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a) The two types of stress that Puan Zarina is facing acute stress and chronic stress. Acute
stress occurs when a person has to respond instantaneously to a crisis situation. For
example, Puan Zarina needs to spend more time to complete her task. These means she has
to work beyond office hours and weekends. While other stress is chronic stress that occurs
when a distressful situation is prolonged, allowing no rest of recuperation for the body. It
can cause physical and emotional problems. For example, Puan Zarina loses control in her
work environment and at her home due to she has to take care of her father. She also has
no time to rest because she work part-time on weekends.

b) Puan Zarina can reduce her stress by manage her time properly. She needs to manage her
time and work between her personal life. So, she could balance her work and personal time.
Puan Zarina also recognize your limits because she does a part-time job. Other than that,
she should eat a healthy food such as protein, carbohydrate, fat and others according to the
food pyramid. Lastly, Puan Zarina should do some should do some exercises and get
enough sleep to make sure tomorrow fresher.

c) a) -Puan Zarina always calm even though working under pressure

-Puan Zarina particularly concerned in ensuring customers satisfaction and company
- Puan Zarina challenge herself to work part-time and take risk to finish up the task

b) -Organizational goals due to Puan Zarina’s determination, so she gets the awarded with
a job promotion as Business Development Executive.
- Personal goals. Even though, Puan Zarina’s new job more challenging, she still can
manage her time between work and to take care of her father.
-Goals attributes when Puan Zarina challenge herself because she needs to balance her


a) One factor that has contributed to Encik Raziman’s stress is work overload due to
company’s poor physical working conditions particularly the workstation.

b) Two ways on improving ergonomics factor in the company’s workstation is make sure
choose the right chair for the workers. This is because a well-designed chair is essential
due to many office workers spend much of their time sitting. So, that an ergonomic chair
must be adjustable. Next, the ways on improving ergonomics factor in company’s
workstation is make sure choose the best desk and suitable for the workstation. This is
because the height of the desktop should allow your elbows to be parallel to the computer
keyboard and floor. So, that it can avoid shoulder pain.

c) – Adjust the workstation to meet your needs

– Take rest breaks often
– Do stretching exercises
– Focus your eyes away from the monitor often
– Arrange work materials within easy research

d) - Know where the power switches are located on the equipment in your general area. In
emergency or power outage, turn off the equipment.
- Follow the manufacturer’s directions for safe and efficient equipment use
- Avoid other activities that will distract you from the operation of the equipment
- If you feel a tingling sensation, notice smoke or smell something burning while you are
operating the equipment, turn it off.

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