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IMPORTANT DATA OF AN ATOM. | 2. Electron ‘Mass of an electron = 9.11 x 107! kg 1 = Ae mass of proton | 1840 Electrons Electron, Protons | csi Nevrone JF Nees Figure 11: Atomic structure: Electron, proton ‘and neutron Charge of electron = ~1.602 x 10" coulom Diameter of an electron = 10° m 2. Proton Mass of proton = 1.67 x 10” kg Charge of proton = + 1.602 x 10" coulomb. 3. Neutron Mass of neutron = mass of proton ( = 1.67 x 107” kg) ‘Charge of neutron = Nil | Diameter of nucleus...... of the order of 10°" m Diameter of orbits = 10* times the diameter of the molecule. Normally, the atoms are electrically neutral, that, the number of ‘electrons and protons are the same, canceling each other's electrical | force. Atoms “stay together” because unlike charges attract each ‘other. The electrical force of the protons holds the electrons in their orbits. Like electrical charges repel each other so negatively charged ‘electrons will not collide with each other. Positive and Negative Ions When an electron is removed from a neutral atom, this atom becomes positively charged and is called positive ion, However if an electron is added to @ neutral atom, it becomes negatively charged and is | called a negative jon. Thus an atom becomes an ion by the gain or loss of an electron, | ELECTRIC CURRENT ‘The controlled movement of electrons (or drit) through a substance is called current. oa) Foe 2__ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING = Current is the rate at which electrons move. One ampere (unit of Current) represents 6.28 x 10'® electrons passing a point each second (1 coulomb past a point in one second). “Ampere = coulomb/second One coulomb = charge of 6.28 x 10" electrons, ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE > Electromotive force (e.m.) Is the force that causes @ curent of electricty to flow. > The potential difference (p.d.) V, between two points In a circult is the electrical pressure or voltage required to drive the current between them. > The volt is a unit of potential difference and electromotive force! Its defined as the difference of potential across a resistance of 1 ohm carrying a current of 1 ampere. Electron Volt Electron volt is a unit in terms of which the energies of atomil particles are expressed. It is the work done when an electron, whost charge is e coulombs, is moved in an electric field through a potentia difference of 1 volt against the force (newtons) acting on the charge. | Thus 1 electron volt = e joules RESISTANCE ‘The opposition to the flow of electrons is called an electrical resistance, R. It may be defined also as the property of electric circuit which opposes the flow of current. LAWS OF RESISTANCE ‘The resistance of a conductor, such as wire, of uniform of cross ‘section depends on the following factors: | (a) length: varies directly as its length, L. {b) cross section: varies inversely as the cross-section area, A (6) Nature of material, resistivity of specific resistance, p (@) Temperature of conductor: It almost varies dlrectly with thi temperature L A im Area in circular mils yd . haptrt: ELECTRICITY & ELEMENTARY DC CIRCUIT & NETWORK THEOREMS 3 1 mil = 0.001 inch Resistance variation with temperature Over a wide range of temperature change, the resistance varies linearly with temperature Ry TH R, Trt, Ry = resistance at temperature ty Ry = resistance at temperature ty T = inferred absolute zero resistance ‘temperature of conductor. Re = Ril + 04 (-t)) a = temp coefficient of resistance at temperature ty 1 Tet If temperature coefficient of resistance at 0°C is given (Ry ieee R, ~ T+ aot Conductance, G = mo