, tour prices and
sampling was conducted using a Russian peat corer (Belokopytov and occupancy rates (Cooper et al., 2009; Waite et al., 2014). Ideally our
Beresnevich, 1955) to collect 29 soil cores at all sites on the islands of market based approach would net out the costs of the tourism industry,
the Archipelago that have mangroves (supplementary Table A). Each so as to arrive to the net contribution of mangroves towards the tourism
core was sampled at depth increments of 25 cm, with an additional sector. Given the heterogeneity of the tourism sector in the Galapagos
sample taken immediately above any discontinuity in sedimentary and lack of available cost data (Epler, 2007; Taylor et al., 2009), our
materials, which are easily visible in the cores (e.g., a peat layer approach will exclusively measure gross revenues, which would over-
overlying a sand layer). These fixed-volume samples were dried and estimate the true value of this ecosystem service to society. An ad-
weighed to measure bulk density. Percent carbon and δ13C (the molar vantage of following this approach, besides less stringent data re-
ratio of C13 to C12 in a sample, divided by that of the PDB reference quirements, is that its end result is a measurement of the economic
standard, minus 1) in each soil sample was measured using gas chro- contribution of the mangrove ecosystem towards tourism and is thus
matography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). Inorganic carbon is not in- important decision-making stakeholders (Clough, 2013; De Groot and
cluded in estimates of blue carbon, but calcium carbonate (CaCO3) sand Wilson, 2002). Furthermore, by utilizing observed visitation behaviour
is mostly absent from the sediments of the mangroves on these rocky, by tourists, we have access to the best available indicator for their
volcanic islands. There were four sites with CaCO3 sand in the sediment preferences, allowing us to reach a theoretically valid approximation of
(Puerto Grande I, Roca Fuerte, Poza Sardina, and Garrapatero). At these the monetary value that is apportionable to mangroves. We favour this
sites, nine samples were collected, and were HCl-fumigated following revealed preferences approach given that it is cost effective, time effi-
the method of Ramnarine et al. (2011) to remove CaCO3 before ana- cient and subject to fewer biases and data requirements than the al-
lysis, so that the only carbon remaining was organic. ternative methods based on hypothetical markets and preference eli-
To calculate carbon storage the percent carbon in each soil sample citation (Bateman et al., 2002). Thus this paper will adopt the market
was multiplied by the bulk density of the sample, giving the mass of price approach to estimate the contribution of mangrove-based tourism
carbon per unit volume. This was integrated over the depth interval of to the Galapagos economy.
each sediment horizon and summed for each horizon throughout the To estimate the mangrove-based tourism value, we first identified
entire sediment depth, providing the total belowground carbon per unit all tourism visiting sites that are in close proximity to mangroves ac-
area (in tons of C per hectare). We proceeded to calculate the mean cording to the GNPD Public Use Directorate's Zoning. We used spatial
carbon stored per hectare of mangrove. This was then multiplied by the analysis procedures between tourism sites and the mangrove coverage
total extension of mangrove coverage, according to the latest mangrove layer through ESRI ArcGIS10.4 software by selecting all tourism sites
coverage layer available, arriving at an average of the total amount of that where within 500 m radius from mangrove patches.
carbon stored on sediments for the Galapagos mangroves. To avoid taking into account tourism sites containing mangroves
There is no single valuation methodology that can capture the but not involving mangrove-based recreation, we further classified the
welfare benefits arising from carbon stored by mangroves, as the prices identified tourism sites using the GNPD's list of available recreational
and costs of carbon vary within and among methodologies (Jerath activities at each site according to GNPD's Public Use Directorate da-
et al., 2012). The literature for carbon stock valuation identifies four tabase. In this study, we only included sites that offered at least one
possible methodologies; however, most studies use two in particular, recreational activity that directly uses mangroves, of which we identi-
either carbon market prices or estimates of the marginal value for the fied: walks (through mangrove forests), snorkelling (on mangrove
social damages from emissions (Ferraro et al., 2012). bays), dinghy rides (across mangrove sites usually for bird watching)
This paper, following previous carbon valuation studies (Jerath kayaking and camping.
et al., 2012; Kennedy et al., 2016; Melaku et al., 2015), used both the Sites containing mangroves but none of the previously mentioned
market-based methodology and the social cost of carbon methodology recreational activities were discarded from our site selection, so as to
to provide complementary estimates of the monetary values of the prevent overestimations.
carbon stored in the sediments of Galapagos mangroves. For the former, After establishing the sites that both contained mangroves and of-
we used the average price for carbon credits from Latin America traded fered mangrove-based recreational activities, we estimated the amount
in voluntary carbon markets, which for 2016 was $3.8/t CO2 (Hamrick of visits these sites received. To carry out this estimate, we accessed the
and Gallant, 2017) or $13.93/t C for its carbon equivalent; for the GNP Public Use Directorate permits database for 2016. All registered
latter, we used the estimate of $132/t C for the social cost of carbon forms of tourism are included in this database, which details the max-
provided by EPA in 2016 (EPA, 2016), whilst also applying a 18% imum capacity of each registered boat, visiting sites, site geographical
penalty to this service stemming from the offset of methane emissions coordinates, and an established itinerary. To account for seasonality
arising from mangroves which have been recently shown to effective changes in visiting behaviour within the tourist season in Galapagos, we
reduce their provision of net climate change mitigation (Rosentreter included data from high and low tourist seasons. From the database we
et al., 2018). tabulated all visits, assumed full capacity and kept the tourism cate-
gories classification used by the GNPs Public Use Directorate. These
2.3. Mangrove-based tourism categories include Daily tours, Daily diving tours, Live aboard diving
tours, Bay tours, and Cruise vessels. Although diving-related tourism
Although tourism, recreation and overall cultural ecosystem ser- does not directly depend on mangroves, we only included visitations
vices are widely cited as benefits derived from mangrove forests, their from the Daily diving tours and Live aboard diving tours categories that
valuation in the literature is generally lacking (Barbier and Hacker, made use of mangrove sites and mangrove-based recreation as per the
2011; Salem and Mercer, 2012). Ideally a study valuing tourism and GNP Public Use Directorate permits database for 2016.
recreation ecosystem services would try to measure both the producer The following step was to assign a monetary value to the visits per
surplus and consumer surplus, with the latter being associated with the mangrove site, according to the average price paid for a tour in each of
maximum amount tourists are willing to pay for mangrove-based re- the tourism categories. Furthermore, the average occupancy rate, which
creation and tourism in the Galapagos, but, as noted in previous studies, refers on average to the number of people in a tour, and average
the data requirements for such methodology are not available for the number of operation days per each tourism category were also ap-
Galapagos (Lynham et al., 2015). praised. This was done to avoid overestimations from assumptions of
Alternatively, the value of mangrove-based tourism can be inferred full capacity and a year-round season. Occupancy rates and effective
from the gross revenues associated with the habitat. This methodology, operation rates for each category of tourism were calculated on the
usually referred to as the market price approach, can be applied by basis of surveys given to 45 vessels (data from February to August of

