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Colour code the cards according to why the US and Soviet Union pursued a policy of détente.

Complete the questions on the bottom of the sheet.

The Soviet Union and USA The new US president, The Soviet Union had poor
had enough long-distance Richard Nixon, came to living standards in this period.
weapons to destroy each power in 1968 during the They wanted to increase
other. Any war would be bloody Vietnam War. He housing and leisure for their
MAD (Mutually Assured wanted to concentrate on citizens.
Destruction). Neither country ending the conflict rather
wanted to risk a war. than having further conflict
with the Soviet Union.
People in America were The Soviet Union had a The Cuban Missile Crisis
calling for civil rights and stagnant economy for several showed that even if the
women’s equality. Hey years and needed to reinvest leaders did not want war, one
wanted the US to take a less in industry, rather than could nearly break out by
active role in international spending most of their money mistake. During the 1970s,
affairs. on expensive nuclear there was an attempt to have
weapons. a more stable relationship.
This was known as détente.
There were large-scale US REASONS FOR DÉTENTE
demonstrations against
Vietnam and the level of SOVIET REASONS FOR DÉTENTE
social inequality, particularly
between blacks and whites. JOINT REASONS FOR DÉTENTE
1. Describe détente.
Détente – The easing of hostility or strained relations, especially between countries.

2. What, in your opinion, was the main reason for the Soviets pursuing a policy of détente
and why?
In my opinion the main reason for the Soviets pursuing a policy of détente was
because the Soviet Union had a stagnant economy for several years and needed to
reinvest to industry, rather than spending most of their money on expensive nuclear

3. What, in your opinion, was the main reason for the US pursuing a policy of détente and
In my opinion the main reason for the US pursuing a policy of détente was because
the US president, Richard Nixon said he wanted to concentrate on ending the conflict
rather than having further conflict with the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and USA
had enough long-distance weapons to destroy each other so both the Soviet and USA
would have ended up in the same way.

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