or semen ‘The effect of temperature on resistance The following points are worth noting: (@) The resistance of metal conductors ‘increases’ («, ie, temperature co-efficient of resistance being positive) with ise of temperature; (b) The resistance of semiconductors such as carbon, and all electrolytes ‘decreases’ as the temperature rises (« being negative). Ohm's Law > Ohm's law can be stated as follows: "For a fixed metal conductor, the temperature and other conditions remaining constant the current (1) through it is proportional to the ‘potential difference (V) between its ends”. In other words, v 77 condant or | q_euserascat enrneEnine | _ chr: ucoTaerY ELEMENTARY OCCREUT ENETAGRK THEOREMS ~ where is the resistance of the conductor between the two > Such elements in which the V/I (volt-ampere) plots are not straight points considered: lines but curves are called non-linear resistors or non-linear > The linear relationship (I « V) does not apply to all ee | elements. sacar. For example, for silicone carbide, the relationship is Limitations of Ohm's Law (Ohm's law does not apply under the following conditions: . V = KI" where Kand xare constants and xis less than unity. 1 Becuontss "where enormous ‘gases “ore produced on ether electrode, The following relations hold good: 2. Non-linear resistors like vacuum radio valves, semi-conductors, gas en filed tubes ete. = 7h ‘Arc lamps 3. 4. Metals which get heated up due to flow of current through. 5. Appliances lke metal rectifiers, crystal detectors, etc. in which ‘operation depends on the direction of current. where P= power in watts V= voltage in volts ‘T= current in amperes R= resistance in ohms Bk | Resistances in Series Power is expressed in terms of KW (Kilowatt = 1000 W) or MW Figure 1.2 shows three Ralaiap ta (rnegawat = 3000 KW or 10°). : ananassae v Electrical energy is expressed in terms of kWh (klowaté hours) Obviously current flowing Figure 1.2: Ressences in eres Y kh = 1 KW x 1 hour = 1000 watt-hours through each resistance will be (= 1000 x 60 x 60 watt-sec.) same but voltage drop across Ly Energy = Work x time each of them wil vary a6 per 5 Unit of work is joules value of individual resistance. ae One joule of energy is expanded electrically when one coulomb’s of ee ee a let mcanaler | Be the sim of he vlog , lectrcal energy, If converted Into heat, will raise the temperature Pa mecinnccsnectas through 1°C of one kg of water. | eee igure 1.3: Resistance par | IR= IR + IRp + IRs ; ; the Q coulomb cherge through a pd. of V 1+ where Ris the equivalent resistance vou fm Mak dona mong te @ extn charge trowph 8a oY | [using Ohno: V = IR] of series combination. | 1 RER +R +R eee ae | Resistances in Parallel Electrically speaking, fa current of I amp flows through a resistance | Refer Figure 1.3, In this case voltage cof RO for f seconds the work done or energy consumed can be expressed across each resistance wil be same but current as wil be diferent depending upon the value of the individual resistance. i.e, F Rt Joules or It joule where R is the equivalent resistance of the parallel combination. LUnear and Non-linear Resistors > Allinear resistor is one which obeys Ohm's law. A circuit’ which RESISTORS contains only linear components is called a linear circuit. AA resistor entails the following two main characteristics: 1) Its resistance (R) in ohms. ... The resistors are available from a fraction of an ohm to many mega ohms. i | 4 G_ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (G_ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 2) The wattage rating... The power rating may be as high as several hundred watts or as low as The theorem can be