M.K. Tanner, et al. Ecological Economics 160 (2019) 12–24

2016), with data provided by the Galapagos Tourism Observatory. The Table 2
average price of tours was based on phone surveys and on the published Average net revenue per fishing trip and direct and indirect costs
online prices of 45 tourism vessels, complemented by prices published associated with finfish fishery. Income, costs and revenues in U.S
by Lynham et al., 2015. To avoid overstating the monetary value of dollars.
mangrove visits, specifically for tours that visit several sites per itin- Average catch per fishing day (kg) 45.5
erary (live-aboard and cruise vessels categories), we calculated the
Average price ($/kg) 5.2
average percentage of mangrove visits per set itinerary for each season.
Average length of fishing trip (days) 3
Gross Income (GI) 702
3. Results Direct costs (DC) 228
Indirect costs (IC) 27
Net average revenue (GI – DC – IC) ($) 447
3.1. Mangrove-dependent fisheries % of costs over gross income 36%

Many species of fish carryout a significant portion of their life his-

tory in mangroves, which serve as a critical intermediate nursery ha- Table 3
bitat for many species associated with coral and rocky reefs. The latter Net factor income (NFI) valuation of mangrove-dependent species.
are the preponderant fishing grounds in places like Galapagos or the
Quantity (kg) Price Gross revenue Cost NFI ($)
Caribbean (Hearn, 2008; Mumby et al., 2004; Nagelkerken et al., 2002). ($/kg)
Studies conducted in over 40 mangrove bays in the Galapagos evidence
the dependence of a multitude of fish species of the Archipelago to this Galapagos sailfin 127,426 $7.7 $975,573 36% $624,367
ecosystem (Aguaiza, 2016; Fierro, 2017). Out of these fish, three groups
Snappers 53,942 $6.6 $353,982 36% $226,549
(Supplementary Table B) are of high commercial importance to the Mullets 61,541 $1.3 $81,234 36% $51,989
traditional hand line artisanal fishery in the area: groupers, mainly the Total $902,905
Galapagos sailfin grouper (Mycteroperca olfax), snappers (Lutjanidae)
and mullets (Mugilidae). The total estimated landings of these three
groups are presented in Table 1. Juveniles of these three species are mangroves grow on volcanic rocks and with little sediment (Fig. 2). The
present in rocky reefs, mangroves forests and sandy beaches. However, samples, which were taken from all mangrove-containing islands of the
in the GMR juveniles of the endemic Galapagos Sailfin grouper and Archipelago, evidenced a high variance of carbon stored in the man-
snapper L. argentiventris have almost exclusively been reported around groves' soil.
mangrove bays (Fierro, 2017; Aguaiza, 2016). There was high variance in belowground carbon content on Isabela
A breakdown of the costs of finfish fishery and the average gross and Island (n = 13), which accounts for 79% of all mangrove coverage in
net revenue, obtained from interviews with fishers, is presented in the Archipelago (Fig. 3).
Table 2. Income and direct and indirect costs are presented per fishing The mean belowground carbon stored was 211.03 ± 179.65 Mg C/
trip. ha, which amounts to an estimate of over 778,000 tons in Galapagos
Using both landings and prices of each species, and the percentage mangrove sediments. When pricing this amount of carbon stored with
of the costs of finfish fishery, we calculate the net value gained by the average price of Latin American carbon offsets traded on voluntary
Galapagos fishers yearly from mangrove-related species. Table 3 sum- markets, it amounts to over $10,800,000 for the total extension of
marizes the results. mangrove coverage or $2940 per hectare of mangroves. Alternatively,
Consequently, mangrove-dependent fisheries are worth over making use of the social cost of carbon as calculated by the EPA and
$900,000 annually on net benefits for Galapagos fishers, with the accounting for the offset stemming from methane emissions, which
Galapagos sailfin Grouper representing 69% of that value. Thus the affects mangroves true mitigation benefits to society, we estimated that
yearly stream of commercial fisheries net benefits per hectare of man- carbon stocks in Galapagos mangroves' soil are worth over $84 million
groves is on the order of $245 ha−1 yr−1, or $902,905 yr−1 for 3690 ha of social damages avoided by not having this carbon released in the
of mangrove forests present in the Galapagos. atmosphere, or $22,838 per hectare of mangroves.

3.2. Carbon storage 3.3. Mangrove-based tourism

The maximum recorded value of carbon stored in mangrove sedi- A total of 84 locations were identified as mangrove-based tourism
ments was 679 tons (Mg) of C per hectare (MgC/ha) at site Cartago sites (Fig. 4), which represent 47% of all possible visiting sites in the
Chico III on the Island of Isabela, consisting of lush mangrove forests. In Galapagos National Park.
contrast, the lowest carbon measurement (15.8 MgC/ha) was on the The visits received by these 84 sites ranged from over 18,000 for
Island of Santiago, at the site Puerto Nuevo, where small stunted cruise vessels to 500 for diving tours per month, assuming full capacity,

Table 1
Total fish landing estimations (in metric tonnes) for mangrove-dependent groups of species of high commercial importance for the Galapagos artisanal hand line
% of total fin-fishery landingsa Galapagos grouper Snappers Mulletsd

Exportsb 29% 74.6 t 6.1 t 67.8 t

On-board consumptionc(t) 33% 12.5 t 30.8 t –
Food industry 12% 16.9 t 7.1 t –
Local consumption 26% 36.5 t 9.6 t –
Total landings 140.5 t 53.6 t 67.8 t

Manabu (2007).
Average from GNPs monthly exports guides from 2013 to 2016.
Haro-Bilbao and Salinas-de-León (2014).
Mullets are consumed only in continental Ecuador, consequently only export data is pertinent.

M.K. Tanner, et al. Ecological Economics 160 (2019) 12–24

Fig. 2. Soil carbon stored at 29 mangrove sites across the Galapagos.

with results from May and December showing little differences calculates, adjusting visits according to occupancy rate, and taking into
(Table 4). After applying the average occupation rates to the maximum account operational days per season and average tour prices per cate-
possible number of visits according to full capacity, effective monthly gory. Income from visits of mangrove-dependent tourism sites totalled
visits ranged from 14,000 to approximately 400 for the most popular approximately $62.5 million dollars annually for mangrove-related
and least popular tourism categories, respectively. From a visitation tourism, or $16,958 per hectare of mangroves (Table 5).
perspective, cruise vessels and bay tours contribute the majority of total
visits to mangrove recreational sites in the Galapagos National Park.
Based on these data, the total revenue per tourism category was

Fig. 3. Average belowground carbon stored in sampled mangrove sites on Isabela Island. Big black dots represent the mean carbon stored at each site, small black
dots represent raw data, and whiskers represent the ± 95% confidence interval.

M.K. Tanner, et al. Ecological Economics 160 (2019) 12–24

Fig. 4. Tourism sites in close proximity to mangrove forests. Dots represent tourism sites, and numbers are each site's code (Supplemental Table C). A, B and C insets
show the site codes for clumped sites at this scale.

