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DEFINITION OF ELECTROSTATICS Electrostatics (means static electric) is defined as follows: “Blectrostatics is a branch of science which deals with electricity, at rest (or static electricity), such as stationary charges on conductors and laws governing them”. Electric Charge When two substances are rubbed together, some of the electrons are removed from the atoms of one of the substances and go into the atoms of the other substances, thus the body which gains electrons becomes negatively charged while the body which losses electrons becomes Positively charged. Thus the charge of the body is defined as the total excess or deficit of electrons. LAWS OF ELECTROSTATICS First Law. Like charges of electriaty repel each other whereas unlike charges attract each other. Second Law, It states that the force (F) between two point charges is: 1. directly proportional to the product of their charges, (Qy Q2) 2. inversely proportional to the square of the distance (d) between them, and 3. inversely proportional to the absolute permittivity (¢) of the ‘surrounding medium. F = QsQ2 Kad’ ccs MKS F = force in dynes F = force in newtons Q= charge in statcoulombs S = distance in cm y= dielectric constant ket 1 coulomb Electric field Intensity Electric field intensity is the force experienced by a unit positive ‘charge placed at that point, mathematically, gs system E = dynes per statcoulomb Q. = charge in statcoulombs F yrce in dynes: ky = dielectric constant Q= charge in coulombs S = distance in meters dielectric constant x 10? x 10? stat coulomb (Ghapter2: ELECTROSTATICS /CAPAGITANCE 37 mks system E = Blectricfeld intensity in Newtons per coulomb Q = charge in coulombs F = Force in Newtons Since F = kQQt Then, E = _kQ kad ta Electric potential: In mathematical form v=_kQ kad CGS SYSTEM MKS SYSTEM V = electric potential in statvolts _ | V = electric potential in volts Q = charge in statcoulombs Q = charge in coulombs i S = distance in meters ky = dielectric constant k= 9x 10° 1 volt = 1/300 statvolt ‘The work done in moving a unit charge from one point a to another ‘bis equal to the potential difference Vip between the two points. Who =a) (Va~ Ve) = a!Vio orgs or joules LJoule = 107 ergs Electrical Potential and Potential Difference “The electrical potential at any point is given by the work which ‘would have to be done in bringing a unit positive charge from an infinite distance to that point, or alternatively from a place of zero potential to the point’, ‘The difference of electric potential between two points is the work done in moving a unit charge from one point to another. Equipotential surface. An ‘equipotentia/ surfaces one having all points at the same potential. Potential gradient. The potential gradient Is the rate of change of potential measured in the direction of electric force. ‘The potential gradient, in any electrostatic fied, is equal to the field CAPACITANCE Capacitor A capacitor is a device capable of storing electric charge. It consists of two conducting surfaces (may be in form of elther circular or ‘ BS __ ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING rectangular plates or of spherical or cylindrical shape) separated by an insulating material called a dielectric. Capacitance (C) | Capacitance is a measure of abiliy of 2 capacitor to store an electric charge. ts the ratio of the charge (Q) that can be stored to the voltage applied (V) across the plates. Mathematically, C= g “The formulae of capacttance for various capacitors are given below: 1. Parallel plate capacitor: C= 8.85 aA uF CROBSEIOT GA F 10°t t A = area in sq meters ‘t= thickness of dielectric in