applied to a network having a combination of voltage and current sources (since voltage source can be converted into a current source and vice versa). > The theorem is applicable only to two sources connected directly in parallel, It is not applicable where there are resistance elements between the sources. (Chapt: ELECTRICITY & ELEMENTARY DC CROUIT & NETWORK THEOREMS 2. The theorem is stated in the following manner: “Any number of current sources in parallel may be replaced by a single current source whose current is the algebraic sum of individual source currents and source resistance is the parallel combination of Individual source resistances”, The common voltage (V) across parallel branches with different V- sources can be determined from the relation v= MARi) + (V2 / Ro) + (V5 /Ra) TR) + A/R2) + 17R3) 1. The substances which have a large number of free electrons and offer a low resistance are called 2. Insulators ‘¢. somi conductors b. inductors <6. conductors 2. The property of a conductor due to which it passes current is called 2. resistance «. conductance . reluctance d. Inductance 3. The resistance of a conductor varies inversely as a. length . temperature b. area of cross-section 4. resistivity 4. An instrument which detects electric current is known as 1. voltmeter «. wattmeter b. rheostat 4. galvanometer 5. Ohm's law is not applicable to a. vacuum tubes b. carbon resistors high voltage circuits . circuits with low current densities 6. You have to replace 1500 © resistor in radio. You have no 1500 0 resistor but have several 1000 ones which you would connect. a. two in parallel . three in series b, three in parallel d. two in parallel and one in series (DZ, 5.0), FA, Ba, 61D) 22 _ ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: Test 1 7. Which of the following statement is true both for a series and a parallel D.C. circuit? a. Power are additive b. Currents are additive c. Elements have individual currents d. Voltages are additive 8. For which of the following ‘ampere second! could be the unit? a. Reluctance ¢, Power b. Charge d. Energy 9. When one leg of parallel circuit is opened out the total current will a. reduce . decrease b. increase d. become zero 10. According to Krchhoffs voltage law, the algebraic sum of all TR drops and eam.fsin any closed loop of a network is always 2. negative c. determined by battery e.m.fs »: positive “> 4. zero 11, Kirchhoffs current law is applicable to only a. junction in a network. . electric circuits 'b. dosed loops in a network d. electronic circuits 12, To determine the polarity of the voltage drop across a resistor, It Is Necessary to know {a Value of current through the resistor b. direction of current through the resistor c. value of resistor d. exmfs. in the circuit 13, "Maximum power output is obtained from a network when the load resistance Is equal to the output resistance of the network as seen from the terminals of the aod". The above statement is associated with a. Millan's theorem b. Thevenin’s theorem Superposition theorem. d. Maximum power transfer theorem 14, "Any number of current sources in parallel may be replaced by 2 single current source whose current is the algebraic sum of individual ‘source cutrents and source resistance is the parallel combination of individual source resistances”. The above statement is associated with, a. Thevenin’s theorem . Millman's theorem c. Maximum power transfer theorem 4. none of the above 15, “In any linear bilateral network, if a source of e.m.f. E in any branch produces a current I in any other branch, then same emf. acting in the second branch would produce the same current I in the first branch’. The above statement is associated with ‘ANswen: 7(e), 8:0), 940), 10,(), 11.