Table 4
Results from permits data base and surveys to tourism vessels.
Visits in Maya Visits in Decemberb Occupancy ratec Operational daysc Average tour pricec

Daily tours 1432 1424 70% 300 $250

Diving toursd 864 512 75% 330 $800
Daily diving tours 696 744 60% 250 $160
Bay tours 11,456 10,416 50% 250 $50
Cruise vesselse 18,824 18,720 75% 330 $500

According to the Galapagos National Park Directorate (GNPD) May visiting permits database, assuming 100% occupation rate.
According to GNPD visiting December permits database, assuming 100% occupation rate.
Results of surveys given to 45 vessels (Galapagos Tourism Observatory, Ministry of Tourism).
Average percentage of mangrove visits per set itinerary for May was 21%, for December 10%.
Average percentage of mangrove visits per set itinerary for May was 32%, for December 34%.

Table 5 The lack of studies for this ecoregion is surprising, since it is home to
Total revenue from mangrove-based visits per tourism ca- dense stands of mangrove forests that support many coastal commu-
tegory. nities and has experienced high mangrove deforestation rates over the
Tourism type Revenue ($/yr) past 40 years (Hamilton, 2013; López-angarita et al., 2016; Vegh et al.,
2014). By concentrating on three important ecosystem services for
Daily tours $4,998,000 Galapagos stakeholders and the economy of the islands, namely,
Diving tours $1,535,424
tourism, carbon storage, and fisheries (Jones, 2012), we arrive at results
Daily diving tours $1,152,000
Bay tours $4,556,667 representative of mangroves use values in the Archipelago. Following
Cruise vessels $50,335,560 standard economic practice in similar mangrove valuation studies
Total $62,557,651 (Aburto-Oropeza et al., 2008; Barbier, 2007, 2003). Table 6 presents
the capitalized values of the fisheries and tourism ES, whose value must
be equal to the discounted net present value of these benefit flows.
4. Discussion As proposed by Barbier (2012), we discounted the annualized per
hectare values of these two ecosystem services using a 10% discount
We present the first economic valuation of mangrove ecosystem rate and assume a 10 year time horizon, and additionally present the
services in the Galapagos Archipelago and Ecuador, and to the best of one time carbon storage per hectare value.
our knowledge, the first valuation targeting multiple ES for the TEP. Computing capitalized values for the chosen ecosystems services

M.K. Tanner, et al. Ecological Economics 160 (2019) 12–24

Table 6 which we underestimated when compared to Schiller et al. (2015), but

Present discounted values of mangrove ecosystem services in the Galapagos. which were also found to be on a downward trend.
Ecosystem Service Time Horizon (years) Valuea ($/ha) The continuous decline of Galapagos coastal fisheries, supported by
our landing estimations, should be taken as a reminder of the current
Fisheries 10 $ 1382.55 and historical mismanagement of these commercially important species
Tourism 10 $ 95,816.48
(Burbano et al., 2014; Schiller et al., 2015; Usseglio et al., 2016). The
Carbon storageb ⁎ $ 2940/$ 22,838
lack of official landing data for the finfish fishery, and in particular, the
Per-hectare value using a 10% discount rate. Galapagos sailfin grouper, is evidences that no fish species is managed
One time value of carbon storage depending on valuation approach; within the Galapagos National Park. Moreover, in the recent past there

