Introduction To Tithes and Offerings-2

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There are many people who don’t understand why the tithe and the first fruit are so important. There are
different kinds of giving in the house of God. There is free will giving; This is what you give to the Lord any
time, you decide and how much you decide to give. Whatever you give to the Lord out of what you have is
okay to him and at any time. That’s your FREE WILL GIVING.

Then there is a SEED OFFERING. This is given when there is a particular desire that you have and you have
chosen what the Spirit of the Lord has guided and inspired you what kind of it to be offered. Usually it is
connected to a desired harvest.

Then, along with the seed offering there is PRECIOUS SEED or simply called A PRECIOUS OFFERING. That
kind of giving is done when you are in a particular need. It might be the desire of a miracle, financial need,
healing or any need; so this is the special giving for something that you so much desire. That means giving
is the demonstration of our faith in God and his word.That's why the bible says in Psalms126:6 He that
goes forth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing………………………………

Giving is a connection. Why is it that whenever you give God responds or even when you give out of your
need God responds. It’s because all giving is respect to God in recognition and a confession of his divinity.
You recognize that God is not a man like appealing to his divinity. And when you give that which is very
important to you, you are communicating divine reverence, a connection of your faith in God who has
more power than man. You give gifts to your friends and you give God an offering. Offerings are not given
to man, but to divinity. Offerings are sanctified. Why is it so? We don’t know. Because he chose it to be so.
It is that way. Because it is like asking why do we breathe air or why does God have angels. Well, he chose

Among the Giving there are two kinds that are not up to us, Your seed offering is up to you and free will
offering is up to you even though they have blessings connected with them. God leads you, because the
bible says that God has given to us our prosperity for our liberty, meaning you can use it to create new
opportunities for yourself with God. You create new opportunities by giving to the poor because the bible
says giving to the poor is lending to God and so on. It means when a need arises that you want to give to
the Lord for a blessing that’s what you give to the Lord. He gives to you so that you should give and your
giving opens up his blessings to you.

Many people don’t understand the difference between first fruit and the tithe, but the bible reveals it that
they are not the same. First-fruit came before tithe. The First Fruit was revealed to Cain and Abel and tithe
came during Abraham later. They came before the law, they don’t originate from Moses time. The only
reason why the law talks of them, it’s because they were done by the men of faith.

The tithe means 1/10 of everything God blesses you with. So when God blesses you 1 out of every 10
belongs to him he said so. He did not say give me please, He lays claim on it if you are a child of God. Now
some people say that it is what is given to the church. No. It’s because the church is the place to receive on
behalf of the Lord, because there it gives you the word of God so respond to that is where God teaches
you his word, where he nourishes you. You give anything to anybody you want to in any amount. But you
don’t have a choice with your tithe; you can’t give it to your grandmother or uncle because it belongs to
God. So it’s a partnership with him. As a child of the God you have been brought into partnership with him
and he has a part to play for every blessing he brought to you, you respond by giving him his tithe. But if
you cheat him it’s not only that you love him but he says he will take whatever he chooses. That can be a
problem because it can be out of the blessing. The greatest loss is the loss of ideas, divine guidance from
God won’t be there. When you don’t give God tithe or your First fruit then you will be operating like
everybody. And it will be a big problem. So never hold back your tithe. As soon as you get your blessing
give it. In anything give, in materials you give it a value and work out the tithe on how much you values it.
So that means you can tithe on your car by valuing it. The bible teaches here how to redeem that material.

First fruit you only redeem that which is unclean, that which cannot be given to God because God does not
take unclean. But your first fruit belongs to God. First fruit is the first of what you expect to be the series of
blessing in your life that God gives you except you want it to be one and only, but the first blessing that
you believe that more will come or expect more will come it belongs to God. Some people ask question
that do you give your tithe on net pay or gross pay or when my salary is raised should I give the whole
amount as my first fruit or that one on top. Well refer to 2 Corinthians 9:6 .He who give on gross will be
topped up by the gross and so it is with net. Mind you he does not say give because he needed it, but it’s
you who need them. Well note this, a minister does not rely on peoples giving for his blessings. The laws of
first fruit and tithes are the same to him.

Job 22:18-30

For you never go down because when men are cast down you say there is a lifting up. You will lay up gold
as dust. Lot of dust is present in dry season, meaning that in dry season you will pile up gold as dust. The
drier it is, the easier it is to lay gold as dust. The things that happen to you are different from the world.
When you function in the word of God you will not know when the heat is on because you carry different
atmosphere. You belong in another world, you think differently. Out of your heart are issues of your life,
not from around, from your spirit. So you have to put the word of God in your spirit. You are not an
accident in the world. God already had a plan for you. As you became a born-again that plan is fulfilled in

Hearing is a gift that I have given you for that there are those who cannot hear. When you hear my word
receive from your ear to your spirit, put it to work and act it accordingly. That’s the Spirit of the Lord
communicating to you.

Isaiah1:19 if you will only let me help you…………………………………..I will make you reach.(TLB)

God never makes a promise which he has never fulfilled.

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