m ky= dielectric constant A = area in sq. cm t= thickness of dielectric in cm ku= dielectric constant: Enalish system C=225 kA uF 10't A = sq inches tt = thickness of dielectric in inches ky dielectric constant For multiple capacitor, multiply the capacitance C of a two plate capacitor by (N-1) where N is equal to the number of plates. C = 8,85 x 107 ky A (N-l) Farads t ‘The capacitance with a composite dielectric medium is C= 885x190 Farads | ee be eR 2. Capacitance of coaxial cylindrical capacitor Let 1 = inner radius in om 1 = outer radusin on ke = dielectric constant | 1 = length in on | C= 0556 kgtx 10? F lare/ ry [Chapter 2: ELECTROSTATICS ICAPACTIANGE 39. Combinations of Capacitors In figures below are shown three capacitors of separate capacitances, cao |* * * afaoda aba vib ere ae or Saito Cy, C2 and Cy, respectively, connected in parallel and joined to a cell of terminal voltage V. Obviously, all the capacitors are charged to the same potential, since they are all connected directly to the cell. By definition of Capactance the charge on each capacitors, respectively, W=QV; GaN; =v the PD over each being the same. The total charge Q is equal to the sum of the separate charges, Q = Q. + Q2 + Qs IF C represents the joint capacitance, Q = CV, and therefore by substitution for Q, Qu, Qz and Qs we get, CV = CV + CV + GV By dividing both sides of the equation by V, we obtain, C = Cy + C2 + Cs ‘That is, for capacitors connected in parallel, the joint capacitance is the sum of the several capacitances. For capacitors connected in series, each of these capacitors holds the same quantity of electricity. This follows from the fact that a charge upon fone plate always attracts upon the other plate a charge equal in ‘magnitude and opposite in sign. Let Vi, V2 apd Vs represent the voltages over the several capacitors and V the voltage over the whole. For the series connection, it follows that, V'= Vi + V2 + Vs ‘Substituting in this equation the various values =8; y=8; we8; weak Veg Macs Mee? wae Q Q,9,a ” Werae 2=2,9,2 7a Gs Dividing both sides of the equation by Q, we obtain: ye €7°G°G'G ‘That is, for capacitors connected in series, the reciprocal of the joint capacitance is equal to the sum of the reciprocals of the several ‘apacttances. 40 __ ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Energy of a Charged Capacitor When a charge Q, is moved from one point to another, the potential difference remaining constant, the work W is given by the defining ‘equation for potential as, W = QV In charging a capacitor the potential is not constant, but increases in direct proportion to the charge on the capacitor. The average potential (work per unit charge) is 1/2 V and hence the charging process the total work done is, W = 1/2. QV The energy is in joules when Q is in coulombs and V in volts. This ig 2 since Q = CV, where C is the capacitance expressed in farads. exuton may te wtien te frm; W= Sev" = ‘Types of Capacitors 1. Air capacitors 3, Plastic film capacitors 5. Ceramic capacitors. Dielectric Strength ‘The dielectric strength refers to the breakdown voltage of an insulator. tis given by the maximum potential difference which a unit thickness of the medium can withstand without breaking down, 2. Paper capacitors: 4. Mica capacitors 6. Electrolytic capacitors Insulating material Dielectric strength (kV/mm) ‘Air 32 Glass 12-20 Mica 20-60 Paper (vamished) 18 Porcelain 15 ‘Some Important Properties of Capacitors “The capacitor never dissipates energy, but only stores it. ‘A capacitor is sort of open circuit to D.C. If the voltage across a capacitor is not changing with time, the ‘current through itis zero. Tt is not possible to change the voltage across a capacitor by 2 finite amount in zero time, for this requires infinite current through the capacitor. 