One-time value for carbon storage. has been a collapse and near collapse of the two most economically
important fisheries in the Archipelago; the sea cucumber and the lob-
allows for comparisons across studies, although a simple aggregation of ster fishery, respectively (Bucaram et al., 2013; Shepherd et al., 2004).
the resulting values is problematic, given that only one of the methods Within this context, a management plan for the Galapagos sailfin
is an economic welfare measure. Moreover, since we only chose three grouper is not only an ecological necessity given that the species is
ecosystem services, it is important to note that this does not represent regarded as vulnerable on the IUCN list, but also, it becomes a required
the total economic value of mangroves in the Galapagos. Other im- economic policy so as to maintain the rents derived from it into the
portant functions and services provided by mangroves are: coastline future. A set of management policies for this species would allow for the
protection from flooding and storms, pollution buffering, and func- recovery of populations, opening up the possibility of maximizing the
tioning as a sink and source of nutrients for other marine ecosystems expected economic rents derived from the fishery though the estab-
(Barbier and Hacker, 2011). These important ES have not been in- lishment of a maximum sustainable yield (MSY) or maximum economic
corporated to our valuation. yield (MEY) (Dichmont et al., 2010).
Based on our calculations, Galapagos mangroves contribute
$245 ha−1 yr−1 through supporting commercial fisheries, which, when
4.1. Mangrove-dependent fisheries compared with results from a meta-analysis conducted on mangrove
valuations, is below the median1$627 ha−1 yr−1 for 51 valuations of
The three groups of fish species that we identified as mangrove mangrove-dependent fisheries (Salem and Mercer, 2012). However,
dependent, namely mullets, snappers, and the Galapagos grouper, use these 51 valuations include different methodologies, specifically, gross
mangroves either as nurseries or adult habitats, and they are all tar- revenues and the net factor income approach, with the latter being our
geted by the local finfish fishery. As these three groups represent the chosen methodology and the former being criticised for producing
bulk of this fishery's catches (Schiller et al., 2015), it is reasonable to overestimations of ES fisheries valuations (Laurans et al., 2013a). When
conclude that the finfish fishery in the Galapagos is highly dependent singling out valuations observations per method of valuation, the
on healthy mangrove ecosystems. Prior studies have provided evidence median for fisheries using the net factor income approach is
for the relationship between mangroves and fisheries, or the so called $342 ha−1 yr−1(Salem and Mercer, 2012), much closer to our results of
nursery hypothesis. For example species of high commercial interest on $245 ha−1 yr−1 using the NFI approach. Furthermore, Galapagos
the reefs of the Caribbean evidence a functional dependency on man- mangroves lack invertebrate fisheries, such as shrimps, crabs and
groves, with local extinctions being associated with disappearance of molluscs, which are common in most other mangrove locations and
this ecosystem (Nagelkerken et al., 2002). Moreover, the biomass of have a high market value (Kathiresan, 2012; Rönnbäck, 1999).
several commercially important species is more than doubled when
adult habitat is connected to mangroves, evidencing the high depen-
4.2. Carbon storage
dence of many species to this ecosystem throughout the different stages
of their life history (Manson et al., 2005; Mumby et al., 2004). Our
When comparing the mean values of carbon stored in the sediments
fisheries ecosystem service estimate can be regarded as an upper bound,
of Galapagos mangroves with other locations around the world, we
given that it tacitly assumes that there is functional dependency on
found that Galapagos mangroves are on the lower range of carbon
these catches with regards to mangroves. Although a high degree of
stocks (Table 7). These low values could be explained by two reasons.
dependence has been established between both, an exact measure is an
First, the suboptimal growing conditions that mangroves face in the
interesting area of further research (Aguaiza, 2016; Fierro, 2017).
Galapagos, such as growing on volcanic rock, exposed to high wave
The net value of these mangrove dependent fish species amounts to
activity and with no constant river presence, should result in lower
over $900,000 to Galapagos fishers annually. Although we did not
carbon stocks for these mangroves than the global average (Alongi,
calculate the complete value of the finfish fishery, our results imply that
2012). Second, our study exclusively measured belowground carbon
it currently is the third most lucrative fishery in the Galapagos, after the
stored in Galapagos mangroves, leaving out the stocks of carbon stored
red spiny lobster fishery, which is currently valued at over 2 million
in aboveground biomass; thus, our values represent an underestimation
dollars in gross revenues (DPNG, 2017). These values must be under-
of the complete carbon stocks stored in Galapagos mangroves. All of the
stood within the context of the Galapagos, where there are approxi-
studies cited in Table 7 include estimations of the biomass mangrove
mately 1200 fishers and 319 vessels registered with fishing licenses by
carbon stocks, such that we would expect our study, which omitted
the Galapagos National Park Directorate, with only ~40% of fishers
aboveground biomass estimations, to be relatively low in comparison.
being active as full-time or part-time fishers (Castrejón et al., 2014;
Aboveground mangrove biomass varies locally and globally de-
DPNG, 2014).
pending on growing conditions and the degree of physical disturbance,
Our landings reconstruction method, which is comparatively less
and this carbon pool can turn over quickly, returning carbon to the
complex and data-intensive than others in the literature (Schiller et al.,
atmosphere (Ray et al., 2011 Atmospheric Environment). In contrast, a
2015), has been proposed as a low-cost alternative for the GNPD, given
significant portion of the organic carbon buried in sediments is pre-
the absence of complete landing data. Our catch reconstruction for the
served from decomposition for millennia (Ezcurra et al., 2016; McKee
Galapagos sailfin grouper, in the order of 140 t on average for 2014,
et al., 2007). Further, in mangrove ecosystems more carbon biomass is
2015, and 2016, seem to be in line with the estimated landings re-
constructed by (Schiller et al., 2015), which for the period between
2005 and 2010 averaged 190 t and is on a clearly downward trend from 1
(Salem and Mercer, 2012) suggest the median as representative given the
historical catches. This is also the case for estimations for mullets, highly skewed nature of the data.

M.K. Tanner, et al. Ecological Economics 160 (2019) 12–24

Table 7 reductions in GDP and consumption (Pindyck et al., 2016).

