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Name Surname : __________________________ Class : _____


1) Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct tense. (7 points)

I am afraid you ________ (miss) your flight if you don’t hurry up.
Susan is really relaxed because she _________ (be) on holiday in the Caraebean.
We were so late that the restaurant __________ (already/close) by the time we arrived.
Max ___________ (always/spend) his summer holidays in Paris.
Tracey __________ (grab) her bag _________ (take) the car keys and ________ (drive) to the shops.

2)Put the words in the correct order to form sentences. (5 points)

a) booked / recently / holiday / France / in / have / an / I / adventure
b) going / the / cabin / to / a / mountains / in / they / are / busy / buy
c) will / America / this / tomorrow / flying / we / to / time / be
d) swimming / saw / Oliver / was dolphin / a when
e) for / how / you / been / flight / waiting / had / your ?

3) Fill in adjectives in the lists. ( 4 points)

rusty, dark, narrow, irritating
We wandered down a 1) ____________ street and arrived at the 2) _____________ gateaway to the museum.
As we pushed the gate open it made a/an 3) creaking noise. Just then, a 4) _____________ figure walked
across the museum courtyard.

4)Choose the correct word. (5 points)

a. Evan earned / succeeded a reputation as an expert on population science.
b) The group aims to promote / improve peace between the rival group.
c) She runs an organisation which works to defend / preserve human rights.
d) Carols grew up in poetry and had to beat / overcome many obstacles.
e) The documentary will raise / bring awarness of the problems in Africa.
5) Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech. (4 points)

a) “I can’t remember what happened” , she said.


b) “Close the door” , he said.

He asked _________________________________________

c) “Don’t talk”, he said.

He told __________________________________________

d) Emily said. “I watched a beautiful film”


6) Writing : Write a story “A day to remember” (20 points)

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0-8 9-14 15-19 20-26 27-35 36-40 41-45

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