5. A capacitor resists an abrupt change in the voltage across it in ‘manner analogous the way a spring resists an abrupt change in its displacement, 3 6 [Chaptor2: ELECTROSTATICS /CAPACITANCE 4.2. The force between two charges is 120 N. If the distance between the charges is doubled, the force will be a.60N c.40N b.30N aisN ‘The capacitance of a capacitor is not affected by 70 a. distance between plates _c. thickness of plates b. area of plates d. all of the above When a dielectric slab is introduced in a parallel plate capacitor, the potential difference between plates will a. remain unchanged «. increase >. decrease d. become zero ‘A capacitor consists of a. two insulators separated by a conductor ». two conductors separated by an insulator . two insulators only d. two conductors only A capacitor in a circuit became hot and ultimately exploded due to wrong connections, which type of capacitor it could be? a. Paper capacitor , Electrolytic capacitor b. Ceramic capacitor d. Any of the above The ratio of electric flux density to electric field intensity is called ..... of the medium a. permeability »: permittivity Energy stored in the electric field of a capacitor C when charged from 2D. spurce of vltage Vis equal. Joules «. reluctance 4. capacitance awa? © bwecV acy When 4 volts e.m.f. is applied across a 1 farad capacitor, it will store energy of a. 2 joules 4 joules . 6 joules 4.8 joules ‘The unit of electric intensity is aC NC b. Wo/in? nyc ‘ANSWER! 1(B), 2(0, 3.0), (0), 510), 6.18), 7.(a), 8.(4), 9.(0) 42 _ ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: Test 2 Chapter 2 ELECTROSTATICS CAPACITANCE 43 with the help of D.C, source. The charging current will be least 10. The value of E within the field due to a point charge can be found | 20. A capacitor having a capacitance of 40 pF is connected across 250 V | 2. Faraday's laws . Coulomb's laws 2. when capacitor i fully charged b. Kirchhoff laws dd. none of the above b. when capacitor is half charged . when capacitor Is almost 25% char 11, The inverse of capactance is called aii a “set 2. reluctance ¢. susceptance ‘conductance i, elastance 21. Two charge objects attracts each other with a force F. Ifthe charges Ee oe on both objets are doubled wth no change in separation, the force : charged between them becomes the neamess of a charged body is known as ar car 2. photoelectric effect . magnetic effect b.2F a. F/4 '. chemical effect 4. Induction n ; | 22. A point charge of +24 statcoulombs is placed 6 cm from a second 13, The unit of dielectric strength is given by | point charge of ~12 statooulombs. What is the resultant force on a a.vjm cmv | charge of +3 statcoulombs placed midway between? be vim dmv? a. 10 dynes: , 12 dynes 14. The property ofa capacitor to store electricity is called its | fageemas eee a. capactance energy | 23 Each of two small spheres is postvely charge, the combined charge b. charge «none of the above totalling 26 statcoulomb. What is the charge on each sphere if they are repelled with a force of 3 dynes when placed 4 om apart? 15, Permit sexpressedin | 2.2086 statcoul ©. 16 & 10 statcoul a. Fared/sq-m 6, Webertmeter | b124a2 stateoul 4. 