Review of literature of carbon stocks on mangrove ecosystems (mean ± SD). The 2016 estimate from the US EPA (EPA, 2016), which was our
Country Mangrove C stocks Reference chosen estimate, suggests that the social cost of carbon is USD $132/tC,
although this value is considered conservative according to other esti-
Indonesia 1082.55 ± 377.85 (Murdiyarso et al., 2015) mates that take into account equity and distributional concerns with
Micronesia 1063.88 ± 283.68 (Kauffman et al., 2011)
regards to climate change at the global level (Dennig et al., 2015;
Dominican Republic 922.11 ± 274.56 (Kauffman et al., 2014)
Vietnam 862.95 ± 210.09 (Nam et al., 2016)
Moore and Diaz, 2015). A review of the social cost of carbon literature
Palau 719.73 ± 309.38 (Kauffman et al., 2011) found an average value of $105/tC (Tol, 2009), also pointing out that
Thailand 662.33 ± 126.59 (Alongi, 2012) social cost of carbon estimates are highly sensitive to modelling as-
Mexico 621.85 ± 336.79 (Adame et al., 2013) sumptions and parameters. The main drawbacks of this approach are its
Bangladesh 565.60 ± 26.16 (Donato et al., 2011)
sensitivity to assumptions and parameters, mentioned above, and the
Philippines 441.76 ± 120.76 (Thompson et al., 2014)
Malaysia 267.00 ± 872.72 (Alongi, 2012) underlying uncertainty in both the scientific knowledge on climate
Galapagos 211.03 ± 179.65 This study change and in the socio-economic aspects of growth under different
CO2 emission scenarios (Jerath et al., 2012; Pindyck et al., 2016; Tol,
Modified and actualized version from Murdiyarso et al. (2015). 2009). Furthermore, uncertainties with regards to the net benefits of
mangroves as providers of climate change mitigation are also accounted
thought to be allocated below ground than above, particularly in for in our valuation approach.
oceanic mangroves (Donato et al., 2011; Fujimoto et al., 1999; Ray By making use of the social cost of carbon approach we aim to value
et al., 2011). A comparative study based upon a sample of 158 sites mangroves service as climate change mitigation providers, but recent
from Africa, Asia and Latin America estimated that 86% to 91% of discoveries evidence that their blue carbon stocks are partially offset by
carbon stocks associated with mangroves is belowground (Kauffman methane emissions on average by 20% (Rosentreter et al., 2018). We
and Bhomia, 2017). Mangroves with similar characteristics as the ones chose to apply an 18% penalty to the valuation of this ecosystem service
present in the Galapagos (coarse soils, similar species composition and to net out this offset, choosing the lower range of the sensitivity analysis
height and width) present even a more modest contribution of above- conducted by Rosentreter et al. (2018). Our election of the lower bound
ground measurements to total carbon stocks (Kauffman et al., 2014; stems from the fact that factors associated with higher methane emis-
Schile et al., 2016). For these reasons, we exclusively focused on be- sions, such as fresh water sources, are not present in the Galapagos.
lowground carbon measurements as being representative of long-term Moreover, data from methane emissions in the Equator are not cur-
and policy-relevant mangrove carbon stocks. Nevertheless, given the rently available, adding to the uncertainties surrounding the net effect
similarities with other relevant studies, we estimate our aboveground of methane offsets of Galapagos mangroves. Regardless, we apply this
carbon stocks being closer to ~2% to ~5% of the total. This would penalty since the methane offset effect is a novel discovery which cer-
entail 4 to 10 MgC/ha of carbon in addition to our 211.03 MgC/ha tainly affects mangroves utility as blue carbon storers and should be
belowground estimate. Still, definitive estimates would require proper accounted for in any mangrove based mitigation strategy. Thus, both
measurements of mangroves across the archipelago, which could be carbon valuation estimates should be taken as complementary in-
tackled by further studies. By providing an economic analysis of the formation for climate change policymaking, which jointly reveal the
