印 尼 蝦 類 產 業 競 爭 力 分 析 Competitive Performance of Shrimp Industry in Indonesia 柏 莉 安 (Meri Berliana) 彭 克 仲 博 士 (Ke-Chung, Peng, Ph. D.)

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印 尼 蝦 類 產 業 競 爭 力

分 析
Competitive Performance of Shrimp Industry in Indonesia
研究生:柏 莉 安(Meri Berliana)
指導教授:彭 克 仲 博 士(Ke-Chung, Peng, Ph. D.)

家。蝦對經濟產生積極的影響,因為它為該國創造了外匯。本研究旨在( 1)分
優勢中的地位。本研究使用從 1998 年到 2017 年的次要時間序列數據。通過使用
增長百分比,同時分析了印度尼西亞蝦的競爭力,顯示了比較優勢。( RCA)比
的匯率和出口量。(1)1998 年至 2017 年印尼蝦貿易增長可見,平均貿易增長百
分比為 1.5%(2)根據競爭力分析,通過顯性比較分析優勢(RCA)顯示印尼蝦
的競爭力國際市場的出口具有 1998 直到 2017 年所見的比較優勢,RCA>1 的平均
值為 1.04。持續的市場份額分析得出,印度尼西亞 1999 年的基本增長率為负
32.17%,是印度尼西亞在第一階段中最低的增長率,而在 2014 年第四季度中最
高的增長率是 18.67%。

Shrimp is one of the leading fisheries commodities in Indonesia which is
oriented to the international market with the aim of exporting to several countries.
shrimp make a positive contribution to the economy because it generates foreign
exchange for the country. This study aims to (1) analyze the percentage of Indonesian
shrimp trade growth in the international market and (2) analyze the position of
Indonesian shrimp competitiveness in international comparative advantage. This study
uses time series data in secondary form from 1998 to 2017. Data were analyzed using a
constant market share analysis (CMS) analyzing the percentage growth of Indonesian
shrimp trade in the international market, while analyzing the competitiveness of
Indonesian shrimp was Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) comparative
advantage approach. The results showed that the factors that significantly influenced the
growth of the Indonesian shrimp trade were international shrimp prices, the exchange
rate of the rupiah against the dollar and export volume. (1) The growth of Indonesian
shrimp trade can be seen from 1998-2017 with an average percentage of trade growth of
1.5% (2) Based on the competitiveness analysis, through Revealed Comparative
Analysis Advantage (RCA) shows that the competitiveness of Indonesian shrimp
exports in the market international has a comparative advantage seen in 1998-2017 with
an average value of RCA> 1 which is 1.04. constant market share analysis for
Indonesia's basic growth rate in 1999 has a value of -32.17% the lowest growth rate of
Indonesia in period 1 and the largest growth rate in the 2014 period 4 by 18.67%.

Keywords: Shrimp, Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Constant Market Share (CMS).

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