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L2 ICT – UNIT 1 : The Online World

Revision Template

Subject Notes Revision

Online Services: Lesson 1 Examples / Notes: Done
Communication websites Email
Instant Messaging
Social Media

Real time information Trains , Airplanes and bus timetables


Opening times for restaurants , shops and entertainment



E-Commerce Online Banking

Retail Sales

Government websites Tax

Biths , deaths , marriage and care
Driving and Transport
Education Training
Entertainment Gaming
Download services Music
Upgraded software e.g Netflix
PNG , mp4 , mp3 , .wav , jpeg , gif

Online Documents: Lesson 2 Examples / Notes:

Compressions (.zip)
Making files smaller to reduce the bits of how big the file
is and it will be quicker to share

Zip helps keep compress related files together

Online software for creation Wordpress

Adobe Photoshop
Gator Builder
Version control It is a system that records changes you have made so
you can recall to a specific version later if you have lost
a file.

Levels of access
Setting restrictions to share the data type.
Reducing the amount of people on the data or website to
stop failure modes , debugging time and lagging.

Online Comms: Lesson 3 Examples / Notes:

Netiquette Code of good behaviour on the internet
Promotes good actions on the internet to understand
what is socially good and bad on the internet
Online communities
Communicating over internet through social media or
anything involving internet to talk to each other

Virtual world
Simulated computer world where you can create an
avatar and do activities, communicating with others.

Playing games like skyrim

Chat & chat rooms Chatting to people from livestreams , gameplays ,
youtube premieres and any online chat

Social networking Sharing information with your friends and family by

posting pictures of fun days or memes to make people
Texting for free by internet
Video call
Staying connected with the people you love
Instant messaging Instead of writing an email and sending it which the
process can take some time you can send a text from
social media which will appear once you have sent to the
person you want to chat with.

VOIP – video conferencing

Using the internet instead of your regular phone call
minutes converting your voice into a digital signal

Cloud computing

Ubiquitous computing

The Internet: Lesson 4 Examples / Notes:

Cloud computing

POP (Point of presence)

NAP (Network Access Point)

Client Server Architecture


Network backbone

Internet connection types

Worldwide Web: Lesson 5 Examples / Notes:

Web servers

Website structure

Components of the URL



Search engines

Email: Lesson 6 Examples / Notes:

Sending an email – how it

Advantages of email

Disadvantages of email

Email protocols

Differences between POP &


Data Exchange: Lesson 7 Examples / Notes:

Network structure

Transmission modes Fibre Optic -​ glass- instead of sending electric signal it sends
light - in ​binary​- at speed of light in pulses- at the other end is
a receiver. The fibre optic is as thin as a hair. The cables
under the floor need to be careful as they are not coated in
metal, break easily.

Wireless - ​no wires.

Infra red - energy in the region of the electromagnetic
radiation spectrum. Can be seen, Out of the visible spectrum.
Is shorter than those of radio waves.
Infrared frequencies higher than those of microwaves.
Eg: car locking remotes, TV remote handset

Can be adversely affected by walls or obstructions.

Real time communication

Meshing of 2 words - coder and decoder - encoded and
compressed for storage streams of data.
For videos you
Compress- send- decompress at other end.
See diagram on google slides
Changes it from one format into another format so that it
can be used!

Methods of transmission
/cabling/wireless etc SEE ABOVE NOTES

Packet switching
Is a method of breaking data files in small packets or chunks
in order to send them across a network.
Works by broken up into small files and given an IP address
as to where to go, and to know who has sent it. They also
know how many packets have been sent. Puts back together
and ends the file.

Data transfer rates

Speed at which data is transmitted from one device to
another is the data rates

A microwave link - ​in a communication system uses a beam
of radio waves in the​ microwave f​requency in two fixed
Advantage :​ no cables required (between 2 buildings)
Multiple channels
Wide bandwidth

Disadvantages: ​Line-of sight such as obstacle, new building

Weather - atmosphere - lightning
Has to be on a tower - high up

Eg: Repeater - see Slide diagram

Multiple receivers eg:
Multipole channels on one satellite

Atmosphere can affect it

Serial - o​nly one chunk of information at once

and​ Parallel Transmission - ​lots of links that run alongside
each other ( fibre optic cables- so 50 pulses at same time)
bursts at the same time at speed of light.

Client vs Server Working on word doc, saves on pc drive.

On an app, you are working on server.

Databases: Lesson 8 Examples / Notes:

Data storage methods


Database structure – files,

fields, records

Online databases


Threats to data: Lesson 9 Examples / Notes:
Cyber crimes

Malicious damage to data

Preventative technologies


Access control methods

Disaster recovery

Business continuity

Benefits and dangers of social


Managing your E-Reputation

Online monitoring of
movements & communication

Current legislation : DPA

(1998), CMA (1990)

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