18 & 8 statcoul 24, Three charges are located along a straight line q; = +7.5 ycoul, qa = eee chiscoed tea [dof 250) sie chaloe ~4 wou! located 0.40 m from qi and q3 = +9 ucoul and is located 1.0 enue osc im from qy. What is the net electric force on charge qa? is oz a adel | a. 0.80N c1.2N oe oe b0.90N .1.0N Tape 2 seats ae a ee Oe ae || 25, Three charges are located at the comers of an equilateral triangle. q, ote eee | = +3.5 jcoul and is located on the top of the triangle and q, = +5 p reese 7 ‘ ucoul and qs = -5 ycoul are located on the horizontal base of the 18. Which of the following capacitors will have least energy stored in it? ‘tiangle. What is the net electric force on qi? The side of the triangle 2. A 20 uF capacitor charged to 400 V ‘5.0.50 m long. b. A uF capactor charged to 5 KV azo : £063 N ¢. A 600 pF capactor charged to 15 KV b.126N af 4.0.92 a re ae ee Ce oa | 26, Two gilded pith balls having @ mass of 100 mg each are suspended 19. A positive and a negative charge are initially 50 mm apart. When in air by silk threads 30 cm long attached to a common point. When they are moved closed together so that they are now only 10 mm | the balls are given equal charges, they are repelled to a distance of apart, the force between them will be 1.8 cm from each other. What is the charge on each ball? a. 5 times smaller than before | 84d stato ©. 3.09 statcoul b. 2.94 statcoul 4. 3.60 statcoul . 5 times greater than before . 10 times greater than before { d. 25 times larger than before \ i “aeswnene 10,0), 11 (B),T2(@), TB.) Tala), 18D, T6(@) 1710), 1810), 191A) ‘Answen: 20 (0), 21. (0), 22.(0, 23.0), 24), 25260) | 44 __ ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING est 2 27. A certain parallel plate capacitor consists of two plates, each with ‘area 200 om? , separated by a 0.40-cm alr gap. If the capacitor is ‘connected across 2 500-V source, the energy stored on it in rmicrojoules is 47s «. 6.85 b.7.25 4.5.53 28, Consider two point charges of +4 and +4q which are separated by 2 distance of 3 meters. At what point, on the line joining the two charges, isthe electric field equal to zero. a. Lm from the +q charge c. 84 m from the +q charge b. 11m from the +4q charged. there is no such pant possible 29. Two similar charges of 250 statcoulombs are situated on small spheres 15 cm apart. What is the electric field between the spheres? ‘What is the potential at this point? a, 8,88 dynes/statcoul, 66.66 statvotts zero, zero . 8.88 dynes/statcoul, zero 4. zero, 66.66 statvolts 30, Two parallel conducting plates of area 100 cm? and 5 mm apart are ‘given equal end opposite charge of 0.20 uC. The region between the plates is filed with a dielectric of K = 5. The voltage between the plates is a. 1501 V 2252 b. 3108 0. 4504 V 31. A parallel plate capacitor is made of 250 plates separated by a dielectric 0.0012 cm thick. The effective size of the plate is 12 cm x 24 cm. Ifthe dielectric constant is 2.5, what is the capacitance of this capacitor a. 11.70 uF 18.52 nF b. 10.69 pF 4.13.22 pF 32. A parallel plate capacitor has the following values: (0.022 inch; Area = 6.25 sq inches. What is the capacitance of the capacitor? a. 4822.6 pF 4036.6 pF . 5113.6 pF 5435.5 pF 33. A capacitor is to be constructed using a dielectric having a constant k equal to 2.8 and a dielectric strength of 2 x 10° volts per om. The capacitor Is to have a capacitance of 0.20 uF and must be able to withstand a potential difference of 6000 volts. What is the minimum area the plates of the capacitor may have? a. 2.74 me €.3.05 m? b.1.79 m? 1.68 m? Chapter: ELECTROSTATICS /CAPACITANCE 455 34, The energy stored in 2 3.6 uF capacitor with an applied voltage of 15 volts is a, 4053 810 x 10%) b. 405 x 10% 4.8109 35. A 20-yF capacitor is charged to 2 voltage of 1200 volts. It is connected terminal to terminal to an uncharged 30 uF capacitor, What is the resulting voltage across the capacitor? a. 720V 240 b. 600 V 4. 480V F 36. An 18-uF capacitor is connected in series to a parallel connection of a S-uF & 7-uF capacitors. What is the equivalent capacitance of the ‘combination? 