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ROLL NO: 1002

DATE: 28-04-2020
To assure a smooth start with new employees, some basic functions need to happen.
Following is a checklist of those functions for you to consider when orienting new employees
to your division/department at lane. These serve as a basic guideline from which
division/department manager can add to in meeting their divisions/department specific needs.

Communicate information:
1. Send welcome packages to new employees including:
 Welcome letter, confirming position, title, salary, manager, when and
where to report.
 Lane union contract (if applicable).
2. Call new employee to confirm start date, place, etc.
3. Send internal memo to the department announcing new employee's arrival date
and duties.
4. Contact payroll and benefits administration – submit appropriate paperwork.
5. Notify health and safety about start date for new employees.
Benefits and Compensation:

1. Health, life and disability assurance.

2. Retirement benefits.
3. Educational assistance.
4. Pay procedures.
5. Salary increase/performance review process.
6. Bonus program.

Key policy review:

1. Anti-harassment/discrimination
2. Vacation and sick leave
3. Leaves of absence
4. Overtime
5. Dress code
6. Personal conduct standards
7. Security
8. Injury reporting
9. Emergency procedures

Setup appropriate schedule for training

1. Banner training.
2. Technical training (procedures, forms, job specific skills).
3. Interpersonal skills training.
4. Leadership/management skills training.
Prepare the work area
1. Insure cleanliness and order of work area.
2. Order:
 Basic supplies
 Name plate, business cards (if applicable)
 Procurement cards (if appropriate)
 Office keys
 Telephone installation and assign number
3. Arrange for computer and software installation
4. Conference rooms

Assemble a new employee packet

1. Welcome letter from division/department.
2. Copy of job description.
3. Department structure and priorities.


Day one:

1. Conduct a general job orientation as listed above with tour and introductions.

2. Review first week's schedule and work hours.
3. Review professional ethics and code of conduct.
4. Review all policies, such as safety and security policies.
5. Explain the compensation and benefits.
6. Provide employee handbook and answer any questions.
7. Review position information.
8. Help set them up with computers or other equipment.

Week One:

1. Give employee any initial assignments.

2. Touch base each day to ensure they are settling in.
3. Review employee performance evaluations and set goals.
4. Review the employee's probationary period.
5. Check that equipment assigned to the employee is functioning and answer related
6. Ensure employee has met with key colleagues.
7. Invite employee to connect with any company social media accounts.

Month One:

1. Continue to provide regular feedback.

2. Ask for feedback from the employee.
3. Review past assignments.
4. Review upcoming assignments.
5. Ensure employee is on schedule with training.
6. Check that employee payroll is running smoothly.
7. Schedule regular meetings to keep employee engaged.

After Three Months:

1. Schedule an informal performance review.

2. Review past and future assignments.
3. Set performance goals.
4. Give and ask for feedback.
5. Check employee progress on training.
6. Discuss end of probationary period.

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