first assessment of belowground carbon stocks in Galapagos' mangroves true benefits derived from mangroves' carbon storage.
(Costa et al. in press), we provide an important input for local and
national climate change-oriented policies, particularly blue carbon 4.3. Mangrove-based tourism
schemes (Donato et al., 2011; Locatelli et al., 2014; Yee, 2010).
Our results for the valuation of carbon stocks in the Galapagos Mangrove-based recreation and tourism represented approximately
mangroves should be interpreted as the monetized benefits of carbon $63 million in revenue in 2016 for the Galapagos Islands, or $16,958
storage. Our first estimate, which amounts to over $10,800,000, was per hectare of mangroves. This result is not surprising given that the
calculated with the market-based approach, which uses fiscal measures tourism sector is the Galapagos' economic engine and its main stake-
developed to create economic incentives to reduce carbon emissions holder (Epler, 2007; Jones, 2012; Taylor et al., 2009). Our results are
and places a value on carbon (Laffoley and Grimsditch, 2009). The also similar to a valuation study held for mangroves and coral reefs in
markets determine the price of carbon based on the future supply and Belize, which used a similar revealed preferences/gross revenues
demand of carbon credits. Therefore, ideally, this estimate represents methodology; that estimated $150 to $196 million in direct benefits for
what investors are willing to pay for sequestering and storing a ton of the Belizean economy, of which $60 to $78 million stemmed from the
carbon (Yee, 2010). The advantages of using this approach are that it is presence of mangroves (Cooper et al., 2009; Waite et al., 2014).
relatively simple in terms of data requirements and implementation, The main difficulties that arose in performing a valuation of Belize's
and it is based on observed market behaviour (Barbier et al., 2008). mangroves and coral reefs were on estimating the portion of visits/time
However, a common criticism is that prices do not reflect the social attributable to mangroves (Cooper et al., 2009). We were able to cir-
value of avoiding carbon emissions, but rather reflect what policy- cumvent these issues by making use of the permits database of the
makers deem appropriate for a wider set of policy goals, including Galapagos National Park and by considering the capacity of each vessel
political commitments (Convery and Redmond, 2007). and the occupancy rates per type of tourism. Likewise, a previous study
To consider the above-mentioned issues and provide a com- used a market price approach to find the value of marine-based tourism
plementary welfare measure, a second estimate was calculated at over in the Galapagos in 2014, resulting in a total value of $156 million
$84 million dollars. This value was obtained by making use of the social dollars (Lynham et al., 2015); as expected, this value was much higher
marginal damage cost methodology (Kennedy et al., 2016; Melaku than our figure for mangrove-only based tourism. In line with the fact
et al., 2015), and accounting by the offsets provided by recently dis- that cruise tourism historically represents the lion's share of Galapagos
covered methane emissions stemming from mangrove ecosystems (Call tourism (Taylor et al., 2009), we found that cruises contributed to 80%
et al., 2015; Linto et al., 2014; Rosentreter et al., 2018). The so called of the value of mangrove-based tourism and 64% of total visits to
social cost of carbon is the social damage avoided by not releasing a ton mangrove sites, highlighting its central importance in tourism visits and
of carbon into the atmosphere. This monetized welfare estimate, which expenditures. But as mangroves are both marine and terrestrial eco-
is a key input for climate change policy, usually relies on integrated systems, they support both marine- and terrestrial-based tourism. Over
assessment models to simulate time paths for atmospheric CO2 con- 60% of all visits from the “Bay tour” tourism category make use of sites
centrations, the impact of CO2 on temperature, and the resulting with mangrove-based recreational activities, making it the most