7.2 uF cout 5 bur 4.8.2 uF 37. How many electrons are required to produce a charge of ~6.4 uC? a.4 x10" c.2x 108 b.6.3 x10" 4x 10" 38. When a small charge body us hung 3.0 cm above a concentrated charge of +100 stat-coul, its apparent weight is increased by 49 ‘dynes. What is the sign and magnitude of the charge? a. -4.41 statcoul ¢. #1323 statcoul b. -13.23 statcoul d. 13.23 statcoul 1. Calculate the position of the point in the neighborhood of two point charges of +50 and ~18 statcoulomis, situated 40 cm apart where a third charge would experience no force. The three charges are located along the same horizontal ine. 2, 30 cm from the smaller charge ', 20 om from the larger charge . 60 cm from the smaller charge . 40 cm from the smaller charge 40. Two small balls of masses of 50 mg each are suspended from the same point by strings 10 cm long. The spheres are given similar charges of equal amounts until the strings makes 60° from each ‘other due to repulsion. What is the magnitude of the charge of each ball? a. 35.5 statcoul b. 53.5 stateoul ©. 48.6 statcoul d. 63.4 statcoul ‘Answer: 27d), 28.(a), 29.(@), 30.(0),31.(@), 32.0), 33.0) ‘ANSWER: 34, (0), 35.(),36.(0),37.(a), 38:.(@), 39.(), 40.00) ce 4G _ ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: Test 2 AG__ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: Test2 41. Two small balls having masses of 50 mg and 100 mg are 5 cm apart. If they are given equal charges of 40 esu and 60 esu, respectively, what initial acceleration will the smaller ball acquire if the bigger ball is not free to move? a.12.5 m/s ©. 19.2 m/s b.9.6 mys d. 24.6 m/s 42. Two charges of qi = +5 uC and qz = -3 uC are separated by a distance of 1.0 m. Find the spot along the line joining the charges where the net electric field is zero. a. 3.4 m from qz 0.6 m from a: b. 0.6 m from gz . 2.3 m from q 43, Two similar conductors have chargers of +25 and -10 statcoul, respectively. They are placed in contact and then separated until thelr centers are 8 cm apart. What is the force between them at this position? a. 3.51 dynes 3.9 dynes b. 0.88 dyne d. 4.78 dynes 44, A 2.0uF capacitor Is charged to a voltage of 100 volts, momentarily connected to an uncharged 8.0- uF capacitor and then removed. What isthe charged of the 8.0-uF capacitor? 2. 300 pF . 180 uF . 160 uF d. 200 pF 45. The distance between concentrated charges of 125 statcoulombs and. 1150 statcoulomibs is changed from 75 cm to 25 cm. How much work Is done? a. 300 ergs ¢. 500 ergs b. 600 ergs d. 250 eras 46. A parallel plate capacitor has plate area of 2 m? and spaced by three slabs of different dielectric materials. The dielectric constant are 2, 3, 6, and the thickness are 0.40, 0.60, and 0.12 mm respectively. Determine the combined capacitance. a. 0.00295 uF . 0.00216 uF 0200352 uF . 0.00167 uF 47. Four equal point charges of +3uC each, are placed at the four ‘comers of a square that is 40 cm on a side. Find the force acting on any one of the charges 2. 0.82.N ©.0.93N b.0.89N 4.0.97 N [Chapter 2: ELECTROSTATICS /CAPACITANCE __ 47 48. A 0.001 coulomb of charge is separated from a 0.003 coulomb charge by 10 meters. If P denotes the pointed zero electric field between the charges, determine the distance between P and the 0.001 coulomb charge. a.2.25m b.632m 3.66 m 4.2.86 m. 49, A 3 coulomb charge and a 5 coulomb charge are 10 m apart. A 7 coulomb charge is placed on a line ajoining the two charges, x meters away from the 3 coulomb charge. If the 7 coulomb charge Is in equilibrium, find the value of x. a.3.87m 5m b.4.36m 4.6.13m ‘50. Two square plates each having sides of 20 cm, are separated by 0.50 Gm, Attached to one plate Is a dielectric 0.40 cm thick of relative permittivity 5.0 and the remaining 0.10 cm is occupied by air. Determine the capacitance. a. 1.54 x10 F 1,69 x10" F b. 1.96 x0" F 1.44 x10 F 24. (0) 4F iit no change in separation, &O 2B = 8 dynes to the right bn Oe 2 & Q,0r= 48 1+ Qa= 28 (0,(28—)) #48 "On=2, Qa 24 ANSWER: 41.