Online Business Is The Great Opportunity To Earn During and Post COVID-19 Period

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Online Business is the great opportunity to earn during and post COVID-19 period

The Coronavirus outbreak is shaking up the global economy on a massive scale. The world is
scrambling hard to combat the current and upcoming economic consequences of this black swan
event. As this global economic crisis continues, it is expected that businesses will not return to
normal for a long time. Even consumer behaviour will take a new turn. Hesitation among
consumers to go out and shop will be visibly seen, impacting the overall seller-buyer
conventional journey.
So, what’s next:
The coming time will witness the incline of heavy traffic towards the online platform. This gives
a golden opportunity to individuals to set up their online home businesses. Even in the current
scenario, going ahead with an online best business to start, will be a win-win situation for you.
Here is all you need to know about what all online businesses and ideas you can easily start and
things you might require to setup.
In the coming months, businesses are going to become more reliant than ever on their digital
strategy. Without wanting to sound too alarmist, in many cases it will be the deciding factor in
whether they make it through the tough times ahead. The unprecedented, almost-total
disappearance of all channels related to live events and conferences, and the increasing barriers
on face-to-face business, pose an enormous challenge. Key to resilience is the development of
ongoing contingencies to mitigate against this loss. I don’t think it’s too soon to say that the
COVID-19 global pandemic will likely be one of the defining events of 2020, and that it will
have implications that last well into the decade. The situation is rapidly changing. The amount of
people deemed safe to gather in a single place has dwindled from thousands, to hundreds, to ten.
Restaurants, bars, movie theaters, and gyms in many major cities are shutting down. Meanwhile
many office workers are facing new challenges of working remotely full time. Essentially,
people are coming to terms with the realities of our interconnected world and how difficult it is
to temporarily separate those connections to others. To say that we are living in unprecedented
times feels like an understatement. One of the responses we’ve seen to how people are
approaching this period of isolation and uncertainty is in huge overnight changes to their
shopping behaviors. From bulk-buying to online shopping, people are changing what they’re
buying, when, and how.
As more cities are going under lockdowns, nonessential businesses are being ordered to close,
and customers are generally avoiding public places. Limiting shopping for all but necessary
essentials is becoming a new normal. Brands are having to adapt and be flexible to meet
changing needs.
This resource is intended to provide information so that you can make the best decisions for your
brand during uncertain times. We’ve gathered some facts and numbers around how behaviors are
changing, what products people are buying, and what industries are feeling the strain to help you
determine what choices you can make for your business.
Set up your online consultancy business:
If you have any other skills, like let’s say you’re a photographer, it will be easy for you to get
started with a home-based online consultancy business. You can virtually connect with your
clients via an online portal. Here is a list of few suggested online business ideas for consultancy,
one can go ahead with.

 Start with your online music classes

 Start with your fitness consultancy sessions
 Start with your online cooking/ bakery classes
 Start with your online dietician consultancy business
 Start your online photography classes
Why is it a great idea, to begin with:
During and after the quarantine period, people will find it difficult to go out and join these
classes on account of this pandemic nightmare. Moreover, during this lockdown phase, people
are willing to learn new skills.

It’s easy to begin:

To set-up your online consultancy business, you need to make a little initial investment. All you
need is:
An online platform to start
A home-based office set-up
Special instruments such as a good camera for a photography class, musical instruments for
music classes, or cooking ingredients for your cooking classes. And you are good to go!

Set up your online tutoring classes:

Around 1.716 billion learners have been affected due to this 2019-20 coronavirus pandemic.
Experts believe 99.4% of the world’s student population is suffering because of the widespread
closures of educational institutes. The figures are enough to indicate how badly online tutoring
classes are required at this hour of crisis. If you are from the educational sector or a professional
who can go ahead with the online tutoring classes; you are in a very happy place. Get started
with setting up your online tutoring classes and kickstart your earnings at a higher pace. This is a
great home business idea to go for.
Why is it a great idea, to begin with:
Parents and students are tense because of this mid-seem lockdown. Everyone is anxious to find
good online tutors to cover the loss. People are accepting the unconventional home-schooling
method. Online tutors are in great demand. Even after this lockdown phase, parents, guardians
will look for online tutoring for their folks. You need to make online study material and subject
notes that could attain the attention of the students. This new business idea is blooming at a
quicker pace. Being confined to the office – or even the home – rather than on the road on sales
visits or at events, means marketers have more time to develop digital strategies. This means
researching where your customers can be found online, and how different approaches and tactics
might impact your success. If your organization previously put token efforts into digital channels
– because like a lot of other businesses, you had built your networks offline and that had always
seemed to work – now is the time to revisit them. That could be as simple as giving your website
and social pages a refresh, or a more innovative approach. “There’s a window of opportunity
here – when things are back to normal budgets will be going back into live events and that’s
what they will be spending their time on. But if they see the benefits and opportunities that
digital channels can offer, this will become part of their long-term marketing contingency plans.
It’s certainly true that the coming weeks, or months – or however long this situation lasts – will
be a challenging time for any company that isn’t ready to think about how they will replace the
opportunities that have been lost. As long as businesses approach the shift to digital marketing
strategically, there's no reason why it should just serve as an emergency fill-in, but could carry
on providing long-term value when the world eventually gets back to normal. And of course, it
would make companies more resilient to deal with any future pandemics.
Don’t exploit the situation:
The first thing we are seeing is people trying to exploit fear. What I mean by this is supplies are
running low around the world. From masks and toilet paper to hand sanitizer and other basic
necessities I am seeing marketers buying them and then reselling them on eBay or running ads
and selling them for ten to fifty x the price. This isn’t entrepreneurship and this isn’t marketing. I
highly recommend that you avoid exploiting the Coronavirus situation to make a quick buck. Not
only is it wrong but it is also very short-sighted. Sure, you may be able to make a quick buck, but
it won’t last you are better off spending your time on anything that is long term. If you are lucky
enough to be sitting on some cash during the recession this is the best time to buy out other
companies. The ideal ones to buy are media companies. The more eyeballs you control, the more
power you will hold in the future. Plus, by controlling eyeballs, it gives you the ability to sell
anything you want in the future.

How to make money from home during COVID-19:

There are many ways which we can use to earn money during these pandemic conditions. These
ways are following,
There are plenty of reasons to want to make money from home – perhaps you’d like to
supplement your main income, keep busy during parental leave, or even start a brand-new career.
We’ve put together a handy list of twenty-six ways to make some additional money from home
or in some instances, via the gig economy including everything from one-off tasks to ideas that
may end up as an additional income stream.
Get paid to write online:
If you’ve always wanted to be a writer, what better time to start? While a lot of online writing
jobs don’t pay, there are still quite a few websites where you can make money by creating high
quality, relevant content. You can get started by looking at:

Listverse: a listicle website that will pay hundred dollars per accepted article.
Longreads: a long-form content site that pays competitive rates. The website doesn’t specify the
amount paid but other websites and blogs have stated rates of five dollars to fifteen hundred
Back2college: a site aimed at older students will pay fifty-five plus dollars per accepted article.
All Pet Voices: a pet website that pays seventy-five dollars per accepted article.
iWorkWell: a website for HR professionals and SMEs that pays two hundred dollars per
accepted article.
Loaded Landcapes: a photography website that pays twenty to one hundred and fifty dollars per
accepted article.
Income Diary: a website focussed on making money online that pays two hundred dollars to
five hundred dollars per accepted article.
A Fine Parent: a parenting website that pays seventy-five dollars per accepted article.
All of these sites only pay for accepted articles, so make sure that you review their criteria and
read through the websites for an idea of their existing content and style before you start. Some
websites also prefer to receive pitches before the main article.
While a lot of freelance writers have regular clients, writing for some select websites allows you
to build up a portfolio, create a niche, and work up to higher-paying and more reliable income, if
that’s something that you want to pursue.
Become a virtual assistant:
If you’re a good communicator, have strong digital skills, and excellent organizational skills, you
could work as a virtual assistant. You will need to accurately type at a speed of eighty to hundred
wpm, work well remotely, and adjust to the needs of the business or person that you are
assisting, but this is one of the more long-term and reliable options to make additional money.
There are a number of virtual assistant websites like Virtanen and 24/7 Virtual Assistants,
offering ten dollars to twelve per hours and twenty to one hundred and twenty hours per month.
However, these websites typically require extensive experience within the sector before they will
take you on. If you’re new to being a VA or PA, you can apply for jobs on jobs websites like
Reed, Total Jobs, or Glassdoor.
If you’d like to brush up on your skills or improve your CV before you apply, you can take some
free courses that can help you get hired by improving your communication, growing your digital
skills, or just learning how to write a great job application.
Have a clear-out:
If you’ve noticed more clutter than usual – perhaps there are a few boxes that you still haven’t
unpacked after moving, or a room that always looks overfull – you can clear out your home
while making some money too.
These websites are a great place to start once you’ve identified the items you’d like to sell:
eBay is a great place to sell anything from garden furniture to old clothes and shoes.
Webuybooks will buy books, CDs, DVDs, and games.
Music Magpie will buy phones, MacBook’s, CDs, DVDs, games, books, and Lego.
Cex will buy phones, laptops, game consoles, DVD players, smartwatches, assorted tech, and
Get crafty:
If you’re into arts and crafts, you could turn that hobby into an additional income. You can make
your own jewelry, homemade cards, print t-shirts, upcycle things around the house, or even make
beautiful terrariums to sell on sites like Etsy.
Not all crafts sell well or will make a profit, so before you get started it’s a good idea to check
out what’s already on there, how much it sells for, and compare it to what you’d expect for the
time, effort, and spend associated with it. You can also see how much competition there is, and
decide how you will make your own crafts stand out.
Make money by taking surveys:
If you’d prefer a lower investment in both time and expense, you can make money by responding
to surveys online. You can even do this while you’re binge-watching Netflix. The rewards
depend on the website – some offer vouchers but a lot of them also payout via PayPal or directly
to your bank. While it is relatively low-effort, it can also time quite a lot of time to build up your
earnings – surveys pay as little as £0.05 and as much as £10 each, with the majority towards the
lower end of the spectrum. You can get started with sites like YouGov, Prolific, Swagbucks, Life
Points, Survey Junkie, and One Opinion.
Rent out your driveway:
If you have some driveway space and live in a busy area or city, you may be able to make an
income from renting out that space. The need for additional parking may have increased in your
area, so it’s always worth checking the current rates.
Websites like Just Park or Your Parking Space make it easy to find people who are looking for
parking spots, and take a lot of the confusion out of admin and managing this additional income
Try online tutoring:
Now that schools and colleges have closed, there’s been a huge increase in parents looking for
online tutors for their children. If you have in-depth knowledge around a particular subject, great
communication skills, and feel that you have the right temperament to keep your students
engaged and nurture their interest, you can apply to a variety of online tutoring websites that link
up tutors with students. Some focus on academic subjects but others offer the chance to teach
music, crafts, and other skills.
If teaching for the first time feels daunting or you don’t know where to start with a lesson plan,
we have a range of free courses specifically designed for teachers. They can help you become a
better music teacher, plan a great English lesson, or provide a grounding in how to teach online.
Sell your photographs:
If you’re interested in photography or have lots of photographs on your hard drive, why not try
selling them online? Businesses are creating a lot more online content at the moment, so the right
images and themes could help you earn some money. Rather than uploading a lot of landscapes
and only selling what you have, take a look at the kinds of images that business websites, news
websites, and blogs have been using over the last few weeks. Try to shoot images around those
themes and stay on top of what’s in demand at the moment.
Stock photography sites like Shutterstock, Almay, Getty, and iStock take a commission from
sales and allow people to find your images based on keyword searches.
Make sure you’re getting rewards and cashback:
While you’re reviewing your bank account, make sure that you’re registered for rewards and
cashback wherever possible. Some bank accounts offer cashback on spending, and you may be
eligible for rewards schemes. If not, you can still register for schemes that let you get cashback
when you spend online via sites like QuidCo.
Get paid to test websites:
You can make money by testing out websites and letting businesses know whether or not they’re
user-friendly. Small adjustments can make a lot of money for people selling online, so it makes
sense for them to get opinions from their target audience, rather than just their own marketing
and development teams. You can get paid $5-$90 per test or interview, but most tests are around
$10 and will be paid directly into your PayPal.
You can get started with these sites:

1. User Testing
2. Userlytics
3. Try my UI
4. Userfeel
You don’t need to be a digital expert to make a good tester, you just need to answer the questions
honestly and understand what you’re looking for. But if you’re interested in brushing up on your
knowledge, we have a free user experience course from Accenture to help you understand the
questions and decision-making process. You don’t need to be a digital expert to make a good
tester, you just need to answer the questions honestly and understand what you’re looking for.
But if you’re interested in brushing up on your knowledge, we have a free user experience course
from Accenture to help you understand the questions and decision-making process.

Become a click worker:

Click worker is another website that offers gigs and tasks that you can do at home. The site states
that you make an average of $9 per hour but may be able to make more than that with time. The
tasks include everything from categorization to recording audio, so you should be able to find
something that you’re comfortable with.
Put up some gigs on fiverr:

Fiverr is a freelancing marketplace that used to advertise the majority of tasks for $5. The current
marketplace is less restrictive, but the expectation is typically that people will pay $5-20 for
anything from marketing tasks through to relationship advice. You can browse the categories to
see what’s on offer before deciding on what you want to advertise. Most of the work is bespoke,
but if you want to scale your earnings it’s a good idea to advertise work that you’ve already
done, such as creating a guide or eBook that people can buy as a pdf.

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