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Whole number and Common fraction

The whole numbers are the part of the number system in which it includes all positive
integers from 0 to infinity. The complete set of natural numbers along with “0” are called
whole numbers. The examples are 0,15,36,867,1200,1.000.000, etc. Whole numbers are the
numbers without fractions and it is a collection of positive integers and zero. The set of whole
numbers are “0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,100,1000,9999999....”. whole numbers which is used to
denote an amount or quantity such as house number, amount of money,year and others. The
numbers which don’t exist between 0 and infinity are not whole numbers. Negative integers,
fractions or rational numbers are not whole numbers. Example are -1, ½ , 4/5 , 1 ½, are not
whole numbers.

The Fraction numbers is a fractional or mixed number and is often used for division
of object, clocks, frequency in radio etc. Fractions is used to express a decimal or fraction
form, for the fractions form, we must pay attention to the writing, which is to put the cardinsl
number as the numerator and the ordinal numbers as the denominator, Ordinal numbers are a
numbers that indicates the level, this is usually indicated by adding “st” for the first
(1,31,41,101) “nd” for the second(2,22,52,82,202 ) “rd” for the third (3,33,73,403) and the
rest plus “th” (4,5,6,7,70,800 etc ). The examples “½” can be read as a half / one half, “¼”
can be read a fourth / a quarter/ one quarter. “4/5” can be read fout-fifth. “2 ½” can be read
Two and a half. So for this fraction form we can write it with a slash ( / ) or a dash ( - )
between the numerator and denominator.

The second we can also write the fractions number in decimal form, the decimal form
is a change in the form of writing fraction numbers into decimal form. If in Indonesian we
use a Comma ( , ) in decimal writing, in contrast to writing English, here we use a dot ( . )
for writing the decimal form. We call the dot on this decimal numbers is a “Point”. Here is an
example of the decimal form and how to read it, the first “ 0.5” can read (zero point five ), “
100.45” can read ( one hundred point four five ) , and then 1,000.5 we can read ( one
thousand point five ). So the pronunciation of this decimal number isThe numbers in front of
the “point” is read normally , be it units, tens, hundreds, thousands...etc, but the numbers
behind the “Point” are read one by one.

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