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Group / City presented by group: ___________________________________________________

Please complete this form for each presenter before the next presentation begins. Indicate your evaluation of the presenters by
checking the appropriate box below for each characteristic. Comments (positive and negative) and suggestions for improvement
should be written legibly at the bottom of this page.

Poor Acceptable Excellent Unable to

1 2 3 4 5

Organization & Message

1. Organization of ideas      
2. Clarity of message      
3. Use of examples      

Delivery & Audience Interaction

1. Vitality and enthusiasm      
2. Gestures and body language      
3. Eye contact with the audience      
4. Engagement/involvement of audience      
5. Use of interesting topics/examples      
4. Audibility/volume of presentation      

Language Skills
1. Pronunciation/Fluency      
2. Comprehensibility      
3. Variety of grammar/vocabulary      

Overall Effectiveness      

Comments/recommendations for Improvement

Please provide constructive feedback and recommendations for improvement below.

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