M.K. Tanner, et al. Ecological Economics 160 (2019) 12–24

mangrove-dependent form of tourism in the Galapagos. It is also the 4.4. Galapagos mangroves and payments for ecosystem services
second most important contributor to visits to mangroves, representing
approximately 26% of the total visits to mangrove sites, although in Our results for the valuation of the ecosystem services provided by
terms of value it only represents 7% of mangrove-based tourism. This Galapagos mangroves are not only comparable to different mangrove
tourism category, which is mostly owned by locals—in contrast to sites across the globe, but they also show that Galapagos mangroves are
cruise tourism, which is mostly provided by a foreign-owned fleet ideal candidates for programmes that promote payments for ecosystem
(Taylor et al., 2009)—is regarded as a land-based form of tourism. The services (PES). Mangroves are excellent candidates because they pro-
tendency is that land-based tourism continues growing; in 2009, it vide a multitude of ES; they act as carbon sinks, and; they also provide
surpassed cruise tourism as the category with the highest amount of nursery areas for fish that support local small-scale fisheries, and they
visitors, and it is growing each year at a rate of +7.5% (Observatorio de support tourism, to the benefit of local communities as well as to the
Turismo Galapagos, 2017b). Hence, we expect this figure to increase in global population (Lau, 2013; Locatelli et al., 2014).
following years, as will the value of mangrove-based tourism. Ir- Galapagos mangroves' carbon stocks compare favourably to other
onically, this increase in visits might also cause reductions in natural carbon-rich terrestrial ecosystems such as boreal, temperate and tro-
capital, which might lead to lower supply of ecosystem services. pical forests (Alongi, 2012), making them ideal candidates for carbon-
Importantly, how the benefits of mangrove-based recreational ES centred mitigation schemes, such as REDD++. Furthermore, Ecuador
are distributed will be driven by the ownership structure of the tourism has finalized the REDD++ early movers program and has received the
industry (particularly of the cruise vessel and bay tour categories), how first transfers from the Green Climate Fund, pointing to existing in-
intensely these tourism areas use mangrove sites, and how much they stitutional accords that could be explored for a carbon-centred PES
participate in generating the total value of mangrove-based tourism. scheme in favour of mangrove ecosystems (Locatelli et al., 2014).
Institutional failures often occur because the people who benefit from Mangroves are, according to Ecuadorian law, public property and a
ecosystem services (often foreign tour operators) are not always the protected ecosystem; thus, property rights for Galapagos mangroves are
same people who are affected by ecosystem transformation (locals). The allocated to the GNP. Importantly, clearly defined and well enforced
discrepancies arising from beneficiaries of ecosystem service provision property rights are a fundamental component of a well-designed PES
that are often different and distant from the beneficiaries of “ecosystem mechanism (Engel and Palmer, 2008). Besides carbon sequestration and
transformation” are often a reason for ecosystem mismanagement storage, Galapagos mangroves provide other ecosystem services which
(Turner and Daily, 2008). In this regard, the growth of the local “Bay would justify adopting a PES scheme, specifically its services in sup-
tour” form of tourism, with its high dependency on mangrove recrea- porting nursery areas for fish (Lau, 2013). Currently Costa Rica's gov-
tional ES, could be regarded as a positive development because it cre- ernment, a country within the TEPwith significant mangrove presence
ates a local champion for ES provision, further aligning local economic and deforestation (López-angarita et al., 2016) and successful PES
incentives with conservation. scheme experiences (Porras et al., 2013; Wunder, 2005), is debating
Our valuation approach, which merges both a spatial representation establishing a PES fund and a scheme specifically for marine ecosystems
of recreation with a revealed preferences market-based approach, still called FONASEMAR- which is a legislative bill that would officially
may not adequately value cultural ecosystem services (Hirons et al., create a fund for marine conservation through fees and taxation
2016). As the Galapagos presents several ecosystems in parallel, (MarViva, 2017). This law is centred on incentivising sustainable uses
