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Written analysis

We, Team 06, have made a presentation on types of leadership. In the video, our aim is to
show the two styles of leadership namely, Autocratic and Democratic leadership.

Leadership is defined as the action of leading a group of people towards achieving a common
goal in an efficient way.
An Autocratic leader can be defined as someone who believes in controlling the environment
and takes little inputs from the subordinates or team members.
On the other hand, a Democratic leader is someone who values and accepts everyone’s point
of view and strives to achieve the goal through a collaborative effort of all the members.

We have chosen this concept because we all are aiming to be future leaders and understanding
the different styles would help us become better leaders as well as identify the working styles of
different people we’ll be working with in an organization.The scenarios are based upon real life
work experiences of our team members in an organization or during their college. You can also
find various underlying concepts such as group dynamics, BIG FIVE, job satisfaction, surface
acting, and dark triads etc. in our video presentation.

Team functioning:

The idea for the project came into the picture from a session of brainstorming, where we
discussed various ideas and their possibilities and then finalized this idea. We divided ourselves
in two teams and tried to enact team meetings to show both styles of leadership.

Jagriti (Team lead), Bhavya and Shivam (Team Members) show the Democratic style in
Meeting 1 and Isha(Team lead), Neha and Honey (Team members) show the Autocratic style
of leadership in Meeting 2 .

The script for the video was written by the team members of the respective teams.
Individual contribution: We defined a situation of meetings and on the basis of that everyone
developed their individual characters.

Challenges faced: We planned the whole activity in the initial phase and stuck to the plan. In
the first instance, we were flooded with the ideas. Filtering the best ones was a tough task but
as all of us have already worked with each other on other projects, we were able to achieve a
good level of coordination amongst us. We tried to include everyone’s ideas by including them
under the broader head of leadership.

How was it handled: We divided the work amongst ourselves and everyone knew what they
were supposed to do, so there was a clarity of thoughts. Role perception was clearly
conceived and it avoided redundancy of certain tasks. Due to our group cohesiveness, role
conflicts were kept to the minimum.

Submitted by:

Team 06

Bhavya Mishra (20127)

Honey Kumar (20136)

Isha Gupta (20138)

Jagriti Sharma (20139)

Neha Pandey (20148)

Shivam (20165)

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