(¢), 42.(a), 43.0), 4.(0), 45.0), 46.(),47.(4) ANWR: 48.(c),49.(0), 50.00) 48 __ ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: SOLUTIONS to TEST 2 Fie = 9 108 7.5 « 109(4 x 10% /(040}# #AIN Fan =9 x 1080 1004 « 16970809 ar 8 Thon O-o10n—G— 00008) Fr=17-090= 0808 25. (c) 0.63 N Fir = (9 x 1OMS x 108Y35 x 10° (0.50)? =063N Fi (8 10715 x 109985 x 10°)(0.507 =063N / From the fgure Fi and Fs are equalin magnitude and _/ \, 120° from eachother. Therefore Fi = Fra = Fa = 0.63 N Fo 26. (c) 3.09 statcoul + 0.90 0 =tant 718368" F = Tend mg = Toos6 F 9 m9 Q =18.1264 =3.00 statcoul 27, (d) 17 x 20° N/C 0st" (yaa) = 44.25 1012 ‘aoa cn Bonk (= e+) =| xet 2 ELECTROSTATICS | CAPACITANCE, 29. (d) zero, 66.66 statvolts Electric field midway betwoen the charges is zero VeVi + Vex 93.33 + 33.53 = 68.68 statvolts 30. (c) 2252 c= (ASH ISIIOOHIO) 9g sgn Fai0 a=cv,v=2 c y= 0.20x10" 31. (4) 13.22 nF K #25, An i12x24=2880m°, cos iz SASKAN=1) _ 8051252882501) 10s 10812510) = 1322yF 32. (b) 5113.6 pF ov 225A _ 225(80)6.25) c= BSHA . BAABIIEZ) «5113636 x 107 nF 10's 107(0.02% “ = 51136 pF 33. (2) 2.74 mi? 1 = 260 vesmov, c E =2x 108 vltslom= 2x 10" votsim G 6000 ¥ 2%, 62 00 ca t01m a 2x10" 2 0.20% 1982 S851 BOM 274 me 3410" as SO ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: SOLUTIONS to TEST 2 Chapter 2: ELECTROSTATICS /CAPACITANCE 55 34, (b) 405 x 10 3 40. (b) 53.5 statcoul . Energy = HOV? = 1498 = 108) FT sing 20405 x 109 | img = Tons 30 tengo =F 35. (4) 4800 9 The intial charge = 20(1200) = 24000 uCoul ‘ vy, tet _V-=common votage osr7 = 21 9 rge of 1% capacitor when connected in parallel 960(0.05) ge of 2 capacior = {980(0,05X0577)100 ee = 535 statcoul AL. (6) 19.2 m/s | azi m z cua7 952 124F | = HOME yen a 8 | (5 1920 ombec = 192 m/s fs sto) - 1002) 273 a HF 42, (a) 3.4 m from q2 o Sinca qs and gz are of opposite sign, the electric fed cannot be 280 fn the 137, (a) 4x 10! region between the charges. € = 0 along the tne joning the but array fom the : emaler charge a distance of xm. Noe SMe, AHA yy nee ‘Shargeper election 16x10" oe Me (tex? ox? 38. (a) —~4.41 statcout St eMioPene Bes kQ, 2-6-3 = roth | ra34m so ot 43, (b) 0.88 dyne ~ ‘When placed in contact charge the combine charge is (+25 ~ 10) ox 8) «4% sac, ose z 0 he spat to dae on echo 18 «75 Force when separated Bom | 39, (€) 60cm from the smaller charge : Fn9M2 « (ITD. asrongyne eos Their charge should be ocala th right (he smal charge) | 50g, 18 +50 i (+x x? 50x? = 18a 0x 1600) 3 - 45x - 900 =O. x 60m S52 __ ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: SOLUTIONS to TEST 2 CChaptor2: ELECTROSTATICS CAPACITANCE S53. 44, (b) 160 pC 49. (b) 4.36 m Q= 2x 104 (100) = 200 nC a). _ 8 ‘200= (248) V 2 © (10-0? v= ay | Se = 9x2 ~ 20+ 100) ‘After removing C, | oo = 820) = 160 uc 45. (c) 500 ergs & bom—+b aaa = 160 ‘The potential at point b E The potential at point a vo= 1150) = 6 statvots 50. (b) 1.96 x10"? F Vax 9) 52 ctavots % = Wea Ve #1756 2)= 1254) astxt0x004 ous Toa, ooo 46. (a) 0.00295 pF | ce . 2, fs on giatttt 990205 x10 | F 2 tats seooery | e(ant0-8)? fre SY cosine my [fn | Fos Fa= V2 (051) = 2210x108? ‘TAN along the diagonal «Fe YS i Fe = 0.25N along th diagonal (04012 pie eae FrsFr+Fa+Fe=0.72+025=097N ‘ 48. (c) 3.66 m 1 001 , 0.003 x 0x)? 3x2 =x2=20e+ 100 28 + 2x4 2+ 101-80

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