bundling is a particular concern, since tourists experience mangrove- of marine and coastal ecosystems, including mangroves, and aims to
based recreation jointly with recreation based on other ecosystems promote ecosystem service provision and sustainable use of fisheries, as
(Milcu et al., 2013). The inclusion of mangrove-based activities as a it funds itself from a tax levied on plastics, from a “polluter pays”
discriminatory factor for our site selection was our attempt to deal with (Sterner and Coria, 2013) perspective. Similarly, an already established
ecosystem bundling issues, but recreation as a cultural ecosystem ser- PES scheme that has proven successful, such as “water funds” (wa-
vice is most likely bundled with other cultural ecosystem services ex- tershed-oriented PES projects based on a trust fund model) (Goldman-
perienced by tourists, for which a market-based approach still might Benner et al., 2012) might also serve as a guide for a Galapagos PES
not be the most suitable valuation tool (Klain et al., 2014). scheme. The role of Galapagos mangroves as a nursery area for an
Future studies specifically focusing on valuation of cultural eco- endangered and commercially important species like the Galapagos
system services would benefit from taking a mixed methods approach sailfin grouper, could be promoted through a PES scheme and, more
to valuation (Hirons et al., 2016). A deliberative valuation tool, such as generally, as a part of a management plan for this crucial fishery, with
the Delphi technique, could be used to complement our criteria for site fishers or the consuming industries being the potential buyers of this
selection by adding experts' opinions on mangroves' importance to site PES scheme(Bladon et al., 2016).
visits and enjoyment (Edwards et al., 2012; Mukherjee et al., 2014). The tourism sector, the other obvious beneficiary of mangrove
Likewise, a stated preference approach, measuring the maximum will- ecosystem services in the Galapagos, is a possible financial contributor
ingness tourists will pay for mangrove-based recreation, would address for a voluntary PES scheme for Galapagos mangroves, acting as a po-
shortcomings of the market-based approach (Bateman et al., 2002) tential buyer in the ecosystem services markets (Lau, 2013). Not only
because tourists' individual recreational experiences are not always does it directly benefit from mangrove recreational ES, but it also
registered through a market transaction and market transactions do not benefits from other mangrove ES such as water purification and coastal
reliably measure consumer surplus (Schep et al., 2014). protection, two services not valued in this study. These are crucial for
Regardless of specific methodological difficulties associated with maintaining clear waters and sandy beaches, characteristics important
the valuation, it is evident that cultural ES provided by mangroves are to the tourism sector; thus, the constant provisioning of these ES is in
of high economic importance, with mangrove-based recreation being their long-term interest (Lau, 2013; Locatelli et al., 2014). A pertinent
appropriated and monetized by the local tourism industry. This va- example is the Bonaire Marine Park in the Netherlands Antilles (Thur,
luation allows stakeholders to discuss ways to institutionalize payments 2010), where mangroves' contribution to water treatment is recognized
for this ES, but such discussions must take into account equity and through payment for protection from divers' entrance fees.
distributional concerns as well as the heterogeneities of the sector, Furthermore, a PES scheme for mangroves in the Galapagos would
given that both the burden of conservation and the potential benefits of directly benefit from the existing institutional support of the Galapagos
alternative uses of mangrove land are local issues, whilst, according to National Park Directorate, which considers protecting and providing
our results, the net beneficiaries of ES monetization are mostly non- ecosystem services to be one of its main objectives in its current man-
local. These particularities must be taken into account before instituting agement plan (DPNG, 2014). A payments scheme where the GNP is the
any legitimate and suitable payment policy (Turner and Daily, 2008). beneficiary should be adequately invested into capacity building,

M.K. Tanner, et al. Ecological Economics 160 (2019) 12–24

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