Activity No. 5 Effect of Refrigeration and Freezing On Foods

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Activity No.

5 Effect of Refrigeration and Freezing on Foods

I. Activity Questions

1. Describe the preparation and process before freezing of the fruits and vegetables you have

selected to produce.

Freezing has been successfully employed for the long term of many foods , providing a

significant extended shelf life the product temperature generally to -18 °C or below.

This are the steps to freeze raw fruits and vegetables

Freezing fruits

 Clean the fruits and cut off any stem or leaves that may be on it

 Cut up larger fruits ( apples, pears , pineapples )

 Place in an air light container with a tightly fitting lid or a plastic freezer bag.

 If putting in the bag make sure to lay fruits on a flat surface. This is important so that

fragile fruits like raspberries or strawberries do not crush cash other

 Add a small amount of sugar if desired .adding sugar in fruits before freezing helps

preserve texture when thawed, but is not necessary

 Fruits can be kept in freezing for up to 12months

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FST 7 L Food Processing II (Fruit, Vegetable and Root Crops)
Kmpipan rev.001-2020
Freezing vegetables

 Like fruits clean the vegetables and cut off any stem or leaves that may be on it

 Blanch of the vegetables if desired ( blanching helps stop the loss of vitamins during storage

and also helps keep the color that can be lost when frozen )

 Place in an air tight container such as a freezer safe plastic container with a tightly fighting lid

or a plastic freezer bag.

 Put in freezer

 Vegetables can be kept in the freezer for up to12months

2. What could be the advantage or disadvantage of using freezing in fruits and vegetables.

-fruits and vegetables most be advantage using freezing methods, because it preserves the growth of

microorganism . Fruits and vegetables are perishable food with extremely rapid deterioration. The raw

fruits and vegetables contain large quantities of water in proportion to their weight and consequently ,

the water phase change more susceptible to ice crystal formulation and thawing than other types of

food . Due to their cellular structural characteristics . Fruits are less resistance to freezing process than


3. Evaluate for freezing burn and quality in terms of the sensory attributes.

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1. High quality raw materials, including elimination of foreign bodies

2. Suitable cultivars for freezing/frozen storage

3. Safety aspects, e.g. removal of pesticides, foreign matter

4. Measurement of quality attributes, e.g. sensory, nutritional, color, oBx

5. Industry specifications. Statement of the Objectives


1. Reminders Again! State your objectives which is achievable and doable and your objectives must

be aligned with the conclusion.

2. HiState minimum of three (3) and maximum of five (5) statement of the problem.

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III. Presentation and Analysis of Data

Presentation of table and figures


1. Indicate the legend under the table using smaller font size, if you would like to assigned code on the

samples “Frozen apple with 20% sugar” Sample code could be reflected like FAPL 20%S

Table 1. Effect on the Physical Attribute of _______Tomato__________

Appearance. Texture
Tomato w/ 1%of salt Dark red Extensile and watery
Tomato w/o salt Light red Extensile watery
Notes: 1. Frozen apple with 20% sugar (FAPL 20%)

In this table represents the difference between to sample above. Sample “A” which tomato with salt are most dark and

watery than the sample “B”, which is the tomato without salt. Salt is significantly affecting the flavor of tomato ,they

resulting in to more flavored because salt releasing the juices if tomato that’s why it become watery and intensely flavored.

Table 2. Effect on the Physical Attribute of _______APPLE__________

Appearance. Texture
Apple light syrup Light brown Extensile and watery
Apple with medium syrup Light brown Extensile watery
Apple w/o syrup Brown Extensile and watery
Notes: FAPL

In this table represents the effects of sugar syrup in apple. Fruits are contains of sugar which are mix

of sucrose ,fructose ,and glucose. In this 3samples ,sample “C” is different in the other samples which

is sample “A” and sample “B”. Because sample “C” has most capable to enzymatic browning

,because of CO²(carbon dioxide) ,this result from gas diffusion ,which resulting to reduced the

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Kmpipan rev.001-2020
availability of O²( oxygen) for the apple .that resulting to the physical attribute of apple/browning of


Table 1. Effect on the Physical Attribute of _______Pineaaple__________

Appearance. Texture
Pineapple with sucrose Light Brown Extensile and watery
Pineapple without Sucrose Light yellow Extensile watery

Like apple ,pine apple contains of sugar also. Sample “A” is a big help to maintain the quality

,compared in without sucrose ,base on the texture it is easy to mash or softer than with sugar while the

texture of without sucrose is though .

Table 1. Effect on the Physical Attribute of _______Tomato__________

Appearance. Texture

Blanched tomatoes can prevent the enzymatic reaction but it also reduced ascorbic acid. Blanching

prevent from damaging the flavor and nutrients.

Figure 1 Title


1. It could be bar graph, pie graph or the actual picture itself whichever is applicable.

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IV. Conclusion

Freezing are important to preserve the food specially the raw food like fruits and vegetables , it keeps

the quality and Nutrients of a fruits and vegetables. This method also helps the fruits and vegetables to

retention the sensory attributes like the undesirable color. The effects of food additive in this activity

can cause a changing of color in fruits and vegetables like tomato with salt , tomato with salt is darker

than without salt . Then the apple and pine apple with syrup ,it change in color because of the syrup it

optimizing the oxidation reaction / enzymatic reaction in a apple and pine apple ,and it is a substance

that added to food to preserve flavor and enhance the taste appearance or the qualities .

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Kmpipan rev.001-2020
V. Related Studies Cited (Journal, Article, E-Books)

1.Influence of freezing process and food storage on the quality of fruits and fruit products, Amyl

Ghenem ,Giovana Celli ,March 2016

2. The effects of freezing and frozen storage on bioactive compounds in fruit products have not been

completely elucidated, and the outcomes are often contradictory. Given the wide range of results, the

aim of this review is to explore the effects of freezing, thawing, and storage conditions on the

physicochemical quality of fruit products, including the phytochemical content. We also discuss how

growing and environmental conditions can affect the freezing process and product quality. Studies

show that cultivar selection, Pre-harvest factors, and ripening stage are important factors that

contribute to the freezing performance and the quality of fruit products

3. What have you understand on the Journal you have read?

4. State your answer on your own words, I would give credit and appreciate the most if you will be

able to justify your own insights and thoughts.

5. You can relate the actual observation from the raw data given to you.

6. Please avoid using the first person on the sentences “I”, “We” “You”, “They”, “Them” but instead

you can use “the researcher”, “the student”

VI. Documentation (Photo with label)

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Kmpipan rev.001-2020
Frozen vegetables

. Frozen fruits

VI. References

1. Accessed date: _____________ Accessed from: URL

2. Title of the book, author and year published, name of the publisher.

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Kmpipan rev.001-2020



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Kmpipan rev.001-2020

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