(a), 12.0), 13.(@), 14.0) [Chapter tz ELECTRICITY S ELEMENTARY DC CIRCUTT & NETWORK THEOREMS 23 ‘3. compensation theorem _c. reciprocity theorem b. superposition theorem none of the above 16. In a delta network each element has value R. The value of each element in equivalent star network will be a RE CR DRA 4.3 17. Effidency of power transfer when maximum transfer of power occurs a. 100% © 75% b. 80% 4.50% 18. For maximum transfer of power, internal resistance of the source should be ‘equal to load resistance b. less than the load resistance . greater than the load resistance d. none of the above 19, A star circutt has element of resistance R/2. The equivalent detta elements will be a. RIG eR b.32R d. 48 20. A dota circuit has cach clement of value R/2. The equivalent ‘elements of star circuit will be a R/6 GR b.R/3 . a 3R 21. A copper wire of unknown length has a diameter of 0.25 inch and a resistance of 0.28 ohm, By successive passes through drawing dies, the diameter of the wire is reduced to 0.05 inch. Assuming that the resistivity of copper wire remains unchanged in the drawing process, determine the resistance of the reduced-size wire. a. 125 ohms c. 175 ohms b. 350 ohms d, 225 ohms 22. A cable one mile long and 0.50 inch in diameter is composed of a steel core 0.25 inch in diameter and the outside shell is aluminum, The resistance of the cable Is if p, and p, are 57.4 and 17.5 ‘ohms cir milft, respectively a. 0.447 ohm . 0.625 ohm b. 0.893 ohm. 4.5.3. ohms 23. A piece of silver wire has a resistance of 1.0 ohm. What will be the resistance of 2 manganin wire, one-third the length and one-third the diameter if the resistivity of manganin is 30 times that of silver. a. 30 ohms 90 ohms b.60 ohms d. 120 ohms ‘ANsweRe 15.(0), 16.(@), 17.(@), 18.(), 19.6), 20.(),21.(0), 22. (), 23.0) 24 24, Determine the resistance of a conductor 0.10 m long with @ uniform diameter of 1.0 em and having a resistivity which varies as a function of length t measured from one end of the conductor according to the ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: Test 1 formula. p= 0.003 + 10°? ohm — em a. 0.0806 ohm c. 0,0625 ohm 0.0425 ohm 40.1080 ohm 25, The resistance of a given electric device is 46 ohms at 25°C. If the temperature coefficient of resistance of the material is 0.004545 at 20°C. What is the temperature of the device when its resistance is 92, ohms? a. 175°C 250°C b, 225°C . 200°C 26, Its found that the armature of a coll of wire increases from 50 ohms ‘at 20°C to 60 ohms at 56°C. What is the temperature coefficient of resistance of the conductor material at 0°C? a. 0.00750 «. 0,00936 b. 0.00625 4. 0.0208 27. A resistance of 8 ohms is connected in series with two resistances teach of 12 ohms connected in parallel. What resistance should be shunted across this parallel combination so that the total current taken shall be 2.0 A with 20 V applied? a. 4 ohms c 3ohms b. 6 ohms d. S ohms 28, When two resistors are connected in series, the total resistance is, 108 ohms. When connected in parallel, the equivalent resistance is 24 ohms. What is the value of each resistance? a. 30 & 78 ohms 40 & 68 ohms b. 368 72 ohms 4. 42 & 66 ohms 29. A 16-ohm resistor is connected in series with a parallel combination Of two resistors one of which has an ohmic value of 48 ohms, the ‘other being unknown. What is the resistance of R if the power taken the 16-ohm unit is equal to the power in the parallel connected pair of resistors? 2, 24 ohms 16 ohm b. 20 ohms 4. 30 ohms 30. A 6-ohm resistor is connected in series to a parallel connection of a 30-ohm resistor and a variable resistor R. What must be the value of R such that the power taken by the 6-ohm resistor will be equal to the power taken by R? 2. 11.46. b. 22.320 856.0 4. 7.859 Cchaper: ELECTRICITY 8 ELEMENTARY DO GIRCUTT &NETWORKTHEOREMS 2.55 31, A resistor of 40 ohms Is in series with two resistors A and B in parallel. The resistance of A is 100 ohms. The entire series-parallel rcuit is connected across 2 120-volt supply. Determine the resistance of resistor B in order that the total current be 1.2 A, a. 120 ohms . 150 ohms b. 90 ohms d. 140 ohms 32. Two heating units A and B are connected in parallel across 120-volt supply. Unit 6 takes twice as much power as A and the total power is 2160 watts. Determine the resistance of A and B in ohms. a. 20, 10 © 12,18 b.8, 16 d. 18, 12 33. Three resistors A, B and C are connected in parallel. The resistance of A is 12 ohms, and that of B is 10 ohms. C is adjustable. The ‘current to entire Grcult is 8A. To what value should the resistance of C be adjusted in order that it may take 2.5 A. 2. 10 ohms . 12 ohms, b. 16 ohms 4.9 ohms 34, A certain source has a constant emf of 12.6 volts and an internat resistance of 0.15 ohm. What is the maximum load power taken by 2 load resistor connected across the terminals of the source? a. 264.6 W 224.4 W b.1322W 121.8 W 35. Two resistors Ri = 3000 ohms and Rp = 4000 ohms are joined in series and connected to a 120-volt supply. The voltage drop across R, and R; are measured successively by a voltmeter having @ resistance of 50,000 ohms. What is the sum of the two readings? 2, 116.02 V 6.98.5 b. 132.5 V 4.1252 36. A resistor B is connected across. 230-volt supply. A voltmeter having 2 resistance of 12,000 ohms is connected between the center of the resistor and one side of the supply. It reads 100 volts. What is the value of R in ohms? 2. 6400 4800 b. 3600 . 5400 37. A generator of emf E volts and an internal resistance r ohms supplies ‘current to a water heater. What must be the resistance of the heater ‘0 that three-fourths of the total energy developed by the generator Is absorbed by water? adr b3r c2r d.6r “ANSWER: D4 (a), 25.(0), 26.18), 27), 2B), 29-0), 30.) ‘AnsWER:31.(0), 32.(a), 33.(0), 34), 35.(@), 36.(0, 37.00) 26 __ ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: Test 1 38. Two materials X and Y have temperature coefficients of resistance of 0.004 and 0.0004 respectively at a given temperature. In what proportion must X and Y be joined in series to produce a circuit having a temperature coefficient of resistance of 0.001? GAs) 1:6 39. Two 12-V batteries with internal resistance of 0.20 and 0.25 ohm respectively are joined in parallel and a resistor of 1.0 ohm is placed ‘across the terminals. The current in the 1.0 ohm resistor is, aba ©. 10.8 begA d.75A 40. Two de generators are properly connected in parallel to supply a common load. The open circuit terminal voltage and internal resistance of generator A are respectively 240 V and 0.25 ohms; and those of B are respectively 235 V and 0.30 ohm. if the normal current of machine A is 100 A and that of B is 50 A, what maximum ower can be delivered to the load without exceeding the current rating of elther generator? 2. 30.8 KW. 33 kW b. 28.6 KW 6. 225 kW 41. Ste equal resistors each of 4 ohms are connected to form a we side a delta. What {s the resistance between any two comers? a2Q 6a baa 4.30 42. Five batteries are connected in parallel to supply a certain load. Each battery consist of 12 cells in series, Each cell has an emf of 2 volts and the intemal resistance of each cell is 0.15 ohm. What should be the resistance of the load so that the total power consumed is 384 watts? 2.0.49 ©.0.160 0.36.9 4.048. 43, & battery of 10 volts emf and intemal resistance of 0.50 ohm is connected in paraliel with another battery of 12 volts and internal resistance of 0.80 ohm. The terminals are connected to an external load resistance of 20 oltms. What is the load current? ala .0.53A* b. 0.84.4 L748 44, Two batteries A & B are connected In parallel and a load of 10 ohms is connected across their terminals. A has an emf of 12 V and 2 dhms internal resistance. B has an emf of 8 volts and 1 ohm internal resistance. What is the voltage across the load? Chapter: ELECTRICITY & ELENENTARY DC CIRCUIT &NETWORKTHEOREMS 27 45. 46. a7. 48. 49, 50. a.7.55V b.10V e875 4.9.25V How many calories are developed in 1.0 min in an electric heater which draws 5.0 A when connected to a 110-volt line? 3. 9365.6 ©. 3941.7 b. 7883.4 6288.3 ‘Two coils having resistances of 5 ohms and 8 ohms respectively are connected in series across a battery having an emf of 6 volts and an internal resistance of 1.5 ohms. Determine the energy in joules dissipated in the 5-ohm coil if the current remains constant for 4 minutes, a, 205.5 b. 308.2 154.1 4. 220.6 ‘Three resistors Ry, Re & Rc are connected in series to a 120-vott source, and the total power taken by the circult is 200 watts. Rp 2Ry, Re = 3Ry. If Ry Re & Re are connected in parallel, the equivalent resistance will be a. 10 ohms 8 ohms b. 9 ohms d. 6 ohms ‘A 12-ohm resistor is connected in parallel with a series combination of 8 ohms and 16 ohms. If the drop across the 8-ohm resistor is 48 volts, determine the total current. a18A COA 6A di2A To determine the resistances of three resistors A, 8, and C the following procedure is followed: Rq and Rg are connected in series and an emf of 21 volts for a current of 1A; Ry and Rc are next ‘connected in series and an emf 27 volts is impressed for the same adjusted current, finally Re and Ra are connected in series and an ‘emf of 24 volts is impressed for the same adjusted current. What is the total resistance if Ra, Rg and Re are connected in series? 36 ohms ¢. 30 ohms b. 24 ohms 4.29 ohms ‘A 12-V battery has an internal resistance of 0.05 ohm. Two loads are ‘connected in parallel across its terminals, the first drawing a current of 12 A and the other taking a power of 200 watts. Determine the load terminal voltage. a. 11.55 volts b. 11.18 volts c. 10.86 volts d. 10.44 volts ANSWER: 38,(€) 39.(9, 40.0), A1.(a), 42.(a), 43.(¢) ANSWER: 44.(0), 45.(0), 46. (a), 47,(@), 48.(a), 49.0), 50.(d) the volume remains unchanged Lids = Lake bok Lay Re (@ mA 4 =R 028 R (3 = 115 ohms 22. (a) 0.447 ohm For lel ere in CM 25 x 1000)? Ra = SZAS2O «4.85 his 500 CM 62500 For aluminum area in CM Ry = 175(5280) 5 9.493 ofm 50 x 1000}? ~62,500 cE) aro Sine the tw resistances aren paral ASHOASD. 9.447 ohm 85 +0499 23. (c) 90 ohms Using subscripts for siver m for mangenin (e\e\) be=3de, Pa= SOP, 3, A be 3m, Re =90Re Ra = (1) = 80 ohms ae % Because resistance varies wih according tothe given fom, the relationship can be modified to ° a de 4 ae a «foment (0.00810) = 0.0806 ohm pe [Oe Fo? (Chaplrt: ELECTRICITY & ELEMENTARY DC CIRCUT 25. (c) 250°C {ETWORKTHEOREMS __ 2.9 pa TB 2 1 2461+ hty-29) Temp cosfcient of resistance at 20°C is 0.0045454 1 an = 00045454= 7, T= infered zero resistance temperature 1 —20 = 200°C 26. (b) 0.00625 80 | 4 20 0 156, 5(1+68a) = 6(1 + 200) ay = 0.00828 27. (c)3 ohms caine tamrotvanpats 2 ct With a resistance R shunted, the otal resistance wil ba Ry oR BR =64R R=6 28. (b) 36 & 72 ohms RitRe_ = 108 ohms R= 108R +2502 = 0 ae (Ri-35[Rs~72) =O RR, Ri =36 or 2ohms Rata The to resistances ae 36 ofms and T2ohns 29. (a) 24 ohms For the power inthe 18 ohm resistor to be equal fo the power taken by the parallel pair of resisor, the equivalent resistance ofthe paralel pair must be equal ‘6 ohms, BO ___ ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: SOLUTIONS to TEST 1 Chapter t: ELECTRICITY 8 ELEMENTARY DC CIRCUIT & NETWORK THEOREMS 3 J. (34, (a) 264.6 watts pe =te= BUS Reds <9R 4 @) Read Renee | Faraminantines R105 R t= E26 R+48 cea Retr 0.154015 =Oh | Maximum load power 30. (a) 11.460 = (4270.48 = 2646 watts 35. (a) 116.02 volts ‘When the voltmater i connected across the 3000 ohm resistor » G&S 4000 + 320950000) 49g9 + Fa = 0 Ty 4000 +2502 2 = (30 Ras = 6830.2 ohms bed 2ES02) « 49.72 vols radi j= 100 (202) = Tames 1 (2922) ce RFreoR +900 ‘When he vlineteris connected across fe 4000 ohm ress, the tl resistance 000 + 420050090) = anng 9 Ree = 3000: 4000 3000 + 3703.7 67037 ohms 37037 ro (8 entities a (282) Sum of two readings = 49.72 + 683 =116,02.volts 31, (c) 150 ohms V= 120 vols 1=42A Totalrentance = 2 = nets 66.3 vols Resistance of paral connected 36. (c) 4800 ohms ressbro ard 100-40 60 chs 100 _ 29 oo "Rae , 32. (a) 10 ohms ba 0 t z ia Pata =2160 eee Pa =2P, lehek Pasha #2160 =m, 4 ov v1 2 erat me : Fmt sd corto 129-1004 a = 2720)= 1440 wats one 0 33. (¢) 12 ohms = 400 ohms Let —_V = impressed voltage ‘37. (b) 3r thre =8 For any value of Rs the cuentis given by eR VV os ag e Then ER i Ren 0 = Ren Vigs Powe dptoin beer ae 0 Ret B2_ ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: SOLUTIONS to TEST 1 Pode be a mn j Pode y tpn = 38. (0) 1:5 ‘Althe given temp, lt the resistance of x be 1.0 ohm and the resistance of Y be ‘ohm. The total resistance when connected in series s(t +1) {tthe temperature rises by t ohms, the resistance of X= 4(1 +0004) (+ 0,00041) ‘Tho tla resistance = (1+A(1 +0001) 1(1-+0.0049 +1(1 + 0.00040 = (1 nt +0001) 1 +0004 +1 +0.0004H = 1 + 000tt+1+0.001tr (0.004 + 0.0004 = 0.001 + 0.001" required ratio is 1:5 39. (€) 10.8 12-V | f2-V LV 020° 025 5(12-\) +4(12~ V=108 vols ‘The cunt inthe 1 ~ chm resistor 40, (b) 28.6 KW Normal cure rating of generator A= 100 A Normal cunt ratieg of generator 3 = 50.A — Ihe current is 100 using Krcofs aw 20025100) +020%-28 20" o26q31% 1 E0300 ls = 66.67 A, generator 8 is overloaded “ f le=50A moves 235V=E 240 ~0.25 a +0.20490) ~285 = 0 tC—1+__I In=80A ‘Therefore total maximum load cuent = 80 + £0 = 130A Load votiage * 240 ~ 804025) = 220 volts oF = 235 -500'30}= 220 {Chapter t: ELECTRICITY & ELEMENTARY DG GRCUMT & NETWORK THEOREMS 33 Maximum load power = 220(130) = 28600 watts 41, (a)20 Convert the wye to deta Equivalent resistance in each branch -A=4(8)= MS Ry-A=49)= 120 naz 3% 4 4 Qe cm 4 % 3 3 ‘Simply diagrarn 3 Resistanos between any two comers 42. (a) 0.242 For each branch, P=ER IER fs the load resistance, the 2 ease R=0540 of 0.240 e036 43, (6) 0.53.8 V2 050 0.80 -2V 15-125 B4_ ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: SOLUTIONS to TEST 1 [Chapt tz ELECTRICITY & ELEMENTARY DC CIRCUT & NETWORKTHEOREMS 3 49. (a) 36 44, (©) 8.75 volts. eV 8-V LV wt Eq. +eqn. © u 0 5 z 0 7 Re 6-05v+8-V=01V V=875 volts -15= ° When connected in series 45. (b) 7883.4 cal Sete ar aT 1045460) ° 4 J 4.186 46. (a) 205.4696 a gs. Sra 45 q Erg nes = t= (385) nen a a 12-005 [12+ = 205.4698 ~ = eta 20 47, (d) 6 ohms vet P=20W, V=120vots Re =2{12)= 24 ohms vata Re =3(12)= 36 ohms 148 frre ata) ‘When connected in paral 2 10.44 volts, using the larger value (0) 18 A Votage across 8-hmresor = 4 vas Jit Carentinne Cotes = B=. v Curent in the saves connected ranch = 8 A baie Vokage cass one branch = 68+ #6) = 14 ots Caen eae branch = HA = 124 Total